The Whispering Verses

Chapter 103: Afternoon


Just as Captain Rades said, the gunshot only rang out for a moment, and the noisy sound quickly disappeared downstairs. Shade breathed a sigh of relief and was about to continue the previous topic, but he didn't expect to hear gunshots again downstairs.

I thought Captain Rades would remain calm, but I didn't expect the middle-aged man to be stunned for a moment, then widen his eyes and look towards the window with horror and disbelief on his face.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem this time?"

Xia De immediately asked.

"34 Blackjack! Glass pocket single-shot pistol! It's MI6!"

The middle-aged man, who had been very calm, began to tremble as if he was ill, and the fear on his face was probably more exaggerated than when Shade saw the evil god again.

Shade also shrank back nervously, but soon regained his composure. It was impossible for Detective Sparrow to get into trouble, and even if he did, he would not be implicated, so he did not need to be nervous.

"What happened to MI6?"

This organization might have some connection with Shade, but the captain's nervousness was a bit odd.

"They are a bunch of devils, they don't trust anyone! They will lock you up and keep shining gaslight on you to make you tell the truth! They will lock you up in a dark room and keep making noise to prevent you from resting! They will..."

The terrified middle-aged man trembled as he spoke, and Shade roughly understood. Captain Rades was rescued from Carsenrick as a prisoner, and because of his reputation as the "Captain of Eight Guns" on the front line, he would certainly be suspected after returning home.

He had probably been interrogated by MI6, which left him with some psychological trauma. Even though the other party was obviously not looking for the captain, the middle-aged officer still seemed to have turned on some kind of switch and fell into great fear.

This emotion was almost inconsolable. The captain huddled against the wall and dared not move, as if the people downstairs could see him through the wall. After a long time of no movement downstairs, he gradually returned to normal, but Xia De saw that his collar was completely wet.

"Captain, are you all right?"

Xia De said with some concern. The middle-aged officer shook his head, staggered to the table, picked up a bottle of wine, took a big gulp, and then coughed several times because of choking before he recovered.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh."

He put down the bottle while panting, then sat down in the chair in front of the desk in a somewhat dejected manner.

"MI6 is... scary?"

Xia De asked tentatively, but he was a little worried that his question would make the captain uncomfortable. But the middle-aged man was still strong. Of course, it might be that the wine gave him courage:

"The people in MI6 are all lunatics who will not give up until they achieve their goals. They are probably more terrifying than the extraordinary people in the rumors."

The captain, who seemed to have some knowledge, shook his head and said:

"In recent years, there have been rumors that Carsonrick's Gray Gloves have sent a group of incredible spies to lurk in Tobesk, so MI6 has been acting so high-profile in recent years, but what's the use? There are even recent rumors that the Gray Gloves are planning an operation against the royal family. Oh, detective, you'd better not deal with them for the rest of your life. The people there have undergone professional training, and I even doubt that they have no sympathy or compassion at all."

After the captain had completely recovered from the shock and confirmed that the gunshots downstairs would not be heard again, the two men went out to eat. Of course, both men clamored to pay the bill, and in the end, it was the young and strong Xia De who got the chance to pay the bill.

The captain looked embarrassed and promised to continue looking for the ornament. And if there was a chance, he would help Shad introduce business, as he knew many people in the city.

After dinner, the two separated. Captain Rades went to the Veterans Club to meet some acquaintances and try to find a new job. Shad returned to St. Teresa's Square, played with Mia at home for a while, and translated more than ten pages of "The Four Elements of Chase: Wind and Fire".

Around 2:30 in the afternoon, while taking a break at the desk, seeing that the weather was good today, he decided to go for a walk outside. Of course, this time Shade brought his orange cat Mia with him. Since arriving at St. Teresa's Square, the cat rarely had the opportunity to go out except for going out for dinner because of her timidity.

This could also be considered taking the cat out for a walk, but because there was no suitable leash on hand and he was worried that Mia would get lost, Shad actually held the cat the whole time, and Mia was of course happy that she didn't have to walk by herself.

He had seen St. Teresa's Square and the flocks of pigeons there from his window every day. Since it was a rare good day today and the mist that had surrounded the city had dissipated a little, he walked to the university district of Tobysk, which was more suitable for an afternoon walk.

The university district is mostly a gathering place for students and teachers from nearby colleges and universities. Although it looks the same as other places in Tobysk, when you step onto the tree-lined avenue, you instinctively feel that it is more comfortable here.

That's your illusion, I didn't feel anything.

The detective holding the cat looked around and observed people on the boulevard, and stopped at the Draerion Royal Mechanical College to check the outer wall of the college. He even sat on the lawn where the sun could shine for a while and enjoyed the rare sunshine in summer.

There happened to be a group of young people playing Rhodes on the lawn. Judging from their attire and the books beside them, they were probably students of Tobesk Seminary. Shade also joined in the fun and watched their game. From what he heard, he knew that the group was members of the "Rhodes Study Group" of Tobesk Seminary.

“Why does the seminary have a Rhodes card study group?”

Shade found this funny, but did not join in the card game. After standing for a while, he remembered that the map showed the Terrarelle River running through the university area, so he wanted to walk along the river bank. In a place where no one was around, maybe Mia could have a chance to run a bit.

But just as he left the lawn and strolled along the tree-lined avenue, he noticed a carriage approaching behind him.

He dodged to the side, but the carriage slowly stopped beside Shade. The window was opened, and the face of the blond writer appeared in the carriage:

"Good afternoon, Detective. Oh?"

She looked at the cat in Shade's arms and smiled:

"Walking? Or do you have a commission?"

"Good afternoon, Miss Louisa. I'm taking a walk and walking my cat."

Shad wanted Mia to say hello to Miss Louisa, but the small orange cat was very shy and "roared" at the writer's "meow~", then curled up in Shad's arms and refused to move.

"Since you're alright, would you like to help me?"

Miss Louisa lifted the hair that hung down by her ear.

"What are you doing?"

Shade accepted the invitation, and Miss Louisa got out of the four-wheeled taxi and explained while looking for change for the driver:

"I heard some strange rumors and wanted to buy something very special."

Xia De suddenly realized that they were going to collect the relics.