The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 85: The Wolf Den of Ghost Recon


We set off from Berlin on March 1st. On this day, the sky began to rain lightly. We and the German Wehrmacht came to the border between Austria and Germany. At that time, I had smelled the smell of killing. I heard that Wolf's Den was a very mysterious place. , But there is no NATO army stationed there except the German army, because Germany prohibits the entry of other countries' troops, so it adds a sense of mystery to us.

At 23:00 midnight on February 31, a NATO military base in Berlin, Germany

Colonel William: Major Eugene wishes you good luck

Eugene: I just hope you go to William with us

Colonel William: Yeah, I want to go with you too, but unfortunately I am your logistics department, but having said that, your beautiful blessings are not shallow

Captain: Sorry, sir, we are about to take off

William: Good brother, wait for you to come back, let's relive the past

Eugene and William met again during the NATO joint military exercise in 2022, but Eugene had planned it because he paid attention to me for a year or two, because he had studied at the Berlin Military School. In 2019, he went to Germany to study as a NATO officer, but William showed him a photo. That's right. That photo was me. At the time, I was serving my dad with tea in the League of Nations. I went there basically every day. Soldiers will follow me. It feels like I am like Miss Qianjin, and the study in Germany is about to end, but I don’t know what happened. Hekage came to the army in confusion, and the photos in the file were extracted. , Because I was assigned to Team A, and the shadow painting was arranged to go out for actual combat. However, there are also NATO-installed works (spies) in the League of Nations. The photos were accidentally taken. William was in the NATO intelligence department at the time. He was the first time I got this picture, but there was only one, and then it was taken by Eugene, and finally he was arrested in 23 years. He got his wish and William could only swallow, but Eugene kept it secret, even Neither of us was named William when we got married. No wonder William saw me so familiar at the time, but now he regrets it, because he could have been the first step, he was helpless at this point, but we also dozed off on the transport plane. , Everyone fell asleep without knowing it. The time officially came to 3 o'clock in the morning on March 1st, and the last ten minutes before the skydiving. Everyone drank a sip of water and checked the umbrella bag. These ten minutes felt very long, and Normandy Just like landing, the rear cabin door slowly opened. For us, the skydiving took only 19 seconds. Because we were in free fall, we had to open the parachute quickly within three seconds. After the parachute was opened, I slowly landed, and we were relieved. Open the parachute bag and pick up your own equipment to go to the wolf den. Everyone has a shotgun attached to their equipment, because after the scene of passing through the laboratory, everyone is afraid to relax their vigilance against invisible equipment because they are silent, but According to observations, they will become visible when they are moving, and another point is the sound of breathing. Everyone has a heartbeat detector that can detect the mental response within ten meters, but I don’t know if the heartbeat can be detected. The German Wehrmacht in front of us suddenly stopped. A soldier looked under his feet and took a flashlight. He didn’t know if he had stepped on a landmine. I came to him and looked at what he had stepped on. , I took off my gloves to dig into the soil. At that time, I felt a hard object. After I dug completely, I found a false alarm. It turned out to be a canned box. Nothing happened after he let go. I opened the kettle and washed my hands. Put on gloves before continuingEnter, but when we stepped onto the wolf den, we felt that the mystery here immediately came, but there were no living things except for a few corrupted corpses. Is the information wrong? , When I was thinking, a ghost (lurker) appeared behind me, but the mini computer showed that an unknown creature was approaching. I immediately regained consciousness. I immediately looked behind, but no one, because the heartbeat monitor did not respond, I I was a little panicked now. I looked around and I was alone, and Eugene and the others were elsewhere. I felt that I was very helpless. I turned off the heartbeat monitor because this thing was useless, but it was ringing in the house. Gunshots, but the mini computer keeps ringing. It reminds me that there are enemies around. The soldier ran out. I looked at him, but he was killed as soon as he came out. My muzzle was always facing forward. When I got to the guardrail, the wolf den was so weird. Apart from the sound of breathing, I couldn’t see where the enemy was. I pressed the trigger and a bullet flew out. The bullet hit the ground. I knew their moving speed. I don’t know how they are, they are already by my side unknowingly, they took my weapon

Ghost 1: It seems that the little girl is a bit capable

I swallowed, because they were holding my rifle, I had no choice but to flip it down. I successfully landed on the platform. A beautiful backflip brought me to the side of a German corpse. I picked it up. I picked up his gun and shot it up. A box of bullets killed one. I changed the magazine and picked up his bullet. I walked and looked at it. I didn’t expect that the ground was full of German corpses, but their weapons and ammunition were all It’s gone, but I didn’t expect these ghosts to shoot me coldly. They didn’t want to kill me, but teased me, but there was a flame suppressor on the muzzle, so I couldn’t see the light at all, so I could only shoot randomly. Yes, but Eugene and Maureen have just arrived. They think I'm already in the stage of collapse, because the originally calm I actually swept these ghost troops indiscriminately. I replaced the empty magazine and Maureen held the gun. , The laser at the muzzle was hiding from me, and then I fired. I looked at a ghost body behind me, but my muzzle kept aiming at it, I always felt that there was someone on it. The two of them stood underneath with grenades. , I watched them throw them up, Maureen made a 1 gesture, I immediately fell, and after a loud noise, two corpses fell inside, and one of them was still breathing. Maureen took a look and then turned to him. With a shot, this person has no use value for him. I ran over to hold Eugene. He felt my tears in my goggles, but I also let go, because it is still there. Fighting, and the enemy could not see, Maureen moved his muscles and bones a bit. He and Eugene's expressions felt very relaxed, because these ghosts had flaws, Maureen squatted on the ground, he opened the backpack, and then took out the smoke from the inside. Bomb, I must have a dazed look. He threw a few smoke bombs, and it was suddenly in the mist. We saw a few shadows in the smoke. We raised the gun and shot, but we were completely helpless. The state is surrounded by silence at the moment. Waiting for the smoke to dissipate. A person stood by us. We felt that this person's back was very familiar, but when he turned around, we were surprised that it was Dad... Dad.

Impossible, my brain was blank at the time, and Maureen was also very surprised to see this scene, "surprised," he said. Our guns are aimed at him

Dad: Okay, the children's exercise is over!

exercise? , The people on the ground stood up all of a sudden, but what happened to these effects? Dad said about optical effects. He also said that Maureen could not act at all, but the bullet obviously bleeds. Dad picked up my gun and fired a shot at his chest. He wiped the wound. After I watched it What do you feel like? , And then a familiar voice kept calling me. I found myself in the hospital after I was fully awake. I don’t know what happened. Maureen said I had hallucinations because of excessive blood loss. Dad was not there at all. It’s not a drill, but an illusion of excessive blood loss. When they found me, they looked at me standing there, the muzzle kept hiding from the upper window, and then they saw that I fainted. It turned out that I was This kind of thing happened because of excessive blood loss. They were shocked at the time. Fortunately, the wound was treated temporarily, otherwise my life would be in danger, but we still lost a few German Wehrmacht in this operation.