The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 99: real world one


Because her spirit was overdrawn in the task world, Hua Diewu was in a coma for three days and three nights before waking up.

She subconsciously called the system in her mind, but found no response.

Only then did she remember that her mission was over, and now it was the real world.

Originally, she thought that there were too many mission worlds, but after she really left, she felt that time passed too quickly, and the mission was over in an instant. It's as if it was just yesterday when I just accepted the task.

After Hua Diewu woke up, she left her cave. It should be her sister who brought her back.

Now she just wants to go to the mission center to check the completion of her mission, and to ask who assigned the mission she took at the beginning.

Some information will indeed be kept secret during the execution of the task, but some information can be released after the task is completed.

Hua Diewu rushed to the mission center without stopping. There were people and monsters in the mission hall, and everyone kept shuttling through the blue translucent light curtain.

At this time, Hua Diewu heard the whispers between the small systems, and Hua Diewu, who had just completed the task, could still hear the system talking.

[I heard that 504 accepted a particularly easy task, I'm really envious.]

504 is the system that accompanies Hua Die Wu.

[Hey, if it's really simple, why does 504 eat so much junk food? E-cigarettes, spicy sticks, betel nuts, and the hot pot that makes the system addictive like drugs!]

[This is not the point. The point is that 504 broke the record. He is the fastest one in the history of our system to complete a series of tasks in just over a year.]

One year is indeed short for youkai, but it passes in the blink of an eye.

"Are you talking about my mission?" Hua Diewu said suddenly.

The small systems that were overheard by the demon trembled all over, and the data flow was messed up.

[You, you, are you the legendary nine-tailed demon fox with only five tails?]

The corners of Hua Diewu's mouth twitched, thinking that her title seemed too unrealistic. But now is not the time to worry about these things, she wants to quickly know what is different about her mission.

"Tell me why my task is so easy to complete."

[My lord is like this, the mission assigned to you is a Shangxian, and she will end up in real life, and complete the mission with you...]

"What's the name of that celestial being?" Hua Diewu felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

[Shangxian's name is Su Luoyan, and he just came out of the nutrition warehouse yesterday, so he should go to Wanxian Terrace to attend the banquet of the Immortal Emperor right now.]

"Thank you!" Hua Diewu couldn't wait to leave here, she wished she could fly to Wanxiantai to meet Su Luoyan right now.

Sure enough, Luoyan also corresponds to a person in the real world, and he is also called Su Luoyan.

After Huadiewu left, the little system muttered what he hadn't finished speaking.

[But the task assigned by the Shangxian is to do the love robbery, after completing the task, the love will be cleared...]

It's a pity that Hua Diewu, who had already left, didn't hear the crucial sentence. The reunion between her and Su Luoyan was destined to be nothing but disappointment.

Immortals are the same as demons, and they need to go through three tribulations, especially love tribulations. Most people and demons will choose to come to the mission center to receive tasks or release tasks.

Experience love and hatred in the newly built world, and then return all love to zero at the moment of separation.

Not only have you passed through the catastrophe of love, but you will not be contaminated with cause and effect.

God always loves to joke with people, one after another, playing with Hua Die Wu's life.

Hua Diewu looked for ways everywhere, just to meet Su Luoyan and Wan Xiantai who went to heaven.

Today's world is already very peaceful. As long as there is a passport, the Three Realms of Human, Monster and Immortal can travel among them. But demons still cannot live in the heavens for a long time, it is the territory of immortals after all.

The Immortal Emperor of the Heaven Realm is entertaining the immortals, and many roads to the Immortal Realm have been blocked. It is still difficult for Hua Diewu to go to the Heaven Realm.

The news that Hua Diewu wants to receive a high-priced pass to the heavens reached the ears of her two sisters. The eldest sister Yun Feiyan and the second sister Ye Yinghuo immediately came to Hua Diewu, trying to stop Hua Diewu's behavior.

"Xiaodie, don't think about going to the heaven, listen to your sister, okay?" Yun Feiyan pressed Hua Diewu's shoulder.

Hua Diewu shook her head firmly, "No, big sister, I'm going to see her in heaven."

Yun Feiyan and Ye Yinghuo naturally knew who the person Hua Diewu said they were going to meet, and it was precisely because they knew that they were even more reluctant to let Hua Diewu meet that person.

Ye Yinghuo said: "Xiaodie, sisters don't want to see you get hurt again."

Hua Diewu took a step back, and she said: "I know that my sisters are doing it for my own good, but I can only decide whether some things are good or not."

Yun Feiyan didn't speak, Ye Yinghuo was more impatient, she said excitedly: "Xiaodie! I beg you as a sister, please? You can't lose your tail anymore. Once you meet that person, you will become Desperate. Her heart is always strong, but you are just a fragile butterfly. You can forget her. We thought it was over, but you met her again."

Hua Diewu is no longer the bluffing little fox she used to be. She calmly analyzed Ye Yinghuo's words. After a while, she raised her head and looked directly into Ye Yinghuo's eyes, "Second sister, you You know what I forgot, right?"

Knowing that she had slipped her tongue, Ye Yinghuo closed her eyes and said in a difficult voice, "Xiaodie, Second Sister can only say this."

"Tell me, okay? I want to know what I forgot." Hua Diewu's eyes were a little wet, and she didn't want to accept such a so-called good.

Ye Yinghuo just said: "They are all painful memories."

"Since you didn't tell me, second sister, I have no choice but to find my own memory." Hua Diewu said and was about to fly away.

At this time, the eldest sister Yun Feiyan suddenly sighed, "It seems that Xiaodie has grown up. Yinghuo, we should not blindly hide some things. Xiaodie has her own future. Xiaodie, come back, and the eldest sister also I won't lie to you anymore."

"Thank you big sister." Hua Diewu stopped her feet.

Yun Feiyan smiled wryly and shook his head, "Thank you for what you said, that's what you should know."

Yun Feiyan gave Hua Diewu a elixir, which was made of Bianhua and Wangchuan water, which could restore the memory washed away by Mengpo soup.

After Hua Diewu took the elixir, all those forgotten things came to mind.


That was already five thousand years ago. At that time, Hua Die Wu was still a newly born little fox. Although she was born with nine tails, she can't use her own power.

And her two elder sisters were crossing the catastrophe, unable to take care of her for a while, the weak Hua Diewu stumbled down the mountain, but didn't want to be chased and killed by the wolf demon.

In fact, the little wolf demon can't hurt Hua Die Wu, but Hua Die Wu doesn't know how to use her own strength, so she looks very embarrassed when being chased.

Hua Diewu fled to the foot of the mountain, just in time to meet Su Luoyan.

At this time, Hua Die Wu hadn't transformed yet, she looked like a little fox with dirty fur all over, and one leg was lame.

Su Luoyan, who couldn't protect herself, still rescued Hua Diewu and took care of Hua Diewu carefully. When they first met, Su Luoyan was still an ordinary human being, and had not become the transcendent immortal.

Su Luoyan was an orphan abandoned by her parents, and was brought up by an old lady. The old lady's husband died of illness, her son died in battle, and her daughter-in-law ran away with her grandson in her arms, leaving her alone.

Everyone in the village said that the old lady was a disaster, and no one wanted to get close to her. The lonely old lady picked up the infant Su Luoyan, thinking that she would be a companion, so she raised him.

It's a pity that the old lady worked too hard when she was young, and she died when Su Luoyan was thirteen years old. But Su Luoyan picked up the injured Hua Die Wu, and she kept Hua Die Wu, the little fox, with her.

The ignorant Huadiewu doesn't understand the human world, let alone that humans are very repulsive of monsters. She just felt that she liked Su Luoyan very much, so she wanted to stay by Su Luoyan's side.

Hua Diewu foolishly exposed her identity as a monster in front of Su Luoyan. Su Luoyan didn't show much surprise, and quickly accepted the fact that Hua Diewu was a monster, and even gave Hua Diewu a name. .

Hua Diewu, who originally had no name, has her own name. Su Luoyan never went to a private school, but was driven away after listening to a few classes outside the private school. She couldn't read a few words and hadn't read many books. The name Huadiewu was already a very good name in her opinion.

For Su Luoyan, Hua Die Wu is both a friend and a family member, and she cherishes Hua Die Wu extremely. Although the days they lived together were a bit bitter, they were very satisfied and happy.

One person and one demon often crawl around on the mountain, picking some fruits, catching some rabbits and hunting some wild birds to satisfy their hunger. Sometimes medicinal materials can be found, Su Luoyan can take the medicinal materials to sell in the town, and can also earn some money to give them an extra meal.

Although Su Luoyan was marginalized by the people in the village, people still knew about her running up the mountain every three days.

Su Luoyan was beautiful, and even more beautiful when she grew up. In such a small mountain village, a beauty like Su Luoyan with icy muscles and bones is like a fairy descending from the mortal world, so she is naturally easy to be targeted.

Seeing Su Luoyan's beauty, a widower moved his mind, thinking of Su Luoyan, an orphan with no father or mother, no relatives and loves to run up the mountain. Instead of letting such a beauty be eaten by wolves, tigers and leopards on the mountain, it is better to make yourself happy.

The widower secretly followed Su Luoyan, only to find that there was a more beautiful girl beside Su Luoyan. The appearance is beautiful but strange, making people feel glamorous, the figure is exquisite, the smile is pure and beautiful, with a kind of innocence and simplicity of ignorance of the world.

Although there are two people, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan, but the widower doesn't panic at all. In his opinion, they are just two young girls with no power to restrain them.

Su Luoyan knew how to punch and kick, and although Hua Diewu didn't know how to use her monster power, she was not something a human man could deal with.

The widower wanted to sneak up on the two from behind, and he also prepared ropes and drugs. Tie up one so that no one can escape, he doesn't want to let go of any of them.

The final result was of course that the human man was beaten up. Both Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu were soft-hearted people, they just taught each other a lesson, and did not take their lives.

But it was this soft-heartedness that hurt them.