The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 51: Scared to death by his own background


Su Yun found Huahu and others. Not long after, Li Muge found him. This young spiritualist was very enthusiastic before, but now he has become a little more virtuous and restrained, and he kindly invited them to go upstairs.

Su Yun and Huahu wondered in their hearts, they didn't know how he became like this.

"Are you possessed by a demon?"

Huahu whispered to Su Yun: "The whole village should be in the city for dinner."

Su Yun was awe-inspiring: "Second brother, don't talk nonsense. This is the outskirts of Shuofang City, and the whole village is going to the inner wall to eat. There are more people there."

Huahu whispered: "We have just entered the city, and it is convenient for Shuo to snow. Maybe the humans and demons are always by our side."

Su Yun's heart was also hairy, but fortunately the monks also walked over, smiling kindly at them.

Su Yun smiled back, and several monks also walked into the building, apparently also living here. Li Muge whispered: "These masters are our gentlemen from Wenchang Academy."

Su Yun was surprised: "Wenchang Academy is a temple?"

Li Muge shook his head: "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are prominent studies, basically every school and school has it."

The building was very dilapidated. Inside, there were people with three religions and nine ranks. On the way upstairs, Su Yun and the others encountered a few Taoists and Confucian scholars in the narrow corridor, and a few others looked fierce, and they didn't look like good people.

They even encountered a miner, a leopard-headed monster, who should have escaped here just now because he was frightened, forgetting that he was frightened out of his original form, hiding in the corner shivering.

Su Yun entered Li Muge's room, Li Muge took out a small piece of ash from the small box on the table, only the size of a fingernail, and lit it and placed it in the lampshade.

I saw the robbery slowly floating in the lampshade, dazzling light, illuminating the room.

"This small piece of ashes can illuminate the whole night, and when it burns out the next morning, it will turn into ashes and fall down."

Li Muge was a little embarrassed, and said: "The most convenient place to live here is to rob the ash without spending money. If there is no, go to the roadside of the rob ash factory to pick up some."

Su Yun was amazed, he also picked up some of the ashes, which was transformed by the flesh and blood of the ashes, but the shape seemed to be different from the ashes picked up by Li Muge.

He took out the robbery ash made by the blood and flesh of the robbery ash monster, carefully squeezed out a small piece, put the others away, and compared it with Li Muge's robbery ash.

I saw that the tribulation ash transformed by the blood and flesh of the tribulation monster was diamond-shaped, pointed up and down, like dark crystals.

The Jie Hui picked up by Li Muge did not have this characteristic.

Li Muge is also a teenager, with a curious nature, so he leaned in and said, "This is the first time I have seen the ashes transformed by the ashes. Or, let's just light a piece and see how bright it is

Su Yun nodded.

Li Muge took the fire and moved to the diamond-shaped robbery ash.


The building shook violently, and a room on the ninth floor was overwhelmed with fire, and the glazed windows flew out together with the window lattices, and all the doors of the corridor were forcibly opened by the air waves!

Soon after, Li Muge, Su Yun, Huahu, Qingqiuyue and others were standing by the official road downstairs. Their faces were black and white, their hair was scorched, and they were carrying their own large and small burdens. .

Suddenly, another baggage was thrown down upstairs and hit them at their feet.

"Little bastard of Wenchang Academy, don't let Lao Tzu meet you again!"

The owner of the building leaned out of the window half body and yelled at them: "Leasing to others is for money, renting to you is terrible, let's roll the ball and eat the ashes!"

After a while, the monks also walked downstairs with their little baggage. The owner of the building accompanied him and apologized: "Masters, I am really sorry, it is not convenient to rent it to you... Who else is in the building? Is it from Wenchang Academy? Got it to Laozi! Masters, please here!"

The monks came to Su Yun, Li Muge and others with their dark faces. Hua Fox lowered his head to look at his toes, Li Muge also looked down at his toes, Su Yun's face was innocent and sunny but with a blank and ignorant smile.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and soon a layer of snow fell on everyone.

The headed monk said with a gentle expression: "Pastoralist, we often have some accidents on the road of searching for knowledge. Don't be shaken by accidents, and face the accidents bravely. You go to the academy and stay for one night. Tomorrow or go home to live, or rent another room."

Li Muge said yes.

After a while, a giant beast swayed over on the official road. The giant beast carried a two-story wooden building on its back, and there were lights upstairs.

Li Muge beckoned, the giant beast stopped, the small wooden building creaked, and there were people in the two-story small building, and the figures shook under the light.

The glazed window of the second-story building opened, and a messy head came out. He carried a wine jar and was so full of alcohol that he asked, "Are you in the city? Get in the car. Two money for adults and one money for children."

Li Muge climbed up first, Su Yun and Huahu followed with three children, and a few monks at the end.

The first floor of this beast squad was full of people. There was no place to go. Several people climbed up the wooden stairs. On the second floor, there were also a few middle-aged men with a vicious face who were drinking.

Several monks also walked up to the second floor. The monk headed knocked on the window of the car and said, "Let's go to Wenchang Academy."

"Wenchang Academy?"

The coachman carrying the wine jar was taken aback. He was completely deprived of alcohol, and quickly put the wine jar aside and sat down tightly.

A few middle-aged men who were drinking hurriedly got up, walked down the second floor without saying a word, and jumped down from the upper floor, not daring to stay on the beast.

The passengers downstairs also shouted: "I'm at the place, stop! Stop!"

After a short time, only Su Yun and others were left in the car.

The coachman was trembling and wanted to jump out of the car and escape, but he didn't dare, so he shook the reins, and the giant beast let out a moo of unwillingness, and walked towards the city.

Su Yun and Huahu glanced at each other, and both felt bad in their hearts: "Li Muge said that Wenchang Academy has a bad atmosphere. It seems that it is more than a bad atmosphere."

Several monks closed the car windows, and the small building suddenly became extremely quiet and isolated from the outside world.

Su Yun looked out and saw that there were more and more high-rise buildings and more and more cloud bridges. Some buildings were too high, and there were clouds floating around the waists of the buildings.

Another cloud bridge protruded from the clouds, and pedestrians walked on the bridge, strolling through the clouds.

The night in this city is not dark at all. There are lights that ignite the ashes hanging inside and outside the building. The roads on both sides of the road illuminate the city as day.

Pedestrians take advantage of the night and snow to come out to play, and the streets are also prosperous with commerce, like a city that never sleeps, dazzling people.

There are more beasts on the road, some are running wildly, some are very slow. The small building on the back of the beast is illuminated by ash lamps upstairs and down. Most of the buildings are young men and women, drinking, having fun, singing and laughing. .

Su Yun and the others were extremely quiet in the small building where the beast was thrown away. Although it was winter, the coachman was sweaty and nervously driving the giant beast on the official road and walked to Wenchang Academy.

Opposite Su Yun, the young monk had warm eyes and smiled and said, "Little monk Tu Ming. The admiral came from the Eastern Capital. I'm afraid there is still no place to stay, right?"

"Call me admiral again?" Su Yun was startled.

Monk Tu Ming looked serious: "The envoy does not need to worry. We are the monks of the Shakyamuni Temple of Wenchang Academy, and we also accidentally learned the identity of the envoy. The envoy was ordered to come to Shuofang, and it must be a heavy responsibility. Dare to ask, but please give me Wenchang Academy a chance to serve the emperor!"

Hu Buping said quickly: "Monk, you have misunderstood, we are not some envoy, we are from the country, and we go to the city to study!"

Monk Tu Ming smiled slightly, with a look that I can understand, and said, "Can the envoy please show me the order of heaven?"

Su Yun glanced at Li Muge who was aside, Li Muge watched his nose and his heart without saying a word.

Su Yun frowned, took out the Tiandao Academy token from his baggage, and said, "Master must have misunderstood. We are really here to study and we are not an emperor."

Monk Tu Ming took it, and several monks leaned over and checked over and over. After a while, those monks nodded solemnly.

"That's right, it's an order of heaven."

Monk Tu Ming stood up, held the token in both hands, and sent it to Su Yun respectfully, and said in a deep voice, "Envoy, please put it away."

Su Yun accepted the token, which they found from the bones of the dead academicians of Tiandao in the Long Burial Tomb, and found a total of four and a half pieces.

They think the jade is of good quality, and originally planned to sell it in the city in exchange for money to subsidize the expenses, but from the performance of Monk Tu Ming, the token of the Tiandao Academy should be very important.

"Several masters, we are country folks from the Tianshiyuan no man's land, and we happened to encounter such things as the Tribulation Monster by chance. We also picked this order of heaven by accident."

Su Yun said honestly: "We have nothing to do with Tiandao Academy."

Monk Tu Ming laughed, looked at the monks at each other, and said in unison: "Your envoy, don't worry, we all understand that we will never leak the wind!"

There is no one in the uninhabited area of Tianshiyuan. This is something everyone knows.

The Order of the Heavenly Dao in the Tiandao Academy is even more impossible to be picked up casually!

And the gray robber riots, naturally, it is not a coincidence that you can encounter it!

Su Yun's words made them even more convinced that Su Yun and the others were the Tiandao academicians who came to Shuofang to visit Shuofang secretly on the order of the Great Emperor of Yuan Shuo!

Several monks became excited: "Suo Fang, there is a big case!"

Monk Tu Ming turned around and said with concern: "How many come from the countryside to study, and haven't enrolled yet?"

Huahu shrank his head and said honestly: "We just entered the city and haven't gone to the school yet..."

Several monks laughed at the same time: "Yes, when I first entered the city, naturally I did not enroll. The admiral has not enrolled yet. I want to go to our Wenchang Academy. Naturally, my Wenchang Academy is very welcoming. There is no need to take another exam for those who had an entrance exam. ."

"It's better to take a test!" Hu Buping said hurriedly.

Several little foxes nodded their heads and said to their hearts: "What if this Wenchang Academy is a big dungpit? We went to the city to study, but we didn't fall into the dungpit to take a bath!"

Tu Ming was helpless, so he had to say: "Well. Then take a test and go through the scene."

Huahu became more and more sure that Wenchang Academy was not a good place, and said with a distressed expression: "A few masters, we are from the countryside and we have no identity in Shuofang City. I am afraid it will be difficult to enroll..."

Monk Tu Ming said with a smile: "It's simple. We have nowhere to stay. Let's go to Wenchang Academy for a night's sleep. Tomorrow morning, the five identities will be arranged properly and there will be no flaws!"

Su Yun and Huahu looked at each other, and they felt a bad feeling in their hearts: "Wenchang Academy is indeed the worst school in Shuofang City. It can't recruit scholars, so I'm determined to keep us!"

Qingqiuyue was so angry that her tears flowed down, and she choked up: "If we fail to pass the exam, we will definitely not go to your school!"

Monk Tu Ming and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and said solemnly: "My admiral, rest assured..."

Su Yun was also a little big, and explained: "Master, we are not an envoy."

Tu Ming looked awe-inspiringly, looking around for a week, and said in a deep voice, "Do you understand? After going down here, there will be no envoy from Dongdu!"

"Understood!" several monks said in unison.

A monk hesitated and whispered: "Senior brother, do you want this coachman to silence?"

Zhaizhu: Whoever talks about taking a picture, I will kill him. If you ask me to draw a ball, I can't draw it round! I can't draw the gray robbers, and I can't draw minecarts! My daughter learns to paint, but she is only seven years old and can't draw illustrations. Kneel, please let it go!

By the way, the four foxes are eating with the whole village. They have been drawn by someone. Do you want to see them