The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 85: Bride of the Ghost King Nine


After getting on the flying car, Hua Diewu was still leaning on Su Luoyan's body.

Su Luoyan subconsciously put her hand on Hua Diewu's head, and touched it lightly, as if she had done this kind of thing many times.

"That person just now was the prince." As the leader of the killer organization, Su Luoyan was familiar with the looks of those celebrities in the Jianghu and court.

Just now, Bu Ke's head was worth 3,000 taels of gold on the most wanted list, which is a representative of high status but low reward.

"Oh." Hua Diewu was not interested in the prince, so she just oh.

Su Luoyan continued: "The head is worth three thousand taels of gold."

"Huh?" Hua Diewu sat up straight as if she had no bones just now, "Three thousand taels of gold? Then I will immediately ask my subordinates to bring his head here."

"Yeah." There was a hint of a smile in Su Luoyan's eyes, and Hua Diewu's greedy appearance became cute in her eyes.

Hua Diewu immediately called her subordinates over and asked them to quickly put Bu Keyi's head away.

Hua Diewu breathed a sigh of relief after giving the order. She spent a lot of money today, and it would be good for You Buke to get back some blood with such a 'taken advantage'.

"Luoyan, is this prince cheap or expensive?" Hua Diewu was a little curious.

Su Luoyan replied: "In terms of price, it's not cheap. It just doesn't match his identity."

"Huh?" Hua Die Wu's eyes lit up, and she asked, "That is to say, people with the same status as him are more expensive." Hua Die Wu moved her mind.

She is the one who needs to support her family now, and she wants to make good money. Hua Diewu rubbed her fly feet and asked again: "Luoyan, how much do you think the emperor's head is worth? If you want to do it, then of course you have to do it." big."

Su Luoyan's eyes flickered, and she said, "Thirty thousand taels of gold."

"Then I've decided, I'm going to take the emperor's head!" Hua Diewu clenched her fists, her face full of pride and ambition.

"The palace is heavily guarded. It is not easy to get the head of the emperor, otherwise the thirty taels of gold would have been taken away by someone." Su Luoyan also thought about entering the palace to assassinate the emperor, but after all, she still wanted to kill the emperor. □For mortals, it is still difficult to retreat in the face of so many imperial guards.

"Today's emperor is incompetent and oppresses the people. He should have died long ago. There are too many people who pin their hopes on heroes, even if heroes come for money. The 30,000 taels of gold was collected by countless people. Unfortunately, it has been No one will come to take the 30,000 taels of gold away." Su Luoyan looked calm, but there was a trace of sadness and hatred in her eyes.

Hua Diewu suddenly felt the blood in her heart churn, she held Su Luoyan's hand, and said to Su Luoyan: "Luoyan, don't worry, I will take away the thirty thousand taels of gold! It is easy for me to kill the emperor of the world."

"The emperor believes in Taoism. He is afraid of evil spirits invading, so people set up a formation to trap demons under the bedroom where he lives." Su Luoyan said.

Hua Diewu rubbed her chin, she seemed to be really thinking, but she was actually talking to the system in her brain.

{System, there is no specific description in the sleepy demon's formation, what is the strength of that formation? }

[Host, wait, I'll check it out.]

A few seconds later, the system replied [A demon who has practiced for a thousand years will also be trapped for three days and three nights. He cannot die, but his cultivation will be greatly reduced.]

{Um? How could there be such an evil formation? Humans in this era are already so powerful? }

[That's right, in order to let himself sleep peacefully, the emperor killed all the workers who built the underground formation and left them in the formation. He felt that was not enough, so he also sacrificed the virgin who was brought into the palace. These sacrificed people were tortured in every possible way before they died, and all the grievances after death were sealed in the formation.]

{I see, it seems that the emperor must be killed}

"Then I might have to make some preparations before going to the palace, shouldn't I be in a hurry to offer a reward?" Hua Diewu said.

Su Luoyan shook her head: "Don't worry, that reward has been hanging for nearly a year."

"That's good, that's good." Hua Diewu was actually a little afraid that the male lead would snatch the emperor's head first, but looking at the time, the male lead has just started at this time, and should not be able to take the emperor's head .

However, the hero Lu Zexiang has no way to take the emperor's head now, but he has a way to take the head of the prince Bu Keyi.

After walking for a while, Lu Zexiang remembered that the prince's head seemed to be more valuable, so he went back halfway. When Lu Zexiang returned to the place where Bu Keyi fell to the ground, Bu Keyi didn't have much flesh left on his body. Fortunately, his head was still intact, and it could be seen that it was him.

Lu Zexiang immediately put Bu Keyi's head in a cloth bag, and then ran away in a hurry. While running, he was still thinking how nice it would be if he took off the whole clothes when he left last time. Those goblins who just went away bitten them badly.

The head had already been taken away by Lu Zexiang, and Hua Diewu's subordinate Crow Spirit naturally returned without success.

The crow spirit felt that he was incapable of doing things, and when it came back, its feathers were drooping.

Huadiewu didn't really want the three thousand taels of gold, since she couldn't find her head, forget it, anyway, there is a more valuable emperor waiting for her.

"Back off." Huadiewu waved to the crow spirit.

The crow essence was moved to tears, and it thanked while wiping it: "Your Majesty is so kind, I didn't complete the task and I was not punished."

Hua Diewu couldn't laugh or cry when she saw Crow Jing's tearful appearance, "Then let's do this, I will punish you not to speak for a day."

"Hmm!" The crow spirit pinched her beak, which had not yet fully transformed, and then ran out in a hurry.

Halfway back, it was almost dawn, and many of Hua Die Wu's demons were wilting in the sun, so Hua Die Wu asked them to stop and rest for a while.

The rest here is a deep mountain and old forest, and there is a waterfall in the deep forest. The sound of rushing water can be heard endlessly, stirring up a lot of white water foam.

However, there is a touch of red on the white water that is particularly eye-catching. If you look closely, it turns out that floating is an injured person.

A monster was about to move, because the half-dead man was full of murderous aura.

Su Luoyan suddenly got off the speeding car. With a touch of her toes, her body jumped up lightly, and she came to the water's edge in two or three strokes.

After taking a look, Su Luoyan stepped into the water and fished the person up.

The bloody woman's fingers trembled after leaving the water. She seemed to sense the sight of her surroundings and was about to wake up.

Su Luoyan stuffed a pill into the woman's mouth, and the woman woke up immediately. The woman opened her eyes and immediately stood up, then knelt down towards Su Luoyan.


Because Hua Diewu knew Su Luoyan's identity, she didn't feel that this scene was so strange at all. She also asked her little demon to step down to leave a space for the two of them.

Su Luoyan stood up, she asked: "What's wrong."

The woman lowered her head in shame, "This subordinate is ineffective, and failed when he assassinated King An."

Su Luoyan frowned slightly, and then said: "You go back to the headquarters first, after a few days I'll go back and send someone to deal with this matter again."

"Yes!" The woman nodded yes.

"Let's go." Su Luoyan turned around and walked in the direction of Hua Diewu.

Hua Diewu thought that Su Luoyan would have to talk to the other party for a long time, but she didn't expect Luoyan to come back after only a while.

"It's over so soon?" Hua Diewu glanced curiously at the woman, who had already used her lightness kung fu to fly away.

It does not clearly describe the subordinates in the heroine's organization, but pays more attention to describing the face-slapping and refreshing plot of the heroine's growth process.

Su Luoyan nodded, and then asked with complicated eyes: "Xiaodie, aren't you curious about my identity?"

Hua Diewu let out a cry, and then asked a very cooperative question: "Luoyan, you are so mysterious, who are you?"

However, Hua Diewu's tone still revealed a little smile, which couldn't exaggerate the tense atmosphere at all, and couldn't tell that she was really curious.

Su Luoyan smiled helplessly, and said: "I am the leader of the Lore Pavilion, and most of the assassination tasks in the world are handled by us."

"Oh." Huadiewu still didn't show any surprise.

Hua Diewu didn't notice Su Luoyan's thoughts, Su Luoyan hoped that Hua Diewu would want to understand her. But Hua Diewu was indifferent to everything about her, and Su Luoyan felt a little depressed.

Without knowing anything, Hua Diewu naturally wanted to hug Su Luoyan's waist, but Su Luoyan avoided it without a trace.

Huadiewu only thought it was an accident, so she just felt a little regretful and didn't think much about it.

After getting on the speeding car, Su Luoyan didn't read or speak, and just leaned on the backrest and closed her eyes for a nap.

Hua Diewu thought that Su Luoyan was really tired, so she was careful not to make a sound, for fear of waking Su Luoyan up.

In fact, Su Luoyan didn't fall asleep at all, but waited for Hua Diewu to take the initiative to talk to her. As a result, Hua Diewu didn't say a word and just read the book.

The system that watched everything didn't know what to say. It took a bite of melon and felt that it was time to think about its host.

The sky was getting dark, and the speeding car drove to the sky again, and the little monsters who had been drooping before became energetic one after another, spreading flowers and blowing air.

It was very lively outside, but it was very quiet inside the speeding car.

In this way, I returned to the Santu River quietly all the way. The Santu River was still the same as usual, with a dark sky, a turbid river, and a sea of flowers on the other side that was as bright as blood.

The monsters and little ghosts who stayed in the ghost king's palace came out one after another to welcome the ghost king's return, and the densely packed sea of flowers on the other side was trampled out of a way.

The wild bird pulled the speeding car and drove at low altitude, pushing down one after another of the other shore flowers. These flowers are very tenacious and bloom all year round. If a branch is cut off immediately, another branch of the same flower will grow again.

Finally, the speeding car stopped at the gate of the palace, and Hua Diewu softly called Su Luoyan's name.

Su Luoyan woke up quickly, and she opened her eyes.

Hua Diewu wanted to help Su Luoyan go down, but Su Luoyan raised her hand and said no, and jumped down directly.

The frame of the speeding car is very high, enough for two feet, it is indeed too high for an ordinary human woman, but it is nothing to Su Luoyan

Hua Diewu looked at Su Luoyan's back, and finally realized something was wrong. Why did her wife suddenly ignore her? What did she do wrong