The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 93: Seventeen Bride of the Ghost King


Hua Diewu snorted coldly, and she said to Su Luoyan: "Luoyan, you hide behind me, this person is weird, I'll deal with him."

"Okay." Su Luoyan had actually recognized that the half-kneeling man on the ground was her fiancé Lu Zexiang, but she obediently hid behind Hua Diewu as if she didn't know anything.

After Lu Zexiang recovered from the pain, he took off his hood. He looked up at Su Luoyan, "Miss Su, it's me, Lu Zexiang, your fiancé."

Su Luoyan lowered her eyes halfway, and said ruthlessly, "I don't know you, I'm the ghost king's wife now."

Lu Zexiang's eyes widened in disbelief, and he asked excitedly: "Miss Su, have you been threatened? Don't be afraid, I will save you!"

Hua Diewu's face is getting darker and darker. Although Lu Zexiang is the real hero, but if he wants to rob her wife in front of her, is he treating her as a dead person

"Get out!" Hua Diewu waved his sleeves and Lu Ze Xiang's body rolled back, making a bang bang sound.

They were in the Qin residence at this time, and suddenly there was such a loud voice in the dead of night, which immediately attracted the servants.

"Luoyan, let's go!" Hua Diewu grabbed Su Luoyan's waist and flew away, leaving Lu Zexiang in a panic.

After all, Lu Zexiang is the male lead, with the aura of a male lead, he quickly found a small secret passage in the Qin family's rockery, and hid in it.

The servants who came hastily saw and found nothing, and they left quickly.

Lu Zexiang pressed his painful abdomen, and he beat the ground with the other hand, he only hated himself for being too weak.

He heard that there were frequent murders in Lin'an City, so he used ancient methods to find the source of the evil aura. He wanted to kill the perpetrator, but he unexpectedly saw the ghost king and his fiancée on the way.

In fact, Lu Zexiang also knew that he still couldn't deal with the ghost king, but the impulse in his heart was still better, so he made a move.

At the moment of the confrontation, Lu Zexiang deeply felt his own weakness. He took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.

After taking the elixir, Lu Zexiang's face looked much better. He observed the secret passage he was in, and found that the secret passage led to a small secret room.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to unlock a miniature gossip array to enter the secret room, but it is very easy for Lu Zexiang.

Lu Ze went in easily, but he was choked by a strong smell of blood as soon as he entered.

There are densely packed corpses and human internal organs inside. These people have distorted death, and they have obviously experienced inhuman torture before they were alive.

Lu Zexiang cursed and began to search for information in the secret room.

The Qin family's power is not small, and they are involved with the government. If exposed under the eyes of the government, they might be fooled. Otherwise, how to explain that dozens of people have disappeared and the government has not found the real murderer

And the Qin family may have known about this cruel person in their family, but they chose to cover it up.

Lu Zexiang has been a very upright person since he was a child. He hates those wicked people the most. As long as he can do it, he will do his best to help them.

For example, to investigate this mysterious serial murder case, for example, to desperately want to rescue Su Luoyan from Hua Diewu's 'claw'. He is just too kind and has a sense of justice. It's a pity that Su Luoyan is already Hua Diewu's wife, so he can't 'rescue' Su Luoyan successfully.

On the other side, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan had already arrived at the place where the evil spirit was the strongest, which was the room of Qin Chiyan, the young son of the Qin family.

Qin Chiyan was having fun with his maid, and the voice inside was unbearable.

Hua Diewu's face turned red when she heard that, she lifted the tile directly and let out a deep breath.

Hua Diewu, with a serious tone, directly blew over the candle on the table. The candle fell to the ground, snapped into two pieces, and rolled to the side of the bed.

Qin Chiyan on the bed was startled suddenly, and he became soft. He immediately pushed his maid out of bed, his voice trembling with fear, "Who! Who is it?!"

Hua Die Wu rattled and began to lift the roof tiles, while Su Luoyan went to knock out all the servants guarding near Qin Chiyan's courtyard, so that Hua Die Wu could toss about.

Ordinary people would sneak into other people's territory quietly, but Hua Die Wu was good, making more noise every time.

Qin Chiyan, who was still on the bed just now, was so frightened that he got off the bed and hugged his head loudly begging for mercy, but how could Hua Diewu spare the other party

Qin Chiyan has the strongest demonic aura on his body, and the place where the demonic aura emanates is in his dantian. But Qin Chiyan is indeed a human being, and his ability to form a demon pill-like existence shows that he must have practiced sorcery.

However, human beings have to pay a huge price for cultivating black arts. There are two choices, one is to pay the price by oneself, and the other is to use other people's money to pay back.

Qin Chiyan was obviously the latter, he dug up the wombs of an unknown number of young girls as sacrifices. Hua Diewu felt that such a person was really disgusting, she had seen enough of the other party's distressed appearance, and jumped directly.

Qin Chiyan, who was still begging for mercy, suddenly felt a person standing in front of him, he subconsciously looked up and saw Hua Diewu's face.

The black clothes almost blended into the night, but the pale face and blood-like red lips were so eye-catching.

The woman in front of her seemed to be a ghost from hell, but at the same time, she was also shockingly beautiful.

Qin Chiyan's heart stopped beating for a moment, and then he realized that the other party was the one who just played with him.

Qin Chiyan, who calmed down a little, started to fight back. Although Hua Diewu looked weird, he should be human. As long as he was human, Qin Chiyan would not be afraid. He was still thinking about how to play with Hua Die Wu, and then took out the picture of Hua Die Wu's womb.

There is such a kind of person in the world, who is cruel and vicious, and takes pleasure in torturing and killing human beings, but is terribly afraid of monsters and ghosts, and only dares to show his teeth and claws in front of his own kind.

As everyone knows, a human like him is the real monster. He wantonly took the lives of others, and never felt that he had done anything wrong.

Hua Diewu looked at each other coldly, she kicked Qin Chiyan's heart, Qin Chiyan was kicked to the ground, but he hugged Hua Diewu's leg regardless of the pain.

There is a weak evil spirit that turns into a vine-like shape and wraps around Huadiewu's calf. The evil spirit wants to erode into Huadiewu's body, but Huadiewu itself is too powerful. Qin Chiyan's evil spirit didn't attack Hua Die Wu, he was directly 'burned' by Hua Die Wu.

"Ah—" Qin Chiyan screamed, and had no choice but to let go of his hand.

Hua Diewu directly reached out and grabbed Qin Chiyan's neck. Qin Chiyan struggled desperately, his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, but his struggle only made himself more painful.

"Is it fun to kill?" Hua Diewu looked directly into the opponent's eyes.

Qin Chiyan would definitely not be so stupid as to nod, he immediately shook his head frantically.

Hua Diewu's eyes became colder, and she directly pressed the other hand on Qin Chiyan's Tianling.

As a big demon, Hua Diewu can force read other people's memories and emotions, but the brain of the person being read will be severely damaged, and there is a high probability that she will only be able to lie down for the rest of her life, unable to speak or move, and be obsessed with it. Spend the rest of your life foolishly.

Although Qin Chiyan has practiced sorcery and has stronger mental power than ordinary people, it is still not enough for Hua Diewu. Hua Diewu easily saw Qin Chiyan's past memories.

Going forward from yesterday, just three days ago, Qin Chiyan brutally killed a girl who was only fifteen years old. The girl begged for mercy just as desperately as Qin Chiyan did just now, but Qin Chiyan not only did not soften his heart, but was even more tyrannical. He grabbed the girl's hair and dragged the girl into a secret room, then brutally dismembered her alive.

Qin Chiyan got traces everywhere. It was the Qin family who helped him deal with the aftermath. They also induced Wan Jixiang to kill people, trying to put all the charges on Wan Jixiang's head.

Those girls were also abducted by the Qin family, and many corpses were hung in Qin Chiyan's secret room for him to 'appreciate'.

The previous memories of Huadiewu are no longer like going to see them again. She directly used her demon power to destroy Qin Chiyan's brain.

Qin Chiyan won't die immediately, Hua Diewu doesn't want Qin Chiyan to be so cheap.

And the evil demon pill, Hua Diewu directly penetrated Qin Chiyan's abdomen with his bare hands, and pulled out the bloody demon pill. At this time, Qin Chiyan could still feel the pain, his body was twitching non-stop, but he couldn't even utter a word of pain.

Hua Diewu found it ridiculous that so many people lost their lives with such a useless thing.

The blood-stained demon pill was thrown to the ground, and Hua Diewu crushed the demon pill with her feet.

Qin Chiyan let out a hissing sound from his throat in despair, Hua Diewu kicked Qin Chiyan mercilessly, and then picked up the maid who was stunned by the fright.

Su Luoyan has been guarding the door, when she saw Hua Diewu came out with a person, she immediately greeted her.

"Luoyan, let's go set fire and burn this place clean."

"it is good."

The maid was placed by the pool, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan wandered around the Qin mansion like two ghosts, soon they touched the place where the masters of the Qin family lived, and started setting fire to each one.

Both Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan are very principled people. It is the Qin family who do evil, and they will only kill Qin family members.

Therefore, although the fire in the Qin family was great, not many people died, and those who died were those Qin family members who helped the evildoers.

This fire has attracted the attention of many people, but most of them don't even know what happened.

The next day, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan decided to leave here and go to the capital. Hua Diewu was going to the capital to kill the emperor, while Su Luoyan was because her lore pavilion was headquartered in the capital.

Before leaving, the masked woman suddenly reported another matter.

It turned out that the murder case that happened here in Lin'an City was not an exception, and similar things happened in other places. The youngest daughter of Lord Hou in Yueying County was taken out, and she cut off a man's kidney to practice black magic. The same is true for the sons of a certain prince, who were all discovered.

The government and their families couldn't keep them, and things became very troublesome.

Looking at it this way, things are actually much more complicated than they imagined, and they all have common characteristics. The murderers are all the children of high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Men adopt Yin. Tonify. Yang, and women adopt Yang. Tonify. Yin.