The Whispering Verses

Chapter 152: Princess Leia


Listening to the blond writer's words, Shad sat on his bed with the big apple in his hand, confused.

Miss Louisa suddenly stood up, reached out and grabbed the stranger's hand with a determined look on her face. Xia De was sitting on the bed and didn't even have a chance to dodge.

"Shade, if you are interested in the element of enlightenment, I am willing to help you improve on this path... You don't know how incredible the spirit rune of the little match girl is to the ring sorcerer who gained civilization enlightenment from the story."

Shad understood the situation and squirmed uneasily on the bed. Mia saw Shad was caught and "roared" at the blonde, but her voice was so weak that people who were not familiar with the cat would suspect that it was acting coquettishly.

And Shade suspected that Miss Louisa made him eat breakfast in bed just to make him "have no way to escape." Of course, her strength was not strong, and if Shade wanted to break free, he wouldn't even have to exert any effort:

"Ms. Louisa, don't get so excited. Are you saying that you want to guide yourself to discover the power of the Enlightenment Rune?"

He tried to communicate with Miss Louisa, who was a little excited. The distance between them was a little too close. In addition to the aroma of breakfast, he also smelled a fragrance that he smelled in the apartment rented by Miss Louisa.

"Not only that, if you need, I can teach you everything I know, Shade. I am not just a fourth-ring warlock. I have my own secrets... and in exchange, you need to cooperate with me and study the power of your spirit rune."

She looked at Shade eagerly, her golden hair seemed to be shining in the morning light. Shade was indeed shocked by the enthusiasm of the lady in front of him at first, but after thinking about it carefully, this was actually a good thing. He just happened to lack someone who could teach him the power of the ring wizard in more depth:

"No problem, that's good."

He nodded.

Miss Louisa smiled, let go of Shade's hand, and sat back in her chair. She used her hand to play with the hair by her ear:

"Very good. I thought you would refuse. After all, most people don't like others to touch their secrets."

But compared to the stranger's origins, this is not a secret at all.

"What would you do if I said no?"

Shade asked curiously, continuing to stir the meat porridge with a spoon. Mia Cat saw that the "dangerous" situation had passed, so she continued to peek at Shade's breakfast.

"To threaten you with those pages of paper worth 6,000 pounds that you burned last night... I'm kidding. We are friends. I won't do that. Besides, you saved me. However, in a few weeks, when the owner of those pages returns to Tobesk, you have to go with me to apologize. There is no need for compensation. I have a good relationship with her, and your promise to let me study, I mean let me teach you, is enough to repay you."

Shad found Miss Louisa's attitude amusing, but he was also relieved that he didn't have to pay for the expensive pages of mysterious knowledge.

"Shad, from now on, every Saturday after you leave the doctor, you will come to my place and we will conduct teaching and research. Don't worry, since I promised to teach you, you don't have to worry about your enlightenment spirit runes in each ring in the future."

Miss Louisa said this quite confidently, and Xia De then noticed that she had been calling him by his name since he didn't know when.

"Also, thank you for your trust in me and for sharing this secret with me. So, to put your mind at ease, I will also tell you my secret."

Xia De looked up at her, and the blonde girl was a little embarrassed:

"The owner of those pages of The Little Match Girl is Princess Leia Cavendish. I have a very good relationship with her, but we don't want to tell others about this relationship."

"Why? Because you are..."

Xia De made a cautious gesture, and Miss Louisa blushed immediately:

"Of course not, Shade, don't let your imagination run wild. It's just that the two of us have an unusual connection. I'll tell you about this connection when Leicia returns to Tobesk. Oh, Leicia is also a ring sorcerer, a fifth ring sorcerer, and is also proficient in the element of enlightenment. She is a student at the Zarath Academy of Arts. The fourth ring sorcerer used to study at the Zarath Academy of Arts, but later took the initiative to apply to become a correspondence student. I learned all the knowledge about the Zarath Academy of Arts from her, and this knowledge can help you."

Therefore, Shad was completely sure that Miss Louisa was definitely not an academic spy of Zarathus College of Literature. He even suspected that this female writer was an academic spy sent by St. Byrons Comprehensive College to steal the knowledge of Zarathus College of Literature.

But he still felt strange. Since Miss Louisa was good friends with Princess Leicia, even if they didn't meet, they certainly wouldn't deliberately do counter-divination every time they communicated through letters. Logically speaking, it was impossible for Saint Byrons to "not find out the connection between Miss Louisa and the royal family."

"That's strange."

He thought to himself and lowered his head to continue eating. Perhaps when he meets the princess who is visiting a foreign country, all these secrets will be known.

The relic losing control is no joke. What happened last night was caused by the guy holding the relic being seriously injured and being eroded by the relic. The little girl was affected only because the first-ring warlock's treatment did not eradicate the influence, and her soul was special, which attracted the attention of the evil god.

If Shad and Miss Louisa had not gone to visit the girl Sophie, there is a high probability that the family would have disappeared silently in the material world without leaving any clues, and no one would know what happened.

This once again reminded Shade how dangerous this world really was. But fortunately, it was only the evil god's gaze, and even if he didn't have the divine afterglow state, he could survive with a little luck.

Miss Louisa was also seriously injured last night, but she recovered on Sunday morning after Shade woke up. According to her, this was the treatment given when the maze disappeared. In the story of "Match Girl", the girl was redeemed in the last fire. And reflected in the maze, when the maze disappears, all friendly units inside the maze will receive a certain amount of treatment.

Last night was not without other gains. Being watched by the evil god, the God of the Drowned Deep Sea, was extremely dangerous, but it also allowed both Shad and Miss Louisa to gain something from the element of blasphemy.

They compared their gains. Shade obtained the spell of underwater breathing, which literally meant that he could breathe underwater. Because it was obtained from the evil god's gaze, unlike the normal spellcasting materials such as water plants, Shade did not need anything.

Miss Louisa was given the spell of the Bubble Head Curse, and she demonstrated the spell on the spot.

First, open your mouth and a small transparent bubble floats out of your mouth. Then the bubble grows bigger until it envelops your entire head.

Mia immediately got angry, stood in front of Shade and meowed at the "monster", probably wanting to protect Shade.

"It's okay, it's okay... What's the point of doing this?"

Xia De held the small cat and comforted it, then asked Miss Louisa. Miss Louisa stretched out her finger and popped the bubble with a bang:

"This bubble can store a large amount of the air we breathe and can isolate harmful gases in a toxic environment. Theoretically, it can also help with underwater breathing, but the time is limited and the air in the bubble is limited."

In this way, Shade still thinks that the "Bubble Head Curse" is more effective, but Miss Louisa insists that "Underwater Breathing" is more useful. Even if they live inland far away from the coastline, they may need to take an underwater adventure someday.

After confirming that Shade had gradually recovered, Miss Louisa left St. Teresa's Square. The two agreed to officially start teaching and research next Saturday night. Miss Louisa would remind Shade again during the group meeting on Saturday afternoon, and try to get some books for Shade to obtain the Enlightenment Spirit Rune more easily within this week.

She slept on the sofa last night and didn't get a good rest. Now she has to go back to rest and go to the opera with Miss Annat in the evening.

Before leaving, Shade asked her about the "white stone crystal" and the triangular symbol on the bottom of the potion bottle, but the female writer didn't know.

Miss Louisa recommended that Shade ask Father Augustus:

"The priest is a ring wizard from the School of Chemistry, and has done some research on minerals. He comes from the church and is proficient in heraldry. The priest may be able to give you the answer."

Xia De did not go out again this morning. His mental state was not good, and he needed to participate in the Rhodes card game with the old duke at night, so he planned to rest at home during the day.

In the morning, when Miss Louisa helped to fetch the goat's milk, she also fetched the newspapers and letters.

The only letter was from the Dawn Church. He thought it was from Father Augustus, but when he opened it, he found it was from Mr. Franky of the Dawn Church. The old man led the church's "construction team" to help Shade open the first floor yesterday evening.

He originally said that he would find the key to Room 2 on the second floor and send it to me as soon as possible, but I didn't expect to receive a letter just one day later.

But the letter did not contain good news, as Room 2 could not be opened for the time being.

"The church is going to find time to perform exorcisms?"

He sat at the dining table and looked at the letter in his hand. He was surprised to read the key content:

"The Dawn Church believes that Room 2, where a mass suicide occurred, may still have hidden dangers, so they need to find time to have church professionals perform an exorcism before they can open it... This is a good thing. Maybe they can also exorcise Room 1. It's free anyway."

Although ordinary people of this era were unaware of the true existence of the mysterious, superstition was widespread, and the church would also look for true and mysterious content in large and small "haunted" incidents, whether true or false. Therefore, the church's advocacy of exorcism did not seem abrupt to ordinary people.

Xia De put the letter aside, looked towards Room 2 on the second floor, and once again asked the voice in his heart:

"Are you sure you've never felt an evil spirit on the second floor?"

Unless there is a special hidden space like a basement, I'm sure of it.

Now Xia De felt much more relieved.