The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1678: Rainy day survey


"Come this way."

The group of four did not go to the warehouse's office building, but entered the warehouse, used the key on the corpse to open the innermost door of the warehouse and came to the basement.

About one-third of the warehouse above ground was filled with mechanical parts, while the relatively dry underground was used to store flour and soybeans. The underground warehouse was also large, and after lighting up the gas lamps on the wall, you could see mountains of grain bags filling every corner.

"I'll do it."

Shade said, blinking:

"Blood Echo!"

Extending from the door to the depths of the underground warehouse, a clear "blood road" appeared in front of us. This meant that blood-stained things were often transported here.

Led by Shade, the four of them quickly came to the wall on the left side of the underground granary. There was a secret door on the wall, but the key could not be found for the time being. After Megan confirmed that there were no trigger-type detection traps on the wall, the ring magicians destroyed the wall together.


Red bricks mixed with dirt fell all over the ground, damp and smelly wind blew in from the holes in the wall, along with the sound of running water. When the light ball flew into the hole in the wall, they saw a man-made underground cave and dozens of coffins on display.

These coffins were all made of red copper metal, and none of them had lids. Looking inside the coffins, they were filled with dark liquid, which contained kelp, water plants, and dead fish. Of course, the most important thing was that the water in each coffin contained a corpse, but the corpses did not turn into the appearance of a terrifying giant. Instead, fish scales appeared on the surface of the body, fins grew on the back, and the head began to transform into a fish head.

At the end of the cave is an underground culvert that connects to the nearby Duin River.


Xia De frowned slightly, covered his nose and stepped back from the coffin. He didn't know much about this kind of scene, but Megan saw what was going on at a glance:

"Cultivate water ghosts, and when they have completed their transformation, send them directly to the Duin River, and then let them dive all the way into Green Lake... It turns out that the water ghosts in Green Lake are not only naturally generated."

Megan's voice echoed in the cave filled with the stench of corpses, and her voice also awakened the corpses sleeping in the water.

These corpses that had not yet been completely transformed began to tremble one by one, and finally seven of them sat up from the water holding onto the coffins. Just looking at their faces would give one nightmare.

But even a transformed water ghost is no match for anyone here. One of the witch's followers, a girl with golden hair, blew a breath in front of her, and as the cold air spread, the liquid in the coffin froze, making the corpses unable to move. Then another lady grabbed the pendant on her chest and prayed softly, and the corpses frozen in the ice stopped moving.

Megan asked her followers to check the rituals on the cave walls and search for other suspicious places. Shade took a pinch of bone powder and sprinkled it on one of the corpses. After performing the magic, the soul was summoned, and simple questions quickly let Shade know that most of the corpses here were homeless people in the city.

"Compared to using corpses directly, the undead created after a living person dies in great fear and pain are more powerful... ... The last thing Green Lake City lacks is homeless people."

Megan said, and Shade nodded, thinking that when he went back tonight, he must go to the back door of the hotel to see if Little John was still alive. But even if Rotten Eye Barry cultivated water ghosts on a large scale, he would not look for children. After all, the taller the body, the better the quality of the water ghosts cultivated.

Next, Shade and the two sixth-ring sorceresses checked the surroundings together, while the lady with brown shoulder-length hair stood there watching them search.

There was nothing valuable here, it was just a workshop for training water ghosts. The dark lines on the walls and floors were, according to Megan, a unique ink made from octopus ink, blood, and magic potion.

These ritual traces together constitute the water ghost cultivation room, and the most important part is the evil god's holy emblem on the ground at the bottom of each coffin. It is the holy emblem of the evil god, the god of the drowned in the deep sea. It is composed of fish, bones, chaotic black lines and a large number of meaningless patterns. Even just a glance at it makes people feel deeply uncomfortable (note).

And based on observations of the rituals, although the daily maintenance of this place is simple, it is definitely not something that can be put together by a single ring sorcerer.

In other words, although "Rotten Eye Barry" is a low-level warlock, he has other high-level warlocks around him. Judging from the professional divine ritual array on the walls and the ground and the holy emblem of the Deep Sea Drowned God at the bottom of the coffin and the top of the cave, which makes people feel instinctively terrified at a glance, the Drowned Cult is closely related to this matter.

"But what exactly do they want to do? This is not an ocean area. Even if they cultivate a large number of water ghosts in Green Lake, what can they do? Do they want to flood half of the Old Continent and turn Green Lake into a coastal city?"

Xia De proposed a hypothesis that she knew was impossible, and the witch shook her head:

"I don't know much about the followers of that god, but since it's Green Lake, maybe it really is related to my family."

Judging from the current situation, any abnormalities in this area may be related to the Edwards family.

They did not stay here for long. After destroying the bodies and the ritual array, they resealed the wall and left the warehouse. Someone would take over here soon, and the police would be notified in the evening to prevent Rotten Eye Barry, who was meeting with the merchants, from getting the information in advance.

After confirming at the warehouse that "Rotten Eyes Barry" was breeding water ghosts on a large scale, the next stop was to cross the Duin River and enter the slums in the eastern part of Green Lake City to visit the real core territory of this gang leader.

Although he has many illegal industries locally, just like legal companies always have a headquarters, the Rotten Eye Barry gang - it seems to be called the Rotten Eye Gang or something like that - also has its own core territory in Green Lake City.

That is the area in the slums called "Goroje Street". The outside of the alley on the north side is a normal and legal store, but the inside is a gang gathering place like a village in the city. To enter this area, not only do you need a guide, but you also need a password and a code. Once you successfully enter, the black market, guns, body trade and various illegal activities will be completely open to those lucky or unlucky people.

The rain was still falling. It was almost half past ten in the morning, but the sky was as dark as night. No matter how good your mood was, you would feel depressed and bored in this weather. Shade and Megan were chatting while looking at the street scene on the way. The profile of the sorceress was very beautiful. In fact, the beauty of witches was always unmatched.

She suddenly asked Xia De a question:

"What do you think of your family and relatives?"

The stranger laughed:

"I have no relatives in this world, and the only 'uncle' who left me an inheritance died last summer. So compared to the past, I care more about the new relationships I have established now and in the future. Even if... even if some of my close people make mistakes, I still love these new relationships. After all, people have to look forward."

He knew what the lady in front of him was thinking. The one who raised water ghosts and played with corpses might not only be Rotten Eye Barry. He might be working for one of her elders.

The carriage stopped at the intersection of Goroge Street. This street was very wide and under normal circumstances there should be various vendors hawking their wares on both sides. However, in such weather, even the shops along the street were reluctant to put up their signs at the door.

There was no one on the street, and the rain kept hitting every puddle. You could see from one end of the street to the other at a glance. After the carriage stopped, Xia De was still expecting that hundreds of people would rush out from somewhere and force their way into the two closed iron gates on the north side of the street, but this time they didn't need to wait for anyone.

"What are you expecting? If a gunfight involving hundreds of people really breaks out, do you think the Green Lake Police Department is really stupid? This is the period of negotiation between the two countries."

Megan saw what Xia De was thinking and couldn't help but smile:

"We have to find out the secret of Rotten-Eye Barry without exposing ourselves. This is not the warehouse we were just in. There are many people inside. So, we two will take action next. Guess how many people we have to deal with now?"

Even if the sound of rain hadn't covered up the sounds of heartbeats, Xia De wouldn't have been able to accurately distinguish each individual heartbeat from the mixed sounds of so many heartbeats.

He shook his head.

"I bet that not all of them are capable of fighting, so it's... 200?"

"Not that many. Do you really think that under the noses of the border troops, someone could organize 200 armed men? There are about 40, and the rest are ordinary people with no fighting ability."

She got off the carriage first, but she didn't take an umbrella. This time there was only one carriage nearby, so no followers came to shelter her from the rain. Xia De poked his head out of the side door of the carriage and was surprised to see a completely transparent spherical force field that automatically repelled rain around her, so that a spherical rain curtain formed around her.

"Are you recovering?"

Shade asked, and Megan shook her head:

"Of course not, but at least it's better than the last two times we landed on the island. It's no problem to use any strength below the sixth ring... I mean the normal six rings, not your kind. Oh, young sir, don't ask so many questions, please follow me. I hate rainy weather, it's so humid."

She waved to Xia De, and when Xia De got off the carriage and was also enveloped by the gentle transparent force field, she took off the small gold and silver book-shaped pendant hanging around her neck.