The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 104: Junior brother, do you want to join the club?


After breakfast, Physician Dong drew blood from Su Yun and said, "Su Shizi, when you were practicing last night, I checked the speed at which you pulled the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Although it still couldn't be balanced with the improvement speed of the cultivation base, the harm was not as great as before. You can practice for a period of time first, and smoke every day... Well, check it once."

He handed the blood bottle to Chi Xiaoyao, and the fat doctor smiled gently: "Observe for more than ten days, and you can know if this exercise has hurt you."

Su Yun thanked him.

Chi Xiaoyao whispered: "Teacher, our medicine shop is almost full of his blood bottles, there are not many bottles left."

"Pour out the blood drawn before." The fat doctor nodded at Su Yun with a smile, and whispered to Chi Xiaoyao.

After breakfast, Su Yun and Chi Xiaoyao walked out of the medicinal material shop, only to see someone on the street trying to drag the big hand away, Su Yun walked to the front and saw that each of the five strange hands had eyes.

On the side of the road, there are still a few shriveled corpses. The costumes are supposed to be government officials, as if they were drained and shriveled.

"Why are the martial arts powers and the Yutian generals in the old no man's land attacking me?" Su Yun pondered.

"Junior Brother, hurry up!" Chi Xiaoyao waved to him.

Su Yun hurried to catch up with the girl, and asked: "Senior sister, what does the old lady handle mean?"

Chi Xiaoyao said: "The general leader of the bandits and bandits is called Lao Piao Zi. Robbery is called Tian Shui, and Lao Piao Zi means that this person is in the palm of his hand. He can scoop up all the wealth robbed by the bandits. One scoop of water and the first share of the loot is called pumping. The old scoop can also scoop water to other bandits and distribute the loot to other bandits. People who can be the old scoop must have a very high status in the arena!"

Su Yun was startled: "So, Zuo Pushe is the general leader of all the bandits in Shuofang? No, depending on Dr. Dong's attitude towards him, he should be more than just Shuofang's old man."

He took a long breath and his eyes were bright: "Zuo Pu She is his first identity, and the owner of the Ten Jinxiu Tu is his second identity, so the old scoop handle is his third identity. Mr. Shui Jing said Zuo Pu Shooting is like an iceberg on the sea, with Jiucheng hiding under the water, and Zuopu shooting should have other identities!"

Chi Xiaoyao came to a shop, knocked on the door, and said to the shop, "I need a phoenix, one from the city, rent it for a day."

The shop opened the door and said, "One hundred dollars a day, you will bring your own food."

Chi Xiaoyao paid the money and said to Su Yun: "Junior Brother, this money is yours, and you will pay me back."

Su Yun nodded.

The store accepted the money and said with a smile: "The guest officer waits a moment, let me prepare."

Su Yun and Chi Xiaoyao were waiting in front of the door, but they saw the store's body shake and suddenly change, and feathers burst out of the body, turning into a big blue bird in an instant!

The big bird was extremely tall, as high as three stories, but it was old, and the feathers on its neck had fallen off a lot, and it still had a strong demon spirit on its body. It was obviously an old bird demon.

The blue bird urged his mana, carried a dilapidated wooden building on his back, and shouted: "Guest, a hundred dollars is wages, and I have to take care of one day's food!"

Su Yun was dumbfounded, suddenly woke up, and asked: "Senior sister, what do we rent Fengyan for?"

"We Wenchang scholars, after studying homework, we have to go outside to experience and explore. Only those who can come back alive can learn further."

Seeing his face changed slightly, Chi Xiaoyao sneered and said, "I was scaring you. Most scholars can come back alive, and only a few died outside."

"A few died outside..." Su Yun was still taken aback.

The old blue bird lowered his head, with a huge head leaning over him, and smiled: "You don't know the rules of Wenchang Academy? The teachers of Wenchang Academy are only responsible for taking the students out, never responsible for bringing them back alive."

Chi Xiaoyao yelled, and the blue bird felt Longwei and shut up quickly.

When the two got into the car, Su Yun still had a pain in his buttocks. He wanted to find a seat to sit down, but saw that there were no seats in the small broken building, only a pile of straw.

There are also a few smaller blue birds in the straw. No matter how tall they are, they are also a group of little monsters. Looking at them condescendingly, they should be the children of blue birds.

Chi Xiaoyao complained: "One hundred dollars a day is expensive. This person wants us to pack food, and he still brings three children." Even so, she stopped and bought a lot of meat on the street to share with them. Baby bird.

The old blue bird took a few steps, and suddenly his wings vibrated, and they fluttered up and carried them into the sky. Su Yun was stunned, and hurriedly looked down, only to see that they were getting higher and higher, and they were heading to Wenchang Academy!

"Li Zhuxian's phoenix can't fly, this phoenix can actually fly!" He was surprised.

Although this blue bird is very old, and even though the small building is very broken and there are three little birds inside, it is better than Li Zhuxian's phoenix that can only fly this one!

Chi Xiaoyao said: "Li's phoenix can also fly, but that bird is still under adult. That bird is called Tianfeng, it is very rare. After adulthood, the wingspan is like a cloud, and it is said that it can carry a palace on its back. Thousands of miles, much better than what we rented."

The old blue bird flew them into the Wenchang Academy, hovering for a few weeks in front of Shanshuiju, and then slowly landed, very calm, without any turbulence.

Su Yun walked into Shanshuiju and called Huahu and others.

The old blue bird ran two steps with the small building on his back.

Chi Xiaoyao took advantage of the travel time to give lectures in the small building, and recounted today's course. Several little blue birds in the building also followed the lectures, very earnestly.

At the destination, the old blue bird hovered and landed, almost unable to feel any bumps. Everyone walked down from the roar and saw that they were on the periphery of a mountain range. Thunder continued to sound from the mountain, and lightning strikes in the sky like rain.

"This is the Thunder Strike Valley, a place for the trial of the Fourth University Palace."

Chi Xiaoyao led the way and said, "Thunderstrike Valley is a treasure place outside Shuofang City. It is rumored that an expert has seen that there is a treasure mine here, called Yanlong Jinjing, which was left by Yanlong once slumbering here. Treasure land. So the expert set up various formations here and practiced an extremely powerful spiritual soldier. So far, this spiritual soldier has been trained for more than one hundred and fifty years."

Huahu looked there and saw Baoguang shooting straight into the sky, and said in a puzzled way: "It's been more than one hundred and fifty years, then the expert should be dead, and the spirit and spirit soldiers are no masters. Why didn't anyone take away that spiritual soldier?"


Chi Xiaoyao sneered and said: "Junior Brother Hua, you are too innocent! The spiritual soldiers in the Thunder Strike Valley are not unowned. On the contrary, this kind of treasure that looks like unowned is all big. pit!"

Flower fox puzzled.

"These treasures of heaven, material and earth are often in the family's ancestors. They circled them, placed various seals and various restrictions, and had many organs, in order to use the heaven, material and earth treasures to refine spiritual soldiers and leave them to themselves Posterity."

Chi Xiaoyao smiled and said: "These treasures are dangerous, and they are bred with powerful spiritual soldiers. When the treasures are unearthed, the treasures will rush into the sky, and many scholars and spiritualists will be greedy for the treasures of the world and come to collect them , But it often becomes a sacrifice."


Su Yun was also a little puzzled, and asked, "What is a sacrifice?"

Chi Xiaoyao led the way, saying: "Naturally it is a sacrifice item. These superior spirit soldiers need blood sacrifices to enlighten them. Those who come to hunt for treasures will become sacrifices of blood sacrifices and be sacrificed by various agencies. The seal prohibits killing and helps the spiritual soldiers to increase their power. The descendants of the family can break into the forbidden seal without any hindrance, and they can obtain the treasures without any danger."

Su Yun and the little foxes were stunned.

"Treasures of heaven, material and earth are not so easy to take. You are planning to take the material of heaven and earth, while others are calculating to take your head to sacrifice the treasure."

Chi Xiaoyao said: "Aristocratic children won the spirit soldiers, and it is their own luck and good fortune, in fact, they are left behind by their ancestors. The worst thing is that these treasures have more than ten miles of rules."

Qing Qiuyue asked, "Sister Xiaoyao, what is more than ten miles?"

Chi Xiaoyao explained: “There are more than ten miles away, which means that these treasures will refine two spiritual weapons, one of which is the most valuable, accounting for 90% of the energy of the treasure, leaving it to his descendants, one or a bunch of poor ones. It can only absorb 10% of the energy occupying the treasure land, and it is for those who come to hunt for treasure. So it is called more than ten miles, and the good name is Fuze everyone."

Su Yun had a cold war and whispered: "It's cruel. I'm afraid that others won't come to hunt for treasure, so I use a lesser treasure to attract people to death."

Chi Xiaoyao said: "But if the scholars of the poor family have this opportunity, they still have to try."

Li Xiaofan raised his head and asked, "Sister Xiaoyao, is there no real treasure?"

"There are twenty-seven treasure lands around Shuofang, and there are lands with masters everywhere, concentrated in the hands of aristocratic families. Not to mention Shuofang, even in the entire Yuanshuo country, there are three thousand treasure lands, and all the treasures have been circled by the aristocratic families. The emperor of Yuan Shuo is the biggest landlord!"

Chi Xiaoyao said: "However, this treasure of Thunder Strike Valley is a land without a master, not a treasure of the Shuofang family. This treasure should have had a master. It is estimated that that family may have been extinct due to war or other reasons, so many scholars have come here. Experience, plan to find some treasures. When I first experienced it, I also came here."

Su Yun was silent, and the treasure land was three thousand, all in the hands of the family.

The aristocratic family occupies such a large resource, and they have to leave traps to wait for the scholars of the poor family to jump in and sacrifice for their treasures.

He looked up at Thunder Strike Valley, and said silently in his heart: "Emperor Yuanshuo is the biggest landlord, but the poor have no place to stand. Haha, this Yuanshuo is probably not going to get better."

"So I need an old dipper to rob these families of wealth."

Chi Xiaoyao seemed to be able to see his thoughts, and whispered: "Junior Brother Su wants to join the conference?"

Su Yun was horrified and turned to look at her. Huahu, Li Xiaofan and others also exploded their hairs, but they didn't know about the old scoop handles, mainly because they saw Su Yun explode their hairs, they also habitually exploded their hairs.

Su Yun was startled and said: "Sister, you..."

Chi Xiaoyao chuckled and said lightly: "I'm kidding, I'm also a family back to Longhechi home, how could I be a bandit? Isn't that robbing my own home?"

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and Chi Xiaoyao said in a low voice, "Hall Master Dong admires you very much. If you join the meeting, I can give you the seat of Xiang Master in no man's land. After all, you are also from no man's land."

Su Yun blinked, not sure whether her words were true or false, Chi Xiaoyao also blinked, smiling silently. —She obviously didn't know the identity of Admiral Su Yun, so she made her own way to join the council.

Suddenly, Huahu broke the dullness between the two and asked: "Then the scholars come here to hunt for treasure, can they find it?"

"Lightning Strike Valley is more benevolent, and prohibition only hurts people, not lives."

Chi Xiaoyao changed the subject and said with a smile: "Furthermore, in order to attract people, the Treasure Land of Lightning Strike Valley did not completely own the Yanlong Jinjing. People often find one or two broken Yanlong Jinjing here, which can also be sold. A lot of money. Now on holiday, there must be a lot of treasure hunters here... Strange, why are the lightning strikes so dense today?"

She looked up, and said in doubt: "In the past, there was only one lightning strike after a while. In a short time we came here, there have been more than a hundred lightning strikes."

Su Yun raised his head and looked up. Although it was a cold winter, there was a thundercloud in the sky. The lightning continued to brew in it. One after another, the thunder struck somewhere in the valley!

Hu Buping asked, "Senior sister, is it possible that the treasure of Thunderstrike Valley will be born?"

"Where is such a coincidence?" Chi Xiaoyao finished speaking, his face changed slightly.

I saw a strong light in the valley rushing straight into the sky, shining on that thundercloud!

At this moment, Su Yun suddenly asked: "Senior Sister, are you really sure that the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in Thunderstrike Valley are unowned?"

Chi Xiaoyao was startled slightly, and said, "Thunder Strike Valley is not the treasure of the Shuofang City family. There has long been news that the owner of this treasure has been annihilated."

Su Yun's face was solemn: "Then Shuo Fang Lin's family, why are they here?"

Zhaizhu: Let me know that there is no update in the early morning, and the normal update speed will be restored.