The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 62: Vicious Miss Cousin Eleven


The queen laughed and shook her head. She nodded Ying Susu's little nose, and said helplessly, "You, you, tell me, how many companions do you have? Do you still want it? Forget it."

"Okay." Ying Susu lowered her head pretending to be disappointed, but she didn't feel any loss in her heart. She also looked down on Lin Fashui, she didn't want Lin Fashui to be her companion.

Lin Fashui was not so self-aware. When she heard that the queen rejected Ying Susu's proposal, she felt a bit lost. But she soon overcame her disappointment, and walked forward with a smile all over her face, as if she and Ying Susu had a good relationship.

Ying Susu hoped to hit Yan Liuyi in the face with Lin Fashui, so naturally she would give Lin Fashui some face.

Lin Fashui was overjoyed, and immediately wanted to use Ying Susu's hand to deal with Huadiewu, whom she hated.

"Princess, I heard that Miss Hua's piano is so beautiful, it is a rare fairy music in the world. Why don't you ask Miss Hua to present a song and have fun for everyone." Lin Fashui kept a smile on his face when he said this. Laughing, those malicious eyes stared straight at Hua Die Wu.

Lin Fashui's words are really full of malice. Everyone knows that although Hua Die Wu has a famous Qin Jiuxiao Huanpei handed down from his ancestors, Hua Die Wu seldom uses it, let alone plays it a few times.

What else could be the reason for not playing? No or no? Lin Fashui clearly wanted to see Hua Die Wu lose face.

If Hua Diewu really knew how to play the piano, and played it fairly well, that would be a shame.

With Lin Fashui's tone of voice just now, why did he put Hua Die Wu in his eyes? It sounds like Hua Diewu is one of those opera singers and singers, but it's just a joke.

Most of the people present came from big families, and few of them were fools. Everyone knew what Lin Fashui meant, but for various reasons, generally no one would point it out directly.

Ying Susu seems to be interested, her eyes are higher than the top, few people in the world can catch her eyes. Even Yan Liuyi, who is a princess, can't even look down on her, let alone Hua Die Wu who lost her parents, even if Hua Die Wu's father died for the country.

Lin Fashui was quite happy to see Hua Diewu make a fool of herself, so Ying Susu said, "Oh? In this case, let someone put the qin on the table. My princess, Ye Xiang, listen to the sound of Miss Hua's qin. Have a look. Compared with the 'Oiran' who performed at the state banquet last time, which one is better."

The queen was also confused, and she gently praised Ying Susu, saying that her daughter would really make people have fun. Although Hua Diewu lost her family and her backer, she couldn't just be humiliated casually. Is the orphan of General Hua who died for the country treated like this? People can't help but feel chilled when they know about it.

Hua Diewu, a goblin who came out of a deep mountain, couldn't figure out the twists and turns, but she could guess five or six points from the situation, so it might not be a good thing to ask her to play the piano.

Su Luoyan squeezed Hua Diewu's hand quietly, and gave Hua Diewu a look, telling Hua Diewu not to worry.

Hua Diewu nodded, she held Su Luoyan's hand tightly, feeling that with Luoyan around, there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Empress, Xiaodie's health is not good. If she is forced to play the piano, I'm afraid that the sound of the piano will be weak and hard to hear." Su Luoyan was clearly belittling, but she was secretly helping Hua Diewu.

Before the queen could speak, Ying Susu spoke first.

"Are you sick? If you are sick, don't come here. Are you trying to annoy me with your illness? But my princess doesn't look like you are sick. I think you just don't give me face, so I take this opportunity Excuse me!" Ying Susu said at the end, her brows stood on end, with an angry look on her face.

She is a princess, backed by the emperor and empress, she doesn't block her speech at all, and she doesn't give any face.

Su Luoyan frowned, and did not pay attention to Ying Susu's extremely rude remarks, but turned her head to speak to the queen.

"Empress, didn't you tell me earlier that I would let some princes and princes go to the school to compete in martial arts and archery? If you don't go now, I'm afraid it will be too late." Su Luoyan's words were neither humble nor overbearing. Although she was only the daughter of a courtier, she Talking like this has always been the case, even the emperor will tolerate her.

The queen's heart is towards her daughter, she doesn't want to wrong her daughter, in her opinion, this is just Xiao Haizi's joke, it is nothing at all, but Su Luoyan is more serious.

The queen frowned. Unlike the emperor, she didn't like the daughter of the Su family at all. Just as she was about to open her mouth, she was interrupted by a hearty laugh.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect it to be so lively in the imperial garden today. It seems that I came here by coincidence. I'm going to the school field to compete in riding and shooting. I'm interested. I want to see who is the best among this group of juniors!" The middle-aged man in the black dragon robe was escorted by a group of worker guards.

The queen who was about to speak just now shut her mouth immediately, not daring to say a word. In this palace, there is only one person who really has the right to speak, and that is the emperor.

Ying Susu, who was usually so arrogant, saw the emperor like a cat without its claws, and completely lost her arrogant appearance just now. She held the emperor's arm with a sweet smile on her face, "Father, why are you here?" .”

"I heard that there is excitement here in the imperial garden, so I came here." The emperor liked Su Luoyan more than his own daughter, and his eyes fell on Su Luoyan, "Luoyan, you also join, let me see How is your current skill? Will it be inferior to these men? But a simple competition is meaningless, it is better to add a lottery. How about this, the lottery will be the five-color glazed pagoda that Koryo paid tribute to not long ago."

Su Luoyan cupped her fists and said, "Luoyan will do her best."

"I am very optimistic about you!" The emperor's eyes swept across the group of juniors. Although he didn't say anything, there was deep meaning in his eyes.

The emperor had actually come a long time ago, but he just kept silent. He saw everything Lin Fashui did just now, but only Su Luoyan helped out.

As for what his daughter Ying Susu did, he just pretended that he didn't see anything, but he had to teach him a little lesson.

With the emperor here, even if everyone is unhappy in their hearts, they still have to show a happy appearance on the face.

Especially Lin Fashui, she twisted the handkerchief tightly with her hands hidden under her sleeves, and stared at Hua Diewu's back with vicious eyes.

Ying Susu, who had no feelings for Hua Die Wu at first, hated Hua Die Wu because of such an appearance, Ying Susu held her breath in her heart, and decided to make her look good next time she met Hua Die Wu.

Hua Diewu, who was the client, could see that Ying Susu was very angry with herself now, and she snorted in her heart, but she also looked down on Ying Susu.

[Host, the supporting role Ying Susu's hatred towards you has increased. It was a state of passers-by before, but now it is a state of hatred.]

{Hmph, rise up, rise up. Passers-by helped Lin Fashui to punish me when I was in a state, which shows that my character is really bad. Why do all the pampered people in these palaces have such virtues? He didn't care about other people's lives at all. Long Yexiang in the first world was like this, Xuanyuan Lie in the second world didn't give up much, and there was another Ying Susu in this world. }

[However, the host does not need to worry about its own safety, our system will protect the safety of the host.]

{I am also a 5,000-year-old vixen after all, would I be afraid of her, a girl who is only in her teens? }Hua Diewu raised her head proudly in her heart.

{However, is this hero too cowardly? Didn't he have a crush on me? Why didn't I even dare to utter a word when I was bullied? One is his crush, and the other is the heroine. As a hero, is this his virtue? }

[Host, so now there is no male protagonist, only you and Su Luoyan are the female protagonists.]

{Well, I love hearing what you say, hehehe. }

Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu fell behind the crowd, Su Luoyan took out a handkerchief to help Hua Diewu wipe the red juice from the corner of her mouth, and whispered: "Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

Hua Diewu looked at Su Luoyan with sparkling eyes, she nodded happily, and let Su Luoyan wipe her mouth.

Su Luoyan looked at Hua Die Wu's innocent appearance with distress, she felt that she needed to become stronger in order to protect Hua Die Wu well.

"Xiaodie, I will protect you." Su Luoyan said as if making an oath.

A smile appeared on Hua Diewu's face, she didn't have the slightest doubt about Su Luoyan's words. She believed in everything Su Luoyan said, and Su Luoyan had always been a person who would do what he said.

At this time, Hua Diewu didn't know what Su Luoyan's words meant, she just felt that Luoyan was much more reliable than some shit hero.


A group of people came to the school field in a mighty manner, because Su Luoyan was going to participate in the competition, so she had to leave Huadiewu temporarily to change into clothes that were more convenient for her to move around.

The emperor was sitting on the throne, and the empress was sitting next to the emperor. The two were chatting, because the distance was too far, and there were a group of girls chattering beside them. Hua Diewu couldn't quite hear what they were talking about.

Yan Liuyi sat behind a food table with a sullen face, and didn't make any contact with the little sisters around her.

Ying Susu and Yan Liuyi are deadly rivals, Ying Susu knew that Yan Liuyi had abandoned Lin Fashui and took people to her side, which was obviously not giving her face. Yan Liuyi gritted her teeth angrily, but she was just a princess, and she was far inferior to the princess with golden branches and jade leaves.

"What's wrong with Princess Yan? Hiding in the corner alone." Ying Susu led a large group of people to Yan Liuyi, her face full of sarcasm.

Yan Liuyi gritted her teeth, not going to pay attention to Ying Susu and the others.

There are still emperors and queens here, Ying Susu didn't dare to go too far, seeing that Yan Liuyi wasn't angry, she naturally lost interest.

Yan Liuyi is the princess, so it's not easy to get along with people in the open, but Hua Die Wu is different, and now there is only Hua Die Wu here, Su Luoyan went to change clothes.

"Hua Die Wu, right? It doesn't look very good." Ying Susu looked at Hua Die Wu with contemptuous eyes.

Hua Diewu looked in the direction of the source of the sound, her eyes were heartbroken.

"See, I've seen the princess..." Hua Diewu hurriedly bowed to Ying Susu, who looked like a weak little white flower no matter how you looked at it.

Ying Susu clicked her tongue, she couldn't see that a dodder-like woman like Hua Diewu was submissive and had to rely on others for everything. It used to depend on men, now it depends on women.

"What's the matter? You stutter when you speak. What? Your disease not only makes you unable to play the piano, but also makes your tongue knotted?"