The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 31: The crime was attacked (points)


It’s been more than a week since I left him. Everyone is very boring in St. Petersburg, but Vasily brought us equipment. The group of them came over with a few boxes. Vasily threw the box to me and the other one. Rey, I opened the box and looked at what was inside. At that time, everyone was surprised. It was actually an MK5 submachine gun and a magazine. I took the magazine bag and tied it to my abdomen, and hung the MK5 on my left leg. Pistols and pistol ammunition, I don’t know where his American equipment comes from? , He didn’t say anything but just a little impatient, Ivanovic walked in fully armed, then Ivan nodded and Vasily went out, and then they started to communicate, but I didn’t understand a bit of Russian and let Rey went to listen. Rey listened and translated and then she was silent immediately, and then tears flowed from her eyes. I went to comfort her and asked her to say that she was sad when she heard what she had just heard. She said Xiao Wu and the others were in Southern California. Their RF9 base was attacked, and they are still alive and dead. Vasily came in very silent at the time. He said that Li and the others had no information at the RF9 base in Southern California. They were exactly the same as Rey Air. He was also very puzzled at the time that these weapons were Li. The front gave it to Vasily. Li said that Vasily would give it to us in a week. The boxes all have names, especially my MK5 submachine gun, which I always wanted. Rey’s MP5 submachine gun, because Rey She was very interested in the PP19 Bison submachine gun, and then she chose the MP5 submachine gun. The shadow weapon is the Steyr submachine gun. Shirley prefers the FNp90. The sister-in-law took out the UZI submachine gun. The five of us looked at each other's submachine guns. They are all laughing at each other, but everyone is 9mm ammunition so it’s nothing funny, but we are still laughing at each other’s guns, because the magazines can’t be used universally, so very helpless, Shirley can carry almost 550 rounds of ammunition, she only has a single magazine There are 50 rounds of ammunition. She is still a bit fierce in terms of firepower. Everyone is equipped with a holographic mirror. Because this telescope is better, it is very suitable for close combat. At that time, Vasily and the others were holding AN94 assault rifles and PKP machine guns, but their actions have been With the permission of the Russian President, the President of the United States also used this action, because this is a real war! .

The Il transport plane flew over the Pacific Ocean, with a few Su-50 fighter jets and two aerial tankers flying alongside. I was very upset at the time, because I didn’t know what happened to my brother and Li Feng, but Li Feng I got this name for him! , I remember his name was Eugene Robert Lee before, and I later called him Li Feng. At that time, he understood that the word "Feng" means tenacity, but this time I don’t know if he will be tenacious. , I hope he is alive, because he is the one I love

The plane entered the North American Air Defense Identification Zone. A few F35 fighter jets flew over. They were able to identify them. After confirming that they were correct, they led the way in front of us. After half an hour of flight, we arrived at the Southern California Air Force Base. At that time, Vasily got off the plane and then It was us. At that time, many American soldiers looked at our five female soldiers, and then they all chatted after seeing the US military logo. Especially our submachine guns attracted their attention, such as the MK5 submachine gun and the Steyr submachine gun. Say that we are very attractive, but we are professional special forces, but we talked about how to act, so after a few minutes of planning we started to act, Chinook helicopter waiting for us on the tarmac, on the side There are also a few Chinook and Apache gunships, so everyone came to the RF9 base. This base is quite large. General Li Gen is really rich! , But now it needs some modification. We got off the plane and arrived at the door. Vasily kicked the door open and swaggered in. After a few seconds, the gunfire sounded. Everyone rushed in. Vasily just laughed. He laughed, he said that the gun went off! Everyone was falsely alarmed, but our mission was to find Li and Maureen, but the trouble came when everyone just stepped into this base. There were a lot of bullet shells and blood stains and some corpses at the warehouse entrance on the first floor, but it looked like It was the body of a soldier of the Sin original army, but I seemed to hear the footsteps behind him. At that time, Vasily looked at his back and picked up 94 and fired. At that time, everyone also picked up the gun and shot. At that time, Vasily called: Sin original army Strike! Everyone was shooting at that time, and the submachine gun consumed faster ammunition due to its fast rate of fire. At that time, everyone had a PKP light machine gun, and everyone’s firepower was still relatively weak. The opposite was M16A3 rifles and they were still drums! At that time, there was only one machine gun, so we were not as good as them in terms of firepower, but we were not vegetarian either. I took out the grenade and threw it away. At that time, they were shocked, but the grenade didn’t explode. They picked it up and thought about it. Throw it back, a soldier exploded just as soon as I picked it up, because I replaced the grenade with a heat-sensitive bomb, and they suffered heavy casualties, so we can fight back against them, and we have no desire to fight, just want to find them quickly, and that’s it. We searched layer by layer, but the fourth layer was actually terrible variants. They were basically early experimental subjects. They were all prisoners captured by RF9 from major European prisons. There was no other way but to shoot, but we I also encountered a problem. The problem was that the ammunition was in a hurry. At that time, everyone basically didn't have much ammunition. The AN94 used a 5.45mm caliber bullet that could not compete with NATO 5.It’s a bit embarrassing to match the 56mm bullets, but they don’t give up. So I admire the Russian army, especially Vasily’s Alpha team. They are very good, because Alpha’s training is all loaded with live ammunition, so their deaths are very high.

On the other hand, we have gotten into fire with the mutants. In order to save ammunition, everyone basically shoots with a single shot. They only hit the head. Vasily went all the way. He told us to hurry up, because he also wanted to find Li Feng and the others. , Because Vasily wants to know what is going on here, because he wants to know if the RF9 base in Russia is also the same here? , We speeded up our pace to find them. Although it was troublesome along the way, we all overcame them. Everyone came from the rain of bullets and blood. The only war we experienced was the new cold war between the United States and Russia. After fighting for almost five years, the federal forces of the former Russian president finally defeated the radical forces headed by Makarov. But then again, who is this General Li Gen? , Although General Li Gen is a subordinate of Dad, how could he be like this? , I found a dad’s USB flash drive in the Black Shark Corps Command. It contained some combat information and some confidential documents. However, one document was encrypted and required a password, but there were only three unlocking opportunities, and I entered it twice at the time. Everything was wrong. Finally, I looked at the pistol and remembered that it was my and Ying’s birthday. Because my father often talked about me and Ying, he remembered our birthday very clearly. He remembered that it was Dad’s birthday once, and we gave it to He bought a cake. At the time, he said, isn’t it one month before our birthdays? , How ahead of time! At the time, Maureen said that today was my father’s birthday, so my father remembered it, so this password must also be my and Ying’s birthday. Dad is a patriarch because he hopes Maureen is a girl, but he didn’t expect to be a girl. Boy, there is no way, but he is also very happy, because it is better than nothing. After all, he is a young man. Then in 1998, his mother was pregnant. A few months later, she went to the hospital for a checkup. She was a twin. At that time, his mother hoped to be a pair of girls. , But grandparents hope that they are also boys, and father hopes that they are fetuses! At the end, it was a pair of little girls. He was very happy at the time. Of course, his grandparents were also very happy.

Everyone felt a weird breath at the time. The mini computer kept showing that it was approaching in danger. At this time, Vasily saw some shadows in a daze. Vasily blew a whistle, and the other side returned a different one. Whistle, Vasily asked everyone to quicken their pace. At that time, I looked at Li Feng’s face and smiled because his face was colored. He said that the minor injuries were okay. He wiped it with his finger and it was gone. Vasily asked him some Questions, and they talked as they walked. Li told Vasily that everything here is the same as Siberia. Siberia might be a laboratory of RF9 or a natural gene preservation site. Then he took Vasily to the laboratory, Li Asked Vasily to take down his mini computer, Vasily took off his watch and gave it to him. Li Feng put the watch on the test bench to start the machine. Almost a minute later Vasily’s mini computer changed. He asked Vasily if he liked it. What weapon to use? Vasily said it was AN94 of course, and then Vasily went over to see what Li was doing, and Li helped him design a brand new rifle. At that time, Vasily was a little excited after seeing it, and then the machine stopped and Vasily put it on. The watch looked pretty good. Li taught Vasily how to use this gun. When Vasily took it out, he felt that the gun was very beautiful and very technological. At that time, his comrades also wanted this gun. They all gave the mini-computer to Li, and finally they got what they wanted, but the trouble also came, the damn sin original army, they came here and planned to blow it up, Li pulled out a hard drive in the computer and asked everyone to leave here quickly. We were just about to leave when we heard that there were still ten minutes before the explosion! ,explosion? , At the time everyone didn't know what was going on

Li: Don't think about speed and leave here

At that time everyone ran up quickly

Broadcast: Three minutes before the explosion

Maureen: That's right!

Lynch: Why are you afraid? , I didn’t expect Maureen would still be afraid

At that time, everyone stopped talking and wanted to leave here soon

Broadcast: One minute before the explosion

At that time, everyone was basically desperate. The aisle behind began to explode. At that time, everyone hurried to run. Li Feng looked at the map on the side and said: The exit is ahead.

But I didn’t expect the door to be locked. The door lock is a card. I took out my phone and swiped the door and opened it. There is no way for black technology to invade this system. There are a lot of deciphering software developed by me in the phone. It was customized by Fang, so I added a lot of software and black technology. After everyone went out, it was equivalent to leaving the base, but we were shocked when we came out. The base hasn’t collapsed yet, but it’s internally damaged, but General Li Gen The Sin original army will not let us go. Although the ammunition is almost there, there are artifacts to stare at. Everyone picks up the gun and shoots. The Sin original army looks at us as if it didn’t shrink back. Everyone’s mini-computers were It showed that there was a high-energy warning ahead, and everyone was very vigilant, because it might be a Type III test subject. Unexpectedly, they suddenly mutated. At that time, everyone shot at them, but the ammunition was insufficient. Vasily took out his 94 They started shooting, and everyone took out their weapons and started shooting at them. Since General Li Gen had already paid attention to the relationship between us and the Russian army, he knew that we were pro-Russian, so he wanted to kill them all. Uncle Geely was the number one. A victim, who is the next one? , It may be General Nice, but General Nash is General Lee’s accomplice, so my father was very wary of Lee Gen and Nash, but now my father and Uncle Gili are gone, so they can be unscrupulous. Basically everyone in this operation Unknowingly, Uncle Gili gave me a document before he died, so I wanted to fulfill his uncle’s last wish. I aimed at their heads and shot them, and the bullet shell fell on the ground. I felt a little sad now. Completely helpless, Mom and Dad, Uncle Geely, Uncle and Lei Zang are all gone, Sin Yuan Army (RF9) and General Li Gen you must die! .

November 3, Great White Shark Base Li Feng ghostwriter

After this battle, Xue Fei completely changed her. Just three days ago, General Li Gen raped her forcibly. When we arrived, Xue Fei had already developed schizophrenia. At that time, Maureen and I were killed in a rage. General Li Gen died. The Pentagon was about to shoot us. Fortunately, we were spared by the Delta and the 101st Division. At that time, Vasily came to the United States after learning about it. Vasily was already the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia at that time. He said After a few years to participate in the election, he said to promote relations with the United States, he looked at Xue Fei and Rey, when Xue Fei fell asleep in my arms, she had been shaking from time to time and said no, there was no way. The military doctor said that it might be a year or two or permanent schizophrenia. I can't bear her, I want a healthy Shepherd.