The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 84: Shadow Warrior


A laboratory on January 6, 2036 AD

This is a military laboratory. The Pentagon develops the same weapon here. This weapon may be an artifact, but the military code-named it "Shadow Martial". I don’t know what Kagemu is, because we belong to the internal guards, so dad gave us some tips

Zhang Zhaozhong: The weapons here are human-shaped weapons, which are the experimental body of the first-generation Project A

When my father said it, I felt that something would happen in the future, because UNITA had such an experiment. They used the principle of optical reflection, but there were drawbacks. Although optical reflection is quite good, it is easy to be discovered. Fortunately, these people belong to our carefully selected elites, and they are the elites of the Delta. However, it is not scientific to reform, because the Pentagon and the Great White Shark have already requested Plan T to stop, so the current first-generation Plan A is from Where did UNITA gain experience, but I still have some doubts, because these guys don't know what will happen? , Gradually we started to get in touch with some core secrets, but my dad only allowed me to enter and leave the laboratory alone, because I was his pride. Although the film was also very good, my dad knew that she was lacking in some aspects. I don’t deny it, but my dad will let her enter the laboratory with me, but my dad wants her to protect me because I only need technicians and Eugene only needs to be responsible for the security work of the entire experimental area. He does not arrange other troops. They are not part of the Delta Force. Although they are also trained in three defenses, Dad is still worried because they are not from the Great White Shark. There are only 30 people in the Great White Shark military base in the Delta Force, but Dad only sent us. Commando, I also know Carlson. Although his troops are not part of the Great White Shark, he belongs to Eugene’s father directly. However, his suit of combat uniform is Black Watch, and we have also exchanged fire with Black Watch. , Their strength is indeed slightly better, but Carlson is not interested in Black Watch at all, but I saw that these files have big headers, I want to try with Kagemusha. At the time, my father nodded and agreed. At that time, it made me It’s too surprising that I was not allowed to participate in any experiments before, but this time I was wearing a combat uniform without any protective gear, but I couldn’t be careless, because we had encountered UNITA’s stealth troops, so I treated them No stranger, I only brought a pistol and a dagger. I took the elevator and came to the training area. Dad and them looked at me from there. The elevator door on the opposite side was also opened. He and I came out at the same time. We were training so it was not allowed. Wearing a weapon, he can only use his bare hands, but he actually used invisibility. I felt he disappeared before my eyes, but I didn’t expect him to be behind me. He gave me a violent kick and I fell heavily to the ground. Dad was a little nervous, because he was afraid that I would be injured. He stopped the training, but I refused. Although he said he was invisible, he was not completely invisible, but he was not great but his invisibility suit was working. I almost spent After learning about this invisible suit for a minute, I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of breathing.He was slowly approaching me. I turned around and kicked him. This time he didn’t dare to be careless. I stepped back slowly, but I was thinking that it is possible that the shadow warrior is our greatest enemy, because it is about to It is General Li that controls them. General Li’s original sin army is still a bit powerful for us, but the Black Watch of the Ministry of Defense is indeed a bit difficult. I don’t know what the guys at the Ministry of Defense think, I am a little helpless, but The Kagemusha can't be careless, I decided to shorten the attack range, and now I have absolute certainty that I can kill him, because of his breathing and footsteps, I can't escape my eyes as a sniper, I have been very calm, and gradually I It’s starting to occupy the peak, because he will be looming when he is moving, but there is only 0.1 second to give you a reaction, and I don’t need this 0.1 second, because I can find him, because his breath is impossible not to be discovered. , Because he needs to breathe, I randomly attacked a few times in the air. At the time they thought I was hitting the air, but I had already hit him. He seemed to feel a terrible opponent. I pressed him to the ground and beat him a few times. Boxing, he lifted his invisibility, and I returned to the control room with him. The researchers were also a little surprised at the time, because the Kagemusha is a new generation of invisible people, but I didn’t expect to be defeated by me. I threw a bottle of water to him. , To him I am a terrible enemy, to me they may be our enemy, because it is possible that they will get high-tech equipment, then I may not be able to hear his breathing at all, I After leaving the laboratory, Eugene and Lei Zang were on duty. The eyes of the two of them kept staring around. Xiao Wu and the others patrolled the laboratory as a patrol team. I came to Eugene tiredly and Lei Zang waved. Waving his hand to help me, Norman and McArthur (MacArthur) came to change shifts. When they saw Eugene next to me, they tiptoedly replaced the automatic rifles on both of them. The two of them brought lunch and drinks. Water, Eugene didn’t want to leave when I was asleep. I don’t know how long I slept and I woke up. He said that the lunch was cold. I checked that the time was 23:00 and I slept for almost two hours. Maureen and Xiao Wu looked at the two of us involuntarily and said, "You little couple are so affectionate!". The two of them smiled silently. I got up and kicked Maureen with a helmet. He touched his calf and continued to stand there.1 second, because I can find him completely, because his breath is impossible not to be discovered, because he needs to breathe, I attacked a few times in the air, they thought I was hitting the air, but I had already hit him Now, he seemed to feel a terrible opponent. I pressed him to the ground and punched him a few times. He lifted his invisibility. I returned to the control room with him. The researchers were also a little surprised at the time, because the Shadow Warriors are a new generation. Invisible man, but I did not expect to be defeated by me. I threw a bottle of water to him. To him, I am a terrible enemy. To me, they may be our enemies, because they may gain High-tech equipment. At that time, I might not be able to hear his breathing at all. After I left the laboratory, Eugene and Lei Zang were on duty. The eyes of the two of them kept staring around. Xiao Wu and the others were patrolling. The team was patrolling the lab. I came to Eugene exhaustedly. Lei Zang waved his hand and asked him to help me. Norman and McArthur (MacArthur) changed shifts. They crept at me when they saw Eugene next to me. Putting on the automatic rifles on both of them, the two of them brought the lunch box and drinking water. Eugene didn't want to leave when I was asleep. I don't know how long I slept and I woke up. He said the lunch box was cold. Now, I checked that the time was 23:00. I slept for almost two hours. Maureen and Xiao Wu looked at the two of us and said involuntarily, "You little couple are so loving!" The two of them smiled silently. I got up and kicked Maureen with a helmet. He touched his calf and continued to stand there.

Maureen: If you weren't my sister, I would definitely put you on the ground

Xue Fei: Oh, I'm so scared!

Ying and Xiao Wu ran over with our guns. They threw the guns to us. I thought there might be an accident in the laboratory, but no alarm was triggered. I went to the electronic door and entered the password. Everyone stood there. On both sides of the door, the door slowly opened. Everyone held their guns tightly. Maureen took a look. He said everything was normal. I walked in. Maureen and the others also pulled in. Dad frowned. head

Dad: Why did you all come in with guns

Maureen: Sir, we are afraid of emergencies, so

Dad: Okay, I get it, now the alarm is off

I put down my gun and looked around, and then went out. There was a false alarm. Dad came out. He said that it was just a routine inspection just now! He said that we are all very good, except for the patrol, we are doing very well. Carlson hurried over and said that there was an abnormal situation in the basement. The patrol was called by me to the laboratory by radio, and we stayed. Five people, three of them were in the laboratory, and the other two were outside. In this way, our two commandos came to the basement. When we arrived in the basement, everyone felt a little uneasy. Because there were a few corpses on the ground, I started little by little. Near the corpse

Lei Zang: Xue Fei don't move with broadsword mines

I looked in front of a pipe in front. A landmine was placed there. I slowly squatted down to close the mine, but a knife was suddenly placed on my neck. I swallowed a mouthful of water. Seeing me squatting there motionless, Lei Zang took out the ice soul and fired a shot. I felt that the knife was blown away. I quickly turned on the infrared ray and ran away. The huge impact sent me a dog to eat shit. Fortunately, it just scratched the skin and there was a little blood on the face, but the basement is a bit weird, because there are some test items stacked here, and they are all weapons. I stared at the surroundings. The brightness here is very suitable for the ghost troops to fight. Because of the light, so I kept staring around. Everyone was very cautious. Carlson and his teammates heard the sound of breathing. I listened carefully, but I fired around the wall first. The bullet hit him in the head. My gun The aiming is very good, because I know them very well, and our commando has participated in actual combat. I raised the butt of the butt and attacked the shadow attacker in the corner. The butt hit his abdomen, and the belt was wrapped around his neck. He was dragged to the ground abruptly by me. Although he was wearing an invisibility suit, he was already exposed. It was his breathing that exposed his position. I took off the helmet and smiled at him. He also lifted his invisibility. He wears high-tech equipment that we have never seen before. It feels that they are different from the Kagemusha. It feels that they are the first generation of ghost troops. I feel that ghost action is coming.

The Kagemusha Project was suspended a few months later, so this plan will be suspended indefinitely. A few days after the suspension of the plan, a secret NATO base "Wolf's Den" was attacked by ghost forces, so our Delta Force was ordered to go to the German Rhine Demilitarized Zone ( After a great war, it was managed by France. Hitler regained control of the Rhine area after he came to power. The Rhine area can be said to be a heavy industrial area in Germany, but the wolf's lair is not here, but on the border between Austria and Germany, so we just gather in the Rhine area. It does not mean that it is a departure.

February 25, Rhineland, Germany