The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 90: Ghost King's Bride XIV


After all, I'm going out to run errands, so I don't have to do those fancy things when traveling, and I'm done flying.

Because of the fast speed, people on the ground will only see an afterimage.

In just half a day, Hua Diewu brought Su Luoyan to Lin'an City, which is already very close to the capital.

Su Luoyan is still human after all, so Hua Diewu decided to stay and rest.

The town of humans is completely different from the place where Hua Die Wu lives. There are flowers here, people walking around everywhere, and laughter is endless.

In the Central Plains, Lin'an City can be regarded as one of the best big cities. The people here are warm and generous, and they rarely get into disputes with others.

Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan went to the city, attracting many people's attention. Lin'an water is good, and there are many beauties, but beauties like Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu are still rare.

Su Luoyan faced these gazes calmly, while Hua Diewu was used to such gazes. She is a vixen, in fact, she likes to see others marvel at her appearance.

In the previous world, due to lack of strength and human design, they could only cover up their appearance, but this world is different. Su Luoyan will no longer be restrained by others, and Hua Diewu has become the dominating ghost king.

If someone wants to come to find fault, then what should be worried is not Hua Die Wu and Su Luoyan, but the person who comes to find fault.

The sky gradually began to get dark, and it had been a long time since Hua Die Wu felt a little strange discomfort in the dark.

"Luoyan, we should find an inn to stay." Hua Diewu retracted her gaze from the horizon.

Su Luoyan nodded slightly, "Well, but before that, I have to do something."

"What's the matter?" Hua Diewu asked suspiciously.

"Go and meet with your subordinates, Lin'an City has a stronghold for our organization." Su Luoyan said.

"oh oh."

"Let's go." Su Luoyan took Hua Diewu's hand.

Hua Diewu's eyes widened in surprise, and asked, "Luoyan, do you want to take me with you?"


"But I'm an outsider." Hua Die Wukong pointed at herself.

Su Luoyan shook her head and said, "You are not an outsider. We are already married."

After hearing Su Luoyan's words, Hua Diewu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. If she showed her tail, she probably would raise her tail to the sky.

"Yeah." Hua Diewu held Su Luoyan's hand backwards, her fingers intertwined, and her fingers intertwined.

Su Luoyan seemed to be very familiar with Lin'an City. She led Hua Diewu to turn left and right in the complicated alleys. After walking for an unknown amount of time, she finally stopped in front of a small pharmacy that looked a bit dilapidated.

The sign on the top of the door of the small pharmacy is a bit old, hanging crookedly, the little boy in front of the door dozed off little by little, and there was an old woman seeing a doctor inside, and a doctor with a mustache Feeling the pulse while shaking his head.

"You're not sick, just go back and get some more sleep." The doctor slowly withdrew his hand and twirled his beard.

The old woman's eyes were both doubtful and fortunate, and she asked again, "Doctor, do I really not need to prescribe medicine?"

"No, you are sick from overwork, worrying too much, eating, sleeping, and doing nothing." The doctor said a few more words, and then came out with the accent of his hometown.

"Thank you doctor. This is the money for medical treatment." The old woman carefully took out two copper coins from her pocket and put them on the table.

In fact, the old woman was only in her early fifties, and looked to be in her sixties or seventies. The messy things at home don't stop at all, where does the money come from for the medicine? Seeing a doctor is just to make yourself feel at ease. Not taking medicine is the best ending.

After seeing her illness, the old woman lowered her head and hurried past Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan, and disappeared at the end of the alley after a while.

Hua Diewu frowned when the old woman passed by. As a nine-tailed demon fox, she could smell good and bad. Just now, the old woman exuded a fierce smell, fearing that a catastrophe may be imminent.

Hua Diewu flicked her fingers in an instant, and a silver hair fluttered in the air, looking for the old lady.

Her fox wishes on the hair, although it can't resolve everything, at least it won't let the old lady die without reason.

Su Luoyan noticed that Huadiewu's steps were stagnating, she turned her head and asked, "Xiaodie, what's wrong?"

Hua Diewu said: "I smelled a terrible smell, so I paused."

"That person just now?"

"En." Huadiewu nodded.

Su Luoyan signaled that she knew, and then took Hua Diewu into the dilapidated small pharmacy.

The little boy who was dozing off at the door heard footsteps, and before he woke up, he began to yell, "What's the matter? Someone is here?"

The doctor picked up a big date and smashed it on the boy's head, "Shut up, it's too loud."

"See a doctor." Su Luoyan sat down on the wooden chair, this action just exposed the sign on her waist.

The doctor's eyes flashed brightly, he immediately smiled at Su Luoyan, and said: "It seems to be a distinguished guest, please come inside."

Su Luoyan nodded, she got up and went inside, Hua Diewu followed Su Luoyan closely.

After walking inside for half a stick of incense, Hua Diewu discovered that there was something special inside, which was completely different from the old and dilapidated outside.

There are many people patrolling back and forth inside. Although they are dressed in ordinary clothes, they are not ordinary people from the slightly vigilant affection.

Everyone inside has a sign hanging on their waist, but most of the signs are made of brass, which is the lowest brand.

And the brand on Su Luoyan's waist is golden, obviously different from the others, not of the same grade.

During the patrol, there was a masked woman with a silver plate on her waist. The moment she saw Su Luoyan, she flew up to Su Luoyan and knelt down on one knee, "See young master."

"How's the situation in the organization recently?" Su Luoyan asked as she walked towards the small attic in front.

Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan tightly, her eyes looked around.

The masked woman opened her mouth to speak, but she closed her mouth the moment she saw Hua Diewu.

"Little Lord… "

Su Luoyan glanced at the other party, and said: "It's nothing, she's not an outsider."

The masked woman struggled a bit, but she still started to report on the affairs of the organization.

Mostly trivial, but there are some important ones too. For example, a major event happened recently in Lin'an City, that is, young girls frequently disappeared without reason.

By the time someone found it, it had already become a cold corpse. What is even more shocking is that these girls have all suffered inhuman torture before they died.

But no matter how the government investigated, they didn't find out why. The relatives of the girls who died tragically began to be dissatisfied. They resented the cruel murderer who killed their children. Since the government can't control it, let the people in the rivers and lakes control it.

So the relatives of these victims teamed up and approached Su Luoyan's organization, Lore-killing Pavilion, and wanted the Lore-killing Pavilion to help them find the real culprit.

Su Luoyan nodded after hearing this, and asked the masked woman how the murderer's investigation was going.

"Reporting to the young master, the murderer has been found to live in the northern part of the city, but the murderer is very cautious, and there are mixed fish and dragons in that area, so at present, only a few targets have been locked, and it is impossible to determine who did it."

At this moment, the three of them just walked up to the attic. Su Luoyan pulled Hua Die Wu to sit down, poured a cup of tea for Hua Die Wu with her own hands, and asked, "What are the characteristics of these people?"

The masked woman was a little surprised, but knowing that this was the young master's business, she couldn't say anything as an outsider, so she just continued to answer Su Luoyan's question.

"The locked-in people are all unmarried men in their early thirties. Most of them have some physical problems, but they don't affect their daily life..."

Su Luoyan drank tea and listened, her eyes darkened, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After the masked woman finished speaking, Su Luoyan opened her mouth, "Okay, now that I know this, I will stay in Lin'an City for two days and settle this matter before leaving."

The masked woman looked up in surprise, "Young master, do you want to handle it yourself?"

"En." Su Luoyan nodded.

"Yes, the subordinate will present the information of the extremely targeted person later." The masked woman withdrew after she finished speaking, leaving the two of them a separate space to get along with each other.

"Luoyan, I don't think the matter is that simple. After killing so many people, it will definitely show your feet. But now neither the government nor your subordinates can determine the murderer."

"Well, I still believe in the ability of my subordinates. Maybe there are evil spirits or powerful people who are secretly obstructing. Although Lin'an City looks peaceful now, in fact, there is a dark tide underneath."

Hua Diewu touched her chin, "If the person who committed these things is a powerful person, it is normal for the government to not find out. After all, since ancient times, officials have protected each other."

"Perhaps we should go and see the bodies of those young girls." Su Luoyan stood up.

Hua Diewu hastily put down the teacup and followed Su Luoyan's footsteps.

"Luoyan, can't you wait?"

"En." Su Luoyan nodded.

Su Luoyan's mother was killed by the thieves who broke into the house not long after giving birth to Su Luoyan, and was tortured before she died. The little thief tasted the sweetness and kept killing people. But because of his cunning and agility, he has never been caught and brought to justice.

It wasn't until later that Su Luoyan studied hard and got advice from an expert, so he personally killed the thief.

And Su Luoyan's father was an imperial craftsman, one of the members who helped the emperor build the trapping monster formation. On the day when the trapping monster formation was completed, Su Luoyan's father also died forever.

Both of Su Luoyan's parents passed away when she was a child, and the young Su Luoyan was fostered in her uncle's house. Because she didn't want her uncle's family to be involved in those disputes, Su Luoyan always maintained her ordinary identity to the outside world.

In secret, Su Luoyan started to establish her own organization when she was fourteen years old, and as she gradually became stronger, she expanded the Lore Pavilion.

Su Luoyan has always wanted to avenge her father, but her lore pavilion is too weak compared to the imperial court, so she can only let that dog emperor continue to live on.

The tragic death of her parents affected Su Luoyan, so Su Luoyan's Lore Pavilion would often take on these tasks to help ordinary people.

Regardless of whether these girls were killed by humans or monsters, Su Luoyan would not just sit idly by.

No one deserves to be killed, Su Luoyan squeezed her hands tightly in her sleeves.

Hua Diewu noticed this, she took a step forward and held Su Luoyan's hand.

Su Luoyan felt a soft little hand covering the back of her hand, and subconsciously raised her eyes to look at Huadiewu.

Hua Diewu smiled at Su Luoyan, and said: "Luoyan, don't worry, no matter whether it is a human or a ghost, we will find them out and let them be punished!"