The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 91: Ghost King's Bride Fifteen


Before Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu went to Yizhuang to see the corpse, they took the file recording the suspect from the masked woman.

When they arrived at Yizhuang, the corpses of many girls inside had already begun to rot and smell. Before they died, their bodies were already in disarray, and many of them were barely put together.

Hua Diewu's sense of smell is very sensitive, so she was dizzy when she came in, but she recovered after staying for a while.

But Su Luoyan acted as if she couldn't smell anything, she walked up to a corpse covered with a white cloth, and removed the white cloth.

The girl's complexion under the cloth was already a dead blue, and there were still obvious pinch marks on her neck, but her body was still intact.

After reading it, Su Luoyan went to look at another corpse next to it. This corpse was going to be much worse. Its stomach was wide open, and several internal organs were missing.

Just when Su Luoyan was about to cover the white cloth back, Hua Diewu suddenly pressed Su Luoyan's hand.

"Luoyan, wait a minute, I seem to smell a monster on this corpse."

"Monster Qi?" Su Luoyan frowned.

"Hmm." Hua Diewu put her hand on the corpse's neck, and she closed her eyes to feel it for a while.

"There is indeed a very weak evil spirit, I will look at the other corpses." Hua Diewu immediately went to look at the other corpses, and it turned out that some corpses had evil spirits, but some did not.

Corpses with demonic aura on them are generally tattered, while corpses without demonic aura are relatively well preserved.

Hua Diewu told Su Luoyan about her discovery, and Su Luoyan came to a conclusion, "There should be at least two murderers who killed these girls, Xiaodie, can you perceive what kind of monster the other party is?"

Hua Diewu shook her head, and said: "The smell is too light, and the smell is very mixed, I can't tell what kind of monster it is."

"It doesn't matter. According to the frequency, the murderer hiding in the dark is about to act soon. We'd better catch the murderer before the other party acts."

"Yeah, no one can be victimized anymore." Hua Diewu helped the female corpse to cover it with a white cloth.

Just as the two were about to leave, someone suddenly brought the corpse.

Su Luoyan asked a question, and the man immediately replied: "Another young girl died, what a crime."

The other person who was carrying the corpse shook his head and sighed, "I don't know which one is insane, he will be punished by God!"

The complexions of Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan changed, they looked at each other, and then went to check the corpse after the person who brought the corpse left.

This time, there was no monster aura on the corpse, which meant that the girl was not killed by a monster, but a human being most likely did it.

Su Luoyan's face was a bit ugly, and the killing intent was already concentrated in her eyes.

"Xiaodie, let's go. The murderer has just acted, and it will definitely be easier to find him now than usual."

"Yeah." Hua Diewu nodded, and then left Yizhuang with Su Luoyan.

After leaving Yizhuang, the two went to the north of the city, where most of the poor gather. Although Lin'an City is the most prosperous place besides the capital city, it is also the last piece of pure land in this country. But now the country has been overwhelmed by the emperor's heavy taxes, so even Lin'an City has gradually been influenced by the outside world.

Most of these residents in the north of the city are refugees, and a few are local residents of Lin'an City. Because a large number of residents from other places have poured into Lin'an City, it looks like a mixed bag.

The law and order in the north of the city is a bit chaotic, and occasionally some burglars can be seen snatching people's money bags.

The arrival of Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan attracted the attention of many people, because the two of them knew at a glance that they did not come from the slums. Which poor family can raise such a juicy girl? It must be a lady from a rich family who came out to play.

Therefore, many people in the dark had their eyes on Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan. After the two turned into the deep alley, someone blocked them immediately.

"You two ladies, obediently hand over your money, or don't blame us for being rude." Three skinny men blocked the way of Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan.

Hua Diewu burst out laughing, "Luoyan, do you think these people are nervous and want to be beaten?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Su Luoyan's mouth, she twisted her wrist, and said to Hua Diewu: "Xiaodie, you are right."

The three men didn't feel any danger at all. In their view, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan were just two weak women with no strength to restrain them. But unfortunately, what they encountered were two tough bones.

One is the owner of Lore Pavilion, and the other is the well-known ghost king in the world of demons and ghosts, neither of them is easy to mess with.

But these few people who were not open-eyed got into trouble with these two.

"Ah—please forgive us! Please forgive us!" One of the men was already crying.

The man next to the one begging for mercy has been beaten to the point of being speechless.

The last one was trembling and faltering in his speech. Listening carefully, he was indeed begging for mercy.

In fact, Su Luoyan also showed mercy, but her mercy was just to save their lives.

"It's not impossible for me to let you go. I want to ask you questions and answer them honestly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The threatening words that the man uttered just now were sent back by Su Luoyan. The man trembled and knelt down to hug Su Luoyan's leg, but Hua Diewu kicked him away quickly.

This is her wife, do these people's dirty hands match

The man who was kicked away didn't care so much, he lay on the ground, and kept promising that he would answer whatever he knew.

Su Luoyan first asked the man's name, but he didn't expect that the little thief in front of him was actually one of the suspects in the dossier. The reason was that they had been seen several times near the place where the corpse was found, and they were inexplicably generous. stand up.

Then Su Luoyan asked the men about the strangeness of this area, and asked them if they had noticed anything unusual recently, such as the murderer of the recent frequent murders.

At first the man hesitated to speak, but Su Luoyan stepped on the back of the man's hand.

This attitude shows that even if the man is not the murderer, he must know something inside.

The man who couldn't stand the pain finally told the truth, "Heroine, spare your life! We also regret our lives, and no one wants to be a murderer. We just happened to pass by that area, and we were moved when we saw some hairpins on the corpse. Really didn't do anything!"

Su Luoyan's eyes were condensed, "Other things, you'd better be honest, your left hand is already disabled, do you want your right hand to be disabled as well?"

"I don't want to! I remembered that when we saw the corpse in the depths of the alley, we heard the coughing sound! We also heard the same sound when we encountered the corpse and stole things from the corpse. Two short beeps, Then it disappeared very quickly. Looking at the road, the road is full of people, and we really don't know anything else!"

Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu looked at each other, Hua Diewu stroked her chin and said: "It is indeed recorded in the file that there is a man who has tuberculosis, and he lives in Yongle Lane in the north of the city."

"Let's go and have a look." Su Luoyan finally 'raised her feet' and let go of the man's bone-shattered left hand.

Yongle Lane was an even lower place in Chengbeili, where the poor gathered, and the people there lived with their belts on their belts, and they didn't eat their next meal after eating.

When they arrived at Yongle Lane, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan saw only sallow and emaciated women, old men and some mentally depressed children, and rarely saw young adults.

Generally, young and middle-aged people with a bit of strength have gone out to work, who would hide in this small place, never get ahead for the rest of their lives, and be a wimp.

Hua Diewu grabbed someone casually and asked about the situation of the Wan family. The man who had tuberculosis in the file was named Wan, and his name was Wan Jixiang.

When the woman heard someone ask Wan Jia, she immediately lowered her voice and looked around again, "Little girl, why are you asking this? Get out of here quickly. Our area is not very peaceful recently."

"Thank you auntie for your kindness. We are here to investigate this murder case, so we need to come here to understand some things." Hua Diewu's face was gloomy.

The woman was often shocked by the news of the tragic death of a young girl recently, thinking that it would be a good thing for the murderer to be caught early, so she told Hua Diewu about the situation of the Wanjia.

"Although Wan Jixiang, the son of the Wan family, has the word auspicious in his name, he doesn't look auspicious at all. He suffered from tuberculosis when he was a teenager, and his mother sold everything to him to treat him, but he never recovered. .”

Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan learned about the situation of Wan Jixiang's family from the woman's words. Wan Jixiang's family lived in Lin'an City for their ancestors. They were originally considered a wealthy family with a house and land. But it happened that Wan Jixiang, the only one, got tuberculosis, which is not curable, and it can basically wait for death.

But this is the lifeblood of their Wan family, so Wan Jixiang's mother sold the family property and spent a lot of money to hire a famous doctor to treat her son, but she still couldn't see it well, at most she would hang her life for Wan Jixiang.

Wan Jixiang can walk and eat, but his body is weak. The famous doctor who treated Wan Jixiang once said that with Wan Jixiang's body, he would be thankful if he could live beyond the age of twenty-five.

Seeing that the cure was not good, and she didn't want the Wan family to lose their children and grandchildren, Wan Jixiang's mother insisted on tricking the matchmaker into marrying her son a wife.

Now Wan Jixiang is twenty-four years old, and his son is two years old, but life is not good. The family wealth is gone, the whole family needs to eat, and Wan Jixiang's body can't go out to do things, so the burden of supporting the family falls on the poor little daughter-in-law.

I heard that the little daughter-in-law was often beaten and scolded, because she worked as a female worker day and night, so she is almost blind now.

But recently, for some reason, Wan Jixiang suddenly became rich, and his spending was a bit generous, and the little daughter-in-law's life was much easier.

Hua Diewu asked the woman the exact location of Wan Jixiang's home, the woman pointed in a direction and explained how to go, and finally said to Hua Die Wu: "Girl, you must be careful."

Although the woman didn't know whether Wan Jixiang was the murderer or not, it was always right to advise the little girls to be careful, maybe Wan Jixiang was the murderer.

Hua Diewu nodded, said thank you, and then followed Su Luoyan to the direction the woman said.