The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 31: Blood stained the balance bridge


Many villagers in the villages near Huangji Town recognize Su Yun, because Su Yun is so special, he is probably the only one who is a real human being within a radius of a hundred li, and he can't help but arouse their attention.

The no man's land is a place where demons and monsters run rampant, and there are many dangers, and many of them are monsters who are thinking about Su Yun.

But the reputation of Tianmen Town makes the monsters scrupulous.

Tianmen Town is one of the taboos in no-man’s land, causing the culprit of another world coming six years ago!

After those guys became ghosts, they were still giants in no man's land.

The formation of the no-man’s land is not entirely due to Tianmen Town. The history of the no-man’s land is actually much longer than that of Tianmen Town, and its early formation can even be traced back to the emergence of Tianshiyuan.

It's just that the no-man's land was originally not as big as it is now, and Tianmen Town fought out the incident of the outer world that happened six years ago, which led to the expansion of the no-man's land.

The Tianmen Town and the Tianwaiworld incident six years ago are just one of the strange things in Tianshiyuan, and Tianmen Town has gathered experts from all over the country just to study the strange things on Tianshiyuan.

Tianshiyuan is the most mysterious.

The monsters who have experienced the incident of the advent of the outer world are very afraid of the residents of Tianmen Town, but there are also old monsters who don't take Tianmen Town into their eyes.

Fortunately, the places where the old monsters live are often the core areas of no-man’s land, and they rarely come to places like Tianmen Town and Deserted Market Town.

The flower fox and the three little foxes followed Su Yun's buttocks, turning around on the waste market. The no-man's land bought and sold things with Qinghong coins.

The green rainbow coin comes from a green rainbow crab in the North Sea. This crab has a cyan rainbow-like pattern on its back. After eating the green rainbow crab, break the crab shell into pieces to remove a green rainbow coin.

This green rainbow coin is said to be a metal in the sea, which can be refined into treasures.

There is a "person" in Huangji Town who collects Qinghong coins, and it is rumored that they are sold to the people in the city for five baht.

In recent years, many monsters have entered the city to make a living, and brought five baht money with them. Gradually, there are monsters on the waste market to use the five baht money to trade.

"Xiaoyun, can you give me two Qinghong coins?"

Huahu thought for a while and said, "I want to buy something."

Su Yun picked up two tied big crabs from the basket. Those two crabs were heavy, with a green rainbow on the crab shells.

Because of the inconvenience of his eyes and no earning money to earn a living, he had to wait for the tide to be lowered into a cage by the sea, and bartered with sea food at the market for some necessities.

Few nearby "people" can drive to the sea, because there are monsters in the sea even more terrifying than them, and they often go ashore for food.

Su Yun is familiar with the tide, can accurately calculate the rising and falling tides, and will go to the underground cage, so he can sell some seafood to survive.

However, the green rainbow crab is very difficult to catch. The pliers of this kind of thing are extremely sharp and powerful, and can easily pinch off the fingers. It is very dangerous. Su Yun can only use the ground cage as a trap, and can only catch a few when the tide is high.

Huahu brought two green rainbow crabs to a stall in Huangji, and put the two green rainbow crabs on the stall. The two green rainbow crabs were still alive, spitting bubbles in their mouths.

The stall was an old dog with white eyebrows, dressed in clothes, sitting there with his eyes closed and concentrating.

"Uncle Gou, I want to learn the transformation technique." Huahu said.

The old dog wore a mink, opened one eye and glanced at the flower fox, then closed his eyes, and said slowly: "It turns out to be a little boy from Huqiu Village. The transformation technique is a secret that my monster clan does not pass on. But who made me and the wild fox half-brothers? Of course I will sell you the transfiguration technique. Although I and the wild fox are half-brothers of the same father, the transfiguration technique is not taught by my demons. The secret, so the money still has to be collected."

He picked up two green rainbow crabs, stood up, and wagged his tail: "Follow me."

Huahu summoned three little foxes, the old dog frowned, and stopped: "Hua's second child, it's fine for you to enter the city, you are fourteen years old, but they also want to enter the city? They are too young!"

Huahu said, "Uncle Gou, there are only four of us left in Huqiu Village, and no one will take care of them after I leave."

The old dog sighed and shook his head, "So isn't it good for Gou to be in the country? Why must he go to the city to die?"

Huahu was silent for a moment, and said: "We want to avenge Mr. Hu!"

The old dog fell silent, stepped away, and said, "Mother-in-law, help me take a look at the stall! It takes two or three days to learn the transformation technique. If you have something to do, then you can explain it as soon as possible."

Huahu quickly went to find Su Yun and said, "Me and Xiaofan will stay in Huangji Town for two or three days. Xiaoyun, you must be careful when you go back alone."

Su Yun smiled and said, "I don't know how many times I have been going back and forth along this road, so I don't need to worry about me."

The flower fox is gone.

Su Yun walked around the barren market for a while. It was really not convenient for them to be without Huahu. He couldn't see what the stallholder was selling.

Su Yun was dispirited and returned to the same road alone. At this time, it was a little early for the next market. When he came to the Tianping Bridge, there was no one on the bridge. The young man came to the bridge with a basket on his back and waited quietly.

He couldn't cross the bridge just by his weight, and he needed a few more talents.

After waiting for a while, only one voice came: "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I want to cross the bridge too!"

Su Yun heard the footsteps approaching, and one person came to the bridge and stood not far away. Su Yun smiled and nodded with a smile. The man saw him with a surprised voice and said, "Are you that little brother in Tianmen Town?"

Su Yun curiously asked: "Xiongtai knows me? I hear your voice but I am very strange."

That person should be young, and his voice has the vigor that has just changed. He smiled and said: "You are a celebrity now, who does not know who does not? I heard that you killed a few people in the city and hid in the snake stream The magical powers of the Confucian scholars in the city are very powerful."

Su Yun frowned slightly.

"I have seen you from a distance, but I haven't been in contact with you. It's normal that you haven't seen me. I just bought a load of firewood from the market."

Dan Chai said: "My name is Li Yanzhen, from Lijiazhuang."

At this moment, someone on the other side of the bridge shouted: "Don't you dare to cross the bridge, I am still waiting to cross the bridge!"

Su Yun's ears moved: "The voice of Xiongtai who is waiting to cross the bridge on the other side is also a bit strange. Xiongtai, we don't have enough manpower to cross the bridge!"

The person on the other side said: "You are all carrying things, one person has two people, come here quickly, don't delay me to the market!"

Li Yanzhen smiled and said: "This guy is right. Try it. If you can pass, you can pass. You can't pass and come back to wait for a few more people."

Su Yun walked ahead, and Li Yanzhen urged: "Go faster."

Su Yun smiled and said: "I'm a blind man, I can't walk fast. Why don't you be in front?"

Li Yanzhen shook his head: "I am carrying firewood and the bridge is so narrow. How can I get in front of you? Go quickly."

Su Yun walked forward and unknowingly walked to the middle of the bridge. He walked a few steps forward. At this time, the bridge floor shook slightly and was about to sink toward the opposite bank.

Su Yun raised his eyebrows: "Brother Li, is there anyone else on the bridge?"

In front of him, two weird people with horns, one lowered and holding a long knife, the other standing behind, holding a sword ready to go.

The two weirdos held their breath, and a drop of sweat came out of their foreheads, but they didn't make any noise, and even their breathing was so slight that they were imperceptible.

The sword in their hands pointed towards Su Yun, and the tip of the sword and the tip of the sword remained motionless. Only a few steps away, Su Yun would automatically hit the tip of the sword!

"Where is anyone?"

Behind Su Yun, the bearer said displeased: "You blind man, you're dwindling. Hurry up!"

Someone across the bridge also shouted: "Come here, I have to cross the bridge to go to the fair!"

What Su Yun couldn't see was that the man on the other side of the bridge was also a weird man with a shofar, and the wood bearer behind him was also a firstborn shofar!

With a smile on his face, Su Yun said yes to them, raising his foot and continuing to walk forward slowly.

The man's eyes flickered, and his right hand slowly drew a long knife from the pyre.

With great strength, his left hand slowly supported the firewood load, bent down, and quietly placed the firewood load on the bridge.

The stone bridge of Tianping Bridge is very narrow, and one step is so wide that it can barely accommodate the load of firewood.

Tan Chai Ren stared at Su Yun's back, breathing slightly, he slowly straightened up his waist, at this moment, he suddenly saw a dragon swimming under Su Yun's skin!

It is autumn now, and Su Yun has added some clothes to his body, and he can only see his skin from the back of his neck and ankles.

The dragon's sharp claws and head bearers will not admit their mistakes, and know the whole leopard at a glance. Only from the scales of the claws, he can "see" that Su Yun's qi and blood movement is bound to be extremely violent at this time!

His human qi and blood, violent to manifestation, turned into a dragon, flowing out from its heart, and the dragon wandering on the surface of the skin, spreading all over the body, forming a powerful force!

In a short period of time, Su Yun's lungs can breathe several times more air than usual!

The compression force of his heart is also several times that of usual, which greatly increases the speed of blood flow!

More than six hundred muscles in his body are ready, and every muscle contraction and stretching will provide up to several times the explosive power!

If his power bursts out, it will be as amazing as the explosion of gunpowder!

"Be careful!"

The Chaiman yelled, but as soon as his "little" was uttered, Su Yun had already stepped out, and his body was barely inserted on the sword in front of him.

Under the induction of Qi, the two shofar monsters in front broke out involuntarily, and the long sword and the long sword stab forward!

At the same time they stabbed the sword, Su Yun had already retreated, avoiding the sword like a prophet. When he retreated, he had already performed a half stroke of the dragon's tail and swept back!


The load of firewood exploded, blocking the view of the load of firewood!


At the same time as the bearer stood up, the second word roared out, and Su Yun's left hand protruded forward, his blood snorted and overflowed out of his body, forming the form of a dragon's mouth around his palm!

Hearing a ding sound, the long knife of the claw holding the knife was caught by Su Yun's left hand, and the sharp blade did not even hurt his palm.


Su Yun suddenly heard the sound of the dragon, and Su Yun's left arm twisted and twisted, and the long knife dinged and twisted into twists. The croak's face showed a look of astonishment. He saw that his knife-holding arm was also twisted into a twist. Twist!

There was a popping sound from his wrist joints, and the fascia was torn, and then the forearm flexors, extensors, brevis, digits and other muscle groups rotated and twisted, and the arm bones also rotated, sending this invading force. To the upper arm.


His shoulder blades were dislocated, and the knife-holding arm twisted into twists in the oil pan. He even saw the violently beating muscles and exploded blood vessels on his arm!