The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 71: Girl, are you cold?


While the crocodile dragon leaped from the yellow sand, the yellow sand dragon behind Su Yun plunged into the desert fiercely.

The crocodile dragon bit Li Zhuxian and rolled over. At the same time, Li Zhuxian was more than ten steps behind him, and a man broke out of the yellow sand to avoid the yellow sand dragon from under the desert!

Li Zhuxian reacted swiftly and immediately backed away to avoid him, but his feet suddenly sank, as if he was caught by something.

She hurriedly looked down, but Su Yun was stepping on the corner of her skirt. She was about to break free, but was bitten by the yellow sand crocodile dragon and rushed out.

The yellow sand crocodile dragon rolled in the air, and Li Zhuxian's body immediately became thin, and he was about to be sent out of the beautiful picture.

"Su Yun, you have harmed me!" Li Zhuxian yelled at Su Yun angrily.

On the other side, while Su Yun stepped on the corner of Li Zhuxian's skirt, he raised his right arm, blood poured into his right arm, and the entire arm suddenly became muscular, like a horned dragon coiling under his skin.

There was a strand of yellow sand on his fingertips and a flick of his finger.

The sixth trick of the ape referendum, the ape man plays the sword!

call out-

There was a sharp break through the air. The scholar who had hidden in the desert of yellow sand just jumped up. People were already in the air. When the first yellow sand hit his eyebrows, his body had already begun to change. Fade away.

Su Yun seemed to have long expected that he would be hiding there, and would jump from there, and also calculated the time of his jump, the sword aura composed of yellow sand popped out of his fingers, precisely when he had nowhere to use the power to avoid it.

At the same time, Li Zhuxian yelled at him and disappeared.

"It seems that Li Zhuxian is not a human being."

Su Yun grabbed some yellow sand and put it in his pocket, saying in his heart: "If this girl is a human demon, then she will block the blow. It is too dangerous for her to stay here, and she should leave."

He always had doubts about Li Zhuxian.

Although the scholar hiding in the desert could hide from his eyes, he could not hide his qi and blood induction. Su Yun deliberately stayed in the desert to give the scholar a chance to attack Li Zhuxian.

After all, Li Zhuxian was Li Muge's younger sister, and Su Yun couldn't explain to Li Muge if Su Yun directly eliminated her, so the best way is to use the hands of the scholar.

It can not only verify whether Li Zhuxian is a human being, but also not destroy the friendship between him and Li Muge.

Su Yun cherished the friendship with Li Muge, and Li Muge made him feel the warmth of strangers in the city.

Moreover, the road ahead could be extremely dangerous, and Su Yun didn't want Li Zhuxian to continue following him because of reason.

Because in the ten beautiful pictures, only the last person in the beautiful scenery of the Tianlou ahead is left!

In Su Yun's qi and blood induction, that person's qi and blood were as strong as the morning sun rising from the darkness in the morning!

As for the other scholars, they have all been buried under that person's hands!

"The current situation is like the tomb of the buried dragon one hundred and fifty years ago."

Su Yun stepped forward and walked towards the edge of the desert. When he came to the edge of the mirage, he suddenly jumped and jumped off the cloud.

"One hundred and fifty years ago, when the Longling Mausoleum was buried in heavy snow and the mountain was sealed, the body of the academician of Tiandao was covered by ice and snow. Only the leader and Han Jun were still alive. When only the two of them were left, the human demon finally revealed its true colors. . And now, only the two of us are left in the spirit world!"

Below, a magnificent tall building came into view. The tall building stood on Longpan Mountain, and the Longpan Mountain downstairs was as high as the clouds!

"So, the human demon should show up! Either me or you!"

With the violent wind blowing, Su Yun passed through the clouds, getting closer and closer to the tall building.

That tall building is exactly the beautiful view of the sky in the ten beautiful pictures!


Su Yun suddenly urged Bi Fang to change, and used the trick of Ye Fanhang Duhuo. The two huge wings behind him spread out, and the scarlet wings were like flames, facing the violent wind!

At the same time, his other qi and blood turned into a Bifang divine bird, and the sharp claws grabbed his body, trying to flutter his wings with qi and blood to slow down his speed.

However, his downward trend was still too fast, and the strong pressure directly caused Bi Fang's blood and blood wings to become tattered. If he fell at this speed, he would definitely be smashed to pieces!

Su Yun urged his qi and blood, and there was a sound of Bi Fang's cry in his body. From Fengming cranes to Jingkong, his qi and blood moved at a violent speed!

Suddenly only heard a boom, the pair of Bi Fang wings behind him burned. The fiery flame heated the air, making the wings stronger!

However, the lift is enough, but the strength of the wings is not strong enough to carry his body.

Bi Fang's divine bird and the wings behind him were blown torn apart by the wind, and they were about to break!

At this moment, the yellow sand in Su Yun's pocket flew out, merged with his blood, and the bones in the wings turned into the flames. The wings suddenly became extremely tough, abruptly slowing down his fall!

Su Yun tried to imitate Bi Fang, vibrating his wings, and finally landed on the roof of the sky building, but his impact was still very fast, and his figure could not stop sliding down the eaves!

When he was in danger, he spread out a pair of bifang wings with a bang, and the fire was blazing, and at the same time he exerted force under his feet, blocks of blue tiles exploded, being crushed by him, and finally stopped when he slid to the edge of the eaves. Stature.

Half a step forward under his feet, he would fall into a building of hundreds of meters, but Su Yun didn't seem to have seen this scene, and he didn't panic at all.

Behind him, the Fang Huo wing gathered, turned back into qi and blood, and collected it in his body.

His Bi Fang's wings were still burning, and when they were restored to vitality and blood, a ball of fire exploded behind him, and the flame disappeared.

Su Yun opened his palm, and the yellow sand in Bi Fang's wings fell into his hand, still being placed in his pocket.

"If you find the real sacred bird Bifang, understand its bone structure and detailed body structure, and manifest it with qi and blood, it should be possible for people to turn into wings and fly." Su Yun said silently in his heart.

Although his experiment was dangerous, it let him see the importance of checking things.

Even the Bifang Shenxing Yangqi chapter has greater potential to be tapped, and has not been fully developed.

Other exercises, such as the fairy ape nourishing qi, can help the golden ape to survive the catastrophe and increase the power of the exercises. In the chapter of Honglu Transmutation and Nourishing Qi, if you can form a real dragon, you can refine it into a real dragon, and the power is naturally different!

Another example is Sheng Gongzi’s Sun Moon Stacking Bibi and Qi Cultivation. If you can come to the sun and the moon, and the sun and the moon are detailed, how great is the power increase of this technique

Of course, he just thought about it.

Su Yun took a step forward and fell down, but only fell a distance of one foot away. The blood behind him turned into a dragon, protruding sharp claws, and clasping the ground on the top floor of the building.

The dragon's whiskers fluttered, and Su Yun's toes point on the dragon's whiskers. With a light force, he floated lightly on the top floor. In front of him was a palace building.

This sky tower is a hundred feet high, and is somewhat similar to the layout of buildings in today's era. Each floor is a palace, and the building is composed of a layer of palaces.

In the time of the eleventh generation of Confucian sages, there was no such high building, so this kind of building can only exist in the dream of Wen Sheng Gong.

The ten beautiful pictures are the spiritual world that carries Wen Sheng Gong’s dream, refined into a spiritual warrior.

Su Yun walked in the sky building, feeling a little bit in his heart. The ten beautiful pictures are one of the old saints, Wen Shenggong's vision of the future. He walked in Wen Shenggong's dream and saw the embryonic form of the current town. Sigh.

The old saint’s vision for the future has been realized today.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from his ears, Su Yun's heart was beating wildly, his scalp was numb, his hair was horrified, and he almost couldn't help turning around and fleeing!

This rustling voice was exactly the strange voice he heard when he first went to Bury Longling and met the whole village for dinner!

Sha Sha's voice appeared, indicating that it is not a scholar in this heavenly building, but a human demon!

A mighty creature he could never defeat!

"Human demon!"

"There are so many masters outside, why do human demons dare to appear?"

"No, no! Is it really a human demon? The human demon has been slaughtered, but there was no blood flow in this big test!"

"Could it be that my five senses and six senses were deceived? Actually, the scholars I defeated in the college entrance examination were all dead. In fact, the blood under my feet was flowing into a river and my hands were covered with blood?"

Su Yun involuntarily gave birth to fear, hurriedly mobilized his own blood, strengthened his senses to sense the world around him,

He even closed his eyes to sense his surroundings with qi and blood, but everything was the same as usual.

The best thing human demons are good at in the weak period is camouflage, which is to confuse people, or to provoke killing. Even the parasitized person does not know that he has been parasitized until his consciousness is completely replaced.

Su Yun couldn't detect anything abnormal, so he settled down and bit the bullet and continued to move forward.

He still has a chance.

Even if it is a human being, it may not be able to break that sword in the same realm!

As soon as the fairy sword came out, it was invincible, and there could be no opponents!

Shasha's voice gradually became clearer, becoming clearer and clearer, and finally turned into a soft voice like a girl: "Little blind man in Tianmen Town, you are here... here... here..."

The echo rang in his ears, like fallen leaves, floating from his ears to his mind, from his mind to his heart, and slowly settled in his heart.

Su Yun stayed unmoved, and walked into the palace, with light gauze curtains in front of him, moving with the wind.

The young man walked steadily, raised his hand to pull off the veil, and kept moving forward. In the long corridor, the blue light hung on the wall to illuminate the road, and then walked forward, it is the main hall of the deep palace.

Su Yun walked into the main hall, and when he looked up, he saw a girl in red lying on the throne of the palace slantingly, with her right hand clenched against her chin, and looking sideways at him.

The girl's long sleeves were spread on the ground, scarlet as blood.

"My name is Wutong."

The girl had silver anklets on her feet, and three golden bells hung on each anklet, each of which was the size of a quail egg.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

She lifted her right foot and placed it gently on the ground. There were no shoes on her feet. The five snow-white toes were raised and placed gently on the ground.

Her feet were as white as transparent, as if carved from mutton fat white jade. If you look closely, you can even see tiny blood vessels.

"It's winter, aren't you cold, Miss Wutong?" Su Yun smiled, with a habitually bright sun but a confused and ignorant smile on his face.

This is the smile of a blind man who can't see anything, used to conceal his helplessness and fear.

He recognized the girl naturally.

This red-clothed girl, when he was included in the top view of Tianlin, gave a glimpse and saw the girl above Uncle Jiao's head when the whole village was eating!

He accidentally caught a glimpse of the girl, but he didn't expect to meet this girl in the final duel!

"not cold."

The girl on the throne put her feet down, stood up, walked towards him, and whispered, "My body is cold."

She habitually landed on the forefoot, with her snow-white pink toes falling on the ground, and gently grasping the ground, the soles of her feet would land completely.

Su Yun looked away from her feet and shook his head.

As the girl approached, the pressure of Qi and blood became stronger and stronger, and the brand of Tianmen Town before his eyes appeared again, the North Sea Pillar, another world on the zenith, and the fairy sword with a long light!

This scene occupies his field of vision again, and the immortal sword's brand once again blocked his eyes.

He became blind again, unable to see everything around him.