The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 78: On human rights


On April 10th, a security guard of United Airlines pulled a Chinese-American passenger from the cabin and towed it on the runway. I want to ask why it was not a black person but a yellow person who was dragging. There are serious problems in the United States. For them, black people are at the bottom of society, but from this point of view, the so-called "human rights" in the United States does not exist. A few days ago, Americans took human rights to Syria for nearly 60%. A Tomahawk cruise missile caused 15 civilian casualties. This is the human rights that the United States does. Every time they start a war, they kill on the grounds of protecting human rights. They don’t care about civilians, because it doesn’t matter if these civilians die. They will threaten weak and small countries, and they will not allow certain countries to be strong. The best example is the "China threat." They also drive warships to the South China Sea, which is the so-called "freedom of navigation", and we exercise in the South China Sea. They say yes. "Military threats" are the same for Russia, but Russia is directly hitting their warships. Now some European countries are accepting refugees. They say this is human rights, while the United States is crowding out people of color. They say this is also human rights. The United States has been Acting as the police of the world, but they often break a good country to pieces. The best example is Libya under Gaddafi. Their economy can be said to be more developed in Africa, but after the Libyan war, the country can be said to have suffered a lot. Hundred holes and the Gulf War. The Gulf War also fought Iraq under Saddam Hussein to be similar to Libya. I just want to say that the United States cannot enjoy "human rights protection" because terrorist attacks and shootings often occur in the United States. Cases or racial discrimination. American citizens who are also blacks often fall victim to violence in the United States. White police officers generally see blacks do nothing but fight, but when they encounter whites, they usually look at their ID cards, so the United States is For a country without legal protection, their laws are just a piece of waste paper, including international law. For them, the United States has the final say. For them, nuclear deterrence is the kingly way. A country that has not given up international law is It will not win international recognition. For example, European countries all abide by international law and human rights, while the United States has given up its own laws, international laws, and human rights.