The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 69: Vicious Miss Cousin Eighteen


When walking in, Hua Diewu happily told Su Luoyan about her achievements in the afternoon. Su Luoyan said that she wanted to see the words Hua Diewu wrote now. Hua Diewu originally wanted to agree directly, but she remembered the crooked pieces of paper that she imitated Su Luoyan's handwriting.

"Luoyan, let me show you when I have practiced my calligraphy very well. If I improve a little, you can read it a little bit, and you won't be able to see how much I have improved. I will show you after a while, so it looks better. Significantly improved."

Su Luoyan smiled and said: "Okay, then you can show me then. By the way, how do you feel about trying on the wedding dress today?"

When it comes to the wedding dress, Hua Diewu talks a lot, she happily gestures with Su Luoyan, telling her happiness.

Su Luoyan listened to Hua Diewu with a smile on her face, her expression was very gentle.

It didn't take long for the news that the emperor was going to officiate the wedding ceremony for Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu to spread throughout the capital. Those who had previously bet that it was impossible for Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu to marry were slapped in the face.

All of a sudden, the so-called rumors became true, and the couple Yinglingcheng and Yan Liuyi, who were envied by countless people before, suddenly lost their attention.

It is impossible for Ying Susu in the palace not to have heard such a big thing, and Ying Susu didn't take it seriously, who would have thought it was true. The first thought in her mind was to make a fuss, anyway, she was a princess, even if Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu got angry, there was nothing they could do about her.

But reason finally held back Ying Susu, she was still afraid of her father. After all, the marriage of those two was approved by the emperor. If she insisted on rushing to slap him in the face, she would probably anger her father.

Although Ying Susu is a princess, she still relies on the emperor to enjoy the privileges of a princess. If she offends the emperor, even if she is the emperor's own daughter, she will be deprived of her privileges. She cannot be as willful as before.

But Ying Susu still felt unwilling, no one in this life made her so unhappy.

Suddenly, Ying Susu noticed a very important thing, that is, why did her father treat Su Luoyan so well

The imperial father has always admired Su Luoyan very much. It is obvious that Su Luoyan's father, General Su, has made great achievements. Shouldn't her imperial father restrain himself and beat General Su's daughter

Not only did he not beat Su Luoyan, but he also doted on Su Luoyan. Sometimes Ying Susu even thinks that Su Luoyan is the real princess, which makes Ying Susu feel even more uncomfortable.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Ying Susu went directly to the queen's bedroom to seek comfort. The queen corresponded to Susu's daughter, which can be said to be extremely doted on.

Seeing her daughter so sad, the queen was so distressed that she comforted Ying Susu. However, Ying Susu, who was comforted, cried more and more vigorously, asking whether Su Luoyan was the emperor's daughter.

This was originally just Ying Susu's angry words, but after hearing this, the queen seemed to think of something, and her expression changed.

Ying Susu felt something was wrong, she even forgot to shed tears, she stared blankly at her mother, and asked: "Mother, is this true?"

The queen forced a smile and said that Ying Susu was thinking too much, but Ying Susu was not so stupid that she couldn't even tell whether it was a truth or a lie.

"Queen mother, you can tell my son, is that really the case? If that's the case..." Ying Susu wept, looking heartbroken.

She grew up being held in the palm of her hand since she was a child, and suddenly found that her father was not only her own daughter, but also loved another daughter more.

The queen finally relented and told Ying Susu what she knew.

Ying Susu bit her lip while listening, she told the queen that she was going to attend the wedding of Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu.

The queen was also unwilling to accept Su Luoyan's mother, even though her husband was the emperor who was destined to own the Sangong and Liuyuan. She still couldn't bear that her husband couldn't forget a woman for so many years, and he was so kind to that woman's daughter.

After all, the queen was still uneasy, so she didn't stop Ying Susu, even though she knew that Ying Susu's behavior would make the emperor unhappy.


Time soon came to the day when Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan got married. Hua Diewu changed into her wedding dress and put on exquisite makeup.

The happy self in the mirror, Hua Diewu held her face in anticipation, she was going to marry Su Luoyan soon.

{System, I am so happy. If only it could go on like this. }

The system that was studying food like hot pot was bored and didn't reply. It didn't dare to say that Su Luoyan's favorability has reached 96, and there is not much time left before leaving the world.

After a while, someone asked Hua Diewu to go out. Xiaoyun, who was standing next to her, helped Hua Diewu cover her head, and then walked out of the boudoir holding Hua Diewu's arm.

Hua Diewu doesn't know much about the process of getting married, she only knows that it is very troublesome and tiring, and this is the case when Su Luoyan strongly demands to simplify it.

Hua Diewu, who was supported to walk half a circle, felt that she was almost exhausted, and she sighed in her heart that it was really not easy to be a bride.

When she finally entered the hall, Hua Die Wu wanted to find a chair to sit down and collapsed, but there were so many people around, Hua Die Wu didn't dare to collapse the design easily.

There were so many people here, all of whom she hadn't even met twice. Although it was lively, Hua Diewu felt a sense of loss in her heart.

At this time, Hua Diewu heard Su Luoyan's voice, and all of a sudden, the confusion in her heart was swept away, and her heart was filled to the brim. Hua Diewu wanted to lift her hijab and throw herself into Su Luoyan's arms.

"Bow to heaven and earth!"

Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan bowed down slowly, Hua Diewu remembered that she had envied Gongsun Zhi and Gu Lingyu in the last world, but she never thought that this world would get her wish.

"Second obeisance to the high hall."

Sitting on the high hall is the emperor, such a bow means that the marriage between the two has been appointed, and if they reconcile in the future, it will be disrespectful to the emperor. However, such a thing as Heli is unlikely to happen between Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan.

"Husband and wife salute!"

Even Su Luoyan, who was as calm as Su Luoyan, couldn't help being nervous at this moment, and just when the two of them were about to bend down, a sharp female voice sounded.

"Su Luoyan, don't you want to know what scandalous things your mother did? How do you think she died in the first place?" Ying Susu still had a bit of a brain, and didn't let anyone speak too clearly in the hall where the guests gathered. It can also be prevaricated and perfunctory afterwards.

Such a remark is really too intriguing, the death of Su Luoyan's mother Wan Shiyun back then was really strange.

The eyes of the emperor sitting on the high hall changed, and he immediately ordered that the person who had just spoken be arrested for interrogation.

The woman who spoke looked very ordinary, but how could ordinary people come in at the wedding of General Su's daughter

Such ordinaryness seemed even more special. Ying Susu, who was sitting in the guest seat, subconsciously clenched her fists and raised her heart.

Before, she thought that the person she was looking for was inconspicuous enough, but now it seems that there are loopholes everywhere. With her father's eyesight and ability, she will be investigated soon.

Ying Susu began to regret, but at the same time she felt indescribably happy. After hearing such words, she did not believe that Su Luoyan's heart would not be shaken.

Just when these thoughts flashed through Ying Susu's mind, the emperor's men had already detained the woman who spoke just now. Now is not the time to make things big, but to suppress things first so that the wedding can go smoothly.

The emperor's eyes swept over everyone, and stayed on Ying Susu with a guilty expression for a moment longer. Cold sweat broke out on Ying Susu's back, and she felt that the material of her vest was already wet with sweat.

Seeing that her father didn't intend to pursue further, Ying Susu breathed a sigh of relief, but she was jealous of Su Luoyan again.

The emperor was protecting Su Luoyan's face, and it also showed from the side that what her mother said was probably true.

Soon the two newlyweds were sent to the bridal chamber, and the atmosphere looked the same as before, and everyone had a great time together.

This was a special wedding, and the two protagonists were both women. In fact, many people present thought it was absurd, but the emperor admitted that they couldn't say anything. Of course, because they thought it was strange, they didn't drink like a normal wedding, but let the two of them enter the bridal chamber directly.

Hua Diewu was led into the room by Su Luoyan. Hua Diewu felt that Su Luoyan was holding her hand trembling slightly. She asked in a low voice: "Luoyan, are you alright?"

Su Luoyan held Hua Diewu's hand tightly, and replied: "Xiaodie, I'm fine, I'll talk about it later."

"Yeah." Hua Diewu responded, and now there are people around them, so it's not suitable for them to talk.

The two entered the prepared bridal chamber, Su Luoyan retreated, and only Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu were left in the room.

Because Hua Diewu was too worried about Su Luoyan, and didn't care about the process, she lifted the hijab on her head.

"Luoyan, your mother..."

Su Luoyan shook her head, and said to Huadiewu: "Xiaodie, you don't have to worry about me, I didn't take what that person said to heart. Although my mother passed away very early, I still remember how beautiful she was A person. I believe that my mother has never done anything bad."

Hua Diewu also believed that Su Luoyan's mother was not as bad as that inexplicable woman said, how could such an upright General Su like a woman with bad conduct? The apricot tree that Su Luoyan's mother planted in the general's mansion now remains.

But knowing it is one thing, others saying it is another, this is slandering Su Luoyan's dead mother.

It's impossible for Su Luoyan not to care at all, she must still be sad in her heart.

And Hua Diewu didn't want to see Su Luoyan sad at all, "Luoyan, that person must have done it on purpose, otherwise how could someone bring up this matter again after so many years."

"Well, mother, she... is really a gentle and kind woman. She is not as miserable as that person said. Mother, she died to save her father."

Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan's body, and comforted: "Luoyan, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Su Luoyan shook her head lightly, and said: "It's better to say some things, I've kept them in my heart for too long."

From Su Luoyan's words, Hua Diewu understood the past.