The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 94: Ghost King's Bride Eighteen


When Lu Zexiang came out of the secret room, he found that there were fires everywhere outside, and he hurried to the room of Qin Chiyan, the source of evil spirit.

At first, there were still people fighting the fire, but soon some people packed their bags and ran away secretly.

In such chaos, no one noticed Lu Zexiang, who looked unfamiliar.

But after the fire was extinguished, Lu Zexiang walked into the ruins that had burned so badly that even the original structure of the house could not be seen, and saw a grim corpse.

According to the faint demonic aura remaining above, Lu Zexiang could be sure that the other party was the one who kept killing people in order to practice the sorcerer's art. The demon pill that hadn't fully formed was crushed by Qin Chiyan's hand.

Who could have done it? Lu Zexiang frowned, and the ghost king Huadiewu appeared in his mind.

Could it be that the ghost king did it

Although I don't want to believe it in my heart, logically speaking, the possibility that the ghost king did it is too great.

Perhaps the ghost king is not as cruel as he imagined, but is it really good for Miss Su to be by the ghost king's side

After all, one is a monster and the other is a human. The life of a monster is very long, but the life of a human is too short.

But if Miss Su wanted it herself, it would be hard for him to say anything to an outsider. The next time we meet again, he wants to ask Ms. Su, if Ms. Su lives well, he won't disturb their lives anymore.

Lu Zexiang didn't stay in Lin'an City for too long. He received news from his subordinates that he was going to the capital now.

Today's Lu Zexiang has begun to develop his own power. Although the scale is still small, his action cannot be underestimated.

Such weird killings are happening all over the place, and it is impossible to kill people in every place. If they want things to stop, they should solve the source of things.

It was obvious that the incident was so big, but the emperor in the capital did not move at all. Many ministers went to the shuffle, but the emperor ignored them all.

The emperor did too many ridiculous things, and the people had long been dissatisfied with the emperor. Now that such a big thing happened, the emperor still turned a deaf ear to it, which aroused the emotions of the people.

All kinds of signs indicate that the source of frequent murders in other places may be in the capital, and the emperor's ambiguous attitude makes people wonder.

Lu Ze wanted to take advantage of this matter, so he asked people to spread the news, saying that the emperor tortured and killed innocent people for practicing sorcery, and he said it well.

Many people began to associate the frequent murder cases elsewhere with the emperor. Those who committed the crimes were all the children of high-ranking officials, and they were all sheltered by the local government before they were caught.

After the courtiers were dismissed, the emperor also ignored it, and the fact that the emperor built the trapped demon array more than ten years ago and sacrificed living people was revealed again.

Lu Zexiang took advantage of this and began to incite the emotions of the people, gradually expanding his power.

During the three days that Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan stayed in the capital, the rumors had already been exaggerated.

Because the matter is not clear yet, Hua Diewu didn't go to assassinate the emperor immediately, but accompanied Su Luoyan first.

After Su Luoyan came to the capital, she went to manage her own organization first. When she was not there, many things happened in the organization. For example, her capable subordinates were stolen away.

It is said that the prying organization has just been established, and the leader is very mysterious. It is said that no one in the top management of the organization has seen the true face of the leader. The only thing that is certain is that this organization also hates the current imperial court and is on the same front as their Lore Pavilion.

It's just that Su Luoyan was a little displeased when someone was poached away. She asked her subordinates to contact the people from that new organization, and she wanted to meet the leader of the other party.

The people under Su Luoyan were very capable, and they quickly got in touch with the other party, and they made an appointment to meet at the Ruyi Teahouse on West Street.

Su Luoyan didn't know that the leader of that organization was Lu Zexiang, so she wanted to meet him. Hua Diewu read the original book, and when Su Luoyan mentioned it to her, she guessed that it was the male lead's organization.

Hua Diewu was very upset that his wife wanted to meet the hero. But she had no reason to stop Su Luoyan, she could only sulk all by herself.

This day, Hua Diewu was sitting in a private room on the third floor, with a table by the window. Hua Diewu took a sip of tea, but actually she didn't like tea much, especially the tea in this teahouse was quite mediocre.

Su Luoyan was sitting opposite her, she was holding a teacup, her eyes fell on the street under the window.

The street is bustling with people, and it looks so lively. But such excitement is flashy, and this seemingly beautiful capital city has already begun to rot from the bottom of it.

At this time, the streets were overcrowded, but there was still a young master from a certain family who insisted on passing by in a carriage.

Hua Diewu heard the noise of cursing and screaming from below, as well as the screams of someone being trampled by a horse.

The man driving the horse was a well-dressed son, and someone in the crowd recognized his identity. This person is the eldest son of the relative's palace, and he has always behaved like this.

"Get out of the way!" The guard in front of the carriage shouted loudly, his voice harsh.

But there were too many people on the street, and the prince who drove the carriage didn't have the slightest concern about stepping on people with his horse's hoof. Many people had their bones broken when they had no time to avoid it.

Su Luoyan, who was sitting by the bed, frowned. Just as she was about to act, a stone came from nowhere and hit Shizi's body.

Shizi fell headlong from the carriage, and the horse, because of the pain just now, regardless of whether it was controlled by anyone, kept moving forward, and happened to step on Shizi's vest with a horse's hoof.

Everyone is in danger, who will go back and take care of the prince? It's a good thing that you haven't been stepped on.

The guards guarding the side were startled, if something happened to Shi Zi, none of them would survive, they immediately panicked, and several of them rushed to rescue him.

But there are really too many people here, and they push people regardless of their care to find the prince who fell off the carriage, and the result makes the scene even more chaotic. Can be vaguely identified by the clothes he wears.

With a whistle, Su Luoyan called the subordinates who were guarding the door, and asked them to send the injured people downstairs to be treated.

As soon as Su Luoyan finished giving the order, the guardian brought news that the person who stopped him was already waiting, and told the young master to move to another place to meet him again.

Now that the imperial court is tracking down those who spread 'rumors', it is understandable that the leader who stopped them would be so cautious, so Su Luoyan nodded and said that she knew.

Su Luoyan brought Huadiewu with her when she went to meet the other party. Su Luoyan could see that Huadiewu seemed a little dissatisfied with this, but she didn't quite understand why Huadiewu was like this.

After getting into the carriage, Su Luoyan asked, "Xiaodie, is it because I've been too busy recently that you think I'm neglecting you?"

This was the only reason Su Luoyan could think of.

When Hua Diewu heard Su Luoyan ask herself a question, she couldn't help puffing up her cheeks, feeling a little wronged in her heart.

Hua Diewu doesn't feel much when facing people she doesn't know well, but when facing someone she cares about, Hua Diewu's emotions will be more sensitive and she will love to act like a baby.

"Yeah, Luoyan, you are so busy, even busier than me, the ghost king."

Su Luoyan reached out and touched Hua Diewu's head, Hua Diewu rubbed against Su Luoyan's body, and hugged Su Luoyan's waist.

"Luoyan, humans and monsters should be different, but I found that I have a little similarity with humans."

"What's wrong?" Su Luoyan looked at Hua Diewu's black hair.

Hua Diewu raised her head, and said to Su Luoyan: "I always feel very lonely when I am alone, and I want someone to accompany me. I feel sad when I can't see you, and I just want to see you slowly. Even if you don’t say anything, you don’t do anything.”

Hua Diewu is different from her clan members. The other vixens of the fox clan are romantic by nature and passionate. They will fall in love with others, but they will not love deeply. Their feelings are superficial and cannot last long.

I don't know if I didn't meet the right person, or because of my nature. Hua Diewu has been an outlier among vixens since she was a child. She is born with powerful nine-tailed tails but can't use them. She takes her emotions very seriously, and she doesn't play around with the world like other vixens. She is called the least vixen. Especially after getting to know Luo Yan, she became more and more like a 'person'.

Su Luoyan looked at Huadiewu's face tenderly, "Xiaodie, when the emperor dies and everything returns to peace, I will go back to Santuhe with you."

Hua Diewu's eyes were shining brightly, she couldn't help hugging Su Luoyan's neck, and kissed Su Luoyan's face twice.

"Then it's a deal, Luo Yan, you are not allowed to go back on your word."

Su Luoyan shook her head with a smile, and said, "I won't regret it."

"Hmm! I believe in you, you always mean what you say."

"Xiaodie, although I haven't known you for a long time, I always feel as if I met you in a previous life. It seems disgusting to say such a thing, but I still want to say it. If there is such a person in the world that makes me want to spend my life together, then that person must be you."

Hua Diewu blinked her eyes, feeling that the vision in front of her eyes was starting to blur. Really, she was really happy to tears.

"Well, that's great." Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan's body tightly.

Su Luoyan wrapped one hand around Hua Die Wu's waist, and gently patted Hua Die Wu's back with the other.

"Luoyan, let me tell you quietly, I know who the leader of that organization is."

"who is it?"

"Lu Zexiang. I don't like him." Because he wanted to rob my wife, Hua Diewu added in her heart.

Su Luoyan smiled, now she finally knew the real reason why Hua Diewu was unhappy.

"Well, it turns out that you are not happy about this. Xiaodie, don't worry, I won't go with Lu Zexiang. I don't know him well at all, you know, I'm not the kind of person who will definitely obey the matchmaker's words .”

"Yeah." Hua Diewu nodded vigorously, her hand holding Su Luoyan was not loose at all, as if Su Luoyan would be snatched away if she let go.

Su Luoyan let Hua Diewu stick to her body, she quite liked it. Although Hua Diewu felt cold all over her body, as long as she thought of someone beside her, she felt at ease.

At this time, the carriage stopped steadily, and the people outside said, "Here we are."