The Whispering Verses

Chapter 123: The King's aunt


Shad stood up and bowed slightly to the half-open door, then followed the black-haired maid named "Tifa" out of the room.

The maid had no intention of chatting with Shade, and the two of them found Mr. Nit waiting at the second floor staircase in silence. The maid said to him directly:

"Give this gentleman thirty pounds, in cash."

After receiving the nervous man's reply, the maid turned around and went back upstairs. Mr. Nit bowed slightly and didn't dare to stand up until the maid left. Shade wanted to ask him what kind of noble "Miss Carina" was, but seeing him like this, he didn't ask.

Mr. Neate led Shad directly to the club's accounting office and squatted down in front of the brass safe. He turned three sets of eighteen tiny gears, opened the safe and took out the money for Shad.

It should have been 30 pounds, but Mr. Neate gave Shad 50 pounds. Although 20 is a small number, a stranger who has been in this world for two weeks knows clearly the purchasing power of this money.

"There are no receipts to be reimbursed this time."

Xia De immediately reminded him, but the latter shook his head:

"This is a small token of our appreciation. You can come and go as you please in the future. You will always be welcome here."

He probably understood something from the action of Miss Carina's personal maid personally leading Shade to get the money.

Xia De asked curiously:

"I know that lady doesn't own the club and only comes here occasionally, so is the 50 pounds you gave her a loan?"


Mr. Nit looked at Shade in surprise as if he had heard some incredible words:

"We are honored that the lady came to our place. She asked us for money, which was like a blessing from an angel!"

“It’s great to be a noble.”

Xia De muttered quietly in his heart.

After receiving this huge sum of money, he did not immediately return to his employer, Miss Iluna, but chatted with Mr. Neate for a while to delay time, hoping that his employer's investigation would go smoothly.

When he returned to the specially prepared reception room, nearly an hour and a half had passed since Shade left. When he opened the door, he was worried that the brown-haired sorceress hadn't returned yet, but fortunately, she was already sitting at the coffee table, drinking tea with a book in her hands.

"Please feel free to do so."

Mr. Neate said from outside the door, bowing slightly before closing it.

Miss Beas immediately put down her book and wanted to speak, but the experienced and cautious detective raised his finger to signal her to be silent. He stood at the door and listened carefully to the sounds outside. After making sure that Mr. Neate had gone far away, he relaxed.

"Detective Hamilton, you are really reliable. It is really a good decision to hire you this time."

Miss Bei Yasi praised, and Xia De sat down on the single sofa on the side, looking a little tired:

"I think you may have misunderstood something, but I am indeed very reliable."

"I didn't expect you to have such great social connections. Just now, when I used the excuse of going to the bathroom, people in the club bowed to me when they saw me."

Girls from the church probably have never been treated like this.

"My social connections... Come to think of it, do you know Miss Carina? She must be a very powerful noble."

Although Miss Beas knew that Shade went to see "that lady", she was different from Schneider and the other three. She did not know that "that lady" was a ring wizard, so she could reveal this matter.

"Ms. Carina?"

Miss Iluna Beas thought for a moment:

"Jalina is not a rare name. If it involves the nobility, then there are many possibilities. When I was receiving training at Blackstone Security Company, there was a special course introducing contemporary noble families, but without further conditions, it is difficult for me to know who this is."

Xia De recalled the details just now:

"A very powerful noblewoman, no older than 30. She said she admired me very much, and that her power was enough to influence the church."

Immediately, Xia De noticed the distrust in the eyes of the girl opposite him.

"I swear in the name of God, I am absolutely not lying."

He immediately said, and this method of swearing is very consistent with the habits of the church's ring warlocks:

"If that's the case..."

Miss Bei Yasi frowned, then looked at Xia De in surprise:

"Detective, then you really have come into contact with a great noble. There is only one person who meets this condition, the youngest sister of the former King of Delarion, Larus II, and the aunt of the current King Larus III, the Fire Leaper, and the Duke of Saladir, Carina Cavendish. Detective... ... I will definitely not increase the cost of this employment just because you have such a social connection."

Shade opened his mouth slightly. He had read about this duchess in the newspaper. Duke Carina Cavendish was a real duke. Saladil County was her fiefdom. This duchess had just come here from her fiefdom not long ago. It was said that she was here to celebrate the king's birthday.

The Tobysk Morning Post and the Kingdom Morning Post reported this incident for several consecutive days. Xia De, who had just arrived in the world, sighed for a long time.

The current King Larousse III is 45 years old this year, while Miss Carina is no more than 30 years old. The seniority relationship in the royal family is also quite interesting.

"Are you surprised? You don't even know this person?"

Miss Beas asked, and Shade quickly shook his head:

"I forgot to ask you just now, how is your investigation going? After such a long time, there shouldn't be any clues, right?"

Miss Beatrice was successfully distracted by the detective. She put down her teacup with some sadness:

"I found the clue. Something unusual happened in the third room on the left side of the stairs on the first floor, but I can't get in. There are too many people on the first floor."

This clue is consistent with the clue provided by Miss Carina. Since Miss Beatrice has also investigated it, Shade doesn't need to say it himself.

"I remember that room seemed to be a reception room as well. However, it was too close to the lobby and was noisy, so it only received unimportant guests."

He stood up and motioned that Miss Beatrice could follow him:

"I still have some... face here. I think we can go in and take a look."

"Detective, I was right about you."

The brown-haired sorceress smiled and stood up:

"If there is really a gain this time, I won't be stingy with the reward."

Shade also smiled and put his hand over his chest. In the inner pocket of his coat was an envelope with 60 pounds in cash (note), which was enough for him to buy a nice small manor in the countryside outside Tobesk:

"We can discuss the compensation later."