The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 117: Recalling Lieutenant Eva


Coming to Romania reminds me of many memories. The deepest memory is saving Eva. She is a NATO intelligence officer and a member of the Rangers. I have a deep affection for Eva. It was from the United States and Russia at that time. During the honeymoon period, and during the modern war, we were very close to Vasily, and he also fell in love with someone

Operation code: Mercenary Lord

Action time March 6, 2033

Location: Romania

Action team: Delta Team II, Rangers (only Eva participated)

After we arrived at the destination, Lieutenant Eva was holding the SCAR sniper version. She was wearing the same combat uniform as ours but the peaked cap she wore. For her, the best sniper is to wear a hat, and I really don’t care. The baby’s help is a huge help for us. This time I still took my M24 sniper rifle. Our three snipers squatted in one place. The sight line there was very good, and the three of us beauties were lying there. Side sniper

Eugene: Calling Snow Wolf, do you find the enemy

Xuefei: No enemies yet

Lieutenant Eva: We will support you

Xueying: Found the enemy (press the trigger) to destroy

They have already come inside, and the three of us are lying on this place. Xueying turned around and looked behind us. Now Lieutenant Eva is helping me find the enemy. Eva is now my watcher, but I treat her She is still in awe, because she has become an intelligence officer of the Yuri League at such a young age, and she is also a ranger. Like me, she has become a member of the Delta through numerous selections.

Eugene and the others have gone deep inside, and the next few shots made us feel that they are in danger. I called them on the radio many times but they did not respond. I was a little worried about them. I don’t know how they are, but we are here. If the three big beauties went down and those enemy soldiers didn’t know what to do, I finally gritted my teeth to check the situation. The three of us were extremely nervous when they came down because it was very quiet. Then I saw a few The enemy, I shot them immediately. Although it was a bolt-action rifle, I was able to shoot three bullets in three seconds. After I killed them, I picked up their rifles. We walked and watched. I saw The enemy fired immediately afterwards, and then more and more enemies attacked us. I almost used point shots.

Xuefei: Damn it, there are more and more enemies

Eva: Hold on, I believe they will be fine

I changed the ammo immediately after playing a magazine, and the stability of the AK12 is still very good, but the enemy is getting more and more we can only shrink in a corner

Soldier 1: Those three are female soldiers

Soldier 2: It looks like you can drive meat, everyone hasn't touched a woman for months

We kept shooting at the enemy, they were also very cunning, and threw the flash bomb over. I picked up the flash bomb and threw it back. Then I jumped out and shot at them. Their sniper aimed at mine. The arm fired, I looked at the arm and immediately hid behind the wall. I squatted down and clamped the gun between my big and small legs. Then I replaced the empty magazine and pulled the bolt. I looked at the wound on my arm again It didn't feel like a big problem, because the wound had healed, I knew that the sniper must be aiming at me, I decided to take a risk, I immediately turned around, and then aimed at the sniper and fired the shot. The bullet hit him. In the head, the Nile coalition forces shot at me. I avoided their bullets and joined them. Eva looked at my wound and asked if I was okay. I shook my head and said it was okay. I continued to call them on the radio, but there was still no response, and our ammunition was about to run out. My M24 sniper rifle only carried five magazines (25 rounds), and I watched more and more Nile coalition forces. The three of them are in panic. The three of us know their purpose best, but according to my understanding, Lieutenant Eva is still a virgin! , But our three big beauties can play for a long time for them. I took out a pistol and fired at them, but the 9mm pistol bullet could not penetrate their body armor

Soldier 1: Surrender, it's still too late

Soldier 2: If we come out now, we will be gentler

Xueying: Go to your uncle's bitch! (Draws out the pistol and shoots at them)

Xue Fei: It's useless, I can't wear body armor at all

I closed my eyes, and the next few shots made me very surprised. The sound was a 5.56mm rifle. Could it be them? I raised my head and Eugene came over. He pulled us and said hurry up. This is a trap. We immediately ran out of here, and a violent explosion sounded behind us. We watched the factory behind and swallowed inadvertently. If we were all dead at a later time, we would return. After arriving at the military base, General Bach patted Eugene on the shoulder

Bach: Did the investigation find anything

Eugene: Sorry the general has nothing

General Bach looked at us helplessly, but he saw that the three of us swallowed inadvertently

Bach: (These three female soldiers are really beautiful, they look really good)

He turned around and left. Eugene looked at Eva with a bit of nostalgia. I saw that his eyes were straight. I went over and kicked him. Then he stared at me. He smiled slightly.

Eugene: You are still the prettiest (you know that you are jealous at first glance)

I acted like a baby to him, and he liked how I acted like a baby. A few days later, Lieutenant Eva returned to Brussels. She also met Vasily. At that time, she and I met Vasily in the coffee shop. He said this time There were many doubts about the action, but Lieutenant Eva seemed to have a good impression on him. I took the opportunity to leave, and the two of them had a good chat. After almost half a year, the two of them entered the palace of marriage, followed by Lieutenant Eva and He got married in Moscow. Vasily did not force her to become a Russian citizen, because he loved Eva, but Eugene also cut off thinking of Eva. Although he was a big carrot, he still treated me sincerely. After all I am his wife, and there was no Beacon at that time. Although we don’t worry about having children, he is also very bad. If there is nothing to do, I can’t describe it to me.

Eugene: Are you homesick, Xue Fei

Xuefei: A little homesick

Eugene: I'm homesick too. I'm sorry to be fighting now. I also want to go back to your home with you. The United States is still not peaceful

Xuefei: Do you want to give up your nationality

Eugene: I'll follow you wherever you are

Xuefei: Well, let's retire in a few years!

Eugene: Well, China's development is also very fast, and there are many beautiful women

Xue Fei: You are so beautiful

Eugene: You are a treasure given to me by God, at that time you were an out-and-out stunner

Xuefei: What about now

Eugene: Now also. Look at those soldiers. Your eyes are straight. You and Xueying are so beautiful.

Xuefei: Are Shirley, Rey, and Lynch not pretty

Eugene: Of course it’s pretty, but Lynch does make me drool

Xuefei: Damn, you still like my sister-in-law

Eugene: Hey, hey, I'm almost there with you, the requirements are not so high!

I frowned and then went to bed with a quilt. He turned off the light and hugged me to sleep. Unexpectedly, Bacon was born a few years later. We stayed in China for 20 years before returning to the United States. Our vacation time was a bit long, but Eugene had been in the Delta at the time. He came to China to see me when he was free. I raised Beacon alone. Xueying and the others were the same. We were all the same. Lynch watched. We were also very happy. Everyone didn’t know when I got pregnant. At that time, I was the first to get pregnant and then my sister-in-law, followed by Xueying, Shirley, and Rey. They only found out that they were pregnant after they arrived in China. At that time, I was only one month pregnant. I was very happy to touch the Bacon in my belly, and some of us pregnant women didn’t know what to do. Then Eugene and the others could only come to China. They were helpless, and then they A few big men came to China, but I was the only one who was pregnant at the time. Soon after Maureen and the others came, Xueying and they were also pregnant, and the Delta was in charge of Mai Shuai, but Mai Shuai and the others were not idle, they They are also looking for a girlfriend, but their wives are taken care of by the girl’s parents. Our Delta 2 team is basically married and having children. These guys are also in the special forces. I am very relieved of Becken because he knows special operations and counter-sniping. In combat, although the five people of Bacon, Magellan and Moqi were incorporated into our second team, the others are basically serving in the SEALs and Rangers. I have very high requirements for him, but later the military requested to join Delta II. The members of the team formed a rapid reaction force and they resigned from the second team, but he was the captain there, and I am very optimistic about him.