The Whispering Verses

Chapter 144: Ancient Gods-Original Rift


"No need to remind me, my eyes are fine... I didn't expect that it would require space-related runes to open it, so the church didn't find it. If you hadn't pointed out the gathering of elements nearby, I wouldn't have been able to find this place."

Speculating in his mind, Xia De lowered his head to check the passage in front of him, but the bloody footprints did not extend in:

"One hundred years ago, at least one of the two Nine Ring Warlocks knew about this place and tried to open the passage with blood, so the bloodstains on the wall looked like they were smeared. But in the end, they were unable to get in because the opening method had nothing to do with the bloodstains. Did they fight for this secret? But why did they die together? Are they really crazy?"

You have come into contact with a miracle.

"Are you sure there are only miracles ahead, and no blasphemous elements related to the evil god? Or whispering elements related to the relics?"

Xia De asked. The woman's whispering voice in his ear was actually very useful.

At least not yet.

After thinking for a while, he bent down, picked up the oil lamp, and carried the cat into the passage revealed on the wall of the basement. After passing through the hidden wall, the wall became solid again.

The passage is not long and there is an open space at the other end.

The oil lamp illuminated the place, a standard circular space, only slightly higher than the basement outside. The air was filled with a strange orange smell, not the corruption of the basement that had been empty for a long time. There were sundries and books piled up beside the curved walls, and a white stone statue was placed in the center of the space.

The base is a circular platform, on which stands a statue of a man with two heads, both of which are faceless. He holds a book in his left hand and points forward with his right hand. The direction his finger points to is the direction of Shade and Mia.

The two-headed man is wearing a flowing, floor-length robe and is barefoot, and due to the style of the sculpture, he appears in an unusually sacred posture.

Under the dim kerosene lamplight, the years seemed to have left no trace on the statue. After being stared at by Shade, the statue spontaneously emitted a soft holy white light, which gradually became brighter than the light of the oil lamp, illuminating the entire place.

Surprised, Shad took a step back, not because of the light, but because he had seen the two-headed statue before.

In the lobby on the first floor of the Prophet Association, the oil painting of the thirteenth original series of Rhodes cards has the image of this statue. However, the card face is not a statue but a real man, with his back to the outside of the card, one hand holding a book and the other pointing to the "inside" of the card, and the background of the card is a strange bubble in the infinite starry sky.

"I remember the name of that card was - Genesis Space... Is this a statue of an ancient god? It's right under my house?"

Thinking in surprise, Shade still only heard the reminder of the miracle element, so he did not retreat. He placed Mia and the kerosene lamp together by the wall and told the cat not to wander around. Mia also instinctively felt uncomfortable in this space, so she just watched Shade approach the statue with concern.

I felt nothing when I stood on the edge, and I didn't feel any discomfort at all when I touched the statue of the false god, the vampire Duke Laoel not long ago.

But the closer I got, the more my head started to swell. Countless overlapping whispers echoed in my head, and at the same time my skin could feel tearing, as if a blunt knife was scratching my skin.

In the end, Shade even felt like he was seeing a saint again. Fortunately, the "Divine Afterglow" state was enough to offset this discomfort.

It's just a statue of an ancient god, but it gives off the same oppressive feeling as an old sacred being.

"The original ancient gods are indeed different from the later old gods."

He thought to himself.

There was a clear inscription on the base of the white stone statue. After experiencing the Dark Box incident, Shade should not have interpreted it. But as soon as his eyes touched it, he couldn't help but understand the words. This was beyond his control. The statue of the ancient god resonated with Shade's power.

His hand involuntarily touched the somewhat warm base, the holy white light sprinkled on his face, and Shade uncontrollably recited those words:

"The original rift protects you in infinite space."

The strange state disappeared after he finished reading it. Xia De quickly took two steps back. Seeing that nothing happened, his panic subsided. He frowned and looked at the statue in front of him:

"This sentence sounds familiar."

Muttering to himself, he thought of the words engraved on the Time Key: "May the World Tree protect you in time", and the spell to use the Time Key is "May the World Tree protect me in time".

"Could it be?"

Xia De suddenly had a bold idea.

He immediately moved away from the statue, picked up the frightened cat by the wall, and left with the oil lamp. After passing through the hidden wall, the wall automatically returned to its original state.

Shade left the first floor and returned to Room 1 on the second floor, leaving the cat there while he took his weapons and relics. He took a deep breath at the staircase, and after getting ready, he returned to the basement again.

The moment he passed through the hidden wall and looked at the statue, the two-headed statue lit up again. Shade leaned against the wall and chanted the spell, but nothing happened, so he approached the two-headed statue of the ancient god nervously. He placed his hand on the base and whispered:

"May the original rift protect me in infinite space."

Less than a second later, thick white fog quickly came around and enveloped Xia De.

Standing in this familiar thick fog, Xia De heard the whispering voice in his ear as he wished:

Outsider, you have entered the 'space maze'.

Message from the ancient god "Original Rift":

Existing space landmarks:1.

“It is indeed so!”

A vague path appeared in the hazy white fog, and Shade saw a bare wooden signpost standing in the path. The wood was broken and crooked, as if it had been exposed to the wind and sun for a hundred years in the wild. The signpost was ordinary in style, except for the direction the arrow pointed to, and a few letters were crookedly engraved on the wooden stick supporting the arrow.

This is an ancient writing system, and the word made up of multiple letters means "1".

He was a little excited, looking at the not very long path in front of him:

"Is this teleportation? The key of the ancient god of time can enter the past, and the statue of the ancient god of space can move through space?"

He didn't dare to step into the white fog around him, but he could walk into the blurry path. After thinking about it, he walked over and reached out to touch the wooden signpost at the end of the path.

A woman's voice whispered in my ear:

The Original Rift will show you the way.

The white mist swept over the path, and completely enveloped Shade who touched the signpost. He felt dizzy for a while, and when the dizziness ended, he found himself in a circular space with a white stone double-headed statue.

An excited expression immediately appeared on his face:

"Is this a new statue? Am I really teleported? Where are we now? How long is the cooldown of the statue?"

He asked in his mind, but heard the woman's laughter.

Then I thought of a possibility, so I immediately looked at the wall. The oil lamp that I had put down a few minutes ago and the sundries that had been piled up here were all in their original positions:

"So, this is... St. Teresa's Square or St. Teresa's Square? An existing spatial landmark is actually here?"

He didn't know what expression to make.