The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 962: Chaos Seven Sons


Yingying flew forward and looked at the bronze lamp, feeling very curious. I saw the big-headed baby standing in the flames of the lamp, no more than a raised finger on the left and right, a bit shorter than her.

"Huh, eh—"

Yingying pointed at it and screamed, turning her head to Su Yun and said: "A small and big finger! I am a giant woman compared to it! Scholar, look! It's pitiful!"

Su Yun saw the extraordinary of the bronze lamp. The wick was like a spiritual root, and the oil was refined from the soul of a small dead universe. It was like an astrolabe. Obviously, the power of this lamp is more powerful than Yingying. Not weak!

What's more peculiar is that the flame of this lamp carries a lot of knowledge and is extremely knowledgeable.

Obviously, like Yingying, it can record certain inheritance and pass on knowledge. Of course, the difference is that Yingying mainly lives by gnawing on Su Yun, recording Su Yun's Hongmeng rune.

And that little flame should be responsible for the inheritance of the fire, hence the name "Xinhuo".

Comparing the two, Su Yun only felt that his heart was pricked in pain.

Hearing Yingying's words, the little flame named Xinhuo couldn't help but get angry. The flame grew longer and was almost as tall as Yingying, and said angrily: "Which one is smaller? Come and compare!"

Yingying took out a piece of fragrant biscuits and said with a smile: "You idiot, let me tell you a joke! Why are you taking it seriously? Do you eat biscuits?"

If the fire is not good enough, take the small fragrant biscuits.

Yingying smiled and said: "I saw your statue before, and I recognized you at a glance. You are on the statue of the Three Holy Emperors in Tianfu Dongtian! My name is Yingying. If you don't dislike it, you can recognize me as a godfather. Or call me the eldest sister."

Su Yun shook his head, allowing the two little guys to chat without saying a word, and walked towards the Chaos Hall.

At this moment, he sensed that in addition to the powerful and profound aura of Emperor Chaos in the Chaos Palace, there was an aura that was so peaceful as if it didn't exist, but it seemed to be everywhere.

Su Yun was surprised, this breath even gave him a familiar feeling, but there was a strangeness in the familiarity.

He walked into the chaos hall and only heard the voice of the emperor chaos, vast and far-reaching: "... Coming from a long distance and disappearing for so long, has it solved that problem?"

Another unfamiliar and familiar aura uttered profound Taoism, using the avenue as the language, and said unhurriedly: "After I left Taoist friends, I traveled through the Chaos Sea and witnessed countless universes like bubbles in the Chaos Sea. Chaos arises and disappears, but it is always difficult to go further."

Su Yun unconsciously listened to the words, and suddenly there appeared a sea of chaos and countless bubbles of creation and extinction of the universe. Various catastrophes erupted, and sentient beings lived and died in the catastrophe, struggling in suffering!

Su Yun suddenly shook his head, revealing a look of surprise.

In the few words of that person, he seemed to have experienced an infinite amount of time, more than just like a world away

If he hadn't realized the great unity of himself in the past and the future, he would be able to plunge into endless time and forget who he was if he heard these words.

Su Yun couldn't help being moved, and now his cultivation has reached the level of Emperor Chaos, or even stronger, and his Taoism is even more terrifying, but the person who speaks can give him a sense of unpredictability, and he can't help it. He was curious about this person.

The voice continued: "I could not find the answer, so I left the sea of chaos and went to the endless emptiness, where it is extremely dangerous without any matter, and even itself will be decomposed by nothingness. It should be many universes that have fallen into a great cold silence, and there is no more life ."

When he said this, Su Yun only felt that he was in a trance as if he was in the boundless and cold void, walking on the incomparably thin ultimate void.

"I walked out of nothingness and found several universes separated by nothingness. I met a person in one of the universes."

The voice continued: "The first time I saw him, I knew he was the answer I was looking for. I learned a lot from him, and after finding the answer, I started to return. Passing by you, so look Take a look at fellow Taoists."

The voice of Emperor Chaos came with joy: "Brother Dao, what is the answer you found? Can you tell me?"

The person was silent for a moment, and Su Yun was also listening carefully, unknowingly he had come to the place where the two were talking.

At this time, the voice sounded: "Yuanshi."

As soon as his Taoism came out, Su Yun's own avenue shook, and the scene in front of him was like a kaleidoscope. The millions of avenues he had learned, known, and calculated revolved and bloomed, bursting out loud and incomparable Taoism!

All the avenues show him the end of the avenue at the same time!

All avenues lead directly to the ultimate realm, but they are all part of the ultimate realm!

Thousands of thousands of avenues reach the end, and at that end, the avenue forms an illusory hazy figure!

Su Yun was dizzy and dizzy by the sound of the Taoism coming from his mind, but the scene that emerged in front of him was even more shocking. All the avenues he mastered, including Hongmeng, all showed the end of the avenue and became a part of that figure!

Su Yun's mouth was dry, and the person in the Chaos Hall said the words of "Yuan Shi", which gave him an unparalleled shock and showed him the end of the great avenue!

Even at this moment, Su Yun's Dao Xing once again improved, and he realized a lot of new avenues, but the end of these new avenues is also that figure!

When Su Yun woke up from the vision of Yuanshi, he saw a young man walking outside the Chaos Hall.

He is dressed plainly and his eyes are vicissitudes of life. There is a scar on the center of his forehead, but it is not the eye, but the mark left by the scar.

Although he looks handsome and young, he seems to have suffered through vicissitudes of life.

His gaze fell on Su Yun, both surprised and happy, and at the same time somewhat relieved. He smiled and said, "Hongmeng."

As soon as he said this, Su Yun immediately saw the various visions at the end of Hongmeng's avenue, but he did not see the figure standing at the end of the avenue, known as the "Yuanshi", which made Su Yun a little sorry.

The young man leaned slightly: "You got the inheritance of my teacher, but you have gone further than him. Junior brother, if the teacher sees you, you will be very happy."

Su Yun was startled, and bowed to him in return.

When the young man talked about the teacher, he couldn't help but see an extremely magnificent scene in front of him. The Chaos River, a Hongmeng Palace, an old tree in the palace, and a dead bone under the tree.

Hongmeng does not die, Daoxin die first.

When Su Yun got up, that peculiar young man had already stepped into the Chaos Sea and disappeared without a trace.

Su Yun felt lost, settled, and walked towards the emperor Chaos.

The emperor's chaotic eyes were round, and the chaos in his eyes was filled with chaos, obviously he hadn't come from the situation in the "Yuanshi" sentence.

Obviously, the sentence Yuanshi of the young man showed him the end of Chaos Avenue!

It is conceivable that this sentence brought the shock of the emperor Chaos!

But what was even more shocking was the figure that Emperor Chaos saw at the end of Chaos Avenue!

It took a long time for Emperor Chaos to wake up from the shock, his voice hoarse and said: "There is a sky outside the sky, there is a sky outside the sky... Fellow Su Dao, where is the seventh son?"

Su Yun lost his voice: "He is the Seventh Master Chaos?"

Emperor Chaos stood up and looked for the Seventh Young Master, and smiled: "Naturally it is him. His Taoism is higher and deeper than before, and a single sentence showed me the ultimate mystery of the Dao! Where are the others?"

Su Yun said: "He has already left."

Emperor Chaos stood there blankly, extremely lost.

Su Yun was a little puzzled in her heart, and said to her, "Why did the Seventh Young Master say that I got his teacher's inheritance? Why did he call me Junior Brother again? He is Chaos Seventh Young Master, so am I not Hongmeng Eighth Young Master?"

He shook his head. The Seventh Prince of Chaos, Shenlong, saw the head but not the end.

Emperor Chaos asked Su Yun to sit down and said, "This time I invite fellow daoists to come, and there is a tricky thing to discuss."

Su Yun couldn't help being curious, and said with a smile: "What can make your existence at the end of the avenue feel tricky?"

The emperor Chaos complexion was solemn, and he shook his head and said, "I have water at the end of this avenue. I practiced the path of change in my previous life. The path of change lies in change, endless changes and endless changes. I was the corpse of the previous life who gained the way and practiced in the chaos. The Tao of Chaos, even if it has become a Taoist God, is not my Tao of Chaos at the end of the avenue. The proving of the Tao with Chaos is far away."

Su Yun thought for a while, nodded and said yes.

Emperor Chaos opened up the Eight Great Immortals as his own eight secret realms. The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the Eight Great Immortals is actually a part of his previous life. In this life, his foundation is the Tao of Chaos.

However, Emperor Xin became a Taoist god, and although he rescued him, it did not allow him to prove the Tao in chaos.

Emperor Chaos continued: "The thing that made me thorny was that the foreigner Ying Zongdao returned to his Wuxian universe and asked his junior to discuss the Tao with me."

Su Yun's heart moved slightly. According to Emperor Chaos, when he discussed Dao with Ying Zong Dao, he used the Yi Lai Dao of the previous life, while the outsider Ying Zong Dao used the same Dao Dao of his junior and younger.

A foreigner, Ying Zongdao, repaired the Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda, used this Yuanshi Zhibao to cross the Chaos Sea and headed to the Wuxian Universe, and invited his junior brother to come. Doesn't it mean that the Immortal Universe is going to be smashed

Emperor Chaos said: "He once said that his junior, evil, cunning, is the most powerful witch! He possesses incomparably strong destructive power and creativity, and masters the strongest Yuanshizhi Treasure Reincarnation Heaven Gate of the Chaos Sea in order to destroy the universe. Creating the universe to verify Dao Fa is a pleasure. As long as this person comes here, I will definitely be unable to resist!"

Su Yun said, "Do you want me to resist this evil witch?"

Emperor Chaos shook his head and said: "You have never practiced to the end of Hongmeng's avenue. Although your cultivation strength is better than mine, you can't wait until you are hot and have insufficient combat experience. Fighting with me is not necessarily my opponent. Face it. That powerful witch, I am worried that it is not an opponent."

Su Yun nodded lightly, he had only moved hands with the saint king of reincarnation.

The saint king of reincarnation is naturally much inferior to the emperor chaos.

No experience in fighting against existences such as Emperor Chaos is always a drawback of Su Yun.

"So I want to invite you to the Dao Realm Universe."

The Emperor Chaos eyes fell on Su Yun's face, and said: "Please enter the Dao Realm, save my previous life, and let him use his Yi to fight against the fellow of the Great Witch!"

Su Yun lost his voice: "You weren't dead in your previous life?"

Emperor Chaos said solemnly: "My previous life is the most determined person in Dao Xin I know, the master of the Taoist Tao! He once smashed the aisle realm, and entering the Tao realm will inevitably be strangled by the Tao realm! The avenue of the world is the avenue that gathers his avenue and all the dao gods, so he definitely has the ability to kill him. But his easy, unpredictable, and extremely strong learning ability, as long as he can sustain a period of time without dying, he can. Master all the avenues in the Dao Realm and compete with the Dao Realm!

Su Yun's eyes lit up and said, "Are you sure he can stop the strangulation of Dao Realm?"

The Emperor Chaos nodded: "I have never seen a person like him. To tell the truth, although your lustful heart is similar to him, you are inferior to him."

Su Yun said angrily: "Brother Dao, do you talk like that when you ask people to do things?"

Emperor Chaos smiled and said: "Even if he can contend with the Dao Realm, the power of the Dao Realm is always greater than his power. In this way, he will be in a stalemate. he."

Su Yun thought for a while and understood what he meant.

The Dao realm of the Dao realm universe is different from the Dao realm of the Immortal Dao universe. The Dao realm of the Immortal Dao universe is the Dao realm of an individual, while the Dao realm of the Dao realm universe is the Dao realm of all the Dao gods in the entire universe.

This Taoist world has all the power of Taoism, all Taoism's avenues!

When Emperor Chaos entered the Taoist world in his previous life, he was the Taoist God of the Taoist world. Even if he could learn all the great roads of the Taoist world, the power of the Taoist world would still be greater than him.

"I can't enter the Dao Realm. When I enter the Dao Realm, I will kill my previous life. The Dao Realm will use my power to overwhelm him and kill him! But..."

Emperor Chaos smiled slightly: "Outsiders can. The way of outlanders is not among the Taoist universe, especially Su Daoyou Hongmeng, transcendence runes, reach the end of the avenue, and the Taoist world cannot be copied. You can enter the Taoist world. Conquer the Dao Realm with my previous life!"