The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 136: Ninth sword formation


On the first day of the opening of the Jiuyuan Academy, the scholars had not finished school at this time, but many scholars had left the hall of teaching and looked out one after another, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Outside the Swordsmanship Academy of Jiuyuan Academy, a spiritualist suddenly said, "Come on! Come!"

The other spiritualists were in an uproar and hurried back to the Kendo Academy.

The news of Su Yun's battle at the Gewu Academy in Wenchang Academy did not reach Jiuyuan, so the scholars in Jiuyuan Academy did not have much pressure despite their serious expressions.

They are all spiritual men who have cultivated into swordsmanship and supernatural powers, with extraordinary self-confidence and strength, and all of them are the pride of heaven.

Su Yun walked side by side with Wen Lifang and Zuo Songyan, getting closer and closer to the Kendo Academy.

Wen Lifang's eyes flickered and said: "Zuo Pu shot, you and I are the same four university palaces, why did you get to this point?"

Zuo Songyan stepped forward and looked at the scenery of the Jiuyuan Academy, and said with emotion: "The old people don't know why they have come to this step. It is probably because people's desires are difficult to balance. Always want to go further."

Wen Lifang's eyes flashed, and he smiled: "Could it be that the old dipper doesn't think so?"

"Wen Pu She probably doesn't know the origin of the old scoop handle, right?"

Zuo Songyan said: "One hundred and fifty years ago, when the snow disaster broke out, a group of people could not survive, and fled to the sky, rushing to eat with the monsters in the forest. They gathered the food they collected and chose the fairest The person from here came to palm the scoop and distribute the food to everyone. The first generation of the old scoop in Shuobei was starved to death. He distributed the food to everyone. He had no food and starved to death."

Su Yun walked ahead, slowing down unconsciously after hearing this.

He had heard Chi Xiaoyao talk about the meaning of the old scoop handle, but he didn't know the origin of the old scoop handle.

"The second generation of the old scoop was to find food, fighting with the monsters in the old no man's land, and died in battle. The third generation of the old scoop was to distribute food to other people to starve to death, and the fourth generation also starved to death. And the other scoops that died of war and starvation, more!"

Zuo Songyan looked at the cloth shoes on his feet, then raised his head to look forward, and said: "Two years after the snowstorm, Shuobei slowly became alive. Some of these people who fled had chosen to stay in business, and more people walked out of the sky market. After Yuanyuan, we returned to County 108 in the 17th prefecture of Shuobei. The group of people who stayed established the town of Tianmen, and the group of people who went out continued the name Green Forest and Diaozhuzi. Because they walked out alive. Greenwood, discovered that they have become people without land, and the land has been annexed by your seven great families."

He glanced at Wen Lifang and said with a smile: "Suodong has red eyebrows and Shubei Green Forest, there are old dipper handles. If you can't live, who wants to go to the green forest, who wants to dye red eyebrows?"

Su Yun was moved in his heart, and said silently: "The case of the burial of the Long Tomb, the rise of the seven great families, the green forest dipper, and Tianmen Town, all of this began one hundred and fifty years ago. The source of all this, I'm afraid it all originated from the battle between human beings and real dragons. Why did human beings and real dragons explode?"

He was quite puzzled.

Human beings and real dragons should be the most powerful beings, so they don't have to divide life and death when they meet, right

What caused them to die together

Finally, Su Yun stopped outside the Kendo Academy. The Kendo Academy of the Jiuyuan Academy was extraordinary. There was a sword forest at the entrance, and the ground and the rocks were filled with various swords.

In front of the major palaces of the Kendo Academy, many scholars stood there, waiting quietly.

The palace of the Kendo Academy is more elegant than the palace of Wenchang Academy. Obviously, Jiuyuan Academy is richer than Wenchang Academy.

It’s no wonder that the scholars of Wenchang Academy are all poor and hahahahaha from the countryside, and the tuition fees are low. It is impossible to build the academy more grandiosely.

Wen Lifang smiled and said: "Su Shizi, our kendo academy has a rule, first walk through the sword forest when you enter the hospital."

Su Yun looked at the sword forest, with hundreds of swords showing their sharp edges, and there were many sword marks on the surrounding rocks and trees.

Wen Lifang reminded: "This is a sword formation. After entering, the sword formation will be triggered, and a group of swords will fly up to attack. My kendo academician is here to sharpen the sword heart. These swords have also been tempered for a hundred years. Zhonghua has become a spiritual weapon with extraordinary power. If it can pass the test of the sword forest, it can basically be cultivated into swordsmanship."

At this time, the book monster's yingying voice came from Su Yun's spiritual world, saying: "Su Shizi, you are about to become a sword master, you can give it a try."

Su Yun was surprised: "I'm about to cultivate the magical powers of kendo? Why don't I know?"

"You visualize that fairy sword, you visualize it too deeply."

The book monster Yingying flew around in his spirit world, suddenly came into the sky, and breathed a sigh of relief somewhere.

The mist flew out of her mouth. Suddenly, the mist was split in half by an invisible object in the air.

Yingying said: "Others think for a long time and become ill, you are a long-term illness and become a doctor. It's just that the sword you visualize is not sharp and lacks heat. You can borrow the sword forest of the Jiuyuan Academy to sharpen it, maybe it will It can make the kendo magical powers take shape."

Su Yun moved forward slightly in his heart.

"You don't have a so-called Jianxin. You can visualize the magical powers of Kendo because of the fear in your heart."

The book monster's Yingying voice came, saying: "Fear makes you imitate the fairy sword over and over again. Over time, your kendo magical powers have surpassed other scholars. What you have to do after entering the sword forest is to overcome your heart Fear, don't think that the fairy sword is here to kill yourself, but treat it as your sword!"

Su Yun took a long breath and walked into the sword forest. The sword formation was immediately touched, and a mouthpiece shook endlessly on the ground or among the rocks.

Suddenly a sword light shot up into the sky, well, a sword move burst out from that sword light, and it attacked Su Yun!

Su Yun raised his hand, thick dragon scales grew on his arm, caught in the sword light.

Hearing the sound of ding ding ding, the sword lights stabbed on the scales on his arm and were bounced off one after another.

The sword light disappeared, and Su Yun's palm grabbed the sword weapon and held the sword hilt.

He flicked his left finger on the tip of the sword, and only heard a buzzing sound, the sword light flew out of the sword weapon, and it disappeared after hitting several feet away.

Su Yun closed his eyes, and in front of him appeared Beihai, Tianmen Town, a huge water column, another world outside the sky, and the fairy sword hanging in the sky.

"My sword, that is my sword..." he said silently in his heart.

Many scholars in the Kendo Academy saw him stepping into the sword forest, grabbing a sword weapon with one move, and couldn't help but be moved, whispering and talking.

"Senior Brother Wen, how is this Su Shizi's ability just now?"

The "Brother Wen" inquired is the son of Wen Lifang, named Wen Xiutao. Wen Lifang was the head of the Wen family. He did not marry and gave birth to a son to follow the Wen family's surname. It is just that Wen Xiutao's father is unknown.

Wen Xiutao is extremely clever and has extraordinary accomplishments in swordsmanship. He is a big brother of the Jiuyuan Academy of Swordsmanship. He heard the words: "He is full of blood and blood, but he has no knowledge of swordsmanship. He has no foundation in swordsmanship, and his hand just now looks very good. It's scary, but he has no foundation in swordsmanship. His blood is too strong..."

He just said this, suddenly almost all the swords in the sword forest whizzed and flew, forming a huge sword formation, flying around Su Yun!

Wen Xiutao's heart shook slightly: "The ninth layer of sword formation is directly activated!"

The sword formation of the Kendo Academy is divided into nine layers. Depending on the strength of the incoming person, the sword formation will automatically change its power.

The first layer is only for the Jianxin Shizi who has just sprouted Jianxin, the second layer is the Spiritual Shi who awakens Jianxin, and the next few layers are determined by the number of layers of the sky through which the swordsman supernatural powers are trained.

At the ninth level, it is aimed at the accomplished swordsman masters!

Since the opening of the Jiuyuan Academy, walking into the sword forest can directly trigger the ninth level of swordsmanship masters. There are a total of 14 people. Characters chanted by swordsmen!

Wen Xiutao is one of them!

He is about to cultivate to the realm of Yuandong, and will leave Wenchang Academy in one year and enter the Taiyuan Academy to study deeper swordsmanship.

But when Su Yun stepped into the sword formation, he directly triggered the ninth layer of the sword formation!

For a time, the sound of the sword sounded and vibrated, and a mouth of the sword flew around Su Yun, and every time the sword was shaken, six different sword moves would burst out, just like six swordsmanship high-handed swords attacking Su Yun!

Su Yun hurriedly swung his sword to resist, but he had never learned any swordsmanship.

In the eyes of all the scholars of the Kendo Academy, he was someone who could cut himself with a sword at any time. His swordsmanship was totally unruly and ridiculous.

The sword in his hand couldn't stop any sword attack, and in a short moment, he was hit by an unknown number of swords.

Fortunately, his energy and blood were so vigorous. As soon as the rhubarb bell came out, the bell kept ringing, even blocking most of the attacks of the Ninth Sword Array!

But there was still a flying sword piercing through Huang Zhong's defense and stab Su Yun.

Fortunately, although Su Yun didn't know anything about swordsmanship, his other techniques were extremely powerful, and dragon scales appeared on his body, blocking these flying swords.

Wen Lifang saw Su Yun in the sword formation, his heart moved slightly, called a Xi Xi, and whispered a few words.

Na Xixi hurriedly left. After a while, he bypassed the sword formation and came to the Kendo Academy. He whispered to Wen Xiutao: "The servant said, Su Shizi's magical powers are flawed. The interval between the two attacks is more than a moment. Break through his magical defense."

Wen Xiutao's eyes lit up.

"Your Huang Zhong's magical powers are flawed."

Yingying observed and said: "It's a sudden flaw. This flaw is extremely dangerous. If you can't erase it, you will never be Diping's opponent. However, the top priority is to awaken Jianxin."

Su Yun grabbed the sword weapon in his hand and danced frantically, but he was still very clumsy and could not stop the sword weapon that broke Huang Zhong's defense.

Yingying looked up and saw that in the spirit world, sword lights appeared, colliding around the invisible sword, and fighting!

The sound of swords in the air continued.

It's just that Su Yun's sword still didn't emerge.

Su Yun’s moves are clumsy, but the sword lights appearing in the spirit world show that he has understood the moves contained in these swords. Therefore, there are so many sword lights in the spirit world surrounding that invisible sword cross. Hit collision.

Such talent is really amazing!

Yingying flew to Su Yun's spiritual side, and said solemnly in his ear: "Fear! It is your fear of the fairy sword that limits you! Turn all the fear in your heart into your grasp of the fairy sword! It thorns! The trajectory towards you, the tricks when you stab at you, the fairy meaning contained in the sword, and the fairyland contained in it are all yours!"

"You don't have to fear this sword!"

"You can master this sword!"

"Get the sword in your heart out of its sheath!"

As soon as her voice fell, suddenly a ray of light lit up in the sky of the spirit world, becoming extremely bright and dazzling!

Yingying barely blocked the light in front of her, squinted her eyes and saw that the sword body of a fairy sword slowly emerged. More and more sword bodies emerged, and the sword light became brighter and brighter!

In the sky, the sword light began to disintegrate under the sword aura that shot in all directions.

At the same time, in the sword formation, Su Yun roared, the sword in his hand suddenly skyrocketed, and a surge of sword intent came out.

Su Yun raises the sword, turns around, sweeps, the sword intent is masterful, runs through the sword!

The move of Immortal Sword Slashing Demon Dragon became extremely smooth in his hands. In the past, the Immortal Sword was controlling him, making his arms unbearable.

And now, he is driving the fairy sword!


Thousands of swords in the sword forest broke, and the sword light that was rampant was shattered.

Su Yun opened his eyes abruptly, swaying the sword in his hand to his heart's content, the sword array burst and disintegrated, and countless fragments flew around, piercing the walls and main hall of the Kendo Academy!

Suddenly, Jian Guang suddenly closed, and Su Yun stood with his sword.

In his eyes, the immortal sword's imprint disappeared completely, leaving only Tianmen Town, Beihai and Tianwai World!