The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 64: Vicious Cousin Miss Thirteen


The clay pot was completely shattered, and more than a dozen pieces were scattered all over the ground. It can be seen that the archer is very confident in his own arrow.

The person who shot the arrow was Su Luoyan. Su Luoyan slowly lowered the hand that pulled the string, her expression was a little more serious than before.

Even if Su Luoyan could guarantee her accuracy, she was afraid that there would be a one in ten thousand chance of missing and accidentally injuring someone.

The so-called perfect success is the result of countless training sessions.

The emperor looked at Su Luoyan's direction with a face full of relief, he took the lead in applauding, and praised Su Luoyan without hesitation.

Su Luoyan got off her horse and came to the emperor. She was not proud of her victory, but said humbly: "My daughter is just lucky."

The emperor smiled and nodded, "Luoyan is self-effacing. Since you have won the first place, the five-color glazed pagoda is yours."

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, Eunuch Li immediately walked up with a little eunuch carrying a tray.

The tray was covered with a silk cloth, and the outline of the five-color glazed pagoda inside could be vaguely seen. Then Eunuch Li pulled off the silk cloth, revealing the radiant glazed pagoda inside.

Su Luoyan stretched out her hand to take the tray, and she asked: "Your Majesty, after getting this glazed pagoda, does the subject have the right to dispose of it at will?"

The emperor replied: "Of course, it's just a gadget. You can smash it for fun or give it to anyone you want."

Normally the emperor would not say such a thing, but it was to beat his daughter Ying Susu.

After Su Luoyan got the answer she wanted, she turned her head and walked towards Hua Die Wu. Hua Die Wu blushed because of Su Luoyan's performance just now, and her beautiful eyes were as bright as stars .

"This is for you." Su Luoyan held the exquisitely crafted five-color glazed pagoda in front of Hua Diewu.

Hua Diewu pursed her lips and smiled, if there were no one else here, she would have jumped on Su Luoyan directly.

"Luoyan, I like it very much." When Hua Diewu accepted it, she deliberately looked at Ying Susu.

Ying Susu bit her lower lip tightly, not daring to say a word. In her opinion, this five-color glazed pagoda should have been hers, but it was snatched away by a little bitch like Hua Diewu.

Huadiewu has no fear in responding to Susu's resentful eyes, but she is not afraid of Ying Susu at all.

The atmosphere was a bit subtle, but there was an active atmosphere with the emperor, and everyone echoed with smiles on their faces.

Originally, those aristocratic young men who wanted to use this opportunity to show off their prestige to attract the hearts of the girls felt very uncomfortable, and Su Luoyan took all the limelight by himself.

Among these people, the original male protagonist Ying Lingcheng was in the most depressed mood, because he always felt that the one who should show off today was himself, not Su Luoyan.

But the facts are before him, he is indeed not as good as Su Luoyan, that wonderful feeling is just his illusion.

Ying Lingcheng lowered his head and gave a wry smile, but he couldn't restrain the crazy thoughts that spread from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to scream and take away everything Su Luoyan had now, but his reason held him back.

Originally, Hua Diewu wouldn't notice Yingling City who was submerged in the crowd, but Yingling City's gaze was so naked that it was difficult for people not to notice.

Hua Diewu frowned, and quickly looked away, but Su Luoyan noticed something strange about Hua Diewu, she looked towards the place Hua Diewu had just seen, and saw Yingling City.

Su Luoyan pursed her lips and said nothing, but she had already made up her mind to go faster.

As soon as the emperor left, the empress didn't have the heart to continue this small party, she just wanted to hurry to comfort her precious girl, so she excused herself to be tired and asked everyone to go back.

Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu took the five-color glazed pagoda on their way back to General Su's mansion. Going back was much easier than when they came, after all, they didn't have to stay in this dreary palace any longer.

As soon as she got into the carriage, Hua Diewu immediately collapsed, no matter what the image is, why does she, a vixen, insist on paying attention to human beings? It's really annoying.

Su Luoyan didn't think there was anything strange about Hua Diewu's behavior, she asked Hua Diewu to rest her head on her lap.

Hua Die Wu was also polite, and specially found a comfortable position to lie down.

"Luoyan, I'm so tired." Hua Diewu didn't want to open her mouth any longer, she said this almost like coquettishly.

A smile overflowed from Su Luoyan's lips, she gently stroked her long hair like flowers, butterflies and crow feathers, and said softly: "It is indeed too much energy to go to the palace, even if I am in such a good body I feel tired, let alone you. If you are tired, just lie on my lap and rest for a while."

Hua Diewu turned her little head and looked up at Su Luoyan's face. Because of the angle of view, she couldn't see the expression on Su Luoyan's face very clearly.

"Luoyan, speaking of being tired, you should be even more tired. I'm just sitting and watching, but you want to ride horses and shoot arrows with those men. No, no, I can't be so willful. Luoyan, you are so considerate, but I only think about it Rest by yourself, why am I so selfish." While saying that, Hua Diewu struggled to get up, but was pushed back by Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan's movements were very gentle, but with a force that could not be resisted, Hua Diewu could only lie back obediently.

"Lie down and don't get up. My body is much better than yours. I said that I am tired, but I am far from being unable to get up. Xiaodie, your body is too weak. I hate to see you suffer. Take a good rest."

Hua Diewu's character in this world is too delicate, her legs will become numb after standing for a while, and she will be out of breath after walking a little longer. In Su Luoyan's eyes, Hua Die Wu is a delicate flower that needs careful care, and will wither if she is not careful.

"Luoyan, do you really not rest?" Hua Diewu asked.

Su Luoyan shook her head, and said with a smile: "Take a nap, I'll look at you, and I'll wake you up later."

"Well, okay." Hua Diewu was indeed a little tired, she closed her eyes, and fell asleep breathing steadily after a while.

Su Luoyan looked down at Hua Diewu's peaceful sleeping face, the emotions in those eyes were extraordinarily complicated, a lot of messy information popped up in her mind, but she couldn't capture the specifics.

- I know what you want to do.

— This is your world, as long as you think, anything can come true.

-as you wish.

Su Luoyan frowned tightly, her head aching like it was about to split, she clenched her fists tightly, and it took a while to calm down from the pain.


When approaching General Su's Mansion, Su Luoyan woke up Hua Die Wu, Hua Die Wu got up in a daze and rubbed her eyes.


"Well, here we are."

Because Hua Diewu slept for a while, her legs and feet were a little soft, and she almost fell headfirst when she got off the carriage.

"Be careful." Su Luoyan supported Hua Diewu's crumbling body.

Hua Diewu lowered her head in embarrassment, and her little hand on Su Luoyan's palm tightened restlessly.

"Xiaodie, I have something very important to ask you."

As soon as Hua Diewu's feet landed, she heard Su Luoyan's words, she raised her head to look at Su Luoyan's face, "What are you talking about?"

Su Luoyan looked away slightly, her expression was a bit unnatural, "Now is not the time to tell, I will write a letter to ask my father first, and then I will formally tell you about it."

Hua Diewu blinked her eyes, an idea in her mind couldn't help popping up, but she suppressed it.

"Okay, Luo Yan, you can tell me then."

"Hmm..." Su Luoyan nodded.

Hua Diewu felt that Su Luoyan looked a little strange, and she couldn't help asking the system in her mind.

{System system, you said what happened to Luoyan? }

[The host is sorry, I did not detect any abnormal fluctuations, but the host, let me tell you some good news.]

{what good news? }Hua Die Wu's eyes lit up immediately.

[The specific details have not been announced above, but what is certain is that there will be a plot that can make the relationship between the host and the heroine progress.]

{Great, then I'm relieved. }

"Xiaodie, what are you thinking, why do you look absent-minded?"

Hua Diewu who heard Su Luoyan's voice immediately recovered, shook her head, and said that she was fine.

"What happened today will never happen again." Su Luoyan thought of Ying Susu and Lin Fashui's embarrassment to Huadiewu today.

Hua Diewu waved her hand and said that she didn't care anymore, she got the five-color glazed pagoda and she was so shocked. Hua Diewu is very dedicated to plump up her white lotus character, because she knows that the more she says she doesn't care, the more Su Luoyan will feel that she has been wronged.

However, what Hua Diewu didn't know was that no matter how she behaved, Su Luoyan would love her dearly and wanted to do something for her.

Tonight is destined not to be a peaceful night. Because Ying Susu didn't get the five-color glazed pagoda she wanted, she was furious in her bedroom, beating things everywhere.

It's not that Ying Susu likes the five-color glazed pagoda so much, it's just that she must get what she wants, and she doesn't want to give it to others even if it's for playing with.

The queen promised well in front of the emperor, saying that she would educate Ying Susu, but the queen's education method was very problematic. She didn't think that Ying Susu had done anything wrong. In her opinion, it was only natural for her daughter to kill someone casually.

The queen said to Susu that next time, even if someone doesn't like you, don't be too obvious. If you really want to do something, you have to avoid the emperor.

If it wasn't for the queen's doting and wrong values, today's Ying Susu would be so capricious and selfish.

Obviously she was the one who wanted to find other people's troubles first, but when she was unlucky, she still wanted to blame all the faults on the victim, which made Lin Fashui disfigured.

Lin Fashui's fall during the day was not light, and his face was directly disfigured. I am afraid that he will not be able to hold his head up in this life. But she helped the princess back, which is an 'honorable' thing, and it can't be blamed on the princess Ying Susu in the slightest.

After returning home, Lin Fashui insisted on looking at her own face. Everyone wanted to hide the injury on her face, but Lin Fashui still found the mirror.

That night, Lin Fashui ran around the Lin's house screaming while holding the mirror, and finally passed out, making the Lin's family restless all night.