The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 66: Vicious Miss Cousin Fifteen


Hua Diewu sniffed the faint scent of apricot blossoms on Su Luoyan's body so intoxicated that she even wanted to close her eyes and sleep.

The night wind was blowing gently, blowing Hua Die Wu's soft hair, Hua Die Wu couldn't help raising her head to look at Su Luoyan's face.

At this time, the wind just blows away the thick clouds, revealing a full moon hidden behind the clouds.

The silvery white moonlight fell from the top of the head, just illuminating Su Luoyan's face. Hua Diewu felt that Su Luoyan looked extraordinarily gentle at this time, and she really hoped that she could go on like this with Su Luoyan forever.

But it's a pity that when Luo Yan's affection for her reaches one hundred, she will leave this world.

"What's wrong?" Su Luoyan noticed Hua Diewu's eyes.

Hua Diewu immediately lowered her head to hide the emotion in her eyes, said it was nothing, and asked when Su Luoyan would arrive.

Su Luoyan said that she will be there soon, and told Hua Diewu not to worry.

Then Su Luoyan hugged Hua Die Wu's body and jumped among the tree trunks. The trees were full of shadows and the leaves rubbed against each other. The sound of Salsa and the sound of insects came to Hua Die Wu's ears.

In this slightly gloomy forest, Hua Diewu didn't have the slightest fear, because Su Luoyan was by her side.

A crow began to call hoarsely, and the sound was hoarse and unpleasant. Su Luoyan hugged Hua Diewu and lightly passed over a broken stone statue, and when she went up again, she encountered a branch, which just aroused the crows on the tree.

All of a sudden, dozens of crows were startled and flew into the sky. They circled at low altitude while making hoarse and unpleasant sounds.

Hua Diewu raised her head subconsciously, and she saw a tall tower between the tree shadow and the crow.

At this time Su Luoyan spoke, "It's just ahead."

"En." Hua Diewu nodded lightly, guessing that the tower was their destination.

Soon Su Luoyan brought Hua Die Wu up to the tower, this was the first time Hua Die Wu was taken to fly. Qinggong is not the same as the flying of monsters, Hua Diewu prefers the current situation.

This high tower seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and there is no trace of people living and cleaning at all, but it is still well preserved, and the entire tower is hundreds of feet high.

After reaching the top of the pagoda, Su Luoyan put Hua Die Wu down, and Hua Die Wu, whose feet had been hanging in the air just now, suddenly fell to the ground, her legs were so weak that she almost fell forward.

"You're so scared that your legs are weak?" Su Luoyan supported Hua Diewu's arm.

"Actually, I'm not afraid, because I know that you are very reliable, Luoyan, but you are not used to it because you haven't touched the ground for too long." Hua Diewu even showed a smile to Su Luoyan, with no intention of forcing it.

Su Luoyan wiped the crossbar with the hem of her clothes, and then hugged Hua Diewu up.

Hua Diewu squeezed her sleeves shyly, and asked Su Luoyan to sit with her quickly.

Su Luoyan smiled, she sat beside Hua Diewu, and then pointed to a place below, "Xiaodie, look."

Huadiewu looked in the direction Su Luoyan pointed, and a group of fireflies as bright as a galaxy were flying around the tower. They sometimes gathered and sometimes scattered, like ink smeared on paper.

Hua Diewu couldn't help opening her eyes wide, with joy that couldn't be concealed on her face.

But Su Luoyan didn't go to see such a beautiful scenery, Hua Die Wu was watching fireflies, and she was watching Hua Die Wu. In Su Luoyan's eyes, Hua Die Wu is more beautiful than all the beauties in the world.

Su Luoyan likes to see Hua Diewu's joyful appearance, and the light of surprise bursting out of those clear eyes.

Hua Diewu pulled Lasu Luoyan's sleeve excitedly, "Look, Luoyan, do these fireflies look like stars in the sky? No, they are even more beautiful than the stars in the sky!"

"Yeah." Su Luoyan said with a smile, watching Hua Diewu look up at the brilliant night sky of the Milky Way.

The sky is full of stars dotted on the pitch-black sky, and tens of thousands of fireflies are flying around the supposedly dark tower. Fireflies are like stars on the ground, echoing the stars in the sky.

"Do you like it?" Su Luoyan asked.

Hua Die Wu smiled and nodded, "I like it very much!" After finishing speaking, Hua Die Wu immediately added: "Because you brought me here, so I like it!"

Su Luoyan felt her heart start to speed up uncontrollably, she paused, and said: "Xiaodie, if I say, I want to marry you, will you agree?"

"Yes! I am willing!" Hua Diewu was so happy that she didn't think about how Su Luoyan got married as a woman.

Su Luoyan felt like she was dreaming. She couldn't help hugging Hua Die Wu's body, put her chin on Hua Die Wu's shoulder, and whispered, "Do you really want to? I don't want to." It must be a dream."

Hua Diewu shook her head like a rattle, "No, it's not a dream. I am willing, Luoyan."

Su Luoyan couldn't stop the smile from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, "Okay, then I'll marry you."

—Use everything I have to protect you from all worries.

Su Luoyan had already figured it out, no matter what his father wrote in the letter her brother brought back tomorrow, she would marry Hua Diewu as his wife.

She has never thought of getting married, and no man in the capital can catch her eye. In fact, she had already planned to be alone all her life, but Huadiewu suddenly appeared.

Hua Die Wu is like a butterfly that accidentally broke into her world, fragile and beautiful, she wants to protect Hua Die Wu under her own wings, even if it is a robbery, she must put this butterfly into her own world .

Su Luoyan didn't quite understand what her strong emotions represented, she just followed her inner thoughts.

The two of them sat on the tower for a while later, and they didn't go back until it was almost Haishi. When she returned to General Su's Mansion, Hua Die Wu was so sleepy that she could barely open her eyes, and it was Su Luoyan who carried Hua Die Wu to bed in the end.

Before leaving, Su Luoyan sat by the bed and watched Hua Die Wu for a long time before returning to her Jing Hua Lou.

That night, Huadiewu slept very sweetly. It was bright outside before she woke up slowly, and when she woke up, Hua Diewu rubbed her eyes.

{System, I seemed to have a beautiful dream last night. I dreamed that Luoyan said that he wanted to marry me. I know it's fake, but I'm so happy. }

The system chewed betel nuts, and complained [Host, yesterday was not your dream, it really happened.]

"Huh?!" Hua Diewu was so shocked that she even forgot to close her mouth. She blinked desperately, trying to recall what happened yesterday.

Probably, as if, indeed... it really happened.

{what happened? I thought I was dreaming, that Luoyan was going to marry me? If this is true, I'd die laughing! }

[Host, show me how you laugh to death now.]

"Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha..." Hua Diewu laughed and rolled while hugging the quilt. Fortunately, no one else was in her room, otherwise she would be frightened by her madness.

"I'm so happy! But this era is different from ours. Can the same sex get married?" Hua Diewu's facial features immediately wrinkled when she thought of this, and her pretty face turned into a bun.

[Host, don’t worry, don’t you know the heroine’s ability? Every time she says she won't do it?]

Hua Diewu nodded in agreement when she heard the words, "Well, the system, you are right. Then I just need to be a bride with peace of mind. Oh, it's my first time getting married, so I'm so nervous."

The system couldn't bear to see his host's awkward appearance. After chewing betel nuts, he exchanged spicy sticks, talking to Hua Die Wu in Hua Die Wu's mind while chatting.

[Host, first time raw and second time familiar, just get used to it.]

{How can you speak like that? I've only been married to Luo Yan in my life, so there will be a second time? }

The system wants to say that there will really be a second time, not only the second time, but also the third time. But these systems didn't say anything, they just replied to Hua Diewu that she wouldn't say that next time.

Only then did Hua Diewu let the system go, and then hugged the quilt and began to fantasize about the scene when she and Su Luoyan got married.

Hua Diewu's own fantasies are not enough, and she has to keep thinking about it, so that the system also listens to it.

The system listened while eating, and occasionally added a sentence, which was very face-saving.

And Hua Diewu seems to have infinite energy in fantasizing about this matter, making the system, a data monster with no entity, even tired.

Finally, the system waited until Hua Diewu's maid Xiaoyun came to rescue it, and Xiaoyun came to ask Hua Diewu to have breakfast.

However, the system is still too naive, Hua Diewu only eats with her mouth, her head doesn't stop.

The system residing in Hua Die Wu's mind was forced to continue listening to Hua Die Wu's thoughts, and finally the system went to sleep with nothing to love.

Just after the system went to sleep, Hua Diewu stopped those messy thoughts in her head, because Su Luoyan came to find her.

Today Su Luoyan's elder brother Su Dengming came back, Su Luoyan was going to pick up Su Dengming, Hua Diewu lived in Su's house, so she would naturally go to greet the eldest brother of the Su's family when he came back.

Su Luoyan sat beside her and quietly waited for Hua Diewu to finish her breakfast. In order not to keep Su Luoyan waiting for a long time, Hua Diewu ate in a hurry and accidentally choked on the middle.

Su Luoyan patted Hua Die Wu's back impatiently and distressedly, and even poured water for Hua Die Wu.

Hua Diewu took a sip of water before recovering. She blushed and was embarrassed to speak, and would choke on something, making her look like a child who didn't grow up.

Hua Diewu secretly glanced at Su Luoyan's face from the corner of her eyes, and was relieved when she found that Su Luoyan did not show any disgust towards her.

"Xiaodie, are you better now?" Su Luoyan said with a little concern.

Hua Diewu shook her head and said, "It's much better, Luoyan, let's go pick up Brother Su."

"it is good."

Then Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan left out of Shuiyue Pavilion, and the two of them didn't wait long at the gate of the city until they met Su Luoyan's eldest brother, Su Dengming.

Su Dengming and Su Luoyan are five or six points alike, but their facial features are tougher, and they have a kind of aura unique to a hot-blooded man, which cannot be compared with the sons of aristocratic families who grew up in honey pots in the capital.

"Brother!" Su Luoyan immediately waved forward when she saw Su Dengming, with a bright smile on her face.

Su Dengming got off his horse and strode towards Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu, "Little sister, long time no see, she seems to have grown a lot taller. Who is this girl?"

Hua Die Wu's appearance is really eye-catching, even Su Dengming, who has never paid much attention to other people's appearance, would subconsciously notice Hua Die Wu.

"This is Hua Diewu, the daughter of General Hua. She is temporarily staying at our house today. She is my accompanying reader. Big brother, here's the letter." Su Luoyan couldn't wait to see his father's reply after the introduction.