The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1674: Angry Kiss (vote request!)


Shad broke into the Yodel Palace in the form of a cat, carefully avoiding the rituals set up by the church in the royal palace to detect spirits and elements, and then jumped from the side wall to the street.

This is not the Silver Cross Avenue, but St. Berkman Street, which connects to the Disc Bridge across the Tarare River. This street intersects with the Silver Cross Avenue and runs parallel to Parliament Street on the north side of the Yodel Palace.

Because the gas lamps on the street were bright, Shade did not change back to human form for the time being, but thought of finding a dark alley to throw the crystal shoes back home, since it was close to home. As for why he did not do this in Leicia's bedroom, it was because Shade was still angry with Leicia and Dorothy and was unwilling to take out her crystal shoes in front of her.

Besides, he was embarrassed to do so with Ajelina and so many maids present.

He heard "her" laughter. Shade knew what "she" was laughing at, but he didn't care at all. The cat stood under the wall and looked around to make sure that no carriage was passing by, so he prepared to trot across the road to the other side of the street.

In the dark night, the warm light of the gas lamp dragged the long black shadow of the silver cat across the street. The scene looked quite scary.

When Shad entered the place where the gas lamps on the opposite street could not illuminate, he immediately changed back to his own appearance. He reached into his arms, intending to take out the crystal shoes, but he heard noises and footsteps from the west of St. Berkman Street, away from home.

Shade, in a bad mood, gave up taking out the crystal shoes and reached for the gun bag on his waist. The stranger's dark brown eyes saw the light flashing across the bridge in the dark night and heard the gunshots suppressed by the silencer.

He stood there in the shadows, motionless, until the people who were chasing him arrived.

Director Anros, who led the agents to chase the enemy, was sweating even in the spring night breeze, because he had recognized where this place was. The three people in black windbreakers running wildly in front also realized where they had come to during their escape.

Although it was not the direction of the Carsenrick Embassy, this place was not bad either. They continued to rush forward with the mentality of seeing death as the way home, intending to get closer to the Yodel Palace, but at this moment, on the empty street in front of them illuminated by gas lamps, a figure wearing a black windbreaker also walked out.


The sound of the gunshot, which was not suppressed by the silencer, finally broke the tranquility of the night. Xia De shot the man running in front in the forehead, and did not bother to press the hammer. Instead, he threw out a dinner knife with his left hand and stabbed the throat of the second man behind the fallen man.

He walked towards the third man with a cold face. The panicked man then aimed at Xia De and pulled the trigger, but after a slight noise, Xia De just tilted his head slightly to avoid the bullet. He did not give the other party a chance to fire a second shot. He quickly approached and punched the other party in the chest.

Director Anros, who hurriedly brought his men to the scene, thought for a moment that Shade's fist would pierce his chest, but in fact the man who fell to the ground was just suffocated by the beating.

"Good evening."

Xia De kicked away the other party's dropped pistol, blew on the muzzle of his own gun, then bent down and pulled out the dinner knife he had just thrown away, and wiped the blood off the corpse's clothes.

Director Anros also breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the agents behind him to deal with the police who heard the gunshots, dispose of the bodies, and meet the subsequent "cleaners". Then he waved to Shade.

He did not ask why Shade carried a knife with him, nor did he ask what Shade was doing here so late. Director Anros gave some advice:

"Are you still using that revolver? I suggest you switch to a pistol that can fire continuously. Also, a silencer is necessary."

Xia De nodded without comment. To him, the gun was just a decoration, and an accessory to increase the success rate of the "persuasion" ability when necessary:

"Who are these people? Are they related to the great nobles who met with the Kasenrick people on Thursday night?"

Xia De asked, and Director Anlos shook his head slightly:

"It's hard to say, maybe it's related. Otherwise, there's no need for me to lead the team out in person."

As the director of the Sixth Division, although he would go out on field trips when necessary, he certainly would not do everything himself:

"It's hard to say this time. It really has nothing to do with the Gray Gloves. It's a third party force besides Delarion and Carsenrick."

The middle-aged man said worriedly, squatting down and testing the third person's breath:

"Very good, you left us a living person, so we don't have to worry about having no clues."

"A third party force? In the Old World and the New World, are there any forces that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the two great kingdoms?"

Xia De asked, and Director Anlos lowered his voice:

"It's definitely not the case individually, but it's not certain if they are combined. And... this time, it might be related to a certain prince. At this time..."

The last half of the sentence was already too low to be heard. Xia De sighed and stuffed the pistol back into the gun bag:

"A prince again? What on earth is the Cavendish royal family... I haven't been here today."

He said, then waved and prepared to go home.

Director Anros didn't say anything else. He just waved to him and turned to arrange the aftermath.

After saying goodbye to Director Anros, Shade did not throw away the crystal shoes, but chose to walk home. He just killed someone in anger, and he also found that he needed time to think and calm down his emotions.

But the incident happened very close to home, so without realizing it, I had already taken out the key and opened the door.

When we arrived on the second floor, the warm home was still so relaxing, and Xiaomia was waiting for Xia De at the stairs early.

Luvia came out of the bedroom and asked with concern:

"Is the princess okay?"

She had indeed guessed what was going on, but of course, it might also be something Dorothy had said.

"It's okay, but I need some time to rest."

Xia De said while holding the cat, and then he pointed to the bedroom with his eyes. The girl with purple eyes smiled a little:

"She's still awake, but she's obviously a little scared of you."

"What are you afraid of me doing?"

He took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. When he walked into the bedroom, he saw the blonde writer sitting on the bed, somewhat afraid to look at him.

However, her attire had changed from a normal dress to a nightgown, having changed her clothes while Shade was gone.

Xia pulled a chair and sat down beside the bed. Luvia did not follow him into the bedroom. From the sound, she went to the kitchen.

"Feel sorry."

For a long time neither of them spoke, but at last Dorothy spoke first.

She pursed her lips and sat on the bed looking at Xia De:

"I promise, this is the last time."

Then he reached out and held Xia De's hand:

"It's always been me and Lecia who have caused you trouble... I'm sorry. I know we were wrong this time. If you weren't around... Shade, I'm sorry."

The blonde girl looked rather haggard, and Shade looked into her green eyes:

"I won't say anything like 'this is your own business, you don't need to apologize to me', and I have never been against you exploring your own secrets. But if there is anything, at least discuss it with me. We are a family."

“We are a family.”

The writer's eyes were red. She turned sideways and held Shade's hand with both hands:

"We know how big of a mistake this is. When you used that kiss to pull our souls back, we felt the warmth and urgency of your soul... ...Lecia's low-level sublimation language is 'Sleeping Princess', and she gained more than I did. I'm sorry, Shade, I'm really sorry."

As she spoke, she tried to raise her arms and wrap them around Shade's neck to hug him, but in the end, she seemed to be afraid to do so and withdrew the action halfway through, and then continued to look at Shade pitifully. This look was a bit like Xiaomia.

"Why are you afraid of me?"

Shade asked curiously, touching the cat's head and putting it on the bedside. Dorothy had the first button of her nightgown unbuttoned. She bit her pale lips with a hint of blood:

"You just whipped hurt so much."

Xia De looked at her like this and asked after at least three seconds:

"Is this the method you and Luvia discussed on how to stop me from getting angry?"

"Lecia and I really know that we were wrong this time."

She lowered her head and looked up at Shade. She looked very similar to Lesia ten minutes ago:

"If you're still angry, you can... take the whip again. It will hurt, but it won't leave marks... If you do something bad, shouldn't you be punished?"

Shad wasn't sure whether it was Lecia's idea, Dorothy's idea, or Luvia's idea, but he couldn't possibly use Soul Whip on the girl next to him again, even though this magic wasn't offensive at all.

He sighed:

"I was indeed angry when I went to see Resia just now, but I am no longer angry now. Everyone has immature moments. I am worried about you, and you know what I want to say. But this is the only time. I rarely make such requests. Dorothy, and I know Resia is listening. You must promise me that you must discuss any decision you make with me in advance."

"Yes, I promise."

Leicia said.

"Shade, there won't be a next time. I will discuss this with you in advance. Also, what did you pay to save us?"

Dorothy said after her soul was exchanged.

Xia De shook his head and didn't want to say more. There should be a way to get the sealed spell back, but it would take time.

He stood up from his chair:

"Even if you did something wrong, I will still save you if there is a next time. Girls, we must all learn from this lesson. This is the only thing we can gain after this incident. You rest well here tonight. Luvia and I will sleep on our sides next to you. If anything happens, call us."

Luvia happened to come in with a tray at this time. The kitchen was boiling water before Shade came back, so the tea was prepared quickly:

"You're reconciled now? Dorothy, I told you that as long as you sincerely apologize and admit your mistakes, Shad won't be angry."

Of course Luvia had no objection to the suggestion of sleeping on her side. Every Saturday was Dorothy and Lecia's date with Shad, but she rarely stayed overnight at Shad's place at this time.

But the blonde girl on the bed held Shade's hand and looked up at the stranger:

"But tonight is Saturday, the weekly study and date..."

"You are already like this, take a good rest."

As he said that, Shade took the tray from Luvia and placed it on the low cabinet beside the bed. The cat immediately looked at the three-layer sandwich cookies on the plate.

"Is this a punishment?"

' asked Dorothy.


Xia De didn't understand this sentence, so the writer looked at Luvia first, then pursed her lips and pulled Xia De's hand:

"Why not punish him in a different way? Use... the way you teach a naughty child a lesson."

Xia De thought about it for a moment and noticed that Luvia's face turned red. Then he felt that he might be thinking the same thing as them.

The beautiful blonde girl looked at him with her green eyes and shook his hand. Seeing Shade standing there hesitantly, she looked at Luvia for help:

"Help me, tonight, here... I didn't bring the Youth Leaves."

The two exchanged glances, and then the kind-hearted fortune teller blushed and pushed Xia De:

"Shad, please forgive Dorothy. Although she made the wrong decision, a small punishment is enough to make her impressed enough not to do such impulsive things next time... I want to state in advance that I can stay, but I didn't do anything wrong tonight, so I'm definitely not the one being punished."

The cat looked at the three people warily, and felt that something was wrong. It had a premonition that not only would it not be able to eat the three-layer sandwich cookies, but it might even have to spend the night in the cat bed in the closet.