The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 53: Pacific Rim


5.22.2034 Pacific

The Pacific Ocean in May is still quite warm. We were drinking hot coffee on Midway Island, as if we were enjoying it. Eugene and Harwood went fishing with fishing rods. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan was on Midway Island. The base pier stopped quietly. The two of them were fishing with a few soldiers. He and Harwood and the soldiers were smoking cigarettes. Now it is okay for Eugene to smoke. Now the commandos are all messing up, smoking and drinking. Let them go, smoking is dead, the shadow on the side is complaining, Chennault and Maureen light a cigarette very calmly and start smoking. Lynch is sitting next to Maureen in a military uniform.

Harwood: Damn what is this

Li: My goodness, is this a fish

Soldier A: It’s hard to say, it looks weird

Li: Xue Fei come here

He was motioning to let me pass, I think it would be a good thing, he was like this, he would throw me into the water if he didn’t agree with him, I didn’t want to bother him anymore, he came over with something in his hand.

Li: See what this is

Maureen: Oh fuck, what is this, it's so ugly

Li: It's a big supplement, Xuefei will give you

He threw it over and was kicked away by me, and when he got up, he kicked again

Xueying: Hit the target!

Li: Did you do it on purpose

Xueying: Why are you not convinced? If you have the ability to practice alone, see if I won't kick you to pieces

Xuefei: Can you stop it a bit

Maureen: Xue Fei, you still don't bother them two heads-up

Li: Good men don’t fight with women, so they don’t care about it.

After the two of them disappeared, Harwood caught a corpse. One of the corpses was decomposed. In just a few minutes, a disgusting smell of decay was emitted. The chemical defense soldiers in the base came to disinfect, and a soldier accidentally cut the skin. , His arm quickly mutated, and slowly he fell. The chemical defense soldiers were shocked to see. Several soldiers ran over with guns. They fired at this soldier. I got up and walked over. With his hand on the gun box, I pushed the soldiers away and drew the P226 pistol to his forehead. The soldiers looked at me, and I looked at the armband "MP" on their arms, the US Army military police

Gendarmerie A: Sorry soldier, please come with us

Xuefei: Why do you take a trip

Gendarmerie B: We were going to investigate the talented soldier, but you shot him to death.

Xue Fei: What is the reason? , I'm unlucky, let's go

They took my weapon and took me to an office

Mysterious man: Long time no see, Xue Fei

Xuefei: Why are you? , Why don’t the great white sharks stay here to come to Midway

Winters: Your father asked me to come. You should be very happy to see me.

Xuefei: Not necessarily

Winters: You two go down and leave her equipment

Gendarmerie: Yes, sir

I was chatting with him in the office. Li and Maureen outside had mixed feelings. They pushed open the door, and when they saw Winters, they came over.

Maureen: So your kid likes Sheffield too!

Xuefei: Don't talk nonsense, he is here to see everyone

Winters: Eugene is for you

Li: Top secret file, brother, are you right

Winters: Open it and take a look

Li: I think it’s better to take a look, don’t give me a surprise

Winters: I think it must be a big surprise

Li: Saples, the content of the mission. The RF9 experimental base was found on an island 200 kilometers away from Midway Island. It is possible to produce G-type organisms in large quantities. Brother, are you teasing me? You are really going to trouble me. A good weekend was ruined by you

Winters: I'm sorry, it's not what I meant, but Xuefei's father meant it. I'm afraid you are idle when you are idle, so it's better to go hi for a while!

Li: Hey fart, he thought we were on vacation

Xue Fei: What are you talking about, you are not allowed to say that to my dad

Maureen: Yes, pay attention to the words, in fact we are here on vacation

Winters: It’s hard for me to come here. Let’s have a drink.

Xuefei: Okay, have a drink

5.23.2034 Hawaii, USA

Everyone is holding the MK5 submachine gun, because the gun can be equipped with many pendants. This island does not seem to be interesting, but it does look like some experimental bases. Maureen saw a dark shadow flashing by. I am very sensitive to moving objects. After Maureen told me, I also aroused my vigilance. Lei Zang picked up the Revolver of the Apparition and fired a shot to the side, and then a blue flame appeared.

Raizang: Is it good to hide, come out Nice

Ness: It was still discovered, but it is a senior agent of the League of Nations

Lei Zang: It's an accident that you didn't die

Ness: No, I'm actually dead, but that just almost killed me. Now we are fair.

Li: What are you kidding? You are only one person and we have

Ness: What do you have, now let you see my new look

Maureen: Is this a G variant

Li: So, what seems to be this!

Ness: Humph, you all have to die, come out Xuefei

Li: What did you say!

Nice: Was it very unexpected, your beloved woman has become this look now, hahaha

I walked out with the MK5 submachine gun in my hand. Some changes have taken place in my body. I don’t know how I became like this. I completely lost control and picked up the gun and fired at everyone. They couldn’t bear to shoot.

Ness: Hahaha, don’t you have the heart to shoot? What a soft body

Li: Take your dirty hands off her shoulders

Ness: Really, I leave it to you

Xuefei: It's a general

I felt my body burning, very hot, and my mind was constantly thinking about killing. I raised my gun again and shot at Maureen. He avoided. I had no fixed target so I had to destroy them all. I still aimed at Maureen. Shooting, Eugene called me from the side, he kept calling "Sheffield! Xuefei! Wake up soon", I seemed a little irritable, I gave up Maureen and pointed the gun at Li, he seemed He smiled and jumped up at the moment I shot, he dodged nearly thirty bullets. After I emptied all the bullets, I took off my helmet and revealed that beautiful face, but my eyes were blood-red, and Ness injected me with T2 plan cells, which is an upgraded version of T plan. He thought I was not an experimental subject. As a result, he saw a brand new double-A experimental subject. The so-called double-T experimental subject had two similar virus cells in the body at the same time. He never expected that there would be no changes after the injection, but the explosive power was very high. Powerful, in fact, he also caught me by accident. At that time, I took a look at Lei Zang and went to explore the road ahead, but I entered the laboratory and I was as curious as before. In the laboratory, I did not see There were few virus samples and finished products. Ness appeared in front of me when I was about to leave. He injected me with T2 virus. In this way, I became like this. The ruthless killing turned me into a killing tool.

After the bullet was finished, I took off my helmet and threw it to the ground. Then I quickly attacked Li. He was still proud to get past my bullet, but now he can’t escape my fist. I hit him with a punch. "It hurts" Eugene said in the abdomen, it seems that you have to understand the truth, you go

Maureen: Can you do it alone

Li: Definitely, you can take a step first, I'll deal with Xue Fei

I saw Maureen and the others were going, and then ran to try to stop them, but Lee blocked me, so I could only solve him, he kicked over, I blocked with my arm, but he Without kicking it down, he immediately squatted down and kicked my calf again. I fell and I got up and attacked him. He was provoking me and said

Li: If you lose, Xiao Nizi, then you must be naked

I was very angry when I heard it, and then I picked up the stick on the ground and hit him. He blocked it and the stick broke. In fact, the stick is quite strong, but for people who have been injected with the virus, this is just tickling. It’s the same as in Resident Evil, it feels a little bit, but it’s like being stung by a mosquito, he’s real too, he punched out, and when he was about to punch, I glanced at him and said to him "Are you willing to hit me, Li", he seemed a bit unable to get his hands off, I kicked him at the right time, then pushed him to the ground, I pinched his neck and said to him

Xuefei: Your death is up to Eugene Sledge

Li: Really, I don’t think Sheffield. Think about the first day we met. You were lying on my chest and pinching my neck like this. You said I was a pervert. Think about you on the day we got married. The two of us in white wedding dresses

Xuefei: Enough, is this your last word, I will remember it, uh..., you

Li: I'm sorry Xuefei, I love you

He took out a dagger and stabbed me in the abdomen, but I was still in the mood of killing. I pinched his neck to choke him to death, but he stabbed very deeply. I started to push him away and he held him tightly. I, I then took out a pistol and fired three shots into his chest. He kept spitting out new blood in his mouth, but he still did not let go. Gradually, I started to regain consciousness. I saw that the inside of my body was not a dagger. It was an electric shock device. I watched his mouth vomit new blood. He still looked at me like that. I hugged him. He felt very happy, but Ness appeared.

Ness: It's touching, but you both have to die

He took out a gun and shot me, Li pushed me away, he was shot, and then he closed his eyes forever, I cried when I saw him motionless, Ness saw that I was not dead, he He raised the gun and aimed at me, but he put it down again, he came over to grab me, then filled me with a bottle of unknown liquid and then left. I lay on the ground and kept pumping animals. I felt so hot. , I felt my whole person was burning, I wanted to vomit but vomited a little bit. I felt a little sleepy. When I woke up, I was startled by the corpse next to me. I hurriedly left here and came to the street. I was squatting on the street wearing a strange dress. I was very hungry. I touched my pocket and didn’t have a penny. I only had an officer’s card. I opened it and looked at it. The name on it was very strange, Xue Xue Fei, is this me? Why did I have no impression at all? I stuffed my military ID card into my pocket. I went to a chair in front of a Chinese restaurant and sat down. I watched those people eat lunch, but I had no money. I couldn’t help it. They had to look through some of the food at night when they dumped the leftover food into the trash can. They were discovered after almost a few days. They called the police station. When the police came, they saw me and took me At the police station, they looked at my officer ID and it was very similar to the missing officer. At the time, my hair was very messy, but my face made them make sure it was me. They decided to let me wash after a full meal. At the end, I was sent to New York. I said that I was gobbled up. I felt like I hadn’t eaten for a few days. At first, they wondered if I was the officer. At the time, I just said that I didn’t know. They thought it was possible that I had had plastic surgery. , And then they overturned the plate and began to torture me for a confession. They asked me who I was. I said I didn’t know. Finally, they let me go, but they took my clothes and officer ID away, and gave me a new dress. , I didn’t know what to do after I left the police station, and I continued to wander on the street.