The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 60: Vicious Cousin Nine


In the end, Hua Diewu stayed to accompany Su Luoyan. She pulled a chair over and supported her chin with both hands to watch Su Luoyan write.

The night was getting darker, insects were chirping outside the window, and candles were flickering inside the window.

Hua Diewu felt that her eyelids were particularly heavy, and her head began to knock down little by little. She tried desperately to restrain her drowsiness, but to no avail.

Su Luoyan shook her head and smiled helplessly when she saw Hua Diewu's sleepy look, "Could it be unbearable?"

"No..." Huadiewu replied vaguely.

"I still said no, I couldn't even open my eyes." Su Luoyan had a faint smile on her lips, as if she disliked Huadiewu, but she was actually in a happy mood.

After Su Luoyan finished copying the last paragraph, she blew on the paper full of words and began to wash the pen.

After tidying up everything, Su Luoyan gently pushed Hua Die Wu's shoulder, "Xiao Die, it's time to go back to sleep."

"Huh? Are you going to eat?" Hua Diewu raised her head, her left cheek was covered with red marks, she looked left and right blankly, she was very cute.

"I'm going back to sleep." Su Luoyan laughed.

Hua Diewu scratched her temples in embarrassment, and looked away embarrassedly, "Oh oh..."

"Let's go."

Xiaoyun outside the door had already prepared a lantern to lead the way for the two of them.

The study is not far from the Jinghualou and Shuiyue Pavilion where the two live, but only a few feet away.

After parting from Su Luoyan, Hua Diewu entered her own Shuiyue Pavilion, and she didn't know if she had already slept in the afternoon and couldn't sleep at night.

Hua Diewu turned twice on the bed, and suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, she asked the system about the next plot, but the system hasn't told her yet.

{System system, why are you missing? }

[Didn't I let you get along better with the heroine? I don't want to be a light bulb.]

{Oh, do you know what the next plot will be? }

The system was tired of eating spicy noodles, and started to eat melon again. This time, it ate loofah. The taste was average, but it was fresher.

[Baji, baji, let me see.]

{System, can you stop eating melons when talking to me, it’s so annoying to babble, I can still hear it with my ears plugged. }

[Crack, click, what are you talking about? The sound of eating melon is too loud for me to hear. I saw it, tomorrow should be the plot where the male lead shows off his prestige. The heroine in it, as the daughter of the general, has no resistance to that kind of martial arts and handsome man, and it was at this time that the two began to develop their relationship.]

{My God, then I must be optimistic about Luoyan tomorrow, and I will never give Yinglingcheng any chance to get close to Luoyan! }

[Actually, I think you, the host, should be more worried about yourself.]

{Worried about yourself? }

[Yeah, what if the male lead doesn't fall in love with the female lead, but you?]

Hua Diewu immediately thumped the bed angrily, and couldn't help but speak directly, "Damn it, Luoyan is so good that he doesn't like him? Scumbag!"

The system wanted to say how could he be a scumbag, but it felt that the actions of the hero Ying Lingcheng in the later period were indeed too scumbag.

[Join this kind of thing really happened, what are you going to do, host?]

"Hmph, of course I refused directly without saving face. Just kidding, I like Luoyan." Hua Diewu's chin almost went up to the sky when she hummed.

[Host, you are really a natural. ] The system sighed.

"Huh? What's a natural bend?" Hua Diewu, who didn't know anything about it, looked confused.

[It's nothing, it's fine if you don't understand the host. By the way, there have been a lot of rumors about you outside recently, do you want to listen to the host?]

Hua Diewu turned over on the bed again, she played with her fingers in a chatty manner, "What rumors, tell me."

[Host, prepare yourself mentally, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it.]

Hua Diewu snorted, and said disdainfully: "Unless you tell me that Luoyan and I are sisters in this world and cannot be together, otherwise you won't scare me at all."

[Then I'll say it, it's rumored that you hooked up with the heroine because you didn't change your gender, but you're eyeing the position of General Su's stepwife. He also said that you are the reincarnation of a vixen, as long as you approach anyone, you will seduce him. It is even more exaggerated that you want to sit and enjoy the blessings of everyone, not only to sleep with General Su, but also to seduce General Su's son, who is the heroine's brother.]

Hua Diewu was dumbfounded when she heard this, she scratched her head, and said helplessly: "Such rumors are too ridiculous, who made them up? I haven't even met General Su. There is Luoyan's elder brother, who has been guarding the border with General Su, and has not been back to the capital a few times in the original."

[However, there are still quite a few people who believe in it. It is said that there are also obscene poems you wrote to General Su...]

"If I had the ability, I would have written poems for Luoyan a long time ago! No, let's forget about obscene poems. I'm afraid it will scare Luoyan and make her think I'm not reserved." Shyly twisted a bit.

[Host, your focus is wrong, and you are not worried that this will affect your reputation?]

"I'm not married, it doesn't matter. As long as Luoyan knows that I didn't do those things, it's fine, but this misunderstanding won't last long. Although I don't care, it's not good to be misunderstood all the time." Hua Diewu said There was a slight chill in his eyes.

After all, Hua Diewu is still a fox demon, she is not a real soft bun. If others touch her bottom line, she will not show mercy when fighting back.

"The mission world is generally carried out around the original, that is to say, the people who spread my rumors must be people who have appeared in it, and they hate me very much, so the scope will be narrowed at once. Go to the palace tomorrow, and you should be able to find out Who the hell is it?"

[Chi Chi Chi Chi, I feel that you, the host, have become smarter.]

Hua Diewu really wants to take a look at the system right now, "What does it mean to be smart? I've always been smart, okay? It's just that I'm busy with dating, and I'm usually too lazy to use my brain."

[oh oh.]

"Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to sleep. According to Miss Biao's character setting, if I don't sleep tonight, I will definitely look bad when I wake up tomorrow morning... Ha..." Hua Diewu said while typing He yawned, and a tear trickled from the corner of his eye.

There was no dream all night, Huadiewu was woken up by the system in the morning.

The system said that if you want to enter the palace today, you must get up early and dress up.

Before Huadiewu was fully awake, Xiaoyun tossed and dressed up, and Huadiewu didn't need to bother at all.

Xiaoyun looked at the breathtakingly beautiful Hua Diewu in the mirror, and smiled brightly, "Miss, you are so pretty. I like dressing you up the most."

Hua Diewu also felt that she was beautiful, she smiled and said: "Thank you, I also know that I am beautiful."

Xiaoyun wasn't surprised at all by Hua Diewu's shamelessness, that's what the former Miss Biao was like, and Xiaoyun has long been used to it.

Then Hua Diewu changed her clothes again, after all, she was going to enter the palace, so it was better to dress decently. So Hua Diewu chose a moon-white dress with a lighter blouse of the same color on the outside.

If the light blue is worn by ordinary people, it will inevitably look pale and lifeless, but Hua Diewu's complexion is extremely fair, plus a face that is so clear that it has its own color, this light blue is even more suitable for her. The skin is as thick as fat.

She is beautiful, but she will not be picked on and tabooed because she is too gorgeous, Hua Diewu thinks it is very good.

When Hua Diewu went downstairs, she saw Su Luoyan standing at the gate of the courtyard. By the time she was dressing up, Su Luoyan had already finished practicing martial arts, and even took a bath for Su Luoyan.

"Xiaodie, let's go." Su Luoyan stretched out a hand towards Hua Diewu.

Hua Diewu raised her skirt and ran towards Su Luoyan, startled Xiaoyun who was behind her, before Xiaoyun had time to catch up with Hua Diewu, Hua Diewu had already thrown herself into Su Luoyan's arms up.

Su Luoyan's expression froze for a moment, as if she was a little surprised, but she soon smiled and caught Hua Diewu's body.

"Why so excited?" Su Luoyan asked with a chuckle.

Hua Diewu retreated from Su Luoyan's arms, she blushed and didn't know how to explain her behavior just now. She was simply happy to see Su Luoyan, and wanted to get to Su Luoyan's side quickly.

"I, I'm just happy to see you."

Su Luoyan looked at Hua Die Wu's little stuttering figure, and thought it was extremely cute, she couldn't help but reached out and patted Hua Die Wu's head lightly, "Well, I see."

"Luoyan, shall we not eat in the morning?" Hua Diewu herself is not very hungry, it's fine if she doesn't eat, but she is concerned about whether Su Luoyan's health will be fine.

Su Luoyan opened the mouth and said: "The Queen invited us to the palace, so naturally we should go early. It's time now, if you don't leave, it will be too late. It's nothing if I don't eat, Xiaodie, your body can't take it. I will Let someone bring some snacks to the carriage, and then eat something to fill your stomach in the carriage."

Hua Diewu frowned, it was five or six o'clock in the morning, and the genius had just dawned. Luo Yan practiced martial arts in the morning, how early should he get up

Anyway, Hua Diewu didn't like the queen who summoned herself and Su Luoyan to enter the palace together. She said that she wanted Su Luoyan to enter the palace to accompany the princess and princess, but it was actually just torturing people.

Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan got into the carriage. There was a lot of space in the carriage, and there was a small table with a mahogany suitcase on it.

When Su Luoyan saw that Hua Die Wu got into the carriage, she saw that it was a food box, and thought that Hua Die Wu was hungry.

"It's not convenient to eat those decent meals in the carriage, so I can only wrong you to eat these little bits and pieces." Su Luoyan opened the lid of the carrying box while speaking.

At this time the carriage also started to move, Hua Diewu felt a slight jolt, she moved to the place where Su Luoyan was sitting.

Although Su Luoyan said that the contents in the carrying case were just small bits and pieces, they looked delicate and delicious. The portion is very small, basically they are pastry fruits that can be eaten in one bite.

After all, if you are going to enter the palace later, it is not appropriate to smell of food on your body. If you have some food residue on your body, it will be even more rude.

Hua Diewu silently complained in her heart that it was really troublesome to enter the palace. In the first world, Luoyan was a concubine and didn't feel much. Now Luoyan is the daughter of the general who protects the country and is appreciated by the emperor, but in front of the emperor and queen, after all, She can only be regarded as the slave's daughter.