The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1682: Kinship relationship


"It seems that you do have your own backers."

The two brothers also noticed the situation around them. They did not panic, but held hands together again.

This time, there was no obstruction from the thick fog on the island, and the distance was relatively close. Xia De could clearly sense that when the two formed a whole, even their spirits were communicating with each other:

"Thaumatology—Mirror Bomb!"


The brown-haired lady hugged the cat tightly, and then summoned a transparent shield, and the bodies of the two brothers were instantly exploded into countless tiny mirror fragments. The sharp glass fragments flew in all directions at a speed faster than bullets, and on each piece of mirror fragment, there was a complete reflection of the two brothers.

The flying glass fragments penetrated the wall, embedded in the ground, and even caused continuous ripples on the witch's shield. Countless rays of light shot out from the lens and then reflected on other mirrors, thus causing a wider range of attacks.

Those rays were just ordinary attack spells, but when combined with magic, the effects were extremely exaggerated.

Shade knew that Megan and Audrey didn't want their followers to discover their weakness, so when Megan's shield broke and she dodged, he also cast magic on the door frame without a door:

"Thorns of the Moon."

Silver thorn bushes grew out of the rain-soaked land, and as they spread and intertwined rapidly, they blocked the splashing lenses and the scattered light.

Xia De could sense that the two brothers' true bodies were hidden in a piece of mirror fragment, but the fragments were moving so fast and so many that even he could not capture their location in a short time.

At the same time, the sorceresses on the roof had already jumped down, trying to intercept as many mirror fragments as possible in the rain, while trying to capture the hiding place of the two brothers, but they also failed.

By the time everything calmed down, the surrounding buildings and soil were already filled with those strange lenses, but the two brothers who cast the spell were nowhere to be seen.

Shade and the witch had expected them to escape. As a descendant of Edwards, they were not normal ring sorcerers. Now one of them was in a bad mental state and the other could only exert the strength of the sixth ring, so it was indeed difficult to stop them.

However, when Shade was about to remove the Moon Thorn, the witch hurriedly said:

"I will hold you for a while, and you must not speak in front of my followers."

Xia De could understand her thoughts. It was impossible for her to explain his uniqueness to every one of her followers. Just like Miss Carina and the others, only the closest followers around them knew about his situation.

Fortunately, it is difficult to tell the gender of the cat from its appearance when it is in cat form, so as long as Shad doesn't speak, no one will know that the cat is a male.

He nodded, and then he felt like he had touched something. The witch blushed and said nothing. As the thorn bushes slowly retreated to both sides of the door frame, she regained her proud attitude and walked through the door frame holding the silver cat in her arms.

The invisible force field repelled the rain, and the girls who were being drenched in the rain said respectfully to Megan Edwards:


"Disguise this place as if the Mirror Association has been here. Don't let the church find out where we are. Don't move the relics on the third floor. Leave them here as a trap. Take away all other valuables. Leave in half an hour and continue surveillance missions in other areas."

"Yes, ma'am."

The sorceresses said, and the witch gently touched the cat in her arms, walked past them and headed for the door.

"Aren't you surprised at all that I have such great power?"

In the carriage, she asked Shade again. The silver cat squatted on the cushion of the carriage seat:

"You are an eleventh-ringed person, so it's normal for you to have some power of your own. I just didn't expect that you would have so many followers... You must have a lot of charisma."

"When I recover, I will take you to see my real power. The entire Paradise Island Pharmaceutical should actually be considered a group of ring sorcerers. But now you need to rest well. I will send people to monitor the remaining three places we have not visited. If the people from the Mirror Association show up again, we will abandon today's plan. In addition, when you wake up, I want to talk to you about what those two people said just now, that Rotten Eye Barry transported some supplies to the island, but there was no trace of the supplies stored on the island. I think I know what's going on."

She spoke gently.

"Okay, I just need four hours of sleep. But the direction the carriage is heading doesn't seem to be heading to the Green Lake Inn."

Xia De had never slept in the bedroom he rented.

"It's safe there, but not comfortable enough. Come to my place. I think you can trust me now."

"Of course. So, are you going to Paradise Island Pharmaceutical's local office? Or, do you have your own property here?"

The sorceress smiled and shook her head:

"To the boat. I have a nice yacht that's lying on the Deuin."

Outsiders still underestimated the wealth level of the witches.

In fact, Shad had seen yachts in this world before. In the world of the steam age, although yachts were still powered by steam, and the lighting facilities and communication systems were all purely mechanical, they also had a unique beauty.

When Shad was in Coldwater Harbor, he and Leicia boarded a boat to attend the auction and met the Fishbone Pirates. That was his first time on a yacht. Compared with the cruise ship where the Ring Warlock auction was held, Megan and Audrey's cruise ship was obviously smaller.

But this is understandable, after all, that one is an ocean ship, and this one is mainly for inland shipping.

The rain was still falling. The carriage carried the two people across the bridge back to the west of Green Lake City, and then boarded the three-decker cruise ship from the pier of the backwater bay in the city.

When Shade was operating in Green Lake City, he had seen this ship from afar, but he had never imagined that this was the Witch's ship docked here.

He was already a little tired, so after boarding the ship, he followed the witch to the room prepared for him and prepared to go to bed directly. In fact, it would be more convenient to go home and rest at this time, but since Audrey and Megan had kindly made an invitation, Shade was willing to accept their kindness.

The room arranged for him should be prepared for special guests. The pillows and bedding on the ship were very good, and it would be even better if they were not red. It was only eleven o'clock in the morning, but after Megan helped to light the incense to help sleep, Shade fell asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes.

The emptiness in his heart and his indifference to everything no longer mattered when Xia De stood on the ridge of the field and saw the huge silver moon in his dream. The light of the silver moon shone on him, and the silver moon was reflected in Xia De's eyes and in his heart.

"Come to think of it, I seldom dream during the day. It turns out that when I did dream during the day, I also dreamed about the moon."

Does what you dream about have anything to do with whether it is daytime

What "she" said makes a lot of sense.

As for waking up from the dream, it was not that Shade woke up naturally, but that he felt the surroundings shaking. After opening his eyes, he immediately realized that it was not an illusion, and then realized that it was the hull that was shaking.

He put on his coat and left the room, walked through the cabin corridor of the yacht and came to the deck. He felt the badge on his chest getting hot and saw the brown-haired witch standing in the storm, looking towards the south with a serious expression.

It was still afternoon, but the sky was as gloomy as night. Audrey Edwards was looking in the direction of Green Lake City. Shade also looked up and saw a dark cloud column piercing the dark clouds in the sky. At the end of the black cloud column, the dark clouds appeared like a whirlpool. Even Shade could not see clearly what was in the cloud.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, you're awake? Sorry, I didn't expect the wind and rain to be so strong in the afternoon."

The witch said, and Shade opened his umbrella and came to her side:

"Is that the direction of... Central Island?"

"Today is the day when the Five Gods Church and the Prophet's Association of our diocese jointly land on the island. This is considered a major operation. Because the church's main ring warlock team was transferred to the island, I planned today's operation in the city. Otherwise, do you think we can really be safe if we make such a commotion in the city? It seems that the church's team is in trouble."

The witch said worriedly.

Not only the people on the yacht, but also the entire northern and southern banks of Green Lake could see the cloud column rising from the center of the lake, and the swirling rain clouds covering the lake. This was quite different from the anomaly that Shade had created with the "space stabilization halo" when they first landed on the island. It looked like a storm had risen in Green Lake.

The rain was getting heavier. Although Shade didn't know what was happening on the island, he really hoped that everyone who landed on the island could return safely.

"I told my friend in the Thirteenth Ring what happened here."

On the shaking deck, the witch suddenly said softly. Shade looked at her and was not surprised at all. When he dated Carina on Sunday, the red-haired Duchess was hugged by him, and while flirting with her, he told her the content of the meeting:

"Will your Thirteenth Ring friend come here?"

"No, at least not yet."

Audrey shook her head slightly:

"But there will be several people with twelve and eleven rings. Probably... next week. How are you doing? You look much better than this morning."

"It's all right now."

Although he had just woken up from a nap, he did not feel sleepy at all, but full of energy. Even the slightly cold but violent wind and the pounding rain could not affect his state:

"I also told my teacher about the dangers here, and she gave me a very good alchemical item, which will give me a chance to escape next time."

The lady with brown shoulder-length hair laughed and joked:

"Your teacher is really stingy. I thought he would give you a relic. Sage level, or even angel level. It seems that your teacher is not that good."