The Whispering Verses

Chapter 130: Everything is impermanent


The currencies currently used in the world include the gold pound of the northern Dracion and the crown of the southern Carsenrick United Kingdom. However, the United Kingdom was formed by several kingdoms in the past. Although a unified kingdom has been formed in 1853, there are still several different currencies called "crowns" within it.

The Carson Kroner is a large-denomination currency used in official transactions. According to the current exchange rate, about 11 to 12 gold pounds are equivalent to 1 Carson Kroner.

"If it's in gold pounds, it's about this figure."

Vice President Mark, a local, wrote another note with the number "33" on it. Although this amount of money was not as much as Miss Carina's commission yesterday, Xia De only needed to participate in the competition to get the money, which was like picking it up.

Franklin, the accountant who once commissioned Shad, only earned about 70 pounds a year, and his income was barely enough to be considered middle class.

Now Xia De only needs to nod his head to get half a year's income from the mainstay of a middle-class family. He has no reason to refuse:

"I think I need a charter for the tournament."

Mr. Limo nodded:

"If you need, we can get the rules for the competition in a moment. But don't worry, you just need to participate, there is no requirement to win. Here is the agreement."

Mr. Limo reached his hand behind him, and the personal secretary standing by the wall immediately came over and handed him a dark brown kraft paper bag. As for the reward, Shade would have to wait until the tournament opened and he sat at the card table to get it.

Nothing unexpected happened during the trip to the Prophet's Association. Xia De signed a contract to participate in the "Big City Players" in September this year. At the same time, his founding Silver Moon card was naturally authenticated as authentic.

Vice President Cynthia Mark was even more excited than Mr. Limo, who was also present at the headquarters. He enthusiastically invited Shade to have a drink to celebrate today's event, but Shade declined on the grounds that he was busy with personal affairs and had other matters to deal with in the office.

But they still see each other at the Sunday night Rhodes game, so Mr. Mark doesn't mind.

After leaving the Prophet's Association, I went home immediately. After waiting at home for less than half an hour, Miss Annat arrived as expected.

After the detective opened the door of number six St. Teresa's Square, the purple-eyed prophet walked in without saying a word. He was also surprised when he saw that the first floor was sealed, but still said nothing, and followed the detective to room number one on the second floor.

"There's something wrong with you here."

As she sat down, Miss Anat said that she saw the first, second and third floors:

"It's just like the haunted house in the rumors. Even if I don't use divination, I can tell that something is wrong here."

"It is the haunted house. I have already told the doctors about this matter. You happened to be away from Tobesk at that time. I will probably talk to Father Augustus tomorrow and ask the Church of the Dawn to send someone to do a final inspection. I want to make full use of the house."

Shade said, bringing a cup of tea to Miss Anat and sitting opposite the fortune teller.

He asked very seriously:

"Before we start our conversation, I want to ask a question. Miss Annat, will you go to watch the Rhodes card game this weekend?"

This issue is very important to him.

"Why should I go? I have an appointment with Louisa to go to the opera that day, and my work in the association has nothing to do with Rhodes."

Miss Anat said in surprise.

Xia De nodded in satisfaction and got down to business:

"I was really surprised to see you at the Prophet's Association just now. Aren't you a fortune teller at the Prophet's Association? Why did you become a secretary this time?"

"Today's occasion is special. I just happen to be curious about the matter of Founder Silver Moon, so I specially applied to help. Detective, I am really surprised. How could Founder Silver Moon be in your hands? This... shouldn't be the case."

Miss Anat frowned, but soon raised her eyebrows because of the black tea. This was another private meeting between the two after the carriage chat on Monday night.

"I've never heard you talk about Founding Silver Moon before."

She whispered as she sipped her tea.

"Isn't this an ordinary item? That's why I didn't say anything."

Shade asked in surprise, taking out the card and placing it on the table. Seeing that Shade neither wore gloves nor showed any appreciation for the Founding Silver Moon, Miss Annat, who came from the Prophet Association, had a headache.

"Yes, the Rhodes card is indeed an ordinary item, but... well, I only heard some news from the association's top leaders by chance.

The original thirteen Rhodes cards were not actually made by the Prophet Guild. On the contrary, it should be said that the Rhodes cards were made based on these thirteen cards. The Guild accidentally got two of them a few hundred years ago and discovered the information about the thirteen cards left by the ancient prophets in the early Fifth Era, that is, the card faces and playing methods. Although they did not find any power, the Rhodes cards made based on their appearance unexpectedly became a great success. This brought amazing wealth to the Guild. "

"The founding series of Rhodes cards are relics?"

Of course not, I didn't sense any whispering elements.

"Of course not. The Rhodes cards are just ordinary items... but the founding series cards are very special. These cards may come from the Fifth Age, or even the more distant Fourth Age, or even the Third Age."

Miss Anat said.

"You said this is an antique that is thousands of years old. Even though it's made of paper, it's still well preserved?"

Shade shook the founder Silver Moon, and Miss Annat shrugged:

"At least that's what I know. According to the association, the thirteen cards of the founding series do not have any power, but they cannot be destroyed. Anyone who attempts to destroy them will be cursed with bad luck. There is a saying that the holder of the founding thirteen cards will be very lucky when doing activities related to cards, dice, etc."

"A card that brings luck to the user?"

Xia De looked at the Founding Silver Moon on the table. If this was true, then Miss Carina's weekend card game seemed to have a greater chance of winning.

Miss Anat nodded:

"The thirteen founding Rhodes cards will choose their own masters. No one can forcibly possess them. Only those who deserve to possess them can own them... I hope you understand what I mean. Because of this, very few people can find their traces in the long river of history. Even the Orthodox Church and the Academy may not know that these cards have special properties.

The Society is also studying what exactly these cards can do, and believes that this is related to the secret of the fall of the original Old Gods."

"Choose your own holder? What on earth is this?"

The more Xia De listened, the more strange it felt. Miss Anat shook her head:

"This is not an ordinary alchemical item, nor is it a relic. Judging from the information left by the ancient prophet that the association discovered, these cards must be related to the thirteen ancient gods. Do you know the ancient gods? Oh, it's good to know. In the past, some people did discover their strangeness and believed that these cards were keys and weapons. From even older documents, the association discovered their names."

"A special card with no power related to the ancient gods... What's its name?"

Shad was quite curious.

Miss Annette hesitated:

"The thirteen cards represent the original gods who were born with the world, and represent the impermanent world, so they are called - Impermanence of All Things."