The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 55: Vicious Miss Cousin 4


Su Luoyan never sloppily did things, she did what she said, and she immediately took Hua Diewu away.

When she was leaving, Hua Diewu shed two tears, which made the people present love her even more. The ladies who originally hated Hua Die Wu now feel some sympathy for Hua Die Wu.

Without parents, living under the fence, he can only live on the breath of Shen's family every day. When she is wronged, she can only swallow it in her heart, and no one will help her make decisions.

It is said that the Shen family is a big-hearted family with a big heart, but now it seems that this is not the case. I am afraid that they are used to being harsh on Hua Diewu, an orphan girl.

This is what Su Luoyan thought. She brought Hua Die Wu out of the peach blossom forest, turned around to look at Hua Die Wu's face, and said with complicated eyes: "Miss Hua, I was impulsive just now. I did this to temporarily help You, but I'm gone, you will inevitably be... oh."

Hua Diewu recalled the plot in it, Miss Biao actually had a pretty good life in Shen's house, because Mrs. Shen is not a person who likes to torture others for pleasure. The original Miss Biao was not a good person, and she would not let herself be really wronged. Most of the time Miss Biao is eager for others to bully her, so as to create a weak and pleasant image.

But I can't say anything about these Hua Die Wu, she enjoyed being the 'White Lotus' very much, and she was so excited that she burst into tears.

"I, I... I don't even know what to do." Hua Diewu took out a snow-white veil to cover her face.

Miss Biao's setting made it easy for Hua Diewu to cry in this world, but Hua Diewu's acting skills are very unstable. She was afraid that she would show her secrets in front of Su Luoyan, so she deliberately covered her face.

The system clicked and ate melons, and complained [Host, you are really a fox, I can't help but applaud you. It portrays a helpless and poor little white flower to the fullest.]

{Thanks for the prize, I have to practice and practice again. }

However, Hua Diewu's vigor was not modest at all, so she almost said to praise me quickly.

When talking to the system, Hua Diewu certainly didn't forget to observe Su Luoyan's expression. Hua Diewu found that Luoyan looked very entangled, as if she was making an important decision.

"I can take you from the Shen family to mine on the grounds of being a companion. Our General's Mansion will never treat you badly, so you don't have to worry about that. I have seen Madam Shen's attitude towards you just now. You are doing very well in the Shen family."

Hua Diewu nodded while wiping her tears, choked up so that she couldn't say anything.

Su Luoyan's heart ached, she wanted to reach out to pat Hua Diewu's back but felt something was wrong, she raised one hand and didn't know where to put it.

"Are you willing to leave Shen's residence with me?" Su Luoyan's voice was full of expectation and anxiety.

Hua Diewu was crying like a pear blossom with rain on her face, but actually she was laughing like a fool in her heart.

"I am willing. Hiccup..." Crying too much into the drama, he accidentally hiccupped.

Hua Diewu widened her eyes in embarrassment, and pressed her mouth to stop her hiccups, but she couldn't.

Su Luoyan looked at Hua Diewu staring at a pair of red and round eyes, desperately trying to stop hiccups, and felt both amused and distressed. Finally, he put down his hand that was stopped in mid-air, and lightly patted Hua Diewu on the back.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon. Would you like some water?" Su Luoyan asked while patting Hua Diewu's back.

Hua Diewu slowly nodded with tears in her eyes, "Well... hiccup, I want to drink water hiccup..."

Su Luoyan turned her head to look around, and found that this place was really remote, so she took Hua Diewu to the nearest courtyard to order a cup of tea.

Su Luoyan had been to Shen's residence several times before, so all the servants in Shen's residence knew her. Su Luoyan asked for tea, and they immediately served good tea.

After Huadiewu drank, her eyes lit up, and she hiccupped and took another sip.

Hua Die Wu's reaction reminded Su Luoyan of whether Hua Die Wu usually drank tea a few times, so she was so pleasantly surprised when she drank good tea. Su Luoyan's heart felt a little sour, why didn't she realize that Hua Die Wu was not what she imagined before

Hua Diewu who was drinking tea noticed Su Luoyan's eyes, she tilted her head and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

Only then did Su Luoyan realize that she was staring at Hua Diewu in a daze, she quickly withdrew her gaze, "It's nothing."

"Oh." Hua Diewu responded slightly, actually laughing inwardly.

The two sat in the small hall and chatted while drinking tea. Su Luoyan, who was not good at chatting, asked a lot of questions about Hua Die Wu because she was worried about Hua Die Wu.

Most of them asked about Hua Die Wu's food and clothing expenses, but Hua Die Wu's clothes were poorly put on very smoothly, and she didn't feel guilty at all.

After hearing this, Su Luoyan frowned more and more, and became more certain of her thoughts.

When the time came, Su Luoyan bid farewell and left early. Before leaving, Hua Diewu asked herself if she didn't need to tell Mrs. Shen about leaving Shen's residence.

Su Luoyan said calmly: "No need, no matter what reaction and decision she makes, the final result will not change. I will take you out of this place."

Hua Diewu looked at Su Luoyan with sparkling eyes, as if she couldn't tolerate anyone but Su Luoyan in her eyes.

"Luoyan, I'll wait for you to pick me up."

"En." Su Luoyan slowly stretched out her hand, and put it on Hua Die Wu's head, warm and with a reassuring sense of weight, Hua Die Wu's eyes were curved.

Looking at Hua Diewu's smiling face, Su Luoyan felt that her empty heart was being filled for the first time.


On the other side, the young masters and ladies in the peach blossom forest were still admiring the flowers and drinking, but the atmosphere had already undergone some subtle changes.

The episode between Lin Fashui and Hua Diewu just now was really embarrassing, Yan Liuyi has a thin skin, even though Mrs. Shen just smoothed things over, Yan Liuyi still couldn't be natural.

So the flower viewing feast in the peach forest ended soon. Of course, everyone was still amiable on the surface.

Mrs. Shen organized everyone to leave the Peach Blossom Forest, and Lin Fashui had been looking for opportunities to get close to Yan Liuyi, as if explaining to Yan Liuyi that what she said before was not intentional. But Yan Liuyi felt ashamed, so she deliberately hung out with others, not giving Lin Fashui a chance to get close.

When going out of the gate of Shen's residence to get into the carriage, Lin Fashui stepped forward anxiously, but was stopped by Yan Liuyi's maid.

"Our princess said she doesn't want to see you." If Yan Liuyi hadn't let her go, how could such a little maid be so bold

And the meaning inside and outside the words is already obvious, that is, the princess feels ashamed and doesn't want to have any contact with her in the future.

Lin Fashui was so anxious that she was about to cry, she bit her lower lip tightly, hating Hua Die Wu in her heart, thinking that Hua Die Wu was just lucky enough to grow a better-looking skin. It's so coquettish. It not only seduces men, but also seduces women.

Some people are like that, they are bullying. When encountering someone with a higher status than yourself, you can't resist in life, and you will only transfer your hatred to those who are weaker than you.

Su Luoyan had no father or mother, and was not valued in the Shen family, so she was a very good object of hatred.

Lin Fashui twisted the handkerchief tightly, and began to plan to spread rumors about Huadiewu in her mind.

In this day and age, gossip can kill the living.

Unfortunately, Lin Fashui picked the wrong persimmon. Neither Huadiewu nor Su Luoyan is a persimmon, her plan is doomed to fail.

The next day, there was an explosion among the noble girls in the capital. I heard that Su Luoyan, the daughter of General Su, actually asked Hua Diewu, the orphan of the Hua family, to be her companion. Everyone thought that Su Luoyan was trying to get Hua Die Wu to her side to bully her, and many aristocratic princes had already started to feel worried about Hua Die Wu.

How could Hua Diewu, a delicate flower-like beauty, stand the torture of others? I'm afraid it won't be long before the fragrance disappears and the jade dies.

Su Luoyan's identity was there, and the emperor admired Su Luoyan very much, so he readily agreed to Su Luoyan's request.

And Su Luoyan's mobility is also very strong, she asked the emperor in the morning, and in the afternoon she was going to pick up Hua Die Wu from Shen's house, saying that it would be more convenient for Hua Die Wu to live in her house.

Hua Diewu's parents are both dead, and she doesn't have a home of her own. In fact, it doesn't matter where she goes. Mrs. Shen has long been impatient with Hua Diewu, the niece who lives in her home. She has to ask a doctor every few days, and it seems that she is mean if she doesn't care.

Now that Hua Diewu is going to the Soviet General's Mansion, she can't close her mouth with a smile. But she can only express her happiness in private. On the bright side, she will pretend to be reluctant, lest others say she is too cold-blooded.

Mrs. Shen has done a lot of hard work on the surface, and Hua Diewu has put a lot of "good things" in the past. They look decent, but in fact they are all useless things.

Hua Diewu didn't want to stay in Shen's residence anymore, so she didn't bother to make trouble with Mrs. Shen, so she obediently took her things and left.

Xiaoyun helped Hua Diewu into the carriage, and felt the movement of the carriage after a while. She couldn't help but lifted a corner of the curtain and looked outside.

The streets of the capital are very lively, and the requirements for women in this era are not so strict, so many girls can be seen walking on the street in a big way.

Hua Diewu took a look and then withdrew her eyes. She actually likes to be lively, but the premise is that someone is with her. With Luoyan not around, everything seemed a little boring.

The carriage was very stable and the road was smooth. Hua Diewu didn't feel any bumps along the way.

The temperature in spring is just right, and occasionally there is a slight breeze blowing the curtain to blow on Hua Die Wu's face. Yes, drowsy.

Just when Hua Diewu was about to fall asleep, she heard a voice from outside.

"Miss, General Su's mansion is here."

The sound made Hua Diewu wake up immediately. She patted her face, then straightened her clothes and opened the curtain of the carriage.

In March of Yangchun, everything that had been dormant in the winter gradually recovered, and the peach and apricot blossoms planted inside and outside the Soviet General's Mansion had already bloomed.

Crimson peach blossoms and snow-like apricot blossoms are in full bloom, and a gust of wind can bring down countless petals. The falling petals are like spring snow, scattered on Su Luoyan's shoulders.

Su Luoyan was dressed in strong clothes, her long hair was tied up high, and the hair on her forehead and sideburns was still a little wet, as if she had just come out to pick her up in a hurry after practicing martial arts.

Those clean eyes carried a publicity that the world had never had before, Su Luoyan smiled at Hua Diewu.

-Welcome to my world.