The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 78: The Ghost King's Bride II


Some people in the human wedding reception team had heard of the ghost king's name before, and knew that the ghost king was really called Hua Die Wu.

How could their mere human beings be able to fight against a ghost king with five thousand years of cultivation? But the bride was snatched away by the Ghost King, how should they deal with each other

A good marriage has been ruined like this, who dares to go to Santu River to snatch the bride back? Even if you snatch it back, who would dare to take it

That was the woman who had been with the ghost king. Although the ghost king was a woman and the bride might still be a virgin, she would definitely be contaminated with Santuhe's dead breath.

According to legend, the Santu River is a river leading to the underworld, where dead souls float and ghosts are dense, and it is an excellent place for monsters and ghosts, otherwise the ghost king would not build a palace on the Santu River.

This group of people bravely headed to the man's house with an empty sedan chair, no matter what they had to do. Without the bride, the salary is only half, but it's better than nothing.

The family that Su Luoyan was supposed to marry to had ugly faces. Who would have thought that the daughter-in-law who spent so much dowry would be kidnapped halfway? And the other party was the King of Ghosts that ordinary people couldn't afford to mess with. I have no choice but to hold my nose and bear it.

But Su Luoyan's original husband, Lu Zexiang, secretly clenched his fists, determined to snatch his unmarried wife back from the hands of the ghost king.

However, when Lu Zexiang was able to go to the Santu River, Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu were already in love, and there was no need for Lu Zexiang, the hero.

That's right, Lu Zexiang is the male lead. He looked ordinary in the early stage, but in the end he became the king who ruled the world.

This male protagonist is different from the previous male protagonists. This is not a scumbag, but a man who has no brains and only cares about his career.

The book "Ghost Doctor Bride" doesn't have so many sadomasochistic romances, the main thing is that it is cool. The male host sets Su, and the hostess sets Ye Su.

The two joined forces, one cured the disease and saved the life, and the other conquered the world by relying on his own true ability.

The current emperor of the Central Plains is a foolish ruler who makes a lot of construction projects and often increases taxes, making the common people miserable. Coupled with constant friction with the enemy country and years of fighting, the people of this country have reached the brink of collapse.

Therefore, the hero Lu Zexiang was able to overthrow the original royal family so easily and proclaim himself emperor.

In it, the female protagonist Su Luoyan accompanied the male protagonist to conquer the country, and now it is estimated that only the male protagonist is working hard.

On the other side, along the Santu River. This place is different from the bleakness of Lu's family, it seems very lively.

The Santu Riverside was originally a very chaotic area, but since the Ghost King occupied it, it has become the most peaceful place.

With the King of Ghosts around, no one dares to act presumptuously. As long as you rely on the ghost king and help the ghost king to do things, you can get stability.

Over the years, more and more goblins and ghosts have come to live by the Santu River. Now that the ghost king is about to get married, these little goblins and ghosts under the protection of the ghost king have come here one after another.

Tens of thousands of monsters stand guard outside the huge palace, shouting to greet the ghost king when Huadiewu arrives.

Hua Diewu's face was calm, but she felt very comfortable in her heart. In the real world, she can be regarded as a big monster, not many monsters can beat her.

But—the era she lived in was already a society ruled by law, and it was not acceptable to accept younger brothers to engage in individualism. If you go too far, you will be caught and educated by the law enforcement of the demon world...

Being able to be a ghost king in the mission world, Hua Diewu still feels very satisfied. Moreover, she felt that she was very handsome and chic in snatching a kiss.

Hua Diewu got off the horse and landed easily. She opened the curtain and personally took Su Luoyan out of the sedan chair.

All the little monsters looked into the sedan chair intently, wanting to see clearly what this human woman, who can make the ghost king's heart beat, looks like.

But it's a pity, Su Luoyan covered her head, these mobs couldn't see anything, they only knew that the bride that the ghost king was looking for was very beautiful, and just by looking at the exposed hand, she knew she was a beauty.

Su Luoyan was led by Hua Diewu into the gate of the palace. This ghost king's palace, which looks very gorgeous at first glance, looks a little creepy on closer inspection.

All kinds of ferocious and terrifying monsters are depicted on the wall. The pillars where the two embrace each other are human skeletons. The light in the hall is dim and the candles are flickering.

Hua Diewu was a little dissatisfied, but she didn't care, but Su Luoyan was a human being, so it was definitely not acceptable to be so dark. So Hua Diewu immediately asked the monster to take out the two baby-headed Ye Mingzhu from her warehouse, put one in the hall and send the other to the bedroom.

While waiting for Ye Mingzhu, Hua Diewu took a look around the situation inside the hall. Because she sent the monsters back in advance to let them prepare, so there is still a little decoration here, red silk is hung everywhere, um... blood-stained silk.

There are a variety of food, all kinds of bugs and raw meat on the food table, and there are even a live chicken tied to the foot of some food table, which is probably prepared for the fox demon.

Hua Diewu stroked her forehead, and felt that none of the food here could be eaten by a human like Su Luoyan.

"Which monster can cook? This king's concubine can only eat human food."

The chicken demon volunteered, saying that he is very good at making chickens.

Hua Diewu thought about why the chicken demon loves to eat chicken, and is it a little ambiguous that he is very good at making chicken

However, these issues are not very important. The important thing is that at least there are monsters here who can cook.

Hua Diewu asked the chicken demon to cook for his princess quickly, and then pulled Su Luoyan to let her sit on his throne.

The throne of Huadiewu is very gorgeous, made of keel, and the back chair is inlaid with various precious gemstones. On the back of the throne, a pair of intact bone wings stretched out, on which were hung various treasures, even in the dimly lit hall, the light reflected from them could be seen.

The entire throne is like a huge butterfly, with its huge butterfly wings slightly folded, as if protecting the person sitting on the soft fur cushion.

Su Luoyan was sitting on the throne, she was not afraid of this place where monsters gathered. Hua Diewu was afraid that Su Luoyan would be uneasy, so she kept pinching Su Luoyan's palm.

Su Luoyan's hands were the same as in every previous world, with slender fingers and fair backs, but a thin layer of calluses on the palms.

Huadiewu can't wait to watch the content, but it's not convenient to watch it now.

At this time, the little demon finally took out Huadiewu's Ye Mingzhu, and as soon as the Ye Mingzhu came out, the whole hall was enveloped by the soft light of the Ye Mingzhu.

The hall, which seemed gloomy at first, became warmer with just a few words, and the monsters and ghosts who had not seen the light all year round shrunk their bodies unaccustomed. But there is no way that the ghost king has to take care of the feelings of his little wife. It's not that they can't see the light, but they will feel a little uncomfortable, so they all endured it.

Seeing that the monsters were very cramped, Hua Diewu waved her hand to tell everyone not to be so restrained and just start eating.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately relaxed. Monsters are different from human beings, they are relatively simple, they don’t beat around the bush, they like it when they like it, they hate it when they hate it, even if they are bad, they are purely bad.

Soon the hall became lively, everyone ate, drank, and laughed wantonly.

Hua Diewu quite enjoyed the feeling of being with monsters like this, after all, she was a monster herself.

Seeing a fox demon start eating chicken, Hua Diewu swallowed unconsciously, but because Su Luoyan was by her side, she suppressed the urge to eat chicken.

"Luoyan." Hua Diewu softly called Su Luoyan's name.

Su Luoyan's hand moved, and although her sight was covered by the red hijab, she still turned her head to Huadiewu.

"You know my name?"

Hua Diewu turned her head and deliberately acted like a domineering president, "Is there anything in the world that this king doesn't know?"

"Why did you choose me?"

It's not a question sentence, but a simple statement, Hua Diewu can't hear a trace of doubt in Su Luoyan's tone.

Hua Diewu sighed in her heart that her Luoyan was really used to seeing the big world, and she was not afraid at all when she came to the monster's den, and she could still talk to herself, the ghost king, so calmly.

"Because you are Su Luoyan." Hua Diewu told the truth, although the truth was confusing.

Su Luoyan was silent for a moment, then said: "I am a woman."

Hua Diewu immediately replied: "I don't care, anyway, you are the one I want to marry."

"Puchi." Su Luoyan laughed lightly, turning her head away.

Hua Diewu suddenly realized that she had broken her skills. She had pretended to be so domineering before, but in a hurry she exposed her true character.

Huadiewu's cheeks were a little red, she snorted a little from her nose, and decided not to speak for the time being.

However, Hua Diewu's silence didn't last long, because the chicken demon who said that he was good at cooking chickens came back with the food he made.

Hua Diewu could smell the fragrance from far away, she sniffed, trying her best to make herself, the ghost king, look colder.

"Put things down, the chicken can go." Hua Diewu said.

The chicken demon also wanted to brag about the chicken he made himself, boasting how beautiful the chicken is, but the demon king made him retreat.

"Yes." The chicken demon responded, put down the tray, and went back to drink with other monsters.

In front of her eyes are delicious and tempting grilled chicken, stewed chicken, braised chicken, shredded chicken, spicy chicken... Hua Diewu even wants to eat these by herself, she, a fox demon, likes chicken the most.

It seemed that she was swallowing too loudly, Su Luoyan told her to eat when she was hungry.

Hua Diewu tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it into Su Luoyan's hand, saying, "You eat too."

"Yeah." The corners of Su Luoyan's lips curled up, and she didn't think the chicken leg was greasy, so she put it into her mouth and ate it.

When Hua Diewu was a monster, she was unrestrained, but when she came back, she was like a horse that had lost its rein, and she didn't follow any rules.

The appearance of Hua Diewu eating meat is not ugly, on the contrary, it looks a bit wild. Hua Diewu's subordinates felt that the way their ghost king ate was chic and unrestrained, and watching them would make them eat a few more pieces of raw meat.

Su Luoyan slowly lifted the hijab and ate the chicken leg, it took a long time to eat and only took a few bites.

Hua Diewu noticed this, she directly lifted Su Luoyan's hijab, and said to Su Luoyan, "Since the hijab is troublesome, then just take it off."

Su Luoyan said: "It's against the rules." In fact, Su Luoyan didn't follow the rules much.

Hua Diewu scooped up a spoonful of soup and brought it to Su Luoyan's mouth, "Rules are made by humans, and I'm not a human being."

Su Luoyan opened her mouth to hold the spoon in her mouth, and there was a slight smile in her curved eyes.