The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 77: The Ghost King's Bride 1


Hua Diewu was a little dazed, why she was teleported to the next world all of a sudden, without any buffer time for her.

[You don’t have to worry about the host, this is because there is something wrong with the main system, that’s why it’s like this, it doesn’t affect your mission much, you just need to continue doing the mission as the host.]

{System, show me first, I don’t know anything yet. }

[Okay, but I think it's better for you, the host, to leave as soon as possible. The hostess will marry the host if it's late.]

{What's the heroine's name? }Hua Die Wu's eyes flickered slightly, and the expectation in it was clear at a glance.

[Of course it’s still called Su Luoyan, I’m already loading the content, it’s a published book, and it can be materialized at any time.]

Although Hua Diewu really wants to watch the content now, it is more important to grab a kiss.

Huadiewu decides to change her clothes before going to rob her relatives. As the king of ghosts, she has thousands of extravagant clothes, each of which has its own characteristics.

Hua Diewu was a little dazzled, but soon she chose a bright red dress from among a large pile of clothes.

She herself was born extremely beautiful, and the people in this world are ghostly but beautiful ghost kings, wearing a red dress that burns like fire, it is even more shockingly beautiful.

Pale to bluish white skin, lips are as red as blood, and the breathtaking eyes are lightly lifted, making people willing to give their lives.

"Let's go." Hua Diewu kept calm on the face, but the tail in her heart was already going to heaven with joy.

Soon she will see Su Luoyan again, and Su Luoyan will be her wife after successfully robbing her!

Originally, according to the original plot, the King of Ghosts brought many little demons and ghosts to snatch the marriage, but Hua Diewu was so excited that she flew so fast that none of her subordinates could keep up.

When Hua Diewu came to her senses, she had already flown far away, so she simply didn't wait, and decided to rob the family alone.

In this world, she is a powerful ghost king, which to some extent matches her characteristics in the real world, so she can use her demon power. This made Hua Diewu very comfortable. In the previous three worlds, she had to work hard to suppress herself, and she could not use her abilities casually.

There are not so many restrictions now, it's just snatching a person from a human being, it's very simple.

Soon Hua Die Wu found the wedding party, a mighty group of people walked on the avenue, the sound of gongs and drums was very lively.

With a wave of Hua Diewu's hand, a gust of evil wind blew, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

The wind rose and the clouds merged, and the sky seemed to be a bit darker. The people who greeted the relatives walked forward against the wind tenaciously. Hua Diewu snorted and continued to increase the strength of the wind.

The strong wind blew the curtains of the sedan chair rattling, revealing a bit of the inside of the sedan chair.

A woman in a red wedding dress was sitting in it, and the hijab on top of her head was blown up by the wind. Hua Die Wu could just see a small part of her white chin and lip smudged lips.

Snow-skinned red lips, black hair like a cloud, the exposed lips are slightly thin but beautifully curved and well closed, appearing calm and restrained.

Although she didn't see the whole face, Hua Diewu knew that she had found Luoyan.

Hua Diewu didn't want to waste time with these people, she landed directly on the ground and blocked the wedding party.

When the leading man saw a ghostly beauty appearing after the evil wind, his first reaction was that she might not be human.

"Get out of the way!" With a flick of Hua Diewu's red sleeve, a large group of people fell to one side, abruptly making way for Hua Diewu.

In fact, Huadiewu can also kidnap Su Luoyan without anyone noticing, these people will not know that they are gone when they arrive.

But Hua Die Wu did not choose to do this, because it seemed that she was too shameless.

Since you are here to snatch a marriage, then you have to be a little more arrogant.

Even if it's such an immoral thing as stealing someone's wife, Hua Diewu wants to look like an omnipotent hero and come to marry her bride.

"Who are you!"

"We won't be polite if you don't stop!"

There are several martial arts in the wedding team, and the way to the man will pass through several barren hills, so the man specially hired a few people who walk darts all the year round to protect the bride.

Although Hua Diewu was just a woman, all the things she had just shown cast a shadow over their hearts.

The stunningly beautiful woman suddenly appeared in the wilderness, alone, walking like a ghost, floating like a ghost, no matter how you look at it, it makes people panic.

It is said that spirits and ghosts often haunt this area, and they often turn into beauties in order to absorb human spirits.

Except for the bride in the sedan chair, all the people present were in panic, but it was still daytime, and they had a little luck in their hearts, hoping that Hua Diewu was just a courageous woman.

Seeing Hua Die Wu's non-stop footsteps, one of the burly men bravely raised his sword and put it on Hua Die Wu's neck, angrily shouted: "Don't think I won't do anything to women?!"

Hua Diewu tilted her head slightly, and glanced at the big man with extremely cold eyes, "Get lost!"

The big man's body seemed to be bounced away by an invisible force. The big man flew more than ten feet before stopping on the ground in Kankan. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Hua Diewu didn't even look at the other party, and walked straight to the sedan chair. She looked cold and ruthless on the surface, but she burst into laughter in her heart, thinking that it would be cool to pretend to be aggressive.

The fate of the big man made everyone more sure that Hua Die Wu was not an ordinary person. When Hua Die Wu walked over, they subconsciously gave way to Hua Die Wu.

When she was three steps ahead of the sedan chair, Hua Die Wu said: "This bride, this king wants it. Remember, this king is called Hua Die Wu. From now on, the person in the sedan chair will be the ghost princess."

The accompanying bride was shaking like chaff, she was terrified of death, when she heard Hua Diewu said that she was going to snatch the bride, she tremblingly opened the curtain so that Hua Diewu could bring out the people inside.

The bride in the sedan chair was motionless, and was not affected by the noise from outside at all.

Hua Diewu's heart was beating like a drum, and two blushes appeared on her pale face that was so excited.

Hands that were so white that they were almost transparent pinched the edge of the hijab, Hua Diewu's hands trembled a little, but it didn't matter, those people outside were too scared to look up, no one would notice that her hands were shaking.

After slowly lifting the hijab, Hua Diewu met a pair of black and white eyes.

Like every other world in the past, Su Luoyan's eyes are still so clear and clean, as if nothing in the world can enter her eyes, nor can it move her heart.

Just like now, knowing that she is the legendary ghost king who kills people like hemp, but she is not afraid at all, as if she is just an ordinary one among all living beings.

"I'm here to pick you up, my princess." Hua Diewu stretched out a hand towards Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan raised her eyes, the black pupils reflected Hua Diewu's face.

Everyone held their breath, thinking that Su Luoyan would struggle and be afraid, but Su Luoyan stretched out her hand and gently placed it on Hua Diewu's palm.

"I'll go with you." Su Luoyan's voice was cold, and Lingling fell on the white jade like a spring.

Su Luoyan's hand was warm, while Hua Diewu's was cold. Just because of the temperature, the two of them didn't seem to be in the same world, but they fit together unexpectedly.

After hearing Su Luoyan's answer, Hua Diewu smiled and made a promise.

"After this king marries you, he will only love you in his whole life."

Su Luoyan's expression didn't change much, but her brows and eyes softened a bit, and the corners of her lips curved slightly, saying hello.

With a strong hand, Huadiewu directly pulled Su Luoyan into her arms, and then wrapped her arms around Su Luoyan's waist.

The evil wind blew up again just now, and everyone subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.

When the wind subsided, they could only see two red figures receding in the sky.

Hua Diewu felt that her palms were already sweating, she really wanted to kiss Su Luoyan's face and lips a few times. But it's not enough now, according to the previous world, Su Luoyan doesn't remember her at the beginning of each world, so she can't be too anxious, lest she scare people.

What should I say, just pretending to force Hua Diewu to feel that she seems to have portrayed her image too coldly.

Hua Diewu was thinking in a mess, but she didn't notice that Su Luoyan was looking at her all the time.

After thinking for a while, Hua Diewu saw her subordinates who were halfway on the way, and immediately carried Su Luoyan down to join her subordinates.

Her subordinates are different from hers. They all look strange, and some of them don't even know what species they are without carefully identifying them.

The ghost king is worthy of being the ghost king, he is the biggest villain in it, and he is also the one with the highest appearance. Hua Diewu was very satisfied with this setting, she directed her subordinates very bluntly, turning them into a wedding party, welcoming her princess back to the palace by the Santu River in a splendid manner.

The thousand-year-old tortoise has turned into a sedan chair, the rabbit has turned into a driver carrying the sedan chair, and the one who plays the gongs and drums is the parrot spirit who usually likes to chatter most. There are little ghosts and all kinds of wolf and fox demons opening the way ahead, and the flower demons guarding the sedan chair and spreading flowers.

Hua Diewu sent people into the sedan chair, she put the hijab back on Su Luoyan's head, and told Su Luoyan not to be afraid, with her around, no one would dare to hurt you.

The thick red curtain was covered, and Hua Diewu made the horse demon return to its original shape, and rode on it by herself.

This messy but extraordinarily harmonious welcoming team headed to the bank of the Santu River in a mighty way. There are many monsters and ghosts living on the road to the Santu River. They popped their heads out of curiosity, wanting to see what it is lively.

The talkative parrot yelled loudly, saying that today is the ghost king's wedding, and that the ghost king is going to entertain everyone for three days and three nights.

Originally, Hua Die Wu was nodding while listening, but she was stunned when she heard Parrot Jing's last words. When did she say this

However, Hua Die Wu thought about it, and the big event of getting married really needs to be celebrated, so Hua Die Wu asked the crow spirit to fly back to inform the monsters in the palace to prepare a banquet.

The crow fluttered its wings and flew back desperately, its eyes were red with excitement, the little monster by the Santu River hadn't been this lively for a long time.

Seeing that the ghost king really wanted to entertain everyone, the little monsters along the road followed the team one after another. Because they were afraid that Huadiewu would be an eyesore to them, they all followed at the end of the team.

The longer the road traveled, the longer Hua Die Wu's welcoming team will be.

Hua Diewu nodded in satisfaction, unable to hide the smile on her face.