The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1701: Chaos of blood


"If you just light the gold bracelet to keep warm, it won't affect using it as a disposable item to use the power of the earth, so you can use it without worry."

Yin Luna said:

"The method to extinguish the flame is also very simple. Just turn the bracelet 180 degrees... Don't ask me to thank you. It's my duty to help you with such a small favor."

So Xia De put Xiaomia on his shoulders again, and then held Yin Luna's hand again. The 17-year-old girl bit the inside of her lips carefully, feeling that tonight was really good.

She and Xia De walked side by side on the mountain road under the moonlight, and in front of them was the city lit by gas lamps. Yin Luna hoped that this road down the mountain could be longer.

They walked very fast and soon met a carriage after entering the city, so it was just after seven o'clock when they arrived at Cassandra's Auction House.

Shade did not make an appointment in advance this time, so when he entered the auction house that was still holding an art auction at night and met the old witch's apprentice, Miss Rita Swift, the young flaxen-haired girl was quite surprised:

"Good evening, Xia, Mr. Watson, why are you here? Oh, come this way, please."

She quickly brought Xia De and Yin Luna to the third floor. Helen and Grace, who were about to rest, also hurried over. As for Cassandra, she took two personal maids to attend a banquet held by a local countess. It would take an hour or two for her to return. Now all matters of the auction house were managed by Miss Swift.

The purpose of Shade's visit this time was simple, he wanted to borrow the document-level relic, the Sad Nurse Statue, to determine whether there was any problem with the bloodline of the witch Edwards.

The relic was found by the Grace sisters in the ruins to identify Shade's bloodline... and also to identify Mia. After that, the relic has been kept in the basement of the auction house, so even if Grandma Cassandra is not around, it will not prevent her from using the relic.

"This is Helen, and this is Grace."

Xia De introduced the Red Butterfly girls to Yin Luna. The twin girls had heard of Yin Luna from various channels, so they nodded politely. Yin Luna looked at the twins who were younger than her, and suddenly remembered that Xia De had indeed inquired about the humanoid twin angel-level relics last fall, and then she thought of the "Red Butterfly Incarnation" that Xia De was using more and more easily.

She could tell that the two sisters had a special relationship with Shade, but when she heard them address Shade only as "Sir", she regained her confidence.

"Our knowledge of the great witch of knowledge and wisdom is limited to Zina's narration. She has never been to Midhill Castle. Sir, we need to remind you that bloodlines like demons can animate relics, so you need to be careful. But these are just minor matters, and we can suppress them."

The group came to the end of the basement and opened the huge lead box containing the relics, revealing the artistic statue of a nurse.

Grace, wearing a beautiful white gauze dress, took the bottle of beautiful ruby-like liquid from Shade. The witch provided very little blood, so for the sake of accuracy, Grace dripped all the blood on her fingers and then smeared it on the eyes of the nurse statue.

Fortunately, the stone statue did not come alive. After waiting for a few minutes, Helen took out the pebble from the wide sleeve of the nurse statue. After burning it with flames, the corresponding characters appeared.

When Shade's bloodline was tested, only a single rune representing "human" was revealed. Xiaomia's bloodline showed two runes: 99.7% - ordinary hybrid house cat and 0.3% - Son of the Sun.

Megan and Audrey's bloodline is obviously much more complicated.

"83.2%-Ordinary humans 13.7%-Elves-Windseeker clan 1.8%-Fairies-Book fairies 0.8%-Dragons-Star dragons 0.2%-Orcs-Astrological centaurs 0.2%-Dampires-Gregel clan 0.1%-Unknown."

Helen read out the conclusion, and as expected, she saw Xia De and Yin Luna's shock.

The elves naturally need no further explanation, and "goblins" refer to special and rare creatures born from nature; "Star Dragons" are a race among the dragons that are good at manipulating the power of time and space. There are no records of any sightings in the Sixth Era; "Astrological Centaurs" are a special race of prophets, completely different from pure centaurs except for their appearance; the vampire Shad is very familiar with it, and the unknown is even more unexpected.

"She has more than 10% of dominant elven blood. That great witch Edwards is actually a half-elf?"

Grace said in surprise, but because the two sisters had seen stranger things, they were not too surprised.

"Shade, isn't that Thirteen Rings Fortune Teller also a pure human?"

Yin Luna asked Xia De curiously, and Xia De recalled:

"The information Luvia obtained is not complete. I cannot be sure whether Laplace Klein Howard is a pure human. As for the appearance of Miss Edwards in front of me, she does not seem to have the characteristics of an elf."

Whether it's Emilia, the pure-blooded elf, or Miss Orlanod, the first librarian who only has one-eighth elven blood, one can tell at a glance that they are definitely related to elves.

"Dragons, elves, goblins, these are all very powerful races, but it is not normal to have so many dominant bloodlines in one offspring. And the ancestors of the Edwards family are really... What does 0.1% unknown mean?"

Yin Luna asked again, although the offspring of mixed blood must also be mixed blood, it will only be detected when the bloodline power is manifested. Obviously, Megan and Audrey's talents already contain at least five powerful alien talents.

Grace once again gave the answer:

"Theoretically, the statue in front of us can identify the bloodline of any race. There are two possibilities for the appearance of the unknown. One is that it is the descendant of the relic. Yes, this is not impossible. The other is that the unknown represents an unnatural bloodline."

"Human body transformation?"

Thinking of the information he found from Barry the Bad Eye on Monday, Shad almost blurted it out.

Yin Luna frowned. Human body transformation is a taboo among taboos:

"What on earth does that thirteen-ring fortune-teller want to do... Wait a minute, Shade. Didn't you say that the witch's father, Alphonse Edwards, was the adopted son of the four children of the fourth generation? Is this really Edwards' bloodline?"

"He is just a suspected adopted son, or maybe an illegitimate child that is not convenient to make public."

Helen and Grace looked at each other:

"Sir, the possibility that the witch is the descendant of the relic is extremely small. It is impossible for the Witch Council to fail to detect such a serious problem. Even if the Council is in decline, it still has the most basic power. Therefore, the 0.1% unknown bloodline is definitely related to human transmutation. If you want to know whether this is related to Edwards' true bloodline, you need to bring the blood of other Edwards."

Xia De frowned deeply:

"No problem, I'll find a way. Really, things are getting more and more complicated."

"Sir, what happened at Green Lake?"

Helen asked cautiously, and Shade opened his mouth. Originally, in order not to involve the Red Butterfly girls, he had been reluctant to tell them about Green Lake. But after what happened to Dorothy and Lesia last Saturday, he also realized that some things could not be banned just because he wanted to.

After figuring this out, he nodded:

"First of all, you have to promise that no matter what I say, you will listen to me."

"Yes, sir!"

The twin girls nodded quickly in agreement.

"So is there any hot tea here? Yin Luna and I might have to bother you for a while."

There were smiles on their faces.

So, the four of them returned from the basement to the third floor, and listened to Shade's complete account of the current investigation of the Green Lake area and his speculation about the chosen person of the space.

By the time he finished telling the whole situation, it was almost nine o'clock.

Helen and Grace held hands, surrounded by red butterflies, and changed from two girls of fifteen or sixteen to girls of seventeen or eighteen years old, similar to Yin Luna.

"Two in one? You obviously qualify."

Yin Luna then understood what Xia De was worried about. Although she had encountered many strange things, it was the first time she saw two people become one.

"It's because Grace and Helen meet the criteria that I'm worried."

He looked at the girl in the black and white gauze dress:

"I don't want you to be the chosen one, not at all. If possible, I hope that you can stay as far away from those troublesome things as possible in the rest of your life. Otherwise, if I save you, I will just let you fall from one trap to another."

Xia De said as he stroked Xiaomia. Yin Luna understood Xia De's thoughts very well:

"He's concerned about you."

"Yes, we understand. So sir, we can assure you that we will never be the chosen one."

Grace Helen said, and seeing that Xia De was not very used to their appearance, she turned back into a twin:

"Xina will be leaving for the Green Lake area soon, and we will accompany her then. Please let us help you this time as well."

"You can leave Midhill Castle now?"

Xia De asked, and Helen pursed her lips and smiled:

"No, but we can think of other ways. It's not impossible to go out once in a while. It's been half a year since that incident. Besides, we have the Butterfly Summoning Flute now. We can't just do nothing."

After that, he said to Yin Luna;

"Miss Beas, do you also think that the gentleman is a little too cautious?"

"He just cares about you guys so much."

Yin Luna said that Shade wanted to say something, but Miss Swift sent someone to tell Shade that Mother-in-law Cassandra had returned.

So Xia De got up and went downstairs to greet the respected old witch, leaving the three girls waiting here. After confirming that Xia De had left this floor, Yin Luna picked up the teacup and looked at the two people across the tea table. After hesitating for a moment, she asked:

"I want to ask you a question. If possible, please don't tell Xia De for now."

The twins looked at each other:

"Speak, Chosen One of Balance."

"Do you know what if?"

The Red Butterfly Twins all looked serious. Helen, the sister in the black dress, said nothing. Grace pursed her lips and said:

"Unknown, or just a game. No, don't discuss it casually. Please just play its game and believe what you want to believe. The other party is much older and stronger than us, and we don't know much about it."

Yin Luna nodded thoughtfully, then asked again;

"Do you have a way to lend your power to Shade?"