The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 49: The ashes


In the city of Shuofang, there are forests of buildings, and dozens of buildings are often crowded together to form a community of buildings.

Between the building community and the community, there are factories, some are for burning glass, some are for smelting minerals, and some are forging and smelting. Different factories have different division of labor.

The Robbery Ash Factory is located on the edge of Shuofang City, and there are also tall buildings nearby. Listening to Li Muge, these buildings are called 囿lou.

"The building is where the poor live in the city."

Li Muge walked forward carrying the baggage, and said: "囿 means a garden where animals are kept in captivity. The building is the place where the people at the bottom live. The houses here are old, broken, small, and very crowded. The people who live here are all Poor guys like me, some are scholars in the school, and some make a living from the countryside to the city."

He paused, hesitated, and said, "Many of the monsters entering the city are hidden here. Junior Brother Yun, what kind of monster are you?"

"I'm really not a monster." Su Yun said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter if you are a monster. I can see that you are mostly a bison monster. Actually, some juniors in my Wenchang Academy are monsters. But other academies are not. They are mostly veteran and scream at monsters. Shout to kill."

Li Muge walked in front, only to see that the snow fell and heavier, making Shuofang City appear foggy.

"I've seen monsters many times in the city. The little brother's family living next door seems to be all monsters... Strange, why is there such a big snow?"

Li Muge looked up at the sky, and said in amazement: "Suofang City doesn't have such a heavy snow this season. This snow is weird."

He shook his head.

Huahu suddenly said: "Xiaoyun, when the humans and demons were born one hundred and fifty years ago, there was heavy snow in the sky and the mountains were sealed by heavy snow."

Su Yun was awe-inspiring.

According to the records in the ancient book of the buried Longling Mausoleum, when the Tiandao academician Zi Gelong entered the buried Longling Mausoleum to summon the Dragon Spirit, there was a sudden heavy snowfall.

"After the humans and demons came out of the Dragon Burial Mausoleum, there was heavy snowfall in Tianshiyuan. Now it is Shuofang City's turn.

Su Yun looked up at the sky, but seeing that the snowflakes were getting bigger and bigger, and each snowflake was as big as a slap, he fluttered down and said, "It seems that the whole village is eating, it should be in Shuofang City. There is also Tiandaoyuan. The leader of the school, he should also be in Shuofang City? Over the past hundred and fifty years, he has changed his appearance, but his extraordinary ability can't be hidden. If he stays in Shuofang, today, one hundred and fifty years later, he It should be the biggest power in the city, right?"

Of course, it is possible that the leader of the school did not stay in Shuofang after he walked out of the sky.

"Junior Brother Yun, Junior Brother Hua, you see, the Jie Ash Factory is in front of you." Li Muge pointed forward and smiled.

Su Yun suppressed the reverie in his heart and looked in the direction of his fingers.

He is also very curious about the so-called ash robbery factory.

According to Li Muge, Shuofang is a city built on the ashes, and the contribution of the ashes factory to Shuofang is immeasurable!

Ahead, next to the official road is a large factory building, covering an area of about a thousand acres. The factory building is built on a flat ground with a mountain backed by a mountain. The factory is composed of flat houses without tall buildings.

But the mountain is not big, it has been dug in half, and there are several holes on the mountain wall as high as several meters.

The factory was brightly lit, and some bullock carts carrying looted ashes passed by at the gate. This kind of car drove in the rut and had an amazing load. A small car weighed thousands of kilograms of ashes, and the car was crushed. Creak!

Every minecart has a bull in the front pulling the cart, and there are workers pushing it in the back, which is very difficult.

Su Yun looked into the car and saw that the ashes were not ashes, but large rocks. The snow was flying, and the ashes were covered with a layer of white, but it could still be seen that the ashes were black and glowing like black gold. Gloss.

It is this strange thing that supports Shuofang City

Su Yun was curious.

Workers who dig the ashes are bare-armed in this winter, and their bodies are covered with dust from the ashes. They are dyed soot. The snow falls on them and melts, and they flow down with sweat.

Sweat and blood are mixed with black dust, and the places they slide over will reveal the original color of their skin.

"These ashes were excavated and sent directly to various kilns."

Li Muge whispered: "Some people here are from the countryside of Shuofang, and some are monsters from the uninhabited area of Tianshiyuan. There is nowhere to make a living in the city, so they can only do some hard work. Tired, dirty and bitter, and worry about life, people in the city are unwilling to do it."

Su Yun, Huahu, and others stopped looking, and Su Yun said silently in his heart: "I used to hear people from neighboring villages say that his child so-and-so worked in the city and made a lot of money. These monsters are lying to their parents and don't want them to worry about it."

He just thought of this when suddenly there was a burst of noise from the robbery ash factory, only to hear someone shouting: "A monster from the robbery ash rushed out!"

In the mine, I don’t know how many dark-painted workers ran out in a panic, crying and screaming. Someone fell down and ran stumbling around. However, they were trampled on many feet and they didn’t move. I don’t know why. Death is alive.

The workers who were pushing the minecart were also taken aback. They hurriedly threw the minecart away, ran away, and shouted, "The gangster is eating people!"

"Ashen Robber?"

Su Yun looked around, and saw that a mine hole in the half of the mountain in the mine suddenly banged and exploded. The rubble flew around. A monster of the same color as the robbery suddenly flew out, flew close to the ground, and suddenly grabbed it. One fell on a minecart.

The mine cart shook, there was a chewing sound from the cart, and blood gurgled out from under the cart.

Soon, another dark monster on the mine cart flew up and landed on the bull bull pulling the cart in front of him. Then with a cry, the bull bull was pulled up into the sky along with the mine cart!

"A lot of strength!" Su Yun's face changed slightly, and he looked up into the sky, only to see that the sky was pitch black, and he couldn't see where the monster was.

The minecart fell from the sky, crashing to the ground, and the ashes were scattered everywhere.

From the sky, there was the sound of cows, and then there was a rain of blood falling. The next moment, a bloody cow skeleton smashed into the mine cart not far away.

Su Yun's face changed slightly, only to see escaping miners everywhere, rushing towards the gate of the mine.

From time to time there was a screaming cry from the crowd, and people kept flying up into the air dancing and dancing. They were obviously caught by monsters and were eaten in the air!

The monster was as black as Jie Hui, covered by night, and there was no way to see where the monster was!

Li Muge's expression also changed, and he hurriedly dropped all the burdens, rushed to the factory, and shouted, "The robbery monster has appeared again? Junior Brother Yun and Hua, you stay here, the monster is very dangerous!"

Su Yun closed his eyes and suddenly sensed a cloud of blood flying in the sky, and he was rushing toward them!

They are facing the gate, and the workers in the mine are pouring here like a tide!

Obviously, the purpose of the monster is to block the gate so that no one can escape from the ashes factory and become its food!

The corner of Su Yun's eyes jumped, and he said in a deep voice, "Second brother, take Xiaofan and the others first, go to the building and wait for me and Brother Pastoral."

Hearing the words, Hua Fox immediately pulled Qingqiuyue, threw the little girl up and rode on her neck, holding the fox with one hand, and holding Li Xiaofan towards the building with one hand.

Su Yun closed his eyes and faced the crowd coming like a tide.

Some people in the crowd have already begun to change their bodies on the way to escape. Some are pig-faced humans, some are hericium brains, some are wolf-headed humans, and some have first-born horns. There are many types, and they run wildly across the crowd.

The miners around them were not surprised at this, and they obviously knew the identity of the partners who worked with them.

In Su Yun’s qi and blood induction, the gray robber rushing here in the sky looks like a car wheel with a small dot in the middle, like the axle of a car wheel, and there are spokes between the axle and the wheel. Connected.

Just relying on qi and blood, it is impossible to distinguish the specific form of the gray robbery monster, and the blood induction can only determine the shape of the gray robbery monster's blood and it is easy to make mistakes.

But the gray robbing monster is the same color as the dark sky, and it is impossible to observe with the naked eye. Only by sensing the qi and blood can its position be distinguished!

The Gray Tribulation Monster attacked them from the air. Su Yun's qi and blood could "see" the Tribulation Gray Monster falling, as if it was about to hit the ground, but it did not land, but flew against the ground. Come!

"It has wings, but there is no blood circulation in the wings, so the wings did not appear in my qi and blood induction." Su Yun made a judgment like electric light and flint.

At this time, Li Muge had already rushed into the mine. He obviously didn't know how to sense qi and blood, and the gray robber was black, so he didn't realize that the gray robber had actually come to the door of the robbery factory!

Now there is chaos everywhere, people are full of noise, and Su Yun can't tell him.


There was a loud noise, and the gangster smashed into the minecart parked outside the mine gate, and the minecart full of gangster ash was hit and rolled over and rushed here.

Facing the rolling minecart, Su Yun kept retreating. The ashes in the minecart had been scattered everywhere, and the smoke and dust filled his vision, blocking his vision.

He simply closed his eyes and urged the furnace to change, his vitality and blood were raised to the extreme, his back muscles bulged, and his strength was also raised to the extreme!

He suddenly stopped, turned around and kicked back.

The dragon wagging its tail!

The minecart made a loud noise and stopped on the spot, dust and smoke everywhere.

There was a scream from the gate of the mine, and there was a lot of noise.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, Su Yun opened his eyes and saw a tall figure standing in the diffuse smoke, it was the tribulation gray monster.

The gray robbing monster looks like a human, with arms and legs, but the body is taller, and it has wings with a wingspan of several feet. The wings are like bats and are fleshy.

His feet are like the claws of an eagle, and they are unusually sharp, but this is not the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing is that his breastbone is growing outside!

What's even stranger is the distribution of bones on his chest, like a car wheel!

As seen by Su Yun's qi-blood induction, the bones on the chest of the gray robber are the densest, like the axle of a wheel, while the ribs are like spokes of a wheel, connected to the axle, and the spokes extend in all directions.

He had never seen such a strange structure!

"In my qi-blood induction, the qi and blood contained in its bones are the strongest. Could it be said that its bones are hollow? Its blood flows from the bones?"

Su Yun was extremely surprised: "There are no such monsters in the countryside! The roe deer in Linyi Village is right. The steel forest in the city is indeed much more dangerous than the tree forest in the countryside. There are more monsters eating people here than in the countryside!"

The monster turned around and looked to him, his eyes were pale and no pupils could be seen.

Zhaizhu: I'm back home, so feel at ease with the code word~~