The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1736: Door in a Bottle


"The second memory that followed was that after being touched by Durrut Giles, Rust Edwards followed him off the island."

The nun continued, and Shade asked:

"Did you see the entire process of escaping from the island?"

She nodded:

"Yes, although she was just a child, she had great power when she was alive. She instinctively used her power to repel the enemies from another dimension on the island and the water ghosts under the water."

Father Augustus thought for a moment and agreed:

"Yes, I can also see that her soul is very powerful. Generally speaking, a divided soul will be extremely weak, so we are facing an unusual situation."

"In the third memory, she was strangled to death by her father. Because of the damage to my soul, I was unable to see the appearance of the Thirteen-ring Fortune Teller. In Rust Edwards's memory of him, there was a mixture of fear, sadness, and reluctance... In that memory, I heard Mo Hu's voice - my daughter, when we meet next time, you will understand how much I love you."

Sister Defulin's tone was quite calm, but Shad's mouth twitched a few times, and he didn't know what to say.

It was the oldest priest, Augustus, who had experienced the most, who commented:

"Everything we think now is just our own speculation. Once we figure out the whole story, we will know what is going on... Of course, I am more inclined to believe that the fortune teller with thirteen rings is a lunatic."

"The fourth memory is from her life before death. It is a bloody door. She has a particularly clear memory of that door. It is at the end of a long and narrow underground corridor."

"What are the characteristics of the door?"

Shade asked, and the nun nodded:

"There are many keyholes on the door, 13 in total, and all the keyholes are exactly the same size and shape."

Xia De frowned deeply:

"What is the last memory, which is also the earliest memory?"

"Memory of birth. Yes, she has the memory of her birth."

"She was born naturally?"

"Yes, that's for sure. A man whose face could not be seen picked her up and immersed her in blood-red liquid. Because it was the memory of the birth of life, it was deeply imprinted in the depths of the soul, so even if the soul was divided, the memory was very clear. She opened her eyes in the liquid, and in the blood-red world, she heard the blessing she received after her birth—"

The nun paused and repeated:

"Grow up quickly and let the roots of the family sprout; grow up quickly and help me realize the idea that no one believes in; walk quickly, the time has begun to count down; may the endless space bless you, my dear daughter, may..."

She paused again, but this time not to make Shade and Father Augustus listen carefully. The nun lowered her voice slightly:

"May the 'Door in the Bottle' bless you, my dear Rast."

"Door in a bottle? I only know 'cat in a bottle'."

Shade was a little puzzled, while Father Augustus showed a surprised expression:

"That evil creature that was sealed by God in the Second Era is actually in Green Lake?"

The nun nodded slightly:

"I don't know much about this. The cult's library only records very basic information. Please introduce it to me."

"Shad, similar to the evil in the Pantanal you mentioned before, the 'Door in the Bottle' is a very old sealed ancient evil. If the evil in the Pantanal corresponds to 'trees', 'corrupted nature', and 'out-of-control life', then this 'Door in the Bottle' corresponds to 'space', 'truth', and 'origin'."

It was the first time that Xia De saw a priest showing such a fearful expression:

"Rumor has it that the ancient god sealed it before he left. A very, very ancient mural once depicted its image, which was a black door enclosed in a glass bottle."

"Black, isn't it the bloody door with thirteen keyholes that Sister Defulin mentioned just now?"

Xia De confirmed it, and the priest nodded affirmatively:

"It's absolutely black, and there's no keyhole. According to legend, the only pattern on the door in the bottle is a black spiral."

This reminded Shad of the "Returner" pendants that appeared in the rumors about the "Returner" in the Green Lake area. He got a lot of them from Rotten Eyes Barry.

“Since the door in the bottle is a door, what is behind it?”

"Oh, Shad, why do you think I would know that?"

The priest shook his head, but Sister Defulin said:

"The cult's information says that the door must never be opened. Behind the door is the end of everything, the end of space, and the answer to the origin of the world. Even if the door is not opened, the surrounding intelligent life can always hear the whispers about the origin of space and the truth of all things. Maybe it is small in size, maybe its direct combat power is not strong, but it is something more terrifying than the evil creature in Pantanal."

This sounds more and more terrifying. Fortunately, no matter how powerful the evil creature is, it is no match for the gods. This is also one of the rules of the world.

"But you don't have to worry too much. That thing doesn't pose much of a threat to you. Since the ancient god has sealed that thing, even a fortune teller with thirteen rings can't restore it to its heyday."

The priest thought more:

"In its current state, it is most likely not as strong as the evil creature in Pantanal, nor as strong as Joe Yin Barton who stood on the Styx to fight you in the real death. What you need to worry about now is what the Thirteen Rings Diviner will do with it."

The three of them discussed the split soul for a long time. Of course, it was mainly priest Augustus and Shade who were talking. However, the priests and nuns had the same opinion. Once the soul was split, it would be very difficult to repair it. But as long as the soul was on the central island, the bloodline prophecy would definitely come true.

In other words, Rusty Edwards, the second-generation eldest daughter of the Edwards family, will one day return to the place that terrifies her.

Shade originally planned to keep Father Augustus and Sister Defulin for lunch, but the Father had to talk to Bishop Owen at noon, so he left in a hurry at 10:30. Sister Defulin was not in a hurry to leave, she wanted to meet Yin Luna and talk about what was going to happen in Green Lake, so Shade called Yin Luna over and gave her the eternal youth leaf in the carriage.

By the time the nun and Yin Luna finished talking, it was already noon. Although Yin Luna wanted to stay for lunch, she had to attend a lunch meeting at the church, so she had to leave with regret.

Xia De wanted Sister Defulin to do him another favor, so he asked the nun to wait for a while before leaving. He stood up and sent Yin Luna downstairs. Knowing that Xia De was not a cat that would go out, he did not follow him. He stood on the sofa and looked at the nun who stood up and raised her head to "look" at the certificate of "Honorary Doctor of History" hanging on the wall.

The nun "read" the certificate and looked down at the cat. Little Mia's big amber eyes blinked curiously a few times, but Sister Devlin remained expressionless.


She suddenly spoke softly, but no one could hear her. At this moment, there was a noise in the bedroom that had been quiet for the whole morning. Sister Defulin heard the sound of slippers, and then footsteps approaching the door. Dorothy, who was lost in thought, opened the door:

"Shad, has Father Augustus left? I seemed to have heard the priest's voice just now."

She must have fallen asleep; the priest had left an hour ago.

Dorothy's voice echoed throughout the house, and the blonde writer, who had regained consciousness, saw the lady now standing in the living room.

She wore a long grey dress and a black belt. Her veil had been removed, so her face was covered with a white cloth covering her eyes. The nun's thick grey-black hair was braided together and hung down from her left shoulder. She put her hands together and let them hang naturally in front of her, looking up at Dorothy. Without the restraint of the blindfold on the sides, her grey-black hair swayed as she nodded and greeted Dorothy.

Dorothy was shocked by the lady with unique temperament in front of her. It was the first time she met Sister Defulin, and she had never seen anyone with such a unique temperament. Then she looked at the cat standing on the coffee table, and seeing that it did not show any abnormality, she knew that it was also a guest of Shade.

"Feel sorry."

She apologized softly and quickly closed the bedroom door. Even after she heard Shad coming up the stairs, she did not open the door again.

"Did you see anything?"

After Shade returned to the upstairs and reunited with Sister Develyn, he sent her back to Midhill Castle. After walking out of the abandoned tower in the mountains, the two looked side by side at the lush forest of Mount Xikar in the spring morning, and Shade suddenly asked.

The nun shook her head slightly:

"If the blonde girl just now is the Dorothy Louisa you mentioned, I'm sorry, but I didn't find anything special about her soul. I... read some of her memories."

This was inevitable. Since Sister Devlin wanted to observe Dorothy's soul carefully, it was impossible for her to completely block all memories.

"Most of her most vivid memories are about Resia Cavendish and you. The most profound memory in her life is the night last year when you first brought her to meet Resia Cavendish."

Shad's face turned red. He knew what happened that night, and he hoped very much that Sister Defulin only saw what happened shortly after they returned home.

The nun did not show any abnormality:

“Although her soul is not tainted by other powers, I can feel that her soul is great.”

"What do you mean by great..."

Xia De didn't quite understand. Sister Defulin looked up at the sky covered by the shadows of the trees and raised her right hand with burn marks. The skin on her hand was very white, and the burn marks looked like natural cracks on high-end porcelain. The fiery red bird circled above them twice and then landed on the index finger of the nun's right hand.