The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 70: Vicious Cousin Nineteen


Hua Diewu briefly summed it up, probably that General Su was a young hero. At that time, General Su was far less calm than he is now. glance.

Su Luoyan's mother, Wan Shiyun, was following her back. Wan Shiyun was a well-known talented woman in the capital.

It's not that no one is more beautiful than Wan Shiyun. For example, today's empress is somewhat more beautiful than Wan Shiyun, but the charm in her bones is different. Beauty is beauty, but there is no life interest.

The young emperor at that time also admired Wan Shiyun, but Wan Shiyun liked General Su. Under Wan Shiyun's constant pursuit, he was as cold and proud as an iceberg and finally melted.

During the two years they fell in love, General Su and Wan Shiyun also had a sweet time. At that time, the border was not tight, and Wan Shiyun planted many apricot trees in the general's mansion.

Not long after, Wan Shiyun gave birth to Su Dengming, and within two years she gave birth to Su Luoyan.

Everything seemed fine, but an accident happened suddenly. A person from the enemy country pretended to be a merchant to assassinate General Su, but the careful Wan Shiyun discovered the clue, and Wan Shiyun blocked the fatal blow for General Su when the sudden change occurred.

At that time, Wan Shiyun was only in her early twenties, still at her best age, and her life was ruthlessly taken away just like that. But Wan Shiyun didn't regret it, she told General Su before she died.

She said that she had never done anything important in her life, and the most glorious thing was to exchange her life for yours. With you, the people of Daliang can be protected from the barbarians, and can live and work in peace and contentment without being disturbed by the flames of war.

In the end, Wan Shiyun asked General Su to bring up the two children well, not asking the children to become indomitable heroes, but only asking them to grow up safely without being arrogant and extravagant. He also asked General Su not to restrict the children too much in the future, and let them do whatever they want. Let them go and do it.

Wan Shiyun had a hard time chasing General Su, because Wan Shiyun's father did not support her behavior, and even wanted to force her to marry the emperor who was still the third prince at that time. But Wan Shiyun insisted on going her own way. Fortunately, she did not give up and finally married the person she wanted to marry.

She had never done anything in her life that she regretted, not a single one.

The strong General Su, who had never shed a tear even when he was shot in the back of the heart on the battlefield, cried.

General Su is a great threat to the enemy country, and killing General Su can ease the pressure on their country. Unfortunately, their mission failed.

The angry General Su killed all those who pretended to be traders, leaving no one alive, so not many people knew about this matter.

This is why General Su stayed at the border all the year round. He hated the enemy country. Even after so many years, the pain in his heart has never diminished. I also hate myself for not being nicer to Wan Shiyun at the beginning, but now even if I want to be nice to her, I can't do it, and the dead cannot be chased.

Life at the border for many years has made General Su more and more silent. He is strict with himself and his children. So Su Dengming and Su Luoyan didn't pass on Wan Shiyun's extroversion, but rather resembled General Su, a hard man like a rock.

The two siblings Su Luoyan and Su Dengming spent a short time with their mother, but they still vaguely remember how gentle their mother was.

Hua Diewu sighed in her heart, she felt that Su Luoyan's mother, Wan Shiyun, could be regarded as a heroine. There is no one in the world who does not love his life, but Wan Shiyun chooses to use his life to save General Su.

If it weren't for the presence of General Su, how would Daliang be stable today? The enemy countries are all bloodthirsty people. They walk on the grasslands and never engage in farming. They rely on plundering for food and grass. The fertile Daliang is their goal, but as long as General Su guards the border for a day, those barbarians will never step into Daliang!

"Xiaodie, I have always thought that my mother is a very admirable woman. I know what the woman talking in the hall means, because my mother almost married the emperor, and the emperor loved me so much that some people I have some ridiculous ideas in life." When Su Luoyan said this, his eyes were a little cold, but his expression was very sad.

It was the first time Hua Diewu saw Su Luoyan like this, and she couldn't help but feel her heart ache.

"Luoyan, those who spread rumors will definitely get retribution, we must not let them go!" Hua Diewu was filled with righteous indignation.

"I'll find out who wants to make trouble, Xiaodie, don't worry, those people won't make any waves."

Su Luoyan is not a soft bun. Although she doesn't care about other people's opinions, she does care that her dearest and loved ones are slandered.

So when the rumors about Hua Die Wu spread, she decided to marry Hua Die Wu, slapped those people in the face with facts, and brought out the emperor's big Buddha, so that everyone could not talk about Hua Die Wu anymore.

Those rumors were not only an insult to Hua Diewu, but also an insult to her father, General Su. A poor man who has worked hard all his life and caused his wife to lose his life because of his status.

The current emperor is Mingjun, and he later learned the truth about Wan Shiyun's death, but he went to publicize with great fanfare that General Su almost died, and it was too late for Wan Shiyun to save General Su. Talking about it now will only disturb the cleanliness of the dead, and it will also make people panic.

People from the enemy country were able to sneak into General Su's side and almost assassinated General Su. What about ordinary people? For various reasons, the facts of the year were covered up, and only a few people knew about it.

Su Luoyan felt that these heavy topics should not be talked about today, she said: "Xiaodie, let's not talk about this today, okay? Today is the day we get married, so we should be happier."

Hua Diewu pursed her lips and nodded, she also wanted Su Luoyan to stop thinking about those troublesome things.

"Then... Luoyan, let's drink at the bar." Hua Diewu was a little nervous, and took the glass twice with trembling hands before touching it.

Su Luoyan picked up the jug and poured wine into the two cups respectively.

The two arms were entangled, and the distance between the two was instantly shortened, and the other's breath was close at hand. Even though the wine hadn't been drunk yet, Hua Diewu felt that she was going to be drunk.

The aroma of wine, flowers, and incense are mixed together, making people feel a little heavy when they smell it, and the air is so stagnant that it seems to stop flowing, full of ambiguous [sweet potato] breath.

The wine is not strong, but it has a clear and slightly sweet feeling in the mouth, and it also exudes a faint plum flavor.

After Hua Diewu drank the wine, she felt a little dizzy. Why is she a vixen different from what she said? How can you get drunk after just one sip

"Xiaodie, are you tired?"

Su Luoyan's voice was a little far away, Hua Diewu shook her head, the colorful crown on her head made her neck hurt a little. Being so pampered by Su Luoyan, Hua Diewu also became squeamish.

Hua Diewu hummed and said: "Luoyan, my neck hurts so much, why is this colorful crown so heavy? I don't need to wear it now? I don't want to wear it anymore."

As soon as Hua Diewu acted like a baby, Su Luoyan became unprincipled. She said that she could take off all these things in the bridal chamber.

Hua Diewu, who only wanted to quickly take off the colorful crown, didn't even notice the missing word in Su Luoyan's words.

Su Luoyan's decision to marry Hua Diewu was not only to stop the rumors that Hua Diewu was going to marry General Su, but also had her own selfish motives.

Hua Diewu wanted to take off the colorful crown by herself, but the corsage on her body was too heavy, and her arms became sore after lifting it for a while.

The caring Su Luoyan personally helped Hua Diewu take off her 'equipment'. Marriage is a tough battle for a woman, and she will be exhausted to death just by wearing this heavy phoenix crown and Xiapei.

The liberated Hua Die Wu felt that her whole body was relaxed a lot, and the relaxed Hua Die Wu felt that she should not enjoy it alone. She said that she would help Su Luoyan take off her clothes, and the suit on Su Luoyan was not too light. It's just better than Hua Die Wu.

When Hua Diewu was halfway through taking off, she suddenly realized that the atmosphere had changed subtly. Her fingers curled up, and after a moment's struggle, she raised her head and kissed Su Luoyan's lips.

Su Luoyan didn't expect Hua Diewu to kiss herself actively, her black and white eyes widened slightly.

Hua Die Wu, who was active at the beginning, became the passive one, and Su Luoyan pushed her down on the bed...

[Please read with me, we are pure children, I really don't know what a car is. Three thousand words are omitted here...]

Hua Diewu felt that she was about to die, the kind of happy death. She hugged Su Luoyan's body and ate tofu recklessly. Unfortunately, it was almost dawn, and they were going to get up later.

Hua Diewu's face was still red, and while Su Luoyan was still sleeping, she wanted to sneak attack on Su Luoyan's lips. However, as soon as the soft lips were pressed, she met Su Luoyan's eyes that had just opened.

"Morning." Su Luoyan helped Hua Diewu straighten her messy forehead hair.

Hua Diewu pursed her lips and responded in a low voice, she was so relaxed last night, but in the morning she started to be innocent again.

Moreover, she and Su Luoyan are already husband and wife, and she still wants to steal a kiss, it is really useless.

"If you're tired, do you want to sleep a little longer?" Su Luoyan gently stroked Hua Diewu's cheek.

Hua Diewu's face turned hot, and in order to make herself look too useless, she shook her head like a rattle, almost fainting herself.

Su Luoyan was amused by Hua Diewu's cute appearance, "Then why can't you open your eyes? Go to sleep for a while, I should get up and practice martial arts."

Hua Diewu also wanted to say that she was really energetic, and that she could accompany Su Luoyan in a set of punches, but she yawned just after she finished speaking.

The fragile people in this world make Hua Diewu unable to hold on. She basically didn't sleep all night, and now her body can't hold on anymore.

Su Luoyan distressedly helped Hua Die Wu cover the quilt, let Hua Die Wu have a good rest, and then get up for breakfast after getting enough sleep.

Hua Diewu subconsciously pulled Su Luoyan's sleeve, Su Luoyan smiled gently at Hua Diewu, and said: "Good boy."

Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu talked for a while and then left. Su Luoyan asked Xiaoyun not to disturb Hua Diewu for the time being.

Hua Diewu was lying on the bed, she didn't even bother to move her fingers, she complained about the world's own character design in her heart, but finally couldn't resist the drowsiness, and fell asleep accidentally.