The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 67: The war is over


Kiev, the capital of Poland, February 21

The defense on the periphery of our army has been breached by NATO troops! , Comrade Ivan, shall we retreat

Ivanovic: No, no, we cannot retreat, the internal defense has not been destroyed, and the current strength is sufficient, not to be feared

Chief of Staff A: No, no, I don’t agree with your opinion, because NATO troops are now in a state of failure. You see that a large number of our commanders in France and Germany have surrendered, morale is low, and Moscow will not send a single soldier.

Ivanovic: It is true, but we can't go back

Chief of Staff B: It is true, Comrade Ivan, we support you.

At that time, there were constant quarrels in the Russian command post, and Ivanovic finally decided to fight with us.

NATO Forward Command

Commander: The most nervous thing at the moment is this snowy day. This year's snow is really weird.

Soldier: Report!

Commander: Come in

Soldier: Sir, this is for you

Commander: Go out

A document was sent to the commander's hand. He briefly read it and then closed it. Then he looked at everyone present. General Ronald, I have a question for you, the commander said coldly. come out

General Ronald: To be straightforward

Commander: Do you have a teammate named Xue Fei

General Ronald: Yes, she is my soldier

Commander: I’m very sorry to tell you that her son was landing in Sicily a month ago

General Ronald: What happened to Bacon

Commander: Sit down and listen to me slowly

General Ronald: Did he die

Commander: You should take a look at this

The commander gave him the document. After reading it, he made a false alarm. It turned out that it was Bacon who won the medal. He smiled. At that time, Eugene and I were late. Because the commando had some combat plans, we waited for us to arrive. At the command post, General Ronald told the two of us that Beacon was killed in Sicily. Of course I couldn’t accept this fact. Eugene said very calmly at the time.

Eugene: General, you’re not mistaken, isn’t David Bacon working well in the airborne division

The general was surprised, Eugene went on to say

Eugene: The two of us just came from the airborne division, how can you say that he was killed

Xuefei: We didn't go

Eugene: Yes, we didn’t play the front line just now, did Xuefei

I nodded, the general finally couldn't help it

General Ronald: Okay, if you win, let me tell you a good news. This kid got the medal. Give this to you. Remember you personally give it to him.

Eugene: Good sir

General Ronald: By the way, this is for you, the next step is planned

I took the file, and Ryan told us to hurry up on the radio, so we said goodbye to them. When we came to the Hummer, we hugged Eugene and me with both hands behind our backs. At that time, I backhanded him to help.

Bacon: It hurts, it hurts, lighten it

Eugene: The dead boy dare to plot against us, after all, we are your parents, so let’s look at your mother.

Bacon: Let it go!

I looked at Ryan. He came over and handcuffed Becken with handcuffs. After taking him in the car, we went to the temporary camp. Of course, the boys were all there. At that time, everyone saw that their children were safe. Nothing, they are very comforted. Although they are basically of Chinese descent except Baiying and Kwai, Calgary has American and Russian ancestry, so he looks a little bit Russian, and Beiken looks a little bit more like you. But Jin inherited my double eyelids. At the time Eugene said that he also had double eyelids, but his personality was similar to him. He felt like he was reborn, but after all, he and I were born. In the camp, Eugene and I started. He was awarded a Medal of Honor and a new rank. Now his rank is first-class soldier. He was originally first-class soldier. Although they are all honors, I ask him to live well.

The Battle of Kiev officially started on February 22. Although the AC130 was said to be an old aircraft, it was still usable. The Russian frontline defense system collapsed, and then they started fighting on the streets. We entered the streets because we had a headache. AC130 was not. Stopped bombing Kiev. B1 bombers carried out a carpet bombing of Kiev. On February 25, Ivanovic decided to surrender. He looked at the soldiers. He lamented that it shouldn’t be the case. After he surrendered to us, he returned. Suicide in the air-raid shelter, Kiev is very important to Moscow, they don't know what our next goal is? , For us, the geographical location of St. Petersburg is very good, because it is relatively close to Moscow and has very important strategic value

February 29, St. Petersburg, Russia

After our army arrived in St. Petersburg, the Russian army did not resist. This surprised us because we were very stubborn all the way. But when we arrived in St. Petersburg, it was a different scene. An elderly man was pushed by a soldier in a wheelchair. He came over, although his mú appearance had changed, but Rey stepped forward and hugged him, and an elderly person also hugged her, and he also shed tears.

Rey: Brother, why are you here

Vasily: I have been here waiting for you, everything I do is for you, you definitely can’t bear to ruin St. Petersburg, right

Eugene: Vasily, I haven't seen you for many years, and I have become a kind old man

Vasily: Yes, half a century has passed in a blink of an eye. You are still so young, but I am old. My sister, Harwood, will leave it to you.

Harwood: Don't worry, I'll give this to you

Xiao Wu gave him the photo

Rey: Your nephew

Vasily: Yes, the young man is also strong, don’t forget to bring him to see me after the war is over

Rey: Good brother, I will definitely

After their brothers and sisters chatted for ten minutes, we began to take over the administrative organs such as the city government of St. Petersburg. Rey and Xiao Wu pushed Vasily back together. The administrative organs of St. Petersburg consciously handed over everything here to us. Everything was arranged by Vasily, he felt that the war was unnecessary

Outskirts of Moscow on March 5

In March, the season began to pick up. We also bid farewell to that cold February. We also began to prepare for the battle of Moscow. That day, Vasily made a speech on the radio. He said: This war should not break out because of this war. Let countless enthusiastic young people fall one by one, their parents, brothers and sisters are very sad, because they have lost one or more brothers or sons, no one wants the war to continue, so let us oppose the war, the same I also hope that there will be peace forever.

His speech was very good. We also hope that the war will end, but the plan has been drawn up, so the various armies are ready for the Moscow battle. Similarly, St. Petersburg has nearly one army, and the main Russian army has also decided to fight in Moscow. We fought to the death. At that time, the NATO army was still resting in St. Petersburg, and finally decided to launch the Moscow battle on the 9th.

March 9 Moscow

The Moscow battle began, self-propelled artillery and tanks fired on the Russian positions. After the first round of shelling, we started to charge. The Russian AK rifles had been aimed at us, and bullets flew towards us. We ran and fired. Some soldiers During the sprint, I was hit by the Russian army. I hid in the foxhole and changed bullets. After changing the bullets, I got up and shot at them. The tank fired at them from behind. The US main battle tank was still the M1 series tank, but the tank’s armor It was still depleted uranium armor. Although it was said to be harmful, it was still used. Moscow in March was exceptionally beautiful but everything was broken. This is the second NATO duel against Russia. It feels like history is repeating itself again. Decades ago, it was the first modern war. At that time, the hawks headed by Makarov controlled the head of government. They started the war. Later, he was beheaded by Task Force 141 in Dubai. Now he does not know that he will be beheaded. Who is it? Modern warfare is more cruel. We were suppressed by the Russian army one after another. Their fighter jets fired cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles at us. We suffered heavy casualties. Although the Russian army was the same as us, they There are fighter jets and our air force is almost zero. In this way, from March 9th to March 20th, we consume nearly 3 million rounds of various types of ammunition every day, including 5.56 mm rifle ammunition and 12.7 mm caliber. Machine gun ammunition consumes a lot of ammunition every day. This is the consumption of the US military in one day. I feel that during the Iraq War (Iraq War), the US military would consume nearly 250,000 rounds of ammunition and nearly 60 billion rounds of ammunition in ten years. We have one million rounds a day, which is equivalent to 10,000 rounds of ammunition to eliminate ten Russian troops. After all, it is a systematic warfare. We are fighting the regular army. However, other NATO troops don’t know how much ammunition to consume, so slowly. After fighting for 11 days, nearly a thousand people would be killed in one day (US casualties). Slowly in the last few days, the air force finally came. In the last three days, we gained air supremacy. The Russian air force was also demoralized at that time. Abandoning the air strikes, we are also reluctant to carry out air strikes on Moscow. The soldiers outside Moscow basically surrendered, and a small number of them are still resisting. The day before the end of the war, Vasily gave a national speech in St. Petersburg. The soldiers who defended Moscow heard it. Later, I also thought of my parents and relatives. Some people initiated military remonstrances. On that day, the Russian army surrounded the headquarters. The then Vice President Poroshenko declared the war ended. President Vladimir was sent to a military court in Moscow. The soldiers outside the city cheered that the war was finally over, when the United Nations also imposed some sanctions on Russia.

On March 25, we returned to Germany for repairs. A few days later we came to St. Petersburg in military uniforms. The group swaggered to the former Russian president’s house. We didn’t have the weapon. After all, Vasily was an old man. No matter what happened to him, the two siblings finally met again.