The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 68: Fourth place


Under the sky view picture, Baiyuelou's figure appeared, his face was sallow, and the loss of his ribs and sternum was a very serious injury.

The pain came and made him unbearable.

Slightly careless, his ribs will fall off, and then only the spine will be left in the chest cavity. No matter how careless, you might not even have support for your internal organs, and you might just fall down!

too strong.

He said silently in his heart.

Through his battle with Huahu, Su Yun learned the six tricks of his sun and moon stacking bibs, and changed hands to deal with him. The final blow almost killed him. Fortunately, Tianlin Shangjingtu rescued him at the last moment. go.

A doctor walked over and found out the injuries on his body, his face changed slightly: "The Holy Master was also eliminated? Who has such a method? Isn't anyone suppressed the realm and displayed the cultivation of a spiritualist?"

Baiyuelou's forehead was in cold sweat from the pain, and his voice was hoarse: "I met a terrible person."

The doctor hurriedly healed him, and he was frightened.

Not far away, Hua Fox was wounded in many places and was bandaged like a zongzi. He smiled and said: "Sheng Gongzi, you are eliminated faster than I thought. How is my classmate?"

Baiyuelou held back the pain and asked the doctor to take the bones for himself, hissing: "I originally thought that he used the cultivation base of the spiritual realm to attack me. At the same realm, I should be able to defeat him and return the humiliation. He. Unexpectedly, I still lost."

Huahu smiled and said, "Did you use Jiaolongyin to deal with him?"

Bai Yuelou was stunned: "How do you know?"

Huahu triumphantly said: "You have the heart to fight for strength, and you learned from me the two tricks of the dragon chant, so you definitely want to show off and blow his confidence. But you never thought about it, even my dragon chant. He taught him! You learn from me the Dragon's Yin, and then deal with him, it's no wonder that you lose faster than I guessed!"

Baiyuelou gaped.

Huahu limped and said leisurely: "Even if you learn the dragon chant, you shouldn't use it. In front of him, the dragon chant is full of flaws."

He couldn't help but think of Su Yun's battle in Huqiu Village, killing Qiu Shuijing's disciple Yang Sheng.

At that time, Su Yun was only the third stage of foundation building, and Yang Sheng had already completed the sixth stage of foundation building. Yang Sheng was almost cut off his neck when Su Yun used his hand as a sword to break all the crocodile dragons' tricks!

Later, when the Flower Fox and the other three little foxes played against Su Yun, they would easily be broken by Su Yun every time they used the Crocodile Dragon Yin.

If Baiyuelou used the sun and moon stacking technique to fight against Su Yun, he would definitely hold on for longer, and maybe even hurt Su Yun.

But with a bragging mentality, he used the Dragon's Yin to deal with Su Yun, and he must have "dead" extremely smoothly!

Bai Yuelou sighed and whispered: "The saint taught me to guard against arrogance and rashness, and to act cautiously. I always forget."

Huahu said: "You should be like this for your youth. If you are as stable as my uncle, you will lose the vigor that a young man should have."

Bai Yuelou respected in awe: "Dare to ask Brother Hua's uncle who is the senior expert?"

"My uncle's surname is Gou, and he does some small business in the country on weekdays. If you want to see him, wait until I return home to introduce you."

"Thank you brother Hua!"

In the top scene of Tianlin, Su Yun basically stopped taking action, but instead pointed Li Xiaofanhu and Qingqiuyue to practice, and when they met other scholars, he pointed them how to fight.

The three little guys had been taking care of Su Yun and Huahu. Although they worked hard to cultivate, their attitudes were still not correct.

It was not until this time that Huahu defeated Sheng Gongzi Baiyue Tower for Su Yun, and went to the Shangchang Academy for the three of them, and "going to death" fought against Sheng Gongzi, which allowed the three little guys to have a learning mentality. .

Along the way, Qingqiuyue, Li Xiaofan, and Hu Buping learned quickly and entered the fifth stage of foundation building, which is not weaker than other scholars.

In particular, Bi Fang's combined attack skills, the three of them trained so well, so they defeated many scholars and got some results, but I don't know if they can pass the examination of the Shangchang Academy.

In the afternoon, the sun was westward, and there were fewer and fewer scholars in the upper scene of the sky. Su Yun took the three little babies and walked for a long time without encountering any scholars.

Suddenly, Qingqiuyue's body gradually faded and slowly disappeared.

Su Yun stopped and looked around, only to see that he was back at the lake again, saying in his heart: "The first big exam is over, and two people will be selected in each beautiful picture to prepare for the second big exam. Then the sky is here. Apart from me in the scene, who is the other person?"

He was thinking, and suddenly heard a familiar female voice on the lake: "I stayed? I actually stayed! Brother, didn't you say that I would never pass the exam? Your sister was admitted to the top 20. !"

Su Yun was surprised, looked into the lake, and saw Li Zhuxian standing on the small island in the lake, jumping and jumping happily, without the tranquil appearance of the previous one.

"Brother Xiaoyun!"

Seeing Su Yun on the shore from a distance, the girl with two pony tails was so excited that she waved at him: "Is the other person you? I am also admitted to the top 20, and I am eligible to go to Shuofang Academy!"

Su Yun waved to her and asked loudly, "Ms. Bamboo Fairy, how did you get there?"

Li Zhuxian backed up two steps and rushed to the lake with a sudden acceleration. She was about to fall into the lake. The girl performed Bifangbian, like a Bifang divine bird burning on fire. The blood manifested and turned into wings. Fluttering his wings on the lake, dragging long waves of fire, from time to time his feet point in the water, with a little help!

She actually left a string of ripples all the way, rushing from the lake quickly, and her two ponytails were pulled straight behind her back.

The next moment, she rushed to the shore, stopped in front of Su Yun, and a strong fire wave hit her face.

Li Zhuxian's dress was unfolded, the fire wave disappeared, and he stood in front of Su Yun beautifully, his face flushed, his chest undulated violently, and his breath calmed down after a little breath.

"Bi Fangbian can still use it like this?"

Su Yun was surprised. Just about to try something, Li Zhuxian hurriedly stopped him, saying: "I am light, so I can walk on the water with a little bit of water. If you are heavier, you will definitely fall into the water! My brother I did not know how many times I fell into the water before!"

Su Yun suppressed the urge to try, and curiously asked: "Brother Li Muge will also fall into the water?"

"Fall in often."

Li Zhuxian was not uncomfortable: "Just now, a few scholars chased me and tried to fly over from the lake, but they fell into the lake and drowned! Strange, what about the Sheng Gongzi? Logically speaking, he should be. The top 20..."

"He was eliminated by me."

Su Yun said lightly: "But he is actually very strong, but unfortunately I used the wrong trick, so I beat him to death."

Li Zhuxian looked at him like a monster. After a while, he tentatively asked, "How many scholars have you killed?"

"About three or four hundred."

Su Yun was also a little unsure: "I haven't counted them."

Li Zhuxian was taken aback and lost his voice: "I'm only thirty-four, and a few of them fell into the lake. I took the opportunity to turn my blood into flying feathers and pierce them to death."

"If the second elder brother doesn't fight that fight with the son, then the second elder brother might be another person in the top twenty." Su Yun said silently.

In addition to a hard fight with the Saint Baiyuelou, Huahu also had a bloody fight with another disciple of Qiu Shuijing before that, and eliminated the opponent. The purple-clothed boy was also a ruthless character.

Li Zhuxian walked up and down excitedly, saying: "The geographic map of the top view of Tianlin that my father bought is still useful. After playing a few games, I didn’t have enough energy and blood, so I immediately hid on the island in the lake. Come out and continue to play after a rest. It's considered a big luck hit, and even entered the top 20. This time I was admitted to the Shuofang Academy and I was able to go to school with Brother Xiaoyun."

Su Yun shook his head: "I want to apply for the Wenchang Academy."

The girl with double ponytails widened her eyes, looked at him in surprise, and said, "Wenchang Academy? You have this grade, why do you want to take the Wenchang Academy?"

Su Yun wondered: "Isn't Wenchang Academy very good? The teachers in the top four academies are very good."

"Suofang has four academies in total, and Wenchang Academy is of course the top four!"

Li Zhuxian angrily said: "You were deceived by my brother? It must be my brother who lied to you. I will help you beat him back! My brother was frustrated with my dad, so he applied for the Wenchang Academy. He broke off the relationship, my family’s ancestral grave was gurgling black smoke, my father said that the ancestor was so angry that he almost jumped out of the coffin, and he finally pressed the coffin board..."

Su Yun stood there with a dull expression, and did not recover for a long while.

"... Later, my brother became a spiritualist, and every time he went home he would fight with my dad. Although he was beaten every time, my dad told me privately that my brother did a good job."

Su Yun only felt that the sky was spinning, and his mind roared: "Suofang has four academies, and four academies rank fourth... How do I explain to the Lao Gou couple and the dead Mr. Wild Fox... There are a total of four academies, and I chose the best. The worst one, I am ashamed of Mr. Wild Fox..."

"...Wenchang Academy, as long as any scholar with a little score can be admitted, if there is no score, naturally he will definitely not pass the test. But in the past, all the people studying there were countrymen, and they were all scum like my brother. ."

The girl finally finished speaking, looked up at the sky, revealing a strange color, and said: "Brother Xiaoyun, the second big test is that ten spiritual worlds with ten beautiful pictures are superimposed and turned into a battlefield, and the top twenty are determined. Ranking. However, in the past, the scholars were allowed to rest for a period of time, and the top 20 duel was only held the next day. Why did it take so long this time?"

Su Yun still didn't recover, and said blankly: "What?"

Li Zhuxian's rare face was solemn, and he raised his feet and leaned on his ears and said, "I suspect, something happened outside!"

Su Yun's ears were itchy by her breathing, and then he recovered, and his heart was awe-inspiring: "Could it be that a human demon appeared?"

The gods were in the middle, and the servants of the four university palaces looked at the list of the top twenty scholars in this big exam, and frowned.

Zuo Songyan was still kind in the end, did not hold back, and told them the third wave of the sacrifice of human beings and demons. The atmosphere in the gods was extremely depressed.

This year's top 20 scholars, there are many outstanding people, but it is very likely that humans and demons have been hidden among these twenty people, and any person on the list now has the possibility of becoming a human being.

"Human demons must hide among twenty people. Nineteen of these twenty people are the sacrifices of the third wave of human demons. In the end, only one person can survive. This person is the main body of human demons. "

Tong Qingyun looked at the crowd, and said solemnly: "If you get so many sacrifices, the humans and demons will be extremely powerful and difficult to deal with."

Tian Wuji frowned and said, "Do these twenty people have to die? How can they be saved?"

Among the twenty people, 17 scholars were sent by him to follow Qiu Shuijing's practice. If these scholars died, he would have nothing to return. I am afraid that Moxia Academy can only be in the Fourth University Palace. Ranked second in China, unable to climb to the front of Shuofang Xuegong!

This is something he cannot bear!

"There are two ways."

Wen Lifang suddenly said: "The first way is to invite the saint to come and let the saint enter the ten beautiful pictures. The saint punishes the devil in the picture!"

Everyone frowned, and Tian Wuji categorically said: "Impossible! The saint entered the picture, his spiritual world was sealed, and he used the cultivation base of the foundation realm to fight against the humans and demons, just to die! Wen Pu shot, do you want the saint to die? ?"

Tong Qingyun said solemnly: "It's more likely that the saint's spiritual world is too strong, so he directly shreds the ten beautiful pictures to let the demons escape. This idea is not feasible, what about the second method?"

The others nodded and said yes.

The strength of the saint is close to the four myths of Yuanshuo Kingdom, and no spiritual soldier can seal his cultivation.

Wen Lifang continued: "The second method is to invite the old senior who donated the ten beautiful pictures. Only he can use all the power of the ten beautiful pictures to suppress humans and demons!"

"The senior who donated the Ten Splendid Pictures did not leave his name."

Tian Wuji shook his head and said: "We don't even know who donated it. To be honest, I am not willing to donate such a good spirit soldier, if I am not willing to donate it, can I keep it for my own use? Unless I am about to die. It may be donated. So..."

He did not go on, but everyone else understood that the predecessor who donated the ten beautiful pictures 50 years ago was mostly dead, and there might even be no descendants.

Wen Lifang's face was cruel, and the pearls hanging down from the phoenix hairpin on the temples shook slightly, and whispered: "If you can't invite the saint, the senior who donated the picture has passed away, so only the ten beautiful pictures will be closed, and the twenty scholars The sons starved to death in it, let them be buried with the humans and demons. Only 20 scholars died, and the loss was the lowest!"

Qiu Shuijing looked at Zuo Songyan, but did not speak.