The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 30: The crime was attacked (points)


22:03 PM, November 23, 2028 Officer Dormitory 6L, Great White Shark Base

Eugene asked me in the evening, what will happen to the Pentagon if RF9 uses a lot of experimental troops? , Then will General Geely be in danger? , I was wondering if Uncle Geely would be in danger? , Lee reminded me

Just after 11 o’clock in the evening, a knock on the door broke my thinking. Li was sleeping soundly. I got out of bed and opened the door. A soldier gave me a document. He looked very anxious. I looked at the document roughly. , And then shocked that the file fell to the ground, and then fell heavily to the ground. Li got up after hearing the sound. He saw that I was crying. The soldier helped me and picked up the file. After he took the file After a glance, he was also taken aback. The content of the document: General Geely was killed by an unknown creature in his office at night.

He thought of General Lee Gen’s RF9 special unit. He told the soldier to immediately issue an alarm to call all the Great White Shark units to gather. At that time, the Great White Shark was currently under his management because Eugene had the right to use the Great White Shark base. Eugene supported me. He told me to sleep first. He put on the combat uniform and opened the weapon box and took out his EBR rifle to go out. I slowly put on the combat uniform, pants and combat boots, holding the helmet and the M24 sniper rifle. The 6th floor recently dropped to the 1st floor. Li was upstairs and watched me descend. Everyone looked a little sad at me. They started chatting. I raised my fist and they immediately became quiet. Li took my sniper. The gun then picked up the butt and slammed it at me. In this way, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was also on the flight to Moscow. At that time, Vasily and Ying and the others were very nervous because he was a bit heavy, so he asked Ying and the others to come. To accompany me, they went to find RF9 personally. Li also injected me with a tranquilizer. He was afraid that I would wake up so he used the tranquilizer. Vasily looked at me and Rey. In fact, his heart was very messy, because A large number of unidentified creatures were also found in the Russian Far East. At that time, the Russian army had deployed a large number of troops and accelerated its deployment to Siberia. At that time, the Russian army’s latest air defense missile "S-400 surface-to-air missile", but after a long flight, we When I came to St. Petersburg, I thought my destination was Moscow. At that time, Vasily said that Moscow is now banned and a large number of troops have been assembled. According to my understanding, RF9 must have something in Moscow, so the Russian army will be deployed in Moscow.

We just got off the plane and a group of Russian troops surrounded me. At that time, I was about to pull out my pistol. The result was a false alarm. It was Ivanovic and the others. They were waiting for us in combat uniforms. I never expected my mini computer to detect a biochemical monster. At that time, our mini computer rang, but Vasily and the others were still at a loss. I pulled out my pistol and looked at the computer next to a lady who looked pale and gaze. Sluggish, but Vasily doesn’t know yet, Rey wants to speak to her in Russian

Rey: This lady, please show me your citizenship certificate

Then she heard a mouth spit out from her throat, and I immediately shot and shot. At the time, everyone was terrified. Vasily told everyone not to move, but many people were still fleeing here. I killed After the mutant died, I took Ivanovic’s AN94 and shot straight ahead. At that time, Vasily thought I was shooting civilians, but even Rey snatched AN94 to shoot. Vasily could not accept our killing at the time. Stop us first, but he couldn’t beat him. Rey asked Ivan to give her two magazines. Ivan threw them to me and Rey’s magazines. Rey and I walked over and kicked an officer and killed him. , Because that officer is a chess piece of RF9 in Russia, because I hacked General Li Gen’s computer, I found the laboratory and related personnel in Russia, and Dr. A also updated our mini computer, so I can greatly Increased detection of surrounding mutants. I took out the syringe and drew the blood from the corpse on the side, and asked Vasily to look after it. I injected the blood into the officer’s body. After a few minutes, the officer came back to life, and then it happened. Mutation, I took out a dagger and stabbed it on its head. I took out a bottle of blue liquid and poured it on. The body immediately became oxidized. I poured it on several other corpses and left some for Vasily and Lei. Yi asked him to take a sip. At that time, Vasily was afraid that it would oxidize like a corpse. At that time, Rey took a sip and it was fine. Even though this was the holy water that Andre gave me, he said that except for the living dead would oxidize It will be oxidized. He said that the t-virus in our body is suppressed, so it’s okay. He also gave me the formula, but these are all secondary. When we came to the barracks, a few soldiers came out and looked at Vasily. Looking at us again, they didn't know what to think in their hearts, but they said why Vasily brought the female soldiers here, it was the American army! , Are you lonely and want to play with American chicks! At that time, Rey definitely couldn’t stand other people saying that to her brother. She kicked down the two Russian troops and told them

Rey: Be polite to my brother, otherwise your head won't be on your neck next time

Of course, the two of them were dissatisfied, so Rey took off the helmet and threw it to me. Me and Ying also took off their helmets. At that time, the two Russian soldiers were very excited when they saw that I and Ying were Chinese. At that time, Rey took off the helmet and threw it to me. Kicked them to the ground with one kick. Vasily told Rey to stop fighting. Although Vasily was a major general, he still didn’t want Rey to have an accident. Ivanovic and Vladimir pulled away the two soldiers. , Tell them what should they do, of course, the two of them must be dissatisfied, but I sucked my fingers, and the two soldiers called me and stared at me, because they were still analyzing which was the shadow and which was me, and then At first glance, I found the pistol to be tricky. The big pistol (Beretta 92F) was shown and mine was the small pistol (P226 navy type). At the time, I didn't know why? , The assault team is using the P226 pistol produced by HK company. Li and everyone are basically Beretta pistols and Browning pistols. Although Browning pistols used 9mm pistols later, it’s not. The pistol I need, what I want is a pistol that can fire quickly. Later, I chose the P226 pistol. It can be single shot or linked, as long as it is loaded and the insurance is closed. As long as the insurance is opened during shooting, there is no need to load it. It can be fired normally, but everyone is not optimistic about this pistol. Up to now, they have been using their own pistols. Anyway, the ammunition is universal.

But I am still a little worried about them, because they are fighting alone, but Vasily tells everyone not to worry because they will not die. I hope so, but the strength of RF9 should not be underestimated, because after all, they are General Li’s subordinates, they They have very rich combat experience and how to use biological and chemical weapons and mutations, but Li and the others have already fought with RF9. I hope they can come back safely.

The crime turned out to be unfinished...