The War of Xue Fei Diaries Strikes

Chapter 93: Devastated


Time 23:01, Region: Europe, Country: Belgium, City: Brussels (the capital of Belgium)

Eugene: Has Maureen found Xuefei

Maureen: I'm sorry we searched many places but couldn't find it

Eugene: Okay, brother, don’t blame yourself. Call me anytime and anywhere, just hang up.

Federal Bureau of Investigations

Xuefei: Please give me the antidote quickly, I'm really uncomfortable

Colonel K: You didn’t even complete the task, so forget it

He threw the vaccine to the ground and smashed it. He smiled slightly at the uncomfortable look of Xue Fei.

Colonel K: Why don't you become my woman

Xue Fei: Dream, it's impossible for me (coughing)

Soldier: The sir, why don't we be finished if she recovers

Colonel K: Now she feels like she's on the verge of burning, what happens if her body temperature rises

Soldier: Then it will kill the brain cells and eventually lose memory

Colonel K: No, no, she will save some memories, that is revenge

Soldier: It's better to break her hand

I shook my head, but Colonel K actually agreed

Xue Fei: No... No, so I promise you, I promise to be your woman, please don't be like this

Colonel K: Don’t you think it’s too late to answer, do it

Xuefei: No! ,what! ... (The arm is broken at the joint), huh... huh... why...

Soldier: She has broken her elbow, and she will soon become disabled, so she may not be able to eat.

Colonel K: You should understand how to deal with it. What I want to remind you is that you don’t do that kind of thing and just throw it away.

Soldier: Get to know the colonel.

In the morning, the garbage truck came to collect the garbage. At that time, the cleaner touched my army boots while turning over the garbage. He was shocked when he pulled it out. Another cleaner immediately called 911 (the U.S. police number), and the police patrolling nearby rushed. When I arrived, they saw that I was wearing a military uniform and my rank was not low. They checked my vital signs. A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived. The doctor said it was broken. At the time, both General Taylor and Ronald refused to do so. I do amputation, even if there is only a 0.001% chance, I won’t be amputated

Maureen: Eugene, Xuefei found it (voice is very sad)

Eugene: Really, where is she

Maureen: In a garbage dump

Eugene: This dead girl loves to be clean by nature and can't sleep. Wait for you to say it's in the trash, quickly tell if something happened

Maureen: Yes, something happened, but you can rest assured that she is still alive

Eugene: Then let her answer the phone

Maureen: She is asleep

Eugene: Well, by the way, let her not miss me, I will be back in a few years

Maureen: Okay, I'll pass it on, I'm hung up

Maureen shed tears when she hung up the phone, because Sheffield’s vital signs were very unstable, but Eugene in Brussels was still restless. He felt Maureen must be hiding something, so he decided to go back to China.

Brussels International Airport

Soldier: Sir, let me take it for you

Eugene: No, I'm used to combat troops

Eugene and the soldier got on the plane and returned to China. He thought about it for several hours on the plane, and had a dream. He dreamed that Xuefei was covered in cuts and bruises and that someone was going to kill her. Xuefei kept asking himself to save her. , But Eugene always couldn't catch her, and Xuefei would be farther away from him every time she had to hold her, and then she was chased to kill her, he suddenly yelled no! , And then woke up. Everyone in the cabin was shocked. Eugene wiped the sweat on his forehead with Sheffield with his handkerchief, and then took out the photos of their family of three and looked at it. At the time, Beacon Already serving in the airborne division, the three of them dressed in combat uniforms and took photos together. He then carefully stuffed the photos into the chest bag. After the flight arrived at the New York International Airport in the United States, several soldiers were already waiting at the airport and they escorted them. Eugene got in the car and headed to the Great White Shark. He returned to the Great White Shark and came to the room. He wanted to give Sheffield a surprise, but when he threw on the bed, he found that the bed was empty. He was wondering if he was found, but now There was no mission. He had no choice but to take off his clothes and go to bed. But after getting up in the morning, he did not find any traces of Xuefei's return. There were only two suits and uniforms in the closet, and Xuefei's weapons were never passive. Her diary has not been touched either. He put on his clothes and went to the restaurant to eat. In the restaurant, he saw Xue Fei's figure. After he passed, he realized that it was his own hallucination. He sat on a stool in a daze.

My injury is almost healed. Everything is fine except for my arm and memory. I sit on the side and Maureen gives me a meal. In the room, I look out the window and then look inside, but there are often people in my mind asking for it. Kill me, every time I shrink in the corner, Maureen will put the bread on the ground and let me take it by myself. I was curious at first and then went to eat it, but Colonel K was very angry when he knew it. He decided to kill someone. When I came to the hospital to see me that day, after I saw him, I hugged Mai Shuai tightly. He felt very strange why it didn’t matter to see everyone but it was like this when I saw him. Once Xueying came to take care of me, she saw K just after she walked in the door. The colonel pushed me to the corner, but she didn't know what was going on. She came and hugged me. Colonel K saw that the plan was unsuccessful and would leave. From then on, Ying began to be wary of him.

I have lived in Eugene Jaws for a few days but I still haven’t come back. Later Maureen came back to get things, and then he followed him to the hospital, but Maureen was very vigilant. There were many elevators, so Eugene didn’t dare to approach. , He came to the front desk and asked

Eugene: Hello, I would like to ask which ward Xuefei is in

Nurse: Excuse me, who are you her

Eugene: I am her husband

Nurse: OK, let me check for you. She is in Ward No. 003, Area C on the 3rd floor.

Eugene: What was wrong with her

Nurse: You are her husband so you don’t know

Eugene: I’m sorry I attended the NATO meeting in Brussels, so I don’t know

Nurse: Okay, oh by the way, which one is her doctor, you can ask him

Eugene: Thank you

He went to ask the doctor. The doctor said I had a broken elbow and memory loss. Then Eugene ran to the elevator immediately, but the elevator came down too slowly. He went straight up the stairs and came outside the ward. He saw Maureen through the glass. While feeding me, he looked at me with dull eyes, like a rag doll. He leaned on the wall and shed tears after looking at me. Eugene called Maureen and asked him how I was. He said that I had recovered and returned to the great white shark a few days ago. He smiled coldly, and then told Maureen that he had already returned to the great white shark a few days ago. Why didn’t I see me lying on the bed waiting for him? Lin was also speechless. Eugene opened the door and walked in. He hung up the phone and looked at Maureen. Then he walked over. He touched my face, but I didn't let him touch it. I looked in horror. Look at him

Eugene: Xuefei is me, I'm Eugene

At that time, I threw myself in Maureen’s arms and did not dare to look at him. Then I slowly touched his face, and after spending a month with him, I slowly recovered some memories. Eugene told Maureen that he would take me. When I went to Brussels, Maureen refused, because Eugene lived in an officer’s room in Brussels, and there would be some riots when such a beautiful wife brought me to the NATO headquarters. Eugene decided to take me to a house in Germany to live first. Next, Maureen finally agreed. He asked Eugene to take good care of me. He nodded and agreed.

Hamburg, Germany

Eugene: We're home now, Xuefei, do you remember this place

Xue Fei: Of course I remember, this is where you violated me!

Eugene: Don’t talk so badly, will you not agree to marry me in the end

Then he hugged me and said to me: I want to protect you, because you are my favorite person.

I looked at him and then raised my head and closed my eyes. He thought what was wrong with me. I hummed. He understood. He kissed me. When he was about to take off my clothes, I pushed him away.

Eugene: What are you doing

Xuefei: What do you think

I raised my arm and he understood what I meant. Now that he was injured, he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t do anything. At night I lay on the bed and watched him.

Xuefei: Who sleeps on the sofa at night

Eugene: Of course it’s you. Didn’t you sleep on the sofa back then

I was very angry, and then took the blanket to go downstairs, he attacked me from behind

Eugene: Madam, just lie on the bed with peace of mind

He took my blanket and went downstairs. He watched the TV for a while and I went back to my room to sleep.