The Whispering Verses

Chapter 15: [Relic] Level


Even though they were halfway across the room, Xia De could sense the danger of the item in the hands of the comatose young man. It was as if the box was out of tune with this world, carrying an aura that could cause everything to decay. This was the relic, and Xia De believed that he would never make a mistake when he saw it this time.

The doctor looked around the room and continued:

"A relic can be a real object, but it can also be an event, or even just a piece of information or a sentence. The Orthodox Church has classified relics into five levels, which are also accepted and recognized by the Academy.

Poet level (5th level), whose information can even be sung by poets, but will only be regarded as rumors or legends, the standard measure is the manuscript of the poet Cohen;

The secretary (level 4) needs to record and preserve the information of such relics in detail. The information can only exist on paper and cannot be easily circulated. The standard is to measure the unknown objects.

Secret Keeper Level (Level 3): A strictly trained secret keeper who is responsible for keeping the information of a certain relic. Unless there are special circumstances, such items must be contained and used with strict caution. The standard measure is the Secret Keeper's Eye.

Sage level (level 2), only great sages can know its information and containment status. Once such items that are not contained are found, according to the agreement, the Academy and the Orthodox Church must immediately notify each other. Standard measurement object Philosopher's Stone;

Angel level (level 1), extremely dangerous, the advent of evil gods and the loss of control of angel-level relics are generally regarded as events of the same level. I am only a fifth-year correspondence student, and I will not know the characteristics and containment control methods of such items until the next grade, which is the standard for measuring the heart of evil angels. "

“What is the standard measure?”

Shad asked.

"The standard measurement object is a reference for classifying relics. Once the danger level exceeds the standard measurement object, it will immediately enter the next level."

Shade nodded to show his understanding, but since even the highest angels had a standard measure, it seemed to mean...

He didn't ask because Dr. Schneider probably didn't know either.

Then he asked in a low voice, and because he was holding his breath, his voice sounded muffled:

"So what we are facing this time is..."

“I have already checked the poet-level (level 5) relic. It is a life countdown pocket watch.

Yes, that's what's in the box over there, he didn't dare touch it directly. Given flesh and blood, the pocket watch allows the holder to rotate it within a certain range. Point the front of the pocket watch at any life form, and according to the rotation angle, add a life countdown state to the life form. The shorter the countdown, the more flesh and blood is needed, so Sparrow Hamilton has so much time. "

The doctor asked Xia De to wait at the door. He stepped on the blood mud on the ground and entered the room and took away the box containing the relic. He opened it after returning to Xia De and told Xia De to concentrate and not be affected by the power of the relic.

The box opened with the sound of the hand moving, and immediately, a stronger smell of blood came to the face, and there was actually a box of blood inside.

The blood was poured out and the silver pocket watch fell into Dr. Schneider's hands.

The doctor did not open the watch cover, so Shade could only see the hideous skulls engraved on both sides of the watch. Around the watch cover was a circle of runes, which he had never seen before, but Shade was able to decipher them again. He was sure that he could really understand all the words in this other world:

The price of life is the mystery of flesh and blood.

At this moment, he actually tasted blood in his mouth, as if he had just bitten into raw meat... ... Xia De really started to dry heave this time. Fortunately, he didn't eat breakfast and couldn't vomit anything. The doctor immediately put the pocket watch back into the box and put it in the suitcase he carried with him.

"Is this what killed Detective Sparrow?"

After a while, Xia De, who had recovered from his shock, murmured to himself. After all, the detective had taken the original owner away from homeless life and given him all his inheritance, and he was very happy to be able to avenge him.

"Yes, that's it. People in the countdown state know their life span, but cannot reveal it to anyone, otherwise they will die immediately. However, this relic from the Fifth Epoch is very dangerous to ordinary people, but the ring sorcerers have many ways to remove its influence, so it is only the lowest level of poets.

The life countdown effect is restrained by many miracles and enlightenment elements, so the danger level is not high. It can only be regarded as an ordinary poet-level relic... Unfortunately, Mr. Sparrow Hamilton is just an ordinary person."

Dr. Schneider shook his head regretfully:

"In fact, I have been tracking this relic for several months, so I was able to find out your situation in one night. But there were too many victims. Although I saved a few people, I was ultimately unable to meet Detective Sparrow Hamilton in time. He seemed to have died in the early morning of the day we met. What a pity..."

The next thing was simple. The two searched the nearby rooms. The psychiatrist used the ringmaster's method to remove the illusion brought about by the poet-level relic, found all the piles of body remains, and confirmed that he had not found the wrong murderer.

Later, after Shad refused to kill, the doctor killed Baid Moroed directly in his dream, and the process took only one second in Shad's eyes.

After doing this, they left here together. When the doctor visited Shade in the morning, he wrote an anonymous letter and delivered it to the Tobysk City Wald Field, which is the Tobysk City Police Department, at noon through a special channel. Soon the police will find this place, which will attract the attention of the Orthodox Church.

"This area is under the jurisdiction of the Church of the Sun God. They act very quickly, so we need to leave quickly."

The doctor was still joking as they boarded the carriage waiting for them. But Shade was in no mood to talk. Although the stranger had no worries here, he still felt uncomfortable after seeing the bloody scene.

This made him deeply aware of the cruelty and weirdness of this world.

They returned to the city together and had dinner at a goose restaurant in the eastern part of Tobysk. Of course, the doctor also treated them. But Shade didn't eat much. The scene he saw on the second floor of the sanatorium just now would probably bother him for a long time.

Then we came to the doctor's psychological clinic, which was located in the eastern part of Tobysk, on Roentgen Avenue, a wealthy area. Although it was not as prosperous as the city center like St. Teresa's Square, the neighborhood was very beautiful.

Bill Schneider's psychological clinic is flanked by an antique shop and a high-end tobacco shop. The clinic is divided into three floors. The first two floors are clinics, and the third floor is where the doctor lives.

The clinic is very large. In addition to Mr. Bill Schneider himself, there are five other doctors employed by him. In addition, there are receptionists, cleaners, tea ladies, etc. It is quite formal.

The doctor invited Xia De to rest in his second-floor reception room, which was the consulting room used only by important patients. After the servant brought tea, the conversation could continue.

This place is more like a study than a reception room. The curved wall is lined with dark brown bookshelves filled with leather-bound books. A grand desk stands on the red carpet, and the owner's financial resources can be seen from the pens on the pen holder alone.

The combination of the sofa and coffee table is not as formal as that of a detective agency, but the home-style tea set can make visiting guests relax and reveal their worries and secrets.

"How was this trip?"

The doctor asked, leaning naturally on the single leather sofa, with his right hand resting on the armrest of the sofa and his fingers on his chin.

And Xia De was sitting on a long fabric sofa, which was also the sofa usually used by Dr. Schneider's "patients".

"Thank you very much."

"To help you solve the hidden danger?"


Xia De said, but his worries did not decrease.

This trip was only to avenge Detective Sparrow, which also shows that Sparrow's death was commissioned by the detective and had nothing to do with the task he gave to Shad. In other words, Shad still didn't know what secrets Sparrow Hamilton had.

The current speculation is that Sparrow Hamilton has a mysterious identity other than a detective, but because of an unexpected detective incident, he had to find someone to temporarily replace him. But that secret identity is most likely not related to the extraordinary, otherwise the detective would not know about his death in advance, but would not be able to save himself.

Of course, there was no need to explain this to Mr. Bill Schneider. Although the morning's trip had made Shad basically trust the other party, he had not completely let down his guard.