The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 9: The source of the fall


I got lost after leaving the great white shark. It was a very gloomy place. I only took a sleeping bag and a few packs of compressed biscuits and made them worry for a while. I was very scared to spend the night there because it was a forest. There are wild wolves, because I only took the P226 pistol, so I didn’t get rid of it at night, nor did I take the radio. They should be very anxious

The next day I found the pioneer’s private armour in the forest. They found me and I was injured in the crossfire.

Catch her! , They yelled to catch me, I limped and fled there, I found a safe place, the bullet was taken out by me, I took a look at the bullet, the silver bullet! , Could it be said that this is a special bullet? , After waiting for an hour, the wound has not healed. Damn it. If the wound is not healing, their army dog is likely to smell blood. I bleed a lot of blood, but I heard the voices of Li and Maolin, they have already smelled it. A hint of blood

Li: Did you smell it? , Is the taste of Xuefei!

Maureen: She is injured, we need to find her quickly

Li: What's wrong? Morin

Maureen: I found something strange, equipment shooting, in the grass

I vaguely saw them coming. I got up and equipped to leave because I escaped. Dad’s Li and they were very worried about me. Because they saw my blood, I got up and left the grass. After they saw me Let me stop, I ignored them. Although it was a limping, the speed was still a bit fast. I found a small house. I found bandages and alcohol. I cleaned the wound and it still hurts. I opened it. The refrigerator looked at what there was to eat and found a bottle of milk and a few slices of bread. It seems that no one has been here for a few weeks, because the bread on the table has become moldy and there are bullet holes in the wall. Could it be said that the umbrella company took away the people here? I recalled carefully, private weapons, biochemical monsters, G virus and Z virus, there really are biochemical monsters here! , I drank a few mouthfuls of milk and ate bread, but I felt a little dizzy. I saw Li and Maureen coming over in a daze.

Maureen: The greedy little sister is delicious!

After he finished talking, I fainted. When I woke up, I was already in Jaws. Mom and Dad were very worried about me. He also regretted Li's father. He promised that I would never beat Li again. I told my father. Everything I found in the jungle

Xue Fei: I have discovered the Pioneer Company’s secret research institute these days. There should be biochemical monsters there.

Dad: We have never found that place, but you did not expect to find it!

I talked about what I knew. My father smiled with satisfaction. He touched my head and went out with my mother. Li and his father went out. I asked Ying to stare at them because I was very Worried about Li, his father and him are discussing how to raid this umbrella research institute

Maureen and Li are discussing that I am recovering from my injuries in the hospital. Li is very worried about me because he once said that he only loves me. He took him away for the first time and thought he was a playboy. I said

Li: Xue Fei, let's get married!

I didn't know how he knew my name at the time? , Later I learned that I also fell in love with him.

Li decided to let the Zx Special Forces take the lead. Zuo Lin was joking that Li was timid. I don’t believe Li would be timid, because it was what Dad meant. I watched him thinking and went over and kissed him, and he hugged me. I told me something in my heart. I just beat him like a baby, and he showed a lewd smile. I wanted to get rid of him, but he hugged me tightly. I stepped on him and he finally let go. Pervert, but Maureen is blind in Li’s ear, I don’t know what they’re talking about.

The next morning when everyone was eating, they saw Xiao Wu and Chennault rushing in in a panic. They drank the milk and said out of breath.

Xiao Wu: First... The pioneer's research institute knows it...

Chennault: Right on the mountain

At that time, Li frowned and took the equipment and told us to eat faster. Xiao Wu and Chennault almost choked to death. Ying and Lei told them to eat slowly. Li also picked up a few slices of bread and began to eat. He almost and Xiao Wu too. They almost choked to death, so I gave him half a bottle of milk, and Li drank it gruntingly.

Li: Why does it taste weird

Maureen: Yogurt! , It must taste weird!

Li: Shouldn't it be pure milk? , Xiao Nizi did you do it!

Xuefei: I like yogurt and can't do it

Li: Of course, it tastes good

Cao Ying: You eat slowly, Xiaobao eats slowly

Li Gaote: Understood, Li, you are hungry too

Shirley: Well, I listen to you

Maureen: Yo Yo Yo, this little couple

Xueying: Okay, okay, don’t laugh, everyone hurry up and eat for a while and there is still a big battle to fight

Xuefei: Waiting for five minutes, take your time

After almost eating, everyone came to the apron. The Osprey was already waiting for us. After we got on the plane, we began to discuss how to enter the Pioneer Lab? The plane arrived at the destination, and in front of us were the elite troops of the pioneers. They were armed with M14EBR and Gatling guns. Could it be that they knew that we were coming, so they prepared it

Li: Xue Fei will see you next

Xuefei: Me! , What are you kidding me, how can I

Li: I tell you, it should be like this の&#$*, do you know

Xuefei: Understand

I picked up my M4 Reaper and aimed it at the machine gunner’s head. Li and Maureen were ready to pick up their rifles, send it!

In this way, the enemy is panicking now. We fired at them, and the Green machine gun began to shoot at us. Everyone began to hide in Tibet. Once they were hit, it would not be better for a week. The silver bullets are more powerful. Be careful

Li: Here comes the can opener!

The can opener was called the Bakazu rocket launcher in World War II. The current rocket launchers are basically disposable. Lee aimed at the machine gunner, and only heard a loud noise. No need to explain that the machine gun was directly killed by the shock wave of the explosion. Dead, we have finished the battle outside and are ready to go inside

Li: Oh my god, it's a bit big here, beware of walking dead!

Just as we were talking, we heard a roar, uh... ah..., they are coming, ready to shoot

Maureen: Wait! That is the son of a rapid demon! , Shoot fast!

Fortunately, if the rookies did not come, they would all die here. The son of the devil was finally killed by us, but we were also surrounded by zombies. I picked up the death god and shot at them. Everyone can only fight back. We almost fight. After an hour or so, everyone came to a room and we heard a dog barking

Chennault: Why are there dogs here

Xueying: Don’t forget that there are virus dogs in Resident Evil, Xiao Chen, you are scared

Chennault: Oh, isn’t it? Then it’s time to warm up too, shadow

Xuefei: Is Shirley ready

Shirley: Understand, Li Got's 10 is only yours

Li Gaote was speechless at the time. Li watched Li Gaote taking out the explosive bullet and threw it at the dog group. Within a few minutes, he was almost dead, and we continued on.

Li: Dead end!

Damn it is a dead end. Behind us is a steady stream of zombies. I'm groping for any switch? , I looked around and there was a switch but it was too high, we could only shoot the switch with a gun,

Maureen: It's actually bulletproof armor, which is a bit interesting

Maureen took out his laser weapon from his bag. It looked a bit bad but it was powerful! After a minute, the bulletproof armor and the switch inside were destroyed, the door slowly opened, and the Osprey transport plane just took off.

Norman: You ungrateful fellows, come down to me!

Suddenly the gate closed, and the zombie army attacked us again, and a roar unlocked the secret of the source of the fall

The source of the fall is Dr. Rex's secret research institute, responsible for researching new types of biochemical monsters, such as the son of the devil and the falling Titan.

The Falling Titan appeared, could it be said that this is Rex's masterpiece? , A missile launcher and a terrifying mouth. We can only shoot because if we don’t shoot, we might have sacrificed now.

Maureen: Aim at the missile launcher and shoot at the launcher quickly!

But the Titan will not let us succeed. It has summoned its brothers. Could it be that there are two! , To end the battle quickly, otherwise they will continue to fall, and finally fell one, but the third and fourth are both out, can it be said that this is a mass production type

What should I do? , I picked up a bazooka and hit the Titan’s launcher. Its launcher exploded and finally solved one and three, but we no longer had the bazooka. Maureen took the laser weapon and hit the launcher. As a result It must have exploded. Only the last two focused firepower to destroy them. After ten minutes of focused fire, they finally died, but the battle was not over yet, because the next battle was actually the Great White Shark.