The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 32: untitled


November 6, 2028, Great White Shark Base Eugene Sledge ghostwriting

I opened Xue Fei’s diary, and she wrote a lot about me, but she was called away by the old pervert Li Gen after she wrote a little bit on this page. She was so naive, she thought it was a reporting job. ? , Can he drink the water he gave? , It was the same as before. I gave her a glass of red wine and really drank it. She basically hid in a corner of the room every morning. When I went to look at her, she basically shrank into a ball.

November 10

Xue Fei’s condition today is much better than a few days ago, but she often hugs my arm and looks around from time to time. That old bastard killed my Xue Fei like this, but he is dead now. I don’t know what Xue Fei is. She was really schizophrenic or pretending to be schizophrenic. Actually, I don’t believe that she will have schizophrenia. It’s 11 o’clock at noon and it’s almost time to go to the restaurant. When I came to the restaurant, I asked Xue Fei to sit here and wait for me, but she was I hugged my arm tightly. There was no way I could only ask Xiao Wu on the side for a favor. Xiao Wu brought two to eat. She was a little curious when she saw it, so I picked up a spoon and fed her a drink. Congee, she really looks like a little girl now and needs careful care.

November 30 Great White Shark Base

I woke up this morning and found that Xuefei was gone. Her bed was cold and she was not in the corner. I looked at the toilet and she did not see her. I glanced at the door. The door was open. I put on my clothes and ran away. When I went out, I saw Xue Fei walking over with the support of Xiao Wu and the others. She was also covered with gauze on her right cheek, which looked more cute than before. At the time, she didn't know what she was thinking, and Maureen said she ran. After I came out, I accidentally scratched the thorns of the aloe vera leaf. Fortunately, it was not my neck or I would die. At that time Xueying and Shirley gave me a white look. I called the guards to remove all the plants. Today is indeed an accident, but Good times don't last long

On December 6, the bastard Nash sent someone to take Xuefei away, saying that she had an unknown reaction on her body. What he meant was that Xuefei was a Project T test subject and asked to be taken away for inspection.

We were very opposed to him at that time. Later, General Ness and General Ronald of the 101st Airborne Division came to the Great White Shark. Among them, General Ronald was the former division commander of Xue Fei. He took special care of Xue Fei and Xue Ying, so He does not allow others to give pointers to his soldiers, especially suspecting what kind of experiment his soldiers are. In fact, General Ronald also knows the contents of Project T, but he is unwilling to disclose any information because it is a state secret. General Nesh is not allowed to take Sheffey. Besides, General Nesh’s RF9 has lost two-thirds of its forces, which is equivalent to one-twentieth of the 101st Airborne Division. At that time, General Nesh had no choice but to leave first. Great white shark, the interior of the Pentagon is also messed up now. The death of General Li Gen has caused great damage to the extreme right, and the original sin army has also suffered a great loss. However, Xuefei sat on the bed and watched TV, and then lay on her stomach. I fell asleep on the bed. I was afraid that she would cover her with the quilt and turn on the air conditioner. But she turned off the air conditioner. She still didn’t like to turn on the air conditioner as before, but she would say no from time to time. I don’t want it to be She is always in pain. I don’t know what the old bastard did to her, otherwise she won’t suffer from schizophrenia. It seems that the stimulation she received should be very great. She is not as alive and kicking as before. I hope she still She, i'm still me

Operation Luminous on December 13

A very serious disorder has appeared in front of Southern California. This is the fact that RF9 decided to put the variant into actual combat after the last operation. At present, a large number of civilians have been infected. The Pentagon attached great importance to it at the time. Of course, Nish and the hawks disagree. Just said a few words lightly

General Nish: This incident seems to require the RF9 special unit (the original sin army) to deal with it

General Nice: Does RF9 have the ability to handle it? , It is better to call the Ueno Wolf Commando to go together!

General Nish: What do you mean? , You mean that RF9 is not as good as Delta

General Nice: No, no, I didn’t mean that. I’m afraid that someone will get in the way. RF9 will cut the grass and won’t remove the roots, or call the Ueno Wolf Commando team to cut the grass and roots.

In this way, the original sin army and our wolf assault team set off, but I don’t worry that Sherfield is at the Great White Shark base, so let General Ronald take her to the 101st Airborne Division, so that I can rest assured, although Southern California is now It was a mess, but the road was full of civilians fleeing. The mini-computer showed that there were a large number of viruses in their bodies. At that time, I thought that this was completely over, but the soldiers of the Original Sin Army were very happy because they knew that these civilians were parasitic viruses. The Original Sin Army did not stop them, but was maintaining law and order. At that time, I felt that they were the same as the Blackwood Empire. They established hypocritical masks. Everything was hypocritical. The gunshots rang out from behind. A civilian suddenly mutated. The original sin soldier. The shot was fired immediately, but the mutant was not dead yet, and then several original sin soldiers shot together to kill it. I took out the blue powder that Andre gave me and sprinkled a little on the corpse. The corpse immediately It burned, Andre also improved our bullets. He stirred the gunpowder and blue powder together, and then reassembled it. He said that it would be much more powerful, but it would not harm the human body, but The damage to the mutant is huge. We have never used this bullet. We will use some of these bullets this time. Although Sheffield is not there, I can complete this mission, but I can also take the opportunity to collect some information about RF9. And the evidence of General Nesh, so what else can he say

Everyone found a large number of variants after entering the city. The RF9 soldiers behind had already escaped. I don't know where they are going. Could it be that they are going to arrest Xue Fei? No, this is impossible. Xuefei will be fine in the 101st Airborne Division. At this time, the Great White Shark base called. They said that General Nash had just come to the base. They left after turning around. I told him to hurry. I got through to the 101st Airborne Division. He said that the original sin army on the airborne division also turned around. At that time, I was relieved because the burden in my heart could be relieved, but some of the previous variants should be a small problem. Everyone, take the rifle. We started shooting. At that time, we all chose to shoot in order to save ammunition, but the variants were a bit too much, and everyone’s consumption was not very large, so we had to retreat first to be on the safe side. After retreating, the trouble came again. A group of variants wearing original sin army uniforms The body came to us, I turned on the video recorder and sent the picture to Vasily in Russia. I was going to let Vasily be my witness. In fact, to be on the safe side, I sent Xuefei to Moscow and asked Vasily to take care of it. In addition to our commando team, General Vasily and Ronald knew that I first sent Xuefei to the 101st Airborne Division and then General Ronald arranged for a Russian transport plane to send Xuefei to Moscow, and then General Nash rushed. Ge Kong, he should be three feet of fire and his heart exploded. After recording the video, I started shooting them. As soon as the bullet hit them, there was a blue flame. It was almost time for everyone to move on. At the evacuation point, everyone looked at the backs of the corpses on the ground and felt a bit chilly. Because these were civilian corpses, I took out the incendiary bomb and burned the corpses, so that the Southern California incident came to an end.

After we returned to the Pentagon, General Nash made a stumbling block, saying that we disrupted his combat deployment and that we should retreat with his RF9. On the contrary, we resisted orders to enter the city center, which prevented his artillery from starting large-scale shelling of Southern California. , At that time, General Ness said after listening

General Ness: It’s nonsense and shelling. You don’t know how many civilians have yet to retreat. You actually want to shelling. Isn’t this what the destruction is

General Nash didn’t say anything. Almost a few days later, Reuters published a video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The content of the video showed that a group of soldiers wearing US military RF9 special forces had undergone mutations.

Russian Ministry of Defense: Regarding this incident, it is entirely a masterpiece of a general within the US military, especially his RF9 special force, which was secretly graduated from the Southern California experimental unit, which has now led to a large-scale attack on biochemical experiments. The army can now attack RF9's secret base in Russia anytime and anywhere.

At that time, General Nash panicked and didn't know what to say. Since this video was provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the authenticity of the video was still confirmed. He returned to Vasily and announced the answer. It was filmed by his secret personnel in the US military at that time. The general immediately thought of us, but General Ness had been protecting us so he could not attack. He finally decided to attack first, and he would not do anything else and simply solve General Ness first, but if General Ness is resolved, there will still be General Ronald, besides, General Ronald has been in the 101st Airborne Division, so he slowed down the assassination first, because what he wanted was Sheffield, because there was something in her body that she really wanted to know, far away in Russia Vasily was very good to Sheffield. He personally took care of her every day. He also hoped that Rey would come back and have a look. In this way, in July 2028, the Communist Party of Russia entered the stage of Russian history for the first time since the Cold War. Siri officially announced the normalization of diplomatic relations with the United States and conducted large-scale business exchanges with China and the United States. Vasily looked at Xuefei on the side from time to time. After all, this is also his sister.

In August 2030, our commando came to the Presidential Palace in St. Petersburg. Vasily looked at us and he asked me.

Vasily: Do you want Xuefei

Li: Of course, she and I have not seen each other for two years. How is she

Vasily: The situation is terrible. Now that there is a very serious neurosis, you may have forgotten who you are!

Maureen: How do you feel like you are farting!

Vasily: Hahaha, I’m sorry I lied to you, Xue Fei has been healed a month ago, and now she says she doesn’t want to go back to the United States and wants to go to her hometown of Hangzhou

Li: Yes, she should take a good rest

I heard a familiar song, which song she likes to sing, "Vine Pain", although it is in Chinese, I can understand it. Vasily motioned me to go in and meet with Xue Fei, opened the door and she watched on the chair. "The Look of a Camel", she glanced at me, then smiled, so she came back.