The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 110: The day of landing


Months before D in 20XX

Lei Zang: We need to conduct training in advance for this landing operation. Although the current technology is advanced, training is indispensable. Some people here have experienced the second Normandy landing, that landing and 44 years of D-day. The same (1944.6.6), we sacrificed a lot of comrades in a very tragic way, so I don’t want to lose the same year again during this landing. We killed nearly 8,000 people on the beach that year, so I hope this time we will be able to reduce it a bit.

Musashi: Are you farting more

Everyone is laughing, but Eugene and I have a very heavy mind. We don’t know what the Russian army has prepared on the beach. It may be another massacre, and the rate of fire of their Pecheneg (PKP general machine gun) light machine gun. It’s faster, but it’s insignificant compared to Hitler’s new chainsaw (MG3 general machine gun) in Germany, and the rate of fire of MG3 is twice as fast as PKP. It can shoot 20 bullets per second, which is 12,000 per hour. This is much slower than the MG42 of the year, but it is still scary, and it is an improved version of the cloth tearing machine, and the sound is not as "hissing" as before. I drew some sketches of the landing on the notebook, and the Russian army must be prepared for the beaches of Normandy, and the bunker left over that year can still be used by them.

Scotland training ground

Xuefei: The environment here is similar to Normandy, and more complicated than Normandy

Soldier 1: This chick is so pretty

Soldier 2: Can you stop talking nonsense

Soldier 1: Her blowjob skills must be great!

Xue Fei: The imaginary enemy in this training is played by the British army. They will fire live ammunition at you, so be careful. What are you doing on the landing craft

The gazes of these soldiers have been staring at me. I can feel that their gazes don’t want to leave me. Then they set off after the hatch of the landing craft was closed. The exercises used empty bombs, so nothing happened. The problem, and the ammunition used in this exercise is strictly inspected by the British Ministry of Defense, and they don't want any problems.

After returning to the barracks, I lay motionless on the bed, closed my eyes and fell asleep, holding my diary in my hand, but I remembered the second Normandy landing in my dream.

Sergeant Major: Sir, we are still 500 meters away from the Normandy beach

Xuefei: As soon as the landing craft gets close to the beach, we order everyone to run separately.

Sergeant Major: It's the sergeant

We don’t know what the Russian army will prepare for us on the beach. It may be a fierce shelling or a massacre. The landing craft came close to the beach and was fired by the Russian army. When we hit the landing craft, the Russian army’s machine gun fired at us, and the beach It was empty and there was nothing to provide cover. The Russian PKP general machine gun and the German MG3 general machine gun formed a dense firepower network to slaughter these young soldiers. In just a few minutes, hundreds of people were sacrificed, and the beach was not attacked at all. Go up, but when I used the radio to call for support, a few words of Russian came out on the radio, and gradually the gunfire stopped. The soldiers next to me became the Russian army. They grabbed my arm and leg. , And they were full of lust. They tore my combat uniform and asked me to give them a mouth. I suddenly woke up. I saw Eugene writing something next to me. He thought this war might be a time. Disaster, Europe was originally the origin of the Cold War. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted for half a century and finally ended with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Now the United States and Russia have fought and fought, and they are worried about whether they will be fierce by the Russian army this time in Normandy. The attack on D-Day is slowly coming. The military has brought in a large amount of troops and equipment from the mainland, and the four aircraft carrier battle groups arrived at the military port in Scotland a month ago, and This war has determined our destiny. Once defeated, the US military will fall into a quagmire, and Russia’s economy has recovered to half of the Soviet period, and modern warfare has become commonplace for us. The most important thing in modern warfare is In the three aspects of modernization, informatization, and mechanization, the Iraq War can be said to be the beginning of informatization, and the U.S. military is also undergoing large-scale modernization and informatization. However, the United States is still treating Russia and China with a Cold War mentality, and it is also against Russia. War is the last thing I want to see, the same is true of Rey, but we are all soldiers, and Russia has provoked the war. Rey can only shoot at his compatriots in tears, but war cannot avoid death, especially On the Verdun Heights a year ago, the Russian Army’s plans to drop tons of explosives every day 160 days, and they bombed them indiscriminately. They collapsed air-raid shelters and destroyed a lot of our weapons and equipment, and we also shipped them from the United States. A large number of tanks and personnel came to support Europe, and their Oscar-class nuclear submarines often attacked our transport ships. They also adopted Nazi wolf pack tactics. We deliberately planted a large number of mines underwater to prevent Russian submarines from attacking the Scottish naval port. The infamous "THAAD" anti-missile system was also deployed on the shore, and the radars of the warships in the harbor were all turned on, and the sonar system was also turned on 24 hours a day.

The day before landing on June 5

Xue Fei: D-Day is coming soon, everyone, I hope my comrades-in-arms here can come back alive

Soldier 1: Sir, we don’t know if we can come back alive.

Xuefei: Indeed, I am not sure if I can come back alive

I sat down but couldn’t eat, because I don’t know how many people will be sacrificed tomorrow, and the Russian army must have premeditated, because our second landing point is Normandy, so they must have prepared early and finished eating in the restaurant. After the meal, we entered a state of combat readiness. The aircraft carrier battle group arrived at Portsmouth three days ago, and all the warships of the Atlantic Fleet arrived in the UK. Thousands of soldiers were in the UK. This time our goal is The two areas of Utah Beach and Omaha Beach, Sword, Gold, and Juno Beach were in charge of Britain, France, Canada and Germany. We were the first soldiers to land, and we were all distributed to other landing craft because of our I have the most experience, but when I returned to my room, I saw Eugene smoking a cigarette and sitting there stupidly with cigarette butts on the ground. He knew what it meant was a senseless sacrifice. He threw down his cigarette butt and hugged me. Surprised what happened to him today, why is he so active, does he have any conspiracy? , Sure enough, he took me to the bed and started to take off his clothes

Eugene: If you don't do it today, there will be no chance!

Xuefei: Don’t talk nonsense, I’m still yours

He let me strip naked, I took a pose after stripping, and then the two of us started.

22:30 PM, June 5

Xuefei: All of them. Put on your body armor and bulletproof helmet and enter the landing craft. We are about to set off.

Broadcast: The landing time is postponed to 2:30 in the morning. Soldiers, you can now rest on the spot and board the ship at 2 in the morning.

Everyone puts on the equipment, but we really want to rest. Everyone fell asleep back to back, and I closed my eyes and took a rest.

When I woke up at two o'clock in the morning on D, I heard the radio

Broadcast: Guys should board the ship, good luck to you!

Everyone woke up from their sleep, I took out the energy bar and took a few bites and then gave it to Eugene. After he finished eating, he kissed my forehead.

Eugene: When I come back, Xue Fei

I nodded, but I was a little reluctant to part with him. When we got up and got into our respective landing craft, everyone was very worried because they didn't know if they could come back alive, and the military decided to end the war before Christmas. We left Portsmouth a few minutes later, and troop carriers took us to the beaches of Normandy, and the day of landing was about to begin.

There was half an hour before landing at 6 o’clock on the morning of D and everyone slept on the warship for another four hours. We came to the restaurant on the ship and got a piece of bread and then came to the landing craft. We ate the bread and waited for the landing. Time, and the air force and navy began to bomb the Russian positions, and then we heard the command to land. After we boarded the landing craft, the cabin opened and the dazzling sunlight came in. My landing craft was the first to set off. It feels like we are back to the Normandy battlefield that year. The Utah Beach on the opposite side is full of smoke and our army fired a lot of artillery on the opposite beach, but we were not attacked by artillery fire at sea, but when we arrived at the beach, the Russian PKP General The machine gun fired at us, and the bullet flew by my ears. I immediately climbed out from the side. Suddenly the corpses were everywhere on the beach. There were no obstructions on the beach. It was a massacre, and they Shooting alternately with PKP and MG3, we heard the sound of "hissing and swishing", we finally ran behind the sand dune, because this is the blind spot of Russian shooting, and the Russian AK rifles in other positions are not Stopped and opened fire at us, and all the soldiers in the second batch of landing craft died in the landing craft. At that time, the hatch had just opened. The Russian army saw the soldiers in the landing craft and fired violently at the soldiers in the landing craft. Died in the landing craft. I will never forget this scene.

Xuefei: Blasting tube! , Where's Sergeant Herman blaster

Herman: Blasting tube!

A soldier brought a blasting tube, I will connect the blasting tube, and then stuff it into the opposite bunker and pull the fuse away. Thirty seconds later, a big hole was exploded and I was the first to climb. Go in, and the soldiers behind also climbed in with me. I observed a Russian firepower point, and then I called for artillery support. Three minutes later a missile hit the vitality point, and we came to another position. Fired at the Russian army, and the Russian army in the fort kept firing on the beach. Then we first shot at the Russian army on the position. I aimed at a few Russian army and swept it, and the other landing points also started to counterattack. Now, we came to the fort and threw the grenade in. After the grenade exploded, the Russian army was almost dead, but I was not relieved. I asked a soldier with a flamethrower to spray flames inside, and then a raging fire burned in it. I got up, several Russian troops were burned alive, and then we wiped out many Russian troops, and a lot of equipment here was destroyed, and the fighting continued until noon, and the battle in Utah Beach lasted until eight o'clock. , Because there was still a small-scale Russian army resisting. After 8:30 we determined that there was no Russian army in Utah Beach. After I informed the command that we had successfully occupied Utah Beach, a batch of soldiers landed in Utah. I watched the corpse on the beach shed tears. The blood dyed the waters of Utah Beach for the third time. I really hope that the war will end soon. Then there was good news from Eugene. They also successfully occupied Omaha Beach. , But the price was too high. The three of their landing craft were blown up. The soldiers inside were all killed, and the Russian army deployed several heavy mortar (pai) guns in Omaha, which was a fatal blow to him. In the end He took down those doors and fired a large number of shells at the Russian army. Moreover, the Russian top made a mistake in judgment. They thought that we would land in Calais and Dunkirk, but they were hesitant to send troops to Normandy. , It dragged on for three days. In the end, we had less than 100,000 troops and immediately expanded tenfold. Now it is one million troops. Originally, the Russian army could send elites to destroy our tired division, but they gave up. Immediately after we successfully tightened our belly in Paris and other regions, we blitzed Belgium and other countries in the next few months. Now we have arrived in the center of Berlin, the capital of Germany, and we arrived in Berlin in just four months. This also marked the beginning of the defeat of the Russian army. For us, the Balkans was the next step. But in September, we arrived in Slovakia with difficulty because we encountered many Russian troops along the way, but we did not expect it. The thing is that there is a biochemical laboratory in the Czech Republic! , It looks like it should be that yearLeft by the Nile coalition forces. According to the memories of Bai Kui and Kui, this is the laboratory of RF9. We unexpectedly found this laboratory. According to Kui’s memories, they were secretly sent here because they wanted to complete the Nile. According to the analysis, Xiang Kui and Bai Kui are very suitable for the mutants of the mother and host. However, the failure of Bai Kui made them fall in love with Kui, but they succeeded in Kui. What they didn't expect was to let her run away, and since we found this place, we must go in and take a look, but what we didn't expect was that we were stepping into a trap carefully designed by the adult.