The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 86: Unify the exercises


"Yingying is an interesting girl, but unfortunately she can't be abducted."

Su Yun walked out of Wenyuan Pavilion, feeling very sorry, if he could abduct the book monster Yingying, it would be equivalent to packing away all the books in the Tiandao Academy.

Unfortunately, this girl is very clever.

—Of course, it is also possible that there are too many abductions.

Outside Wenyuan Pavilion, the sick boy Diping stood there waiting quietly, and when he saw him walking out of Wenyuan Pavilion, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Senior Su Yun came out of Wenyuan Pavilion so quickly, he must have gained something. Right?"

Su Yun was very wary of him and smiled and said, "If there is no gain, then this place is not worthy of being called Tiandaoyuan. Brother Ping, I have something to do and leave."

He walked towards the gate of Tiandaoyuan, and this time he wanted to try to go out from the gate to see if he could return directly to his spiritual world.

It is true that you can return to your own spiritual world by directly taking back the Qi and blood of the Heavenly Dao Ling, but the sudden scene change will make people feel vomiting and uncomfortable.

The sick young man Diping followed him, walked with him, and said with a smile: "I saw Jieyu and wildness in your eyes. You are different from the other scholars in Tiandao Academy. You are like a beast that came out of the virgin forest. . Your walking posture is cautious, your sight, hearing, smell, touch, perception, and taste are in the position of perceiving every action of the outside world at any time. You are like a beast that shows its minions at any time!"

Su Yun shook his head and said, "Brother Diping, you may not be accurate in your opinion. I have always treated people kindly and never hurt people."

There was also a kind of pathological madness in the tone of the sick young man, Diping, and smiled: "Wrong, I think people are very accurate! Your vision is very high, because you have great confidence in yourself! You walked into Wenyuan Pavilion. After that, I will definitely look for Chaotianque's exercises! So, what you learned is the Yinglong induction chapter?"

Su Yun hesitated and nodded.

Di Ping laughed loudly: "No wonder Qiu Shuijing will let you enter the Tiandao Academy! Tiandao Academy has not had a fighting spirit like you for a long time! But Yinglong induction alone is not enough to achieve great unification, you still need other ten A kind of exercise, you should stay and study well, not leave now."

There was a strange light in his eyes, and a sickly blush appeared on his face: "Do you know what great unity is? Do you know how to achieve great unity?"

Su Yun stopped, tentatively asked, "Could it be that a single exercise method is used to unify all realms, which is called great unification?"

"Wrong! Different realms should use different exercises, this is because different realms focus on different cultivation directions, and the basis of cultivation is also different. One exercise covers all realms, just wishful thinking, and waste of effort!"

Diping has a breathtaking courage, and said loudly: "The so-called great unification is actually a mental method that unifies the same realm. And this kind of great unification in the foundation-building realm is exactly the transformation of the furnace that you have cultivated. !"

Su Yun's heart moved slightly: "Brother Diping, can you talk about it in detail?"

The two of them were like other scholars strolling in the Tiandao Academy, and they exchanged the results, but Su Yun did not notice that the other scholars and gentlemen of the Tiandao Academy met them, so they shunned and dared not approach.

Di Ping smiled and said: "Qiu Shuijing created the Transmutation of Honglu. His purpose was to unify the twelve exercises of Chaotianque and turn them into one exercise!"

Su Yun looked at him in disbelief, and lost his voice: "You mean, Honglu Transmutation can be compatible with twelve induction chapters?"

"It's not compatibility, but integration and accommodation!"

Di Ping raised his head to look at the distant sky, and said leisurely: "After he created the Transmutation of the Furnace, some scholars began to practice, using themselves as the Furnace, branding the twelve beasts, but none of them succeeded. In the end, seventeen scholars of Tiandao Academy died. There was a saying in the old sage that he would die at night after hearing the Tao. To die for Tao is to die well. It is a pity that Qiu Shuijing stopped this experiment."

Su Yun frowned, feeling deeply the danger and horror of this experiment!

The scholars of the Tiandao Academy are all geniuses who are more intelligent than talents. Yuan Shuo can only select more than a dozen or twenty geniuses a year. Such geniuses actually died as many as 17 because of this experiment!

Di Ping continued: "Qiu Shuijing didn't dare to continue experimenting, so he only made a crocodile dragon chant to fool people, which was a waste of the talent of the Tiandao academician."

His gaze fell on Su Yun, and said: "But he actually admitted you to the Tiandao Academy in Shuofang, and let you enter here, I think he might have some expectations for you."

Su Yun frowned. Does Mr. Shui Jing really have such expectations for him

Last night, Qiu Shuijing repaired a piece of heavenly order, gave him the order of heaven, told him that there was something in the order of heaven, and asked Su Yun to go to the Shenxianju in Tianfang Tower to look for him when he didn't understand it.

Had he expected that after entering the Tiandao Academy, Su Yun would choose Chaotianque's exercises in Wenyuan Pavilion

"Maybe it is."

Su Yun said silently in his heart: "Mr. Shui Jing once said that there is something in my eyes. He knows the brand of Tianmen Town and the brand of Immortal Sword in my eyes, and also knows the face of the sky. Could it be that he thinks that I can cultivate such a unified one. Cultivation?"

"Senior Su Yun, the furnace has evolved, and the twelve sacreds are branded, and the twelve sacreds are branded on the wall of the furnace."

Emperor Ping sent Su Yun to the gate of Tiandao Academy and smiled and said: "Senior Su Yun, when Yinglong's mark appears on your furnace, you can enter Tiandao Academy again and learn the second Chaotianque exercise. "

Su Yun bowed and thanked him.

Diping waved his hand to send him off, and said with a smile: "I'll wait for you to come back to learn Enlightened Induction."

Su Yun opened the door, walked out, and said in his heart: "Come back? That's it! I have learned all twelve articles, and I will never come back again!"

Facing the portal of Tiandao Academy, Emperor Ping chuckled in a low voice: "Qiu Shuijing, you are very conservative with the unification of Chaotianque, and you are unwilling to experiment with scholars, but you are very radical towards the government. You let me. How can I tolerate you? However, you sent me a good seedling..."

Su Yun opened his eyes and saw that it was getting late outside. After entering the school in the morning, he entered the Tiandao Academy to study, and forgot to sleep and eat. This made him feel hungry.

He was a little bit horrified: "If I forget the passage of time in the Tiandaoyuan, then my body is likely to be starved to death!"

Su Yun hurriedly got up and walked to Shanshuiju's kitchen, saying, "Although Di Ping is good to me, this person seems to have a lot of secrets, giving people a feeling of inaccessibility. Is he an enemy or a friend?"

When Di Ping was very conceited, mysterious, and somewhat mad, these two contacts made Su Yun feel that Di Ping was a very difficult person to touch, so he did not tell Di Ping that he had turned the twelve gates into the sky. Master it all.

He felt that he must have reservations when facing this person.

There was laughter from Shanshuiju’s kitchen. When Su Yun walked over to look at it, he saw Chi Xiaoyao, Qingqiuyue and others cooking and cooking, and half a table of food had been prepared.

Seeing Su Yun coming, Chi Xiaoyao wiped his hands on his apron, and said with a smile: "When Shi Cai saw you work hard, I didn't wake you up. I bought some vegetables at the market and cooked them with you. You are here. Junior brother sits first, and it will be fine in a while."

Su Yun was going to help, but was pushed out by Chi Xiaoyao: "Your helping is just to add to the chaos, it is better than Yue'er to help me."

Su Yun had to wait outside. After a while, Chi Xiaoyao made a table of food, took off his apron, and said with a smile: "I treat guests, but you wash the dishes."

Su Yun looked at a dozen or so meals on a table, cold and hot, meat and vegetable, soup and pot, and cooking, stir-frying, simmering and roasting. He was surprised and delighted. He nodded and said with a smile: "Hello Sister craft!"

Chi Xiaoyao was also quite proud, and said with a smile: "Don't boast, let's talk about whether it tastes good or not."

The crowd sat down, and they were full of praise for this meal. When they were full and full, the two little foxes, Fox Buping and Li Xiaofan, changed their ways and planned to abandon Li Zhuxian and marry Xiaoyao Senior Sister instead.

Su Yun cleaned up the dishes, Chi Xiaoyao came to help, and the two of them talked while washing.

"Senior sister didn't go to Xinglin Medicinal Material Shop to help?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"The medicinal material shop only has a lot of business when it is off work, but there is no business at this time."

Chi Xiaoyao smiled and said, "At night, the streets are full of people, um, there are demons, and then there is business. At that time, the men and demons did not hide at all, and went shopping openly... I should go back soon. Getting busy."

Su Yun hurriedly got up and saw him off, saying: "If Senior Sister has nothing to do during the day, I have a job. Can Senior Sister come to be a private school teacher?"

Chi Xiaoyao was startled and looked at him puzzled.

Su Yun looked ashamed and whispered: "We just came out of Tianshiyuan, and when we entered the city, it happened to have the big exam, and we passed the exam. But when we were in Tianshiyuan, we didn't go to official school for a day. We all taught in the school. do not understand… "

Chi Xiaoyao couldn't laugh or cry: "If you don't understand, you got the first place?"

Su Yun humbly said: "I just fight harder..."

Chi Xiaoyao frowned, "I'm worried that I won't be able to teach you enough because I don't have enough knowledge. But if I make up for you, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "How much does Senior Sister Xiaoyao cost a day? I asked a gentleman last time and he offered a green rainbow coin for half an hour."

Chi Xiaoyao was taken aback and lost his voice: "Isn't this gentleman stealing money? He bullies our country folks!"

"Isn't it?" Su Yun was like the enemy and had a lot of opinions on Qiu Shuijing.

Chi Xiaoyao sneered and said, "If you ask me to be a private school teacher, I will charge three hours a day... Well, I will charge a hundred dollars!"

Su Yun raised his hand and smiled: "A word is a deal!"

Chi Xiaoyao raised his hand, patted his palm, and said with a smile: "It's a deal! I prepare for the lesson tonight, and I will be your private school teacher tomorrow!"

She left excitedly.

Huahu probe came in and whispered: "You went to Tiandaoyuan again in the morning?"

Su Yun nodded, Huahu was inexplicably excited, and sneaked into the kitchen: "Have you beaten the little boy named Diping?"

Su Yun hesitated, but still did not tell him about Chaotianque, and said, "The one called Diping is very weird. I don't know if he is an enemy or a friend, but he pointed me to Wenyuan Pavilion, where I learned. A set of twelve-door foundation-building exercises requires some practice. I also found that the transformation of Honglu doesn’t seem to be that simple..."

He frowned and said, "Second brother, wait until I have practiced, and if there is no deviation, I will teach it to you. Also, you can read the books in Wenchang Ling tonight, and Sister Xiaoyao will come to teach tomorrow."

Huahu always obeyed his words, nodded and said yes, "How about you?"

Su Yun's eyes flickered, and said: "I want to go out to handle the case. I promised Monk Tu Ming that I must go out to investigate the strange robbery case!"

Hua Fox was taken aback: "Aren't you tired?"

"Not tired."

Su Yun also felt a little strange. He had studied in the Tiandao Academy for a day in the form of spirituality, and he had not felt tired at all when he comprehended the twelve extremely complicated exercises.

When I wanted to come to him to study in Tiandao Academy, his body was sleeping and he was fully rested.

Hua Fox had to say: "Wait for the injustices and they fall asleep before you go out. If they know you are going to investigate the case, they must be so excited that they can't sleep, and they are clamoring to go with you."

Su Yun nodded.

When it came to Hai, the three little guys finally agreed to sleep. Qingqiuyue slept in the same room, and Li Xiaofan and Fox Yiping slept in the same room.

Su Yun stuffed the quilt on Fox Unfair, and then turned off the tribulation lamp and planned to leave. At this moment, Fox Unfair whispered: "Brother Xiaoyun, will you leave us behind?"

Su Yun was startled slightly, then turned around and smiled: "Why do you say that?"

The fox shrank in the bed, lowered his voice, and said sadly: "We are monsters, and Brother Xiaoyun is a human. You protected us all the way, and when we arrived in the city, we were beaten to death and finally sent us to school. I was afraid of Xiaoyun. Brother sees that we have a place to go to school and will leave us one day..."

On the other bed, Li Xiaofan got his head out of the bed, blinked at Su Yun with sullen eyes, and whispered: "The city is full of people. Brother Xiaoyun should be with people, and we are Monster..."

Su Yun smiled and said, "I won't leave you behind. In my heart, you are all my relatives. Hurry up and go to sleep."

The two little foxes hummed and shrank into the quilt.

Su Yun put the Jiehui Lantern outside the room, sat between their two beds, touching their heads, and then left when the two little foxes were asleep.

Zhaizhu: There are three confirmed patients in Xuzhou, scared to death, scared to death, not going out for relatives