The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 74: Vicious Miss Cousin Twenty-Three


Huadiewu is not a saint in essence, but when someone encounters life-threatening danger in front of her, she will have compassion, especially if that person is an ordinary person who has never done anything bad.

The fifth princess is pure in nature, and there is no need to lose her life because of Ying Susu, a villain.

After saving the fifth princess, Hua Diewu went back immediately, and it felt very good to use the demon power. But she is still doing the task now, she has too many restrictions on using the demon power, what she did just now is just a back door for her by the system.

Hua Diewu, who returned to her room, asked the system to continue to show herself the picture over there, where the fifth princess was rescued, and the matter soon reached the ears of the emperor.

The emperor who rushed over had a very ugly face. He grounded Ying Susu to make her reflect, but Ying Susu had no intention of reflecting at all, and caused her sister to fall into the water.

Although the fifth princess has a pure personality, she is not a fool. Ying Susu obviously didn't accidentally push her down, the fifth princess saw the vicious smile on Ying Susu's face the moment she fell into the water.

So when the emperor asked the reason, the fifth princess told the truth, and Ying Susu's face was ugly when she heard it.

Ying Susu met the emperor's disappointed eyes, and she couldn't help shivering a bit. The things I did before didn't make a big deal, as long as they don't show it on the bright side, others can't say anything.

But what happened today has become known to everyone. Ying Susu is a princess, and the fifth princess is also a princess. It would be ugly to be too partial.

The queen who followed the emperor hesitated to speak, Ying Susu was just a princess after all, not a prince. The queen weighed the pros and cons in her heart, and finally chose to give up Ying Susu.

When the emperor said that he would send Ying Susu to the nunnery, Ying Susu looked at his mother, but the queen turned her eyes away.

At this moment, Ying Susu feels like her world has collapsed...

Hua Diewu didn't read the following content, because she was going to class now, and the master was coming soon.

Hua Diewu hurriedly changed her clothes, just in time to bump into Su Luoyan who had taken a bath.

Su Luoyan's hair was still a little wet, and that indifferent and sharp face broke into a smile when he saw Hua Diewu.

"Xiaodie, are you still feeling unwell?"

Hua Diewu's eyes were rounded, and the roots of her ears were red, "There is nothing uncomfortable..."

"That's good, let's go. If we don't go, we will be late, and then the master will punish us again. By the way, Xiaodie, where is your punishment copy? Have you finished copying?"

Su Luoyan broke out in a cold sweat when she mentioned Hua Diewu's vest, she didn't even write half of it now. In the morning, she was so busy looking at the situation at Ying Susu's side that she completely forgot about the punishment she had to copy.

"Eh... forgot." Hua Diewu was extremely guilty.

"How much more?" Su Luoyan asked.

Hua Diewu broke her fingers, and after a while, she replied in a low voice: "There are still many, many..." There are so many that she doesn't even know how many are left.

Su Luoyan shook her head and sighed after hearing the words: "Forget it, let's do this first."

"En." Hua Diewu was about to bury her head in her chest, she felt that she was very like the kind of inferior student who only had food, drink and fun in her mind every day.

It's not actually like, it's like. She didn't like studying in the first place, and studying with Su Luoyan was just to have more time with Su Luoyan.

Along the way, Hua Die Wu lowered her head and sighed. Su Luoyan's face was both helpless and amused. When she was about to arrive at the study, Su Luoyan said to Hua Die Wu: "It seems that in the future, not only will you be supervised when you eat, but you will also be supervised when you copy. Just watch over you."

"Okay, okay, I'll start copying right away in the afternoon, and I'll finish it soon."

Su Luoyan smiled and patted Hua Diewu's head without saying a word. When she arrived at the study, the master was already standing inside.

Hua Diewu shuddered when she saw the master, and was especially afraid that the master would ask her to punish her for copying.

Fortunately, Master didn't seem to think about it, and started teaching after seeing the two of them coming.

Hua Diewu was very good this morning, and she was afraid that if she didn't do well, she would be punished by her master, and then she would really be able to copy for the rest of her life.

After the master left, Hua Diewu lay on the desk as if she had no bones, and looked up at Su Luoyan's face feebly.

"Luoyan, I'm so tired." Since Hua Diewu got married to Su Luoyan, she acted like a baby more and more frequently.

And Su Luoyan chose this trick, she directly hugged Hua Diewu's body. Hua Diewu exclaimed, and subconsciously hugged Su Luoyan's body tightly.

"If you don't want to go, I'll take you back."

Hua Diewu's cheeks were flushed, she hummed a little, feeling sweet in her heart.

At first Hua Diewu thought it was pretty good, but when she noticed the eyes of the servants' maids on the road, she began to feel embarrassed.

"Luoyan, let me down." Hua Diewu's hand gently tugged at Su Luoyan's sleeve.

But Su Luoyan was unmoved, still holding Hua Die Wu's body firmly, as if she didn't understand why Hua Die Wu said that, "What's wrong?"

Hua Diewu glanced at the little maid beside her who was covering her mouth and giggling, and said to Su Luoyan in a low voice: "Luoyan, someone is watching."

"But Xiaodie, aren't you very tired?" There was a faint smile in Su Luoyan's eyes.

It was only at this time that Hua Diewu finally realized that Luoyan was teasing her. She hammered Su Luoyan's chest angrily, and was startled by the soft feeling.

They are all girls, it seems strange to beat their breasts...

Su Luoyan finally couldn't hold back her laughter, she turned her face away and let out a muffled laugh.

Hua Diewu's face turned even redder, she simply buried her head in Su Luoyan's chest, in order to 'retaliate' against Su Luoyan, Hua Diewu even bit Su Luoyan's collarbone like a prank.

Of course, with Huadiewu's scratching strength, she couldn't even leave a mark.

Su Luoyan lowered her head and rubbed her chin on the top of Hua Die Wu's head. Her eyes seemed to be filled with infinite affection, and she could only accommodate Hua Die Wu alone.

After a few days of such a sweet day, Hua Diewu heard the news about Ying Lingcheng and Yan Liuyi, and Yingling City also sent invitations. Su Luoyan's brother Su Dengming had something to deal with when he returned to Beijing. It was time to attend the wedding in Yingling City, so Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu were asked to attend.

The two will get married in three days. Princess Yuyuan loves her daughter so much that she prepares a generous dowry for Yan Liuyi.

While eating, Hua Diewu watched the cartoons played by the system in her mind, and did not forget to talk to the system.

{System, what do you think is going on in Yingling City now? }

The system was chewing gum, it searched for information, and then spoke to Hua Diewu.

[Yinglingcheng seems to have hooked up with the daughter of King Nan'an, and the love letter between the two is still on the desk in Yinglingcheng. In the near future, I am afraid that the bead tire will be darkened.]

Hua Diewu paused while eating the pastry, and she asked the system in her heart {Then Yan Liuyi doesn't know? }

[do not know.]

Hua Diewu thought for a moment, then asked: {Is this world real? }

[It's true, although the mission world is relatively one-sided and only has relevant content, but there is no doubt that this is a real world.]

Hua Diewu nodded after listening, "Well, I see."

Before that, Hua Diewu had thought in her heart that if Yingling City was as messy as the girl inside, she would look for an opportunity to break Yinglingcheng's third leg. When watching it, Hua Diewu couldn't understand Ying Lingcheng's scumbag behavior among many women.

If the daughter of King Nan'an had a child from Yinglingcheng, it would definitely not sound good to hear about it. And Yan Liuyi's official wife's face was also ruined. Before getting married, she was suppressed by her sister-in-law. After getting married, her husband suddenly had a concubine, and there was a small child hidden in the concubine's belly.

No newly married girl can bear this, let alone this is just the beginning, and there will be more women around Yingling City in the future.

Huadiewu is not the Holy Mother, but she just doesn't want to watch her sister fall into the fire pit.

So she took a pen and wrote two letters, one was to Yan Liuyi's mother, Princess Yuyuan, and the other was to Nan'an King's daughter, Yue Lian'er.

The system looked at what Hua Diewu wrote, and couldn't help but tsk tsk, thinking that his host could really make up.


This afternoon, someone came to measure Hua Die Wu's body again. Recently, Hua Die Wu has become much rounder. Her roundness is just a comparison with her previous self, which actually still looks very thin.

Originally, she only made clothes for Hua Diewu alone, but Hua Diewu felt that Su Luoyan only had a few sets of clothes all day long, and there was nothing new about it.

When measuring her body, Hua Diewu couldn't help but glance at Su Luoyan's waist. Su Luoyan had great strength, but she wasn't that big and thick. He is tall, his limbs look slender but powerful, and his waist is also very thin...

When she was hugging Su Luoyan's waist at night, Hua Diewu always wondered if Su Luoyan's waist was a little thinner than her own, and when she was thinking about it, Hua Diewu lost her mind.

Su Luoyan turned her eyes and saw Hua Die Wu who was staring at her in a daze. Following Hua Die Wu's line of sight, she found that she was looking down at her waist.

"Xiaodie, what's wrong?"

Hua Diewu reached out and squeezed Su Luoyan's waist. Su Luoyan's waist was really thin. Because of long-term exercise, there was no fat on it, and it didn't feel as soft as Hua Diewu's belly. Be tough and hard.

"Luoyan, your waist is so thin. I think it may be even thinner than mine." Hua Diewu pinched it not enough, she needed to pinch it with both hands.

Su Luoyan was also a little itchy, couldn't help holding down Hua Diewu's hand, and said with a light smile, "Don't make trouble."

Hua Diewu wanted to make trouble with Su Luoyan even more, she directly plunged into Su Luoyan's arms, and kept making trouble with Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of hurting Hua Diewu, she let Hua Diewu scratch her body.

"Okay, okay, the embroiderer is still waiting outside." Su Luoyan lightly pecked the corner of Hua Diewu's lips.

Hua Diewu's eyes were bulging, and she looked shy and innocent. Who would have thought that there was a pile of yellow waste in her mind.

Seeing Hua Die Wu blushing, Su Luoyan thought Hua Die Wu was too shy.

Only the system in Hua Diewu's brain knew the truth. The system took a bite of the watermelon with a complicated expression, and felt that the taste of watermelon was the sweetest, and it could soothe its weak heart.

When we first met, the system thought that its host didn't look like a vixen at all. It didn't know that your vixen was a vixen until its host opened meat.