The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 71: Vicious Miss Cousin Twenty


When Hua Diewu woke up, it was already high in the sun, and she asked Xiaoyun to come in to serve her.

Because there are no father-in-law and mother-in-law, Hua Diewu is very comfortable as a daughter-in-law, all she needs to do is to be pampered by Su Luoyan.

As soon as Hua Diewu regained her vitality, she began to 'toss' the system. While drinking porridge, she imagined a bright future for herself and Su Luoyan in her mind.

The system ate the hot pot expressionlessly, trying to use the bubbling sound of the hot pot to overwhelm Hua Die Wu's inner voice.

But unfortunately, the system temporarily resides in Hua Die Wu's brain, and Hua Die Wu's voice can be transmitted directly to the system's body.

The system as a data stream sighs that next time it must find a host with less mental activity, so as not to be brainwashed by the host in the host's mind.

Hua Diewu, who had been thinking about it in her head but didn't get a response, became dissatisfied, {You are talking about the system, why are you ignoring me? What do you think of what I just said? }

[Oh... not bad, I'll give you a hang up when the time comes, and I'm sure your maids will be skilled enough to sew a piece of clothing casually.]

However, Huadiewu directly rejected the system's proposal.

{System how can you do this? This is just a wish, how can it be cheated? I want to do it myself! }

The system felt that its host had become more motivated, but it felt that it needed to hit Hua Die Wu.

[The host, you know how to work as a female worker?]

Hua Diewu's expression was awkward for a moment, she hadn't even touched the needle twice, let alone a female worker. But she felt that the gifts made by Kai Hang had no soul, so she decided to embroider a sachet for Su Luoyan.

In this way, it is not too difficult to express her heart.

{Ahem, I can't learn it. Let me start with a relatively simple sachet, I should be able to learn it within a month... }

[The host, cheer up, and I will cheer you up by the side. Well, my meatballs are ready.]

The system's attention was immediately attracted by the hot pot. If it was the usual Hua Die Wu, she would definitely complain that the system is getting too much in her mind. Eating betel nuts is not counted, and now she is eating hot pot .

But now Hua Diewu is only thinking about how to embroider a sachet, so she doesn't bother to complain about the system.

Hua Diewu did what she said, and immediately asked Xiaoyun to prepare needlework and fabrics for making sachets for herself.

Hua Die Wu spent an incense stick of effort just threading the needle and thread, and she was worried about what pattern she should embroider.

Hua Diewu, who doesn't know how to be a girl worker at all, can only stare at a pile of things in a daze, embroidering a few threads in one morning.

When Su Luoyan came back at noon, Hua Diewu immediately hid the sachet that she had just embroidered.

She wanted to surprise Luo Yan, but she couldn't let Luo Yan see it yet.

Su Luoyan was thinking about something, so she didn't notice Hua Diewu's movement of hiding things.

Su Luoyan used to eat with Hua Diewu every day, and now that they are married, they will not be left behind, but their identities have changed, and some things are different.

Xiaoyun, the little maid who has been serving Hua Diewu, still feels that it is very unreal, after all, a month ago, her young lady had nothing to do with Su Luoyan.

Huadiewu's appetite is particularly good today, probably because she was too tired last night, so she was hungry.

As for Su Luoyan, she thoughtfully served Hua Die Wu with vegetables, watching Hua Die Wu eat would make her feel better.

After the meal, Hua Die Wu asked about the woman at yesterday's wedding, Su Luoyan briefly told Hua Die Wu about the progress of the current investigation.

That woman was instructed by someone, but the real mastermind behind the scenes has not been found out yet. Su Luoyan speculates that the person behind it should be Ying Susu, but there is no direct evidence.

Ying Susu is a princess after all, if she is really accused without solid evidence, the Su family will definitely be impeached by the opportunity.

After hearing this, Hua Diewu sighed, and felt that it was not because she couldn't find the evidence, but someone probably didn't want Su Luoyan to find the evidence. For example, Ying Susu's father, the current emperor.

"Luoyan, do you want to continue the investigation?" Hua Diewu was a little worried about Su Luoyan.

This is still a society where imperial power is paramount, if Su Luoyan insisted on confronting the imperial family, there would be no benefit for her. If something happened to Su Luoyan, she would take revenge for Su Luoyan even if she was trying to collapse the person. But Hua Diewu was even more unwilling to hurt Su Luoyan, she hoped that such a situation would not happen and her Luoyan would be fine.

Su Luoyan understood Hua Diewu's worry. She took Hua Diewu's hand and said, "Xiaodie, I will protect myself, but I will continue to investigate this matter. I don't allow others to insult you at will. my mother."

"Yeah." Hua Diewu held Su Luoyan's hand instead, no matter what Su Luoyan wanted to do, she would support her. She will get rid of anyone who dares to stand in front of Su Luoyan.

The system that sensed Huadiewu's thoughts trembled, and it felt that its host didn't seem to be a good person.

"It's rare to have a day off today, so I won't go out, let's accompany you." Su Luoyan said to Hua Diewu.

"Really?" Hua Die Wu's eyes revealed a light of surprise.

Su Luoyan rubbed Hua Diewu's head distressedly, feeling that she had neglected Hua Diewu.

In the afternoon, Hua Diewu pestered Su Luoyan to read stories to herself, and now she picked some more interesting stories for Su Luoyan to read, not the old-fashioned stories from the previous world.

Hua Diewu listened with great interest, while the system was so uncomfortable that it wanted to go to sleep directly. It didn't want to hear Su Luoyan's voice without emotion at all! He is obviously a human being, but when he thinks about Dongzi, it is even calmer than a system composed of data.

The system doesn't like it, but Hua Diewu likes it. She doesn't have a regular pillow on Su Luoyan's lap, so she raises her hand to harass Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan didn't find Hua Die Wu annoying at all, she continued to read the story with a smile on her lips.

And Hua Diewu, who was so disappointing, actually fell asleep halfway through hearing it. If she woke up, she would definitely be very upset.

After Hua Die Wu fell asleep, Su Luoyan looked at Hua Die Wu's face tenderly. She stretched out her hand to gently stroke Hua Die Wu's face, and then placed a feathery kiss on Hua Die Wu's forehead.

When Hua Die Wu woke up, it was almost dark, and Hua Die Wu rubbed her eyes before realizing what happened in the afternoon.

"Why did I fall asleep?" Hua Diewu got up from Su Luoyan's lap.

Su Luoyan put down the book of war in his hand, "It's probably because I was too tired last night, so I'll be fine if I sleep more."

Hua Diewu's face immediately turned red, and she shyly turned her eyes away, "Don't sleep, if you sleep again, you will become a pig."

Su Luoyan smiled, "It's cute even if it's a pig."

Hua Diewu threw herself on Su Luoyan, wrapped her hands around Su Luoyan's neck, and said with a smile: "Luoyan, why are you joking?"

"I just learned it, are you hungry?" Su Luoyan asked.

Hua Diewu was not hungry, she was afraid that Su Luoyan would be hungry, so she nodded.

"Well, let's have dinner then." Su Luoyan stroked Hua Diewu's long hair.

After Hua Diewu started to be with Su Luoyan, she became sticky. She collapsed on Su Luoyan's body as if she had no bones, and she wanted Su Luoyan to hug her up.

Su Luoyan didn't mind, she often exercised, she was very strong, and easily hugged Hua Diewu.

"Why are there so many bones in your body? Did you eat too little?" Su Luoyan touched Hua Diewu's slightly protruding ribs.

This made Hua Diewu at a loss as to how to explain it. Her stomach was like a black hole, no matter how much she ate, it was as if she hadn't eaten.

"Probably because I've been busy with the wedding these few days, so it's been a little less." Hua Diewu gave a random reason.

Su Luoyan squeezed Hua Diewu's slender arm, and sighed, "You, you, I don't know where you ate it."

"Oh, I'm starving to death, Luoyan, let's go eat quickly." Hua Diewu immediately got up from Su Luoyan's body.


The next day, Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu started to go to class as usual, and the master gave them a day off when they saw that they got married, so they should do whatever they want the next day.

Su Luoyan was still as serious as usual, but Hua Diewu was a little tired because of exercising with Su Luoyan in the morning, and she frequently lost her mind when the master was teaching.

Master Tu Yilian didn't give Hua Diewu any face, and asked someone to copy the content of today's lecture ten times.

Hua Diewu lowered her head, looking like a wilted cabbage. Su Luoyan touched Hua Diewu's head, and said that she would copy it with Hua Diewu.

Hua Die Wu's accompanying reading is very unqualified, those who don't know think that Su Luoyan is Hua Die Wu's accompanying reading.

After finally staying up until noon, Hua Diewu breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Hua Diewu didn't have much interest in taking human classes. The reason why she was so patient in class was because of Su Luoyan.

As long as Su Luoyan is around, no matter how much she doesn't like her, she will still like her.

After lunch, Hua Diewu began to copy for punishment. While copying, she murmured in her mouth, saying why this master likes to copy for punishment so much, and she didn't know how to change it.

Su Luoyan couldn't help laughing when she heard it from the sidelines, "You might not be able to complete the task with a different pattern, Xiaodie."

"Ah? How do you say this?" Hua Diewu blinked in fear.

Su Luoyan said with a smile: "The butcher is better than before. In the past, he punished people by asking people to make fuss. He has a lot of demands. Basically, he can't pass the test without writing more than ten or twenty times. "

Hua Diewu opened her mouth as she listened, she thought it was better to copy it properly.

At this time, someone outside delivered a letter to Su Luoyan, and Su Luoyan opened the letter in front of Hua Diewu.

Hua Diewu was curious in her heart, but she didn't have the head to look, but kept looking in Su Luoyan's direction from the corner of her eyes.

Soon Su Luoyan finished reading the contents of the letter, she put away the letter, and said to Hua Diewu: "Xiaodie, I have already found out who sent that person to make trouble at our wedding, and who conclusive evidence."

"Who is it?" Hua Diewu asked, although she already knew who did it.

"It's the princess." Su Luoyan pursed her lips.

Hua Diewu couldn't help but widen her eyes, she didn't expect Su Luoyan to find out, she thought the emperor would not let Su Luoyan find out the truth.

"Then what are you going to do, Luoyan?"

"Make her apologize."