The Walk on The Edge of The Abyss

Chapter 964: After finishing this testimonial, it itch to explode! ! !


Finally I can take the time to finish writing this testimonial, and I can't delay it any longer.

After the book "Lin Yuan Xing" was finished, the pig urticaria broke out, and the whole body was swollen with lumps, even tinted edema, one was two big!

In the past few days, Zhaizhu reluctantly wrote short stories, while standing on tiptoe and working hard while swallowing medicine.

Chinese medicine, two meals a day in the morning and evening, I have been taking it for half a year. As for chronic urticaria, it has been going on for more than nine months, and it is basically tortured like this every day.

Swelling once a week, swelling for a week.

Now, the short story is over, part of the hives disappeared on the body (tintin can be considered disappeared), the erythema is still all over the body, and the medicine is still being taken. It is estimated that it will take another half a year to heal.

After finishing talking about personal matters, let's talk about "Lin Yuan Xing".

The estimated word count of "Lin Yuan Xing" is only 3 million words.

The main purpose is to write about the experience of a person who is like a mirror, no matter who stands in front of him, all he sees is himself. This person's name is Su Yun.

Standing in front of him, Qiu Shuijing saw his wildness. In fact, he saw his wildness. He would never surrender, and he wanted to climb to the court to reform Yuanshuo.

Wutong saw Su Yun, what he saw was the human demon Su Yun, with the demon nature of revenge and the human nature in his heart.

Zuo Songyan saw Su Yun and saw his rebellious spirit. He was not coerced by the powerful, and he was not compromised by money and food.

When Shuo Fang's aristocratic family saw Su Yun, the conspiracy of power they saw was a trick.

When Di Ping saw Su Yun, he saw the desire for power, eradicating all threats and firmly grasping power.

Luo Wanyi thinks he is of the same kind as herself, Yu Daoyuan thinks he is behind the scenes, Ember thinks he is another self, Shui Yinghui feels that she is very similar to him...

In fact, all they saw from Su Yun was their own reflection, not the real Su Yun.

Who is Su Yun

A little blind man living in a no-man’s land, living in lies for half his life, optimistic, affectionate, very handsome, too lazy to go, was bewitched by Qiu Shuijing to go out for a trip, and when he came back, he found that he could only succeed and become a god. Emperor Yuan, although it was a continuation of his life.

But he really wanted to protect the place that deceived himself for half his life.

He did not move forward, did not actively fight for a future, but the times are moving forward, the situation changes, pushing him forward step by step, pushing him to the top, pushing him to face one after another. The enemy faced one danger after another, and finally pushed him to the opposite of the saint king of reincarnation, one of the creators of this universe.

All these are heroes made by the times, and heroes are needed in this era. Other heroes died in the process of growing up (Tie Kunlun), crippled (formerly Kyushu), stupid (Wei Zheshan), swallowed by hatred (Yu Yanzhao) ), was obliterated before he grew up (Chu Gongyao).

Of course, there are still people corrupted (Di Jue).

Others fell in love with coffins and beauties.

Su Yun is the hero left after the big waves washed the sand. In the end, he has to stand at the highest point to solve the threat and face the danger, but this is not what he wants.

This is what the times want.

What Su Yun wanted was to return to Yuantianmen Town, Tianshi, to return to the past life. Later, when he was planning to live in seclusion, he discovered that Tianmen Town was not what he wanted at this time. With the passage of time, he was no longer the little blind man he used to be, so he and Yingying ran out again.

Emperor Chaos saw this, so he drove him out of the Immortal Dao universe and asked him to go to Chaos Sea to find his true self (that is, the process of pursuing the end of the avenue).

Xiandao Universe actually couldn't hold him anymore, it was inevitable to push him away.

Su Yun's entry into the Chaos Sea is the process of finding his true self. Rescuing the Emperor Tai is his starting point, not the end. He will also encounter his old deceased on the road, encounter the universe of graves, encounter a series of events such as the universe he opened up for help, but that is no longer the story of Lin Yuanxing.

Su Yun also treated his feelings as if being pushed forward by Fengyun.

He likes the enchantment of Wutong, the innocence of Chi Xiaoyao, the perseverance of Yu Qingluo, the peace of Chai Chuxi, and the love and hate of Hong Luo. But he rarely actively pursues his love, it is love that comes to him.

He and Chai Chuxi were forced to marry, and Chi Xiaoyao because Chi Xiaoyao was in love, secreting love, and Yu Qingluo because he claimed that the emperor needed an empress to maintain the relationship with the Queen of Heaven, and Wutong was because he was lost. The ability to resist was pushed by Wutong.

Finally, when he needed the company of his lover to voyage, these women were unable to accompany him for various reasons.

Only when Hong Luo came out and sailed in the Chaos Sea with him, he was moved to tears.

But the key is that Hong Luo chose him, not he chose Hong Luo.

Lin Yuanxing looks like the protagonist is Su Yun, but in fact the protagonist is Di Jue.

Just like the hero of the supreme humanity seems to be the emperor of Thailand, but in fact it is the Taoist Fumin.

Lin Yuanxing seemed to be telling the story of Su Yun, but he was actually telling the story of Emperor Jue.

Emperor Jue is a complicated character in Lin Yuan Xing. His merits and demerits are the same. He not only preserved the human race, overthrew the ancient true gods, and brought the age of gods into the age of immortals, but at the same time he imprisoned the magical powers of Taoism. Further development.

He is still a bit lustful, accepting the harem.

How to write this character? The house pig divided him into three.

So the emperor died, the spirit became the evil emperor, the corpse became the Emperor Zhao, and the heart became the emperor's heart.

The evil emperor seems to be powerful and evil, and he does everything, but he has the mission of saving sentient beings and finding successors. He is the obsession of Emperor Jue, and he finally died for this world;

Di Zhao possesses the heroic side of Emperor Jue, and he also has the domineering side of Emperor Jue. He made up for the duty of Su Yun's father. He blocked the wave of destruction of the world and died for this world like Emperor Jue Xie;

The emperor heart is the Dao heart of Emperor Jue. In the past, it was extremely evil, swallowing people everywhere, and became an independent life, with a pure Dao heart. Su Yun gave him the best environment. And he became the one who saved the world.

Lin Yuanxing is not a story that satisfies everyone, nor is it a story that satisfies me, but Su Yun is such a person, and I can't hold him back.

I am most satisfied with the early stage, but many old readers have influenced me, saying that I write too deeply to understand. Hell, you shouldn't listen to them (old readers pretend not to see it), you should write a little deeper.

As for the next book, let's talk about it after the urticaria is over. You can't hold it anymore, you have to rest until your body is healed.

During this period, one or two short stories may be written.

The short story should be released in the next one or two months.

While tickling, while writing the above text, the pig continued to tick.

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